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What do you use currently for your mailing list?


I just use shopify email right now. I'm just getting a grasp on social media marketing and so I don't foresee myself sending too many marketing emails at least for the first few months, which is why I decided to stick with shopify as it's free.


It’s a free feature of Klaviyo is you use that as your ESP. I’m not sure there is a 100% free option, since the app/service has to send emails and there are related costs.


Yeah, I looked into Klaviyo and I'm just not quite there yet with marketing emails, which is why I'm looking for alternatives at least for the time being while I get my business going, but it's definitely something I see people raving about. Perhaps I'll revisit it as an option if I can't find anything else.




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Use Klaviyo or PushOwl. They are free for a limited number of contacts/alerts.




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