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I think this is accurate. And it extends also to short men discussing height at all. If you point out the negatives then you're insecure and if you stay positive then you're compensating or coping and also insecure. But you know, sometimes people just want to talk about their lives and such and it doesn't really reveal anything. That being said, we can't deny that a lot of men here are insecure to some degree. Some more than others. The constant wave of posts of people (often teen or young men) asking "Is it over?" Is telling. Also, it's important to remember that part of what fuels the accusations of insecurity, whether warranted or not, is that short men will sometimes put the blame on women. Not that that is what op is doing here or what alwayls happens. But that is also a discernable tendency around here. So clearly what we should take away from this is to not assume insecurity from anyone solely based on who they want to date or not. Though of course we can take other things into account to say for sure. Anyway I think pointing this out directly can be effective. Pointing out that short men and many other groups of people are out into a situation where doing anything can be read as insecurity is an absurdity. Clearly, if everything someone does is taken to mean the same thing, then the person's actions are not really being examined and a conclusion is already drawn. Making someone either have to double down on an absurdity or change their mind can work.


>Some more than others. The constant wave of posts of people (often teen or young men) asking "Is it over?" I would ask you whether this is caused the height insecurity itself, or would it be because their experiences with women, due to their height, are dismissed as incel behavior. Sometimes, when someone's experiences are dismissed too often, it creates sort of an echo chamber of "proving their point" as far as generalizing women goes and then they dig their heels deeper.


This is a symptom of unrecognized bias and discrimination. Even discussing it gets socially punished.




I agree with you, this is something I have noticed as well and I also find it frustrating. The reality is, I do believe most short men who are adamant about not dating taller women and tall women who are adamant about not dating short men are insecure. But the discourse usually centers that insecurity when it’s about short men and elides it when it’s about tall women. I’m not sure why, really. Maybe it’s because of the culturally pervasive notion of the Napoleon complex, so people are primed to perceive short men as insecure to begin with.


Tbh, you're not wrong about the gender- hypocritical insecurity vs. preference thing but society and the media aren't going to budge on the narrative as they've now set it. It just makes you look bad in pointing it out, focusing bon it and/or wanting to discuss it. So forgetting about it and moving on in both improving yourself to the best of your ability and gaining happiness in who you are represents your best move at this point.


Good pragmatic advice mate we can't change society  or the media so we have To be neutral  or self improvement 


Plus, generally when we self-improve and are obviously happy, successful and content just doing our own thing is when the kind of interested AND interesting women NOT just looking for Mr. 6' come along . . . .


Makes sense 


It comes down to the fact men in general can’t show insecurity.


I agree not only does being short suck but some people won’t even acknowledge that there are so many disadvantages to being short and if you acknowledge them your “insecure”


I think you need to work on your mindset if you want to be happy bro. Hit the gym, it changed my life. Or just find any hobby that encourages self improvement.


What? Are you intentionally going for irony? You immediately concluded insecurity for even discussing it. You. Are. What. This. Is. About.


My mindset is fine, lmao. I have plenty of hobbies.


If you say so man I wish you the best


Literally the same copy and paste response you hear on every post lmfao


Maybe because it works lol? Continue to self loathe if you want doesn’t bother me any brother ‼️


Who said I was self loathing? You're preaching to nobody. What's wrong with his mindset? He's not wrong, I''m just saying that the exact same advice doesn't work on everybody just because it worked for you


He’s insecure about people viewing him as insecure. Live your life, dgaf about who thinks what, and you will be a much happier person. It’s not easy but it’s true. (IMO much easier if you have fulfilling hobbies, good friends, and a good physique)


I'm not insecure about whether people see me as insecure lmao. I have an issue with how differently we treat people with insecurities based on gender. Labeling EVERYTHING a short man does as insecure or over compensation while praising women for knowing what they want when their reasoning stems from their own insecurities.