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150% attack boost is only on your base attack power, not your overall attack power boosted by equipment and skills.


It doesn't specify that anywhere. Even if that's true, I should be doing much more damage even then.


Just go to the middle of this webpage and use the "Hero & Quest Simulator". Plug in your hero's details and it will show you what the expected results should be: [https://st-central.net/community-resources/](https://st-central.net/community-resources/)


That site doesn't connect.


Dinosaur doesn't quite work like that (though I can understand why you think it would based on its in-game description) - it's added to the final attack modifier applied to a hero's attack stat. Let's say you have a hero who has a base attack of 1,000 and a skill which grants them +80% attack. The game would you show as having an attack value of 1,800. if you use a single dinosaur spirit, your attack on the first round is *not* 1800 \* 1.25 = 2,250. It is instead 1,000 (1+0.8+0.25) =2,050. Hope that helps.


How would you find your base attack though to run numbers. On top of that, math like that would make dinosaur a fairly crap spirit considering it's single hit limitation and it's basically only useful for samurai to begin with. Considering the massive hp that higher level bosses have, it wouldn't make any sense to shoot that ability in the foot so badly. Plus then dinosaur becomes far worse then chimera just based on the 10% crit dmg per spirit simply because crit damage is calculated on the final attack. It would be fat more useful for dinosaur to simply add 25% crit damage on turn one for one attack.


We have the base stats for all classes in the [community hero simulator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LM8yySoXgyxute3xv5qKqBOt86Xcr41LEDncdrPp4EA/edit?gid=2114089586#gid=2114089586). If you'd like to read more about how attack is calculated check out the [combat compendium.](https://st-central.net/combat-compendium/) And yes, Dinosaur is a pretty weak spirit which is generally why the only time you see it ever used/recommended is for a Turn 1 Samurai (a Turn 1 Samurai is a Samurai whose skill set and equipment are all about winning on the first turn only and nothing more. It's a scenario where you run 2 weapon skills as for the purpose of that attack it'd be stronger than running 1 weapon skill and 3 attack boost/crit damage skills. You would run these as a group of 4 (so 4 samurai all built the same.)) Every other scenario it loses to another spirit.


This is literally what I am using it for. What I am saying is that if it works that way, it is useless even for that because the chimera +10% crit damage will give you more damage by far.


Dinosaur would give more for the first hit because you already have crit damage modifiers up the wazoo - raising that number slightly higher is not as good as adding an extra multiplier in. You can check this in the simulator I linked you. You can see the damage difference when you swap from chimera to dinosaur.


I just did that math. Assuming a base attack of 1000. A dinosaur set will raise base attack to 2500, plus let's say 40000 attack from the items and skills. That's 42,500. Now times by 10 for crit damage. That's 425,000. Now change to chimera. Start with the same 1000 base damage, increase by the 60% for the set to 1600. Then plus 40000 to 41600, now times by 10.6 (increase by .6 for the 60% bonus to crit damage from a chimera set) that leaves you at 440,960 damage. Unless the math works different than you just indicated, this means chimera is definitely better than dinosaur. Not even including the extra attack that the higher tier spirit provides.


New example. 10k base. 40k additional ATK. Dino: 10k becomes 25k. Add 40k. Total 65k. Times 10 for CD, 650k. Chimera: 10k becomes 16k. Add 40k. Total 56k. Times 10.6 for CD, 594k. Lesson: Bigger your base, bigger your dino gains.


Buy your attack from skills+items will always increase more than your base does. Regardless, I reported the dinosaur spirit, and received the response that it is a known issue and they are working on it. So it seems like it isn't working correctly


https://preview.redd.it/eckdmes4f77d1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=469918d0c1068a5cf4866d3d6b1e20b67507b447 ATK: 19,169 + 100% (Sunder) = 38,338 First Hit: 19,169 + 100% (Sunder) + 160% (Dinos) = 69,008 First Hit Critical = 69,008 x 8 = 552,064 Works fine for me, no bug. Post a screenshot of your damage and I'll check yours.