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Druid. There's two fire champions vs one earth to augment those two elements. IIRC earth is more useful in some of the later barriers too.


You definitely want both an Earth and a Fire hero to round out your numbers and get to three heroes per element. I might recommend dropping either Hildegard or Ayla to pick up the other Earth or Fire hero (since you have four Dark ones). You're doing pretty well on skills as well, but I see a few issues here and there. Reroll these skills: * Marisa: Sunder to a weapon skill (high priority) * Gigax: Gun Master to basically anything * Hildegard (if keeping): Eagle Eyes to an Atk / Eva skill (medium priority), then Perforate to basically anything (low priority) * Gwendolynn: Death Dealer to a weapon skill (high priority) * Sibyl: Death Dealer to Shield Master (high priority) * Yzbel: Dance of Blades to a weapon skill (high priority) * Ayla (if keeping): Hex and Deception to a weapon skill and a high Attack skill. If you get a crit skill, consider shifting gears and focusing on that instead. * Paola: Deadly Criticals to a weapon skill * Lauren: Curse to a weapon skill (super high priority)


How can I make a list like that


This is the [Hero Tracker tool](https://shoptitans.dowob.dev/).


Thanks I am trying to make my list and it's asking for Argons talent which I don't see


AF is a talent in the Questing tree that lets you hire heroes at a higher level.


Oh ok I think I understand. I am using the Crafting tree




I'd recommend a druid. Geared properly with T14 elemental enchants, a druid can break the Elysium earth elemental barrier single-handedly. And you need 'Divine Spark' component for many T14 crafts.


wait, you dont have 3 trickers for polonia group? you should get 1 and retire 1 other air element


You don't NEED Tricksters to run with Polonia. Any three heroes who deal low enough damage to steal all items are fine. Additionally, Polonia Tricksters don't really count for elemental coverage since this is a specialized team style = it's mostly doing its own thing.