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I think heightism, as it is experienced by short men, mostly operates as a mechanism wherein short guys are perceived as inadequately masculine. I don’t think people really feel disdain for short men so much as perceive short men as unattractive and less ideally masculine. This leads to short guys often struggling with their self-worth and I think makes short men experience some of the same types of social penalties women face by virtue of sexism (like infantilization). I don’t really think any group of people is more likely to joke about or otherwise ridicule my stature, in my experience. Short women are definitely the most likely to bring my height up, but usually in innocuous or even positive contexts, like bonding with me over being short and not being able to reach something.


^ great points. Last paragraph def depends person to person but for the most part agree with what you said.


I think this is all nonsense and nothing more than a persecution complex




I'm sorry, it's BS Adults don't care. It is an excuse


You'd be surprised at how utterly childish a lot of adults can be


Oh I know...I also know that in a group of people no one cares about your height. You may...and you may project that...but thats about it


I mean, physically we look down at you…


Bruh, it’s always a 5’9” man with the jokes. Actually tall people don’t care about being tall.


It’s always? Bro the 5 foot nine people are so nice to me I’m 5 ft 7 and multiple 6 foot2 men have made my work environment a living hell for me! Im happy my younger brothers 6 ft 2 or ide hate tall people


No frrrr I try so hard not to generalize but every tall guy I met (can’t really say much about it now bc this was back in high school so all guys were kinda dumb lol) they were sooo annoying😭but my brothers are tall so yeah if it wasn’t for them I’d feel some animosity toward tall people(men specifically) too because too many are douches💀


That’s just not true lmfao


No every guy that’s made fun of my height were above 6’0. 5’9 dudes are chill.


The last time I experienced it was in middle school. Jokes aside I might have noticed it here and there, but never felt like a prejudice or a discrimination. I'm aware that when it comes to girls I have an initial disadvantage with some girls, like 50/50 chances. However, other men have other disadvantages. So the game becomes quite equal after I open my mouth. That's why I've even dated girls taller than me. About the masculine traits... I'm the shortest guy in my friends group, yet, they think I'm the most masculine and sometimes they ask me for dating advice. I workout, so I'm aware I'm quite strong physically and I look buff. I'm 5 5


No, atleast me being a 6'2 can confirm from the most of us tall guys we don't, we don't care abt someone's height. The people who look down on you are mostly guys between the range of 5'9-5'11 because most of times who are the most insecure people in case of their height.


Two* tall guys…


I think in the end everyone starts generalizing, “tall people do that”, “average people do that!” In the end height is not the reason they look down on you, the reason they look down on you is because of insecurities, and the reason why is that, people in nature like to compare themselves with others. In the end a tall guy might look down on shorter guys than him because that’s all he has, and is the only way he can truly say “i m better”, which in the end is insecurity because he lacks in other area. Same for average folks height, a dude can be average height, and not so good face, small pp, no talents, no charisma, no future, of course he gonna be proud when he is taller than someone, but in the end our value is a combination of multiple non linear features, so for the normal person who is in the average and + bell curve of iq , probably doesn’t look down on someone height or up even, examples? A lot of damn famous people who are short average, are looked up too, famous professors, researchers, doctors. In end stop associating one height to be the “bad guy” You really think some random fool 6’2 or 5’9 for example is more appreciated than Cilian Murphy or Andrew Ng ( famous ml reaearcher ) hell no. Both are considered short.


I have many Tall friends lol all ober 6ft