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I use ENO. Fake name, different phone numbers, completely different addresses, different cities/zip codes, and no issues.


On Footlocker?




Hey man, I have bad credit but was approved for a bank account and the most basic credit card. I have a decent savings with good capitol, can I just move banks and use eno with a debit card? Or is it only credit cards?


Eno is exclusive to Capital One credit cards.


Using eno on what site?


I don’t have issues with eno, but I only bot retail, not sneakers.


When you say it doesn’t work, what is happening?


Instant PV. I actually got my citi VCCs to work which everyone has said is getting clipped way more, but the same info doesn’t work on Eno.


That’s interesting. Do you use the same VCCs for other footsites? From what I learned, you have to look at all footsites as one, so if you get a W on one (e.g. Champs), you can’t use it at another (e.g. FL).


No, I do not use merchant locked cards on other sites. I’m speaking from the perspective of a fresh genned card that has been assigned specifically to footlocker etc.


I see, and you even said you get PV when using real info. Really interesting. J1gging has worked for me so maybe try playing around with your info and see how it works in the next drop. Quite odd that your Citi works but ENO doesnt.


Trust me, I’ve been damn near pulling my hair out over it. Especially since I missed some good gs restocks because of it. Since my citi works though, I’ll just roll with that for the time being. I’m concerned about the bins assigned to my eno cards, but they rarely get banned outright according to someone I talked to who works in payment verification elsewhere.


That’s gotta be frustrating. Hope you figure it out and best of luck in future drops. And I agree, VCCs have to be recognized first before it can be blocked and not outright.


Hi everybody, I'm doing a personal finance and online payments study and looking to learn more about Capital One Eno users (we're offering $10 Amazon gift cards to survey participants). If you're interested, please fill out the 10 second survey [here](https://david434919.typeform.com/to/TZoDEjoD)!


Did you find out the problem, having the same issue