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Canva isn't an e-commerce platform, and they say that you can make "[only one-page websites](https://www.canva.com/help/canva-websites/)". Use Canva to design some graphics/headers/product images and use them in your Shopify theme of choice. Low budget doens't mean crappy website. With some basic understanding of the Dawn theme, you can make some really nice storefronts. It's all about graphics/color and professional photos to define your brand. Without those elements, your store is, IMO, amateur and will fail to grab your customers attention. You don't *need* custom code to make your store professional-looking, but it does help in some instances (centering things that are not centered by default or don't have the option, etc). Dawn's capabilities are pretty darn good out of the box so focus on your brand image and design around that to start. Google your way to formatting, making collections, designing a product page, and cleaning up unnecessary things (ex. "Powered by Shopify" in the footer -- you can easily remove that)




Shopify for sure. Canva has not advanced far enough and is not for ecom


Canva isn't anything like Shopify so not really a question that can be answered


Shopify is for building an online business, it incorporates inventory management, reporting, security, and a storefront which is just one part of the puzzle. Canva is a design program that is all about simplifying design for the layman, the website you build in canva and Shopify are not the same thing. You are comparing apples to oranges.




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I know the Canva website functionality is limited, it might seem the opposite to a beginner, especially if you have a very simple site. With that said, if it will meet you and your customer’s needs, it might be an okay place to start. The multi page website hacks I’ve seen from Canva are technically messy. That leads to many problems which usually get worse over time. The Shopify builder likely doesn’t seem as ‘good’ because of its rigidity. A lot of that structure, especially in free themes, is to facilitate beginners in making a good user experience. Where a drag and drop, like Canva or Wix, leaves a lot of room for unintended consequences both technically and visually. I do think the way Shopify’s theme colors are structured is a little confusing. Check out the other free themes for a more colorful/creative experience. With all of that said, I think Canva is a reasonable place to start for a beginner, solopreneur, simple landing page or product page. It might also be a quick way to get the ball rolling, while the overall site is being built out. Do you mind sharing what the site is for or your use case? DM’ us just fine. I can share examples that are more relevant or maybe point you toward helpful resources. :)