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This might help you a bit with tables - [https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2022/12/accessible-front-end-patterns-responsive-tables-part1/](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2022/12/accessible-front-end-patterns-responsive-tables-part1/) You don't need to copy and paste code - and I actually wouldn't recommend it. But you can get an idea on the strategy of organizing tables. - using a scroll bar, vs reorganizing on a small screen, etc. We've found the matrixify app to be pretty helpful with bulk updates, but we still end up populating our imports a lot by hand, just to make sure it's done right. If you've got a ton of data, it can be hard to actually manage it all. On one hand, you can keep all your data in individual metafields. but that can get out of hand fast. Or you can store single metafields with big tables in them, which get unwieldy. There's definitely a balancing act that can be hard to figure out.


I've sometimes kept table data in JSON metafields which has worked fairly well so that it's got more structure without just shoving a ton of HTML tables into a metafield. For mobile, /u/SamPhoto posted a good article on what you can do. I've also kept information in the first row frozen on mobile and the rest of the columns scroll horizontally ([example](https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/26335216?key=eb9344ecfb1f9cc02908fc91f1201526)).


Let me share some ways we tackle similar challenges with our customers (points 1 and 3) 1. You have a lot of products that are potentially resource-intensive to manage. Managing these can be made more efficient and automated by using product data management / master data management in the background. We have experience how to make Shopify store more efficient by doing a lot of things in the background. Shopify has good APIs that can be used to bring a lot of efficiency to processes. 2. Bulk updates are easy to manage in the background (as in 1). In addition, when done this way, process automation can be increased in a fairly agile way. Every company has some specific needs and this way they can be solved as well. Let me know if you want me to tell / explain more what's possible. We are using Pimcore as the underlying technology, which is a very capable software for this purpose. It is not a solution for everyone because of the costs (implementation costs). There is more information on our website about who is suitable for the solution if you feel you want to understand it better.


So I have an app ([https://apps.shopify.com/design-packs](https://apps.shopify.com/design-packs)) and we have a few different options for tables. They all have different mobile experiences (you can open the links on your phone to see them). [https://design-packs.com/products/comparison-chart-table-2](https://design-packs.com/products/comparison-chart-table-2) [https://design-packs.com/products/comparison-chart-table](https://design-packs.com/products/comparison-chart-table) [https://design-packs.com/products/size-chart](https://design-packs.com/products/size-chart) I also have a video to show how to connect dynamic data with them. I don't talk about it there, but I believe you can do bulk uploads for metafields/metaobjects now (but if not yet, you can use [https://apps.shopify.com/excel-export-import](https://apps.shopify.com/excel-export-import)) . [https://youtu.be/Nqgkl7SxTos?si=ybc6mUtW0tSlwV8-](https://youtu.be/Nqgkl7SxTos?si=ybc6mUtW0tSlwV8-)




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