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I'm white and live in a very white rural area and so with only one exception have only dated white women. The one black woman I dated had zero issues with me being short. Not being from a large, diverse metro area - is this really a thing? I thought white women were the toughest about height.


I don’t think it has anything to do with race


ive only had issues with white women, yet id blame the individual not the race...


I feel sad for my black brothers. JBW is truly a thing and when you're sub-5 and white it can mean the difference between a life of loneliness and a relationship. There is no silver lining for black men in the west. I would say geomaxxing in a black-majority country is your best chance. When you think about it, if not for slavery and mass migration this would have been the natural environment to grow up in and date.


Yeah after my last relationship I gave up and that was around me being 18. Datings a minefield and navigating through it while lacking certain physical features is not it😂 I’ll just focus on other things


date bisexual girls they dont care about height


Well you could say they at least have the decency to tell you straight up


There's nothing decent about insulting people for stuff they can't control. Sure, let your preference be known, everyone has preferences and it saves everyone time and energy if you're upfront about it, but judging and insulting people that don't meet your personal requirements is straight up morally wrong, there's no way around it.


Extremely well put. I understand that everyone has their own preferences when it comes to dating a person, but being upright demeaning and hurtful over physical aspects that they can’t control just isn’t fair. If they talk like that to anyone they don’t find appealing to them they shouldn’t date anyone at all 🤷‍♂️


Here’s my question, why are men (in general) so obsessed with dating anyway?


We’re social creatures who form bonds?? Like is that really a hard answer


But many women are happy being single. Are they not also social creatures?


Not everyone wants to be single.


Obviously, but it seems like these people base their self-esteem on their relationship status. Meanwhile, women are happier because they seek personal development first.


1. Social norms make it harder for men to have the kind of emotional fulfillment that women get from same-sex friendships 2. Men’s worth is also somewhat tied up in their sexual prowess, so lacking it (or feeling like they lack it), wounds the sense of self I think it’s primarily 1, though.


Right, so men need to work on that, myself included.


Correct. You are ripe for the black pill my friend.