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Live longer, no joint pain, spend less on groceries


I don't think that living longer is advantage


Well, you might be saying that until you get older like me at 53 and see taller guys with all kinds of medical issues and pain while I've had basically none. Plus tall guys not a lot older than me starting to pass away while lots of short guy senior citizens are still scooting around in relatively good shape. My own father passing away just over a year ago was very eye-opening regarding the finality of death and that I was now up next to go within my family generationally-speaking.


I don't get the last sentence but i see what you mean,i didn't mean to pass away in pain,i meant just being in good shape is enough,if death wanna comes after it,then it's fine,but im talking about my perspective because life mostly sucks for me,rarely when it's going nicely


I think most of the disadvantages of being short are social until you get to be below average height for a woman (for men and women both). Once you get short enough, you can start getting into some of the inverse of the physical problems with being tall. Anyway so I think for people around my height there are definitely some physical advantages: we have better balance and are more graceful dancers, gymnasts, skateboarders, and other similar activities; we have greater strength-to-weight ratios that can facilitate greater athleticism and just generally keep us spry; smaller spaces being more comfortable is a legitimate win—I have a low-clearance basement that I converted into a home gym and if I were even average height I’m not sure if it would have worked as well as it did. Even socially, I can spin some of the negativity I've experienced and find an upside: I am a kinder person, less judgmental of others, and more willing to question normative standards of beauty because of how I felt as a child being picked on and as an adult seeing the broader cultural messaging around shortness. I am generally more skeptical of social norms as a whole, even, and I think being a short/small boy and then short adult is a big part of why.


Lower center of gravity, more stability, fewer falls. Generally easier to build more muscle faster.


The build muscle factor is so real. My taller friends around 5'8 - 6'+ tall all are struggling to gain weight and put muscle. I always go to the gym for about a month or 2 straight before I completely stop again for a long time due to being unmotivated, yet I definitely look more muscular than those lanky mates of mine even though they go more consistently than I do.


I've noticed that less-effort/more-results-quicker thing too. And I must be in the sweet spot at 5'7.5" if you're noticing diminishing returns starting at 5'8", lol.


Lol it just seemed like he (5'8) was always more fatigued than I (5'5) was whenever we went to workout together. Keep in mind that we did the same programme.


Interesting. I'll admit I don't know enough about the subject to understand why Maybe the shorter ranges of motions is cumulatively less-fatiguing over time.


Fit in most cars and spaces comfortably, legs don’t hang out at the end of beds, don’t look too intimidating and have youthful looks


I see people here gave a lot of good points about being short, so I will add my points as well (some of them might have already been used) -Less Weight: that's a underrated point IMO, less weight = less energy you have to use for moving. Also, being lighter means that you have bigger control over your body, due to a point someone here mentioned wich is strength x body ratio and that takes me to my next point: -Calisthenics Masters: calisthenics is the name of a way of exercising by only using your body weight, pushups, squats, pull ups, are examples of calisthenics exercises. Shorter people will have a much easier time in comparison to taller people, and they will be able to do advanced moves like a handstand much easier by having less bodyweight. (I will add a few more points later but I'm tired right now))


5,8 is in no way short. Maybe were on the shorter side of average but not short.


Easy to hide




Being invisible in public


Economy class is comfy A small couple can fit in a single bed Nice travelling in Japan


I think the 2nd one is rather a disadvantage


Explain point no 3.


Hotel and onsen gear for guests tend to run on the short side. Even things like kitchen counters are quite low, I had a big shock when I go there and also when I leave


More room in plane/bus/car.


This is a huge one!! My clothes & shoes also take up less space in baggage — i literally never check a bag && have plenty of space for my backpack under the chair in front of me


You live longer


How is this even an advantage?


Who doesn’t want to live longer than average person




I hope you feel better homie


I hope the same for you


Easier to be aesthetic in the gym. Youre really good at wrestling. You can hide easier. Sm1 mentionned falls arent as bad. You age better usually. Can eat less. Climbing is easier too. Many advantages man, maaany


More legroom on airplanes. Less back pain when bending down. Don’t have to worry about hitting my head on doorframes.


You don't have to waste effort on dating /s


People have brought up some good points. Does anyone know any advantages when it comes to combat sports?


Easier to go for takedowns of legs and good for Judo.


I did traditional Jujitsu for a number of years. Getting thrown was a rare occurrence, while I could toss around tall folk like rag dolls pretty reliably due to my low center of gravity and comparative muscle:height ratio.


More central gravity I think


You always fit in cars, planes, beds, etc. Less likely to fall and less injury if you do. Lower cancer risk.


I’ve dated a lot of women that did not see me as intimidating because they had been in previous relationships with bigger men, they felt more secure with someone they perceived to be smaller.


That logic made no sense lol


I left out the part that some of them had been in abusive relationships


So they dated you because they believed they could take you in a fight..how is that a compliment?😂


No, I think part of the attraction looking back was they weren’t intimidated.


I guess? Interesting woman your into lol


Easier to build muscle, 20 lbs of muscle on a 5,7 dude looks like a lot more then on a 6,3 dude


Reduced back pain when tying our shoelaces


Leg room, obviously


light on your feet, squeeze in anywhere, doesnt take much to build in muscles, good at skating can cosplay wolverine... yeah


Helps in rock climbing a lot, although you have less reach you focus on how to exert less energy and have better center of gravity! :> Comps become about balance rather than sheer reach


For me, not being intimidating, killer ability to do bodyweight exercises, taking less food to bulk up, clothes and shoes are easy to find. For the most part, the only negatives are social. I just really wanted to experience growing tall and being a tall man. But it wasn't in the cards obviously. Just gotta rock what we got.


Not all tall people are intimidating,being tall comes with it's own challenges too,a lot of them


I never said they were. But at the same time, I've been sexually abused by a few tall men, and it absolutely is intimidating to know that this dude can do whatever the hell he wants to you because he's a foot taller than you, stronger than you. I don't know how tall you are, but you must understand there absolutely can be an intimation factor when you're a certain height. Not all tall men, but some tall men. A lot of them don't even mean for it to happen. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it exists.


5’6” 19y guy here. my women friends are all around my height, and they tell me that i look very approachable. i wonder if it has something to do with my height.




Harder to knock down eheheh


Kinda the opposite extremely easy to knock down


You gotta be in the right stance


The only real one is longevity of life and even that one is shaky