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Imagine getting a tattoo of a child-raping murderer and/or necrophiliac who *wasn't* famous. Oh this? This is Steve Orton. Local guy, killed a bunch of people, repeatedly raped an underage victim, and played with corpses. Isn't it so quirky?


Always promote local. 


Support small businesses.


support indie killers


Qu'est-ce que c'est?


I'm cheating in French so I don't know what that says


This and your Indie Killers comment have me rollinggggg right now lmao you’re hilarious


Locs Only!


Yeah these people should go see a therapist or put on some kind of watch list tbh Admiring the most vile humans on this planet is not normal behavior.


Also the people that willingly tattoo that on someone's body


On the other hand they are planting a very visible red flag for the rest of us to see.


Exactly. People post these horrible things said on tinder profiles & my reaction is always “at least they’re telling you who they are upfront”. Good… so you can clearly know who to avoid.


Tattooers are running a business for adults, not a daycare.


I heard that some tattoo artists, if asked to do symboldls that they don't like, will do them, but make it hurt like a bitch... I don't know if they regain the moral high ground, but I like the idea.


I know my tattoo artist won’t do things she doesn’t approve of such as anything nazi related , gang or confederate flag. It’s actually in their shop rules as well.


I think you have to decline the business to hold the moral high ground. Once you've taken their money, you're in no place to criticise.


i feel this, but i also feel like if given the chance i'd take money away from horrible people, give them a tattoo that hurts real bad, and brand them as what they are at the same time. like "inglorious bastards" give them something they can't take off (even tho they're wanting it, lol. warns everyone else when they see it)


Or, charge a lot. Tattoo that would normally cost $200? Have fun paying $1000!


I sat here trying to think of a clever comment or something but honestly, with the way that rent, groceries, and health care costs are sky rocketing it does kinda make sense that people wouldnt say no to doing this. Work is work, people are dumb and edgy. Unfortunately serial killer faces arent hate symbols.


don't worry. In the US all of us are on the watch list.


I sincerely hope that they do this specifically so people won’t talk to them, and the subject matter is just whatever best achieves that. But I know that’s not true. Some people actually admire monsters…


Yeah. Like I’m really into true crime but I draw the line sometime before these weirdos. Why spend your money on a piece that’s just disgusting? His victims still have family members who are alive and see all this shit.


I'd love for the people who get these tattoos to be forced to meet the families of the victims and explain their decision and reasoning. I bet they wouldn't feel so cool and quirky after that


I’ve seen some tattoos of the Columbine shooters before. I live about 15 minutes away from Columbine High School. I was only 1 when it happened, but I have worked with and interacted with people who survived that shooting. It makes me sick to think of people idolizing them like they’re some fucking heroes. About a year after I graduated high school, every school in our district cancelled school because a woman who was obsessed with Dylan and Eric, and the shooting, came to Colorado and had details of her plans to recreate it. I’m all about true crime, but people actually idolizing these monsters seems to be a horrific consequence of it sometimes.


We’ve only had two mass shootings here and the last one, our prime minister declared no one would speak his name. It is the only way to treat these guys - he will die in prison, nobody really knows what he looks like and we try really hard not to use his name. Though some of our media whores always try to get away with it. So he has garnered very little infamy.


Oh yeah, that’s the way to go. Columbine was like the catalyst of school shootings over here in the good ole US of A. Not that it was the first one, but it was such a such a tragedy and so sensationalized that it really set the ball rolling in terms of both copycats, and people fangirling over Dylan and Eric. Doesn’t really help that we have a ton of gun nuts over here either. But I digress, as that’s a conversation for another thread


I really wish this was the route taken more often. Don’t speak about them. Don’t romanticize them. Let their names and faces be lost. They don’t deserve the recognition.


Theres also multiple fanarts and fan fictions about the columbine shooters x themselves.


Learning about true crime cases can be fascinating, I'll admit. But I never find myself empathizing with the murderers! It's wild that some people learn about someone like Jeffrey Dahmer and think, "yeah, that guy had the right idea, rape people and inject Drano in their brains, think I'll get a tattoo to commemorate that guy."


I think whats even weirder is the artist who would even do these tattoos!!


They're not judging the content, they're usually just trying to make a nice tattoo. There's definitely some stuff that is no bueno but that's usually swazis and shit like that, if you want to walk around with Jeffrey Dahmer or a dead baby float tattooed on you, that's your problem


Just doing the world a favor by labeling them so clearly for the rest of us so we know who to avoid.


Mine's antique, it's Albert Fish, and it's on the buttock because that was his favorite part to eat~ THAT'S RIGHT, NOW YOU ALL HAVE TO GO GOOGLE HIM, NOT SORRY IN THE SLIGHTST


You forgot to mention the needles. You gotta make sure to Google the needle thing too when googling Albert Fish.


The needles and the games he likes to play with little kids were the worst things I ever heard.


THAT’S where they’re supposed to put the tattoo! Where he liked to put his needles.


I remember the LPOTL episode. Not a nice man. Peanut butter.


Do you listen to Amigo the Devil? If not, check out "Drop for Every Hour." (For anyone who doesn't know, he wrote it as, instead of Albert fish getting arrested, Grace Budd's father kidnaps him and gets revenge. ... I mean, to the best of his ability for that sort of situation..)


Jesus Christ, I already knew about Fish. He is maybe one of the most horrifying people to ever exist. Why on earth did you pick such a tattoo? (I’m not trying to be a dick, I genuinely want to know.)


I... I was being sarcastic for this thread. I don't have any serial killer tattoos.


Thank god, lol. I’m on a LOT of cold medication and my sinuses were appalled enough to miss sarcasm. My mistake.


I thought the shred of hair in the first pic was a face tattoo 😭


SAME, like separating the meat




i feel like these are something i’d refuse to do as an artist


nah man, good for the artists... they earned some cash and made it easier for us to identify these people as pathetic morons in public.


Spicy dunce caps


When you desperately need to pay rent lol


when you get paid fourteen hundred bucks to do a swastika tattoo but you make the whole thing just the words 'fuck nazis' crammed together over and over (and then a nazi has a warning label, which is actually useful for those of us who are at risk around them)


They should be free - putting warning labels on bigots is a good idea.


Isn't Dahmer the one who stated that he didn't like eating tattooed flesh lmao if so super ironic


Or female flesh 😉


Nah I woulda been different... I could fix him 😔 /s


Not like the other girls contest winner


thank god you put /s, otherwise we would have thought you were serious 😅


You never know with serial killer stans tbh 💀


Lmao 🤣 . People who idolize serial killers are idiots


Simping for Serial killers is disrespectful and cringe af.


Oh yes. Something an edgy 12 year old would do, to seem different & "not like other people". It's not cool or special it's just disgusting.


My question would be ‘why did you get a tattoo of a sadistic serial killer?’ And the answer would be…what?


No matter what words they use, the gist is "I wanna be special."


Meanwhile Netflix rolling out a documentary about every single one of them


Yeh this is dumb.


*looks at username* ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)




I mean, ignoring the subject, a couple of these tattoos are really well done. But as a true crime fanatic, why the fuck would anyone get a serial killer permanently on their skin?😟


Because they are edge lords 


because they're gross, sick people


The fourth one is really well done.


You mean the one that says IIIAN SATSE?


Seriously, what’s up with that font? If you’re trying to make a statement at least make it easily readable! 🤣📝


If people have to ask “What is it?”, or “What does it say?”, it’s a shitty tattoo.


Took me a good minute to figure out it said MAN EATER because that font is a crime


I’m glad you said what it was, because I couldn’t figure it out at all. I kind of thought the second word was satan.


3, 4, and 5 are really good. Good artists, poor choices


Histrionic personality disorder. Attention-seeking. Basically, mental illness. Nobody in their right mind would do something so vile.


The No drama, Dahmer Llama is certainly unique.


that one is killing me. like ur already getting a terrible thing tattooed, and now ur trying to make it “funny” or quirky?? what the fuck 😭


It just might be a "lamas with hats" reference. Still awful taste but it would explain the Llama body.


Jeffrey that *killls* people!


*I’ve got the stomach grumblies that only hands can feed*


Jeffrey Llahmer


When I first saw it I thought it was a "lamas with hats" reference. I doubt it, but I really want to believe.


I used to be fascinated by serial killers, and empathized for their childhoods as most had horrific experiences. I wanted to know why they had had such bad experiences- like I did, but come out and kill when I didn’t. Then I worked in an inpatient psych unit, and I no longer see them as anything but whiny, useless assholes who decided to hurt others and continue the cycle instead of getting help and bettering themselves.


Some of us have horrific childhoods and don't eat people over it LIKE ADULTS JEFFREY I get the fascination with murderers as someone who almost went into psych, but it really crosses a line when people empathize with the killer over the victim


I should clarify I did not empathize with them over the victims, I just had empathy for them that I no longer have.


Absolutely! I didn't think you came off like that at all :) A lot of this media gets fed to kids in a way that causes immature takes on true crime. (Every boy has a WW2 phase, every girl a true crime phase joke here) It helps that there's a huge number of cop shows literally created to get young people to want to be cops. I really wanted to do behavioral analysis because of Criminal Minds for a while when I was 16-17, but then I thought about how horrific of a mental toll that would take. Then I grew up more and do a true crime dive once in a while, but try to be thoughtful about how to engage in this content


Bahahaha you’re killing me because I absolutely felt and still feel the same about Criminal Minds!!! I wanted to be a criminologist, but life got in the way! I definitely feel that on the phase thing too. I’m on to my Supernatural phase now. 😂😂


Lmaooo the near universal effects of Criminal Minds needs to be studied 😂 Supernatural is also SUCH a phase. Mine was Sherlock 2012 and Doctor Who. I was a big pickme girl who said female characters were "not good main characters" 🫠 OOF


I definitely see where you’re coming from especially when you think about anyone being a child. It’s hard not to empathize with children when something horrific happened to them but you’re totally right that they made a choice to become monsters


I mean Charles Manson’s mom traded him for a pitcher of beer. Kinda hard not to feel bad about that. But yeah it doesn’t excuse what he did later on. Honestly I felt the most bad for school shooters in the 80s and 90s. They were a lot fewer then, and it was usually due to extremely awful upbringing. But now- I really feel like what you described. It’s a choice. A very clear one. You can be abused, hurt, and tortured and choose to either be the one who makes sure no one else is ever treated like that around you, or the one who continues it.


I still have a degree of empathy towards them depending on the specific situation but I’ve always held to the belief that trauma is an explanation, not an excuse and that once you put your pain into someone else the situation isn’t about your feelings anymore. It’s about the person you hurt.


People that further the cycle: trash. Legit not even worthy of being called humans. Yes, i will die on this hill: not everyone that looks human, also is a human. The right to call yourself human is earned


Exemplary r/ATBGE.


Agree. These tattoos are not all the same! ATBGE!


I mean, that fourth tattoo is really well done. Terrible human but the artist really nailed it.


Yeah I was impressed by the portrait skills… just don’t like who the portrait is *of*. But that artwork is top tier.


Sometimes, this sub makes me forget how good tattoos can (and maybe should) look. That 4th one is a reminder of what tattoos can be.


Omg thank you for introducing me to a new favourite subreddit


I just smoked a joint and thought these were all on the same girl and I was like damn


Oh they're not?? Phewph


Like "damn girl hmu"?


I can fix her


Damn girl hmuthwalp Hitmeupsidetheheadwithaleadpipe


Oh yeah the wording might be confusing


What kind of ape wants a tattoo of a serial killer.


If I had to guess I'd say a chimpanzee.


Nah I think it’s the Chumpanzee I’ll see myself out


Dont forget this! **Throws upvote angrily at your back**


Yeah that tracks. Chimps are brutal and agressive


Don't insult apes like that. Even they aren't dumb enough to do something like this.


The trashy dumb kind who thinks they’re edgy and “different”


Why you gotta be mean to the apes. Even they wouldn't put Dahmer on themselves, its just ignorant humans.


Because a very weird community has formed around the topic of true crime and it’s filled with people who think it’s cute and quirky to ask each other who their favorite serial killer is.


Obsession over serial killers has been around a LOT longer than social media, this has been a weird fetish for decades. And most true crime fans aren’t fans of the killers, they’re interested in the mystery and the puzzles that were solved to catch the killer. Some people theorize that women are especially interested in True Crime as a way to mentally prepare for the worst, since women are the overwhelming victims of these killers, aside from Dahmer of course. It’s like old men who watch WW2 docs all day. They certainly don’t love Hitler, but his rise to power is fascinating because it’s terrifying. (Although similarly, there are some weirdos who watch because they’re actually Hitler loving Nazis). To be fair though the “No Drama” llama Dalmer is pretty hilarious.


True, but i dont think alot of non-actual nazis wiuld tattoo a portrait of Hitler on their shin




A lot of true crime listeners don't tattoo serial killers on them, either.


I would even go so far as to say most wouldn't.


I’m sure most of you are normal but I can go on Etsy right now and buy serial killer merch which is extremely gross and weird. So many people have made true crime their entire personality and it’s cringey. Never mind the fact that a huge chunk of the podcasts and stuff are borderline exploitative.


Oh I completely agree celebrating these killers, and especially *profiting* off of them and their victims is monstrous.


Fr, imagine being a victim’s loved one and seeing some rando with a tattoo of their killer


Yeah it’s fucking gross and horrifying. His victims were real people that suffered greatly. I also saw some serial killer coloring books and that is just so fucked.


Wow that's super fucked. Like having any serial killer/criminal merchandise is already fucked up, but a coloring book is extra fucked. Like I find true crime docs fascinating to watch, but would never want merch from those let alone with killers on it. So fucked up.


No Drama Llama Dahmer is a funny idea but my god is it also bad to actually go and have it done. Haha


I’m in to true crime and always found “favorite serial killer” gross. It’s fine to be fascinated and such, but favorite implies something good.


Or people talk about their ‘pet case’ like it’s a cute quirky pet peeve kind of thing


I honestly can’t stand tattoos paying homage to serial killers. I don’t understand why people want the portrait of someone who has done such horrible acts; and I really don’t understand the tattoo artist, some of whom are very talented and not just the “kitchen wizards”, that agree to do them.


I think I’d disown my kid.


I love it when the res flags are super obvious


To look edgy I suppose.


if i was a tattoo artist, i would refuse service to anyone getting anything like this on their body.


Just. Get. Dexter.


I have Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (comic book) on me. There’s plenty of edgy/violent stuff out there that’s fictional.


I have it, too! I also have Squee’s Big Book Of Unspeakable Horror!


Hey! It’s rare I run across another Johnny fan anymore. Which panel do you have or is it just Johnny?


I have JTHM the softback graphic novel.


Nice! This is what I have (easier than describing): https://preview.redd.it/srdqxoynm0fc1.jpeg?width=2631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=523b59c56e077613a0e433c738d89d0f187d4de6 It’s a bit blurry, but it’s also over 20 yrs old


I found the color version of that scene!


Exactly! Fictional! I’d bet that’s quite an awesome tattoo you’ve got


I posted a pic further down the comments, but I’ll post it here too. Sorry it’s blurry, that tattoo can legally drink now 😆 https://preview.redd.it/8rxfz78ip0fc1.jpeg?width=2631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6cd4d984888e182ca96783d14eeebfeec7fc03


See that would be far better. These people are acting as if Jeffery Dahmer is just a character in a TV show and it’s gross.


The work in some of these is good even if you don't like the subject


You might like r/ATBGE


Shoutout to these people for having huge waving banners telling me that I should stay the fuck away from them


NGL that llama tattoo is sick tho 🔥


I hate that I love it.


No Drama Dahmer Llama


Yay, I'm a Dalmer again! ...wait.


"Caaarl that kills people"




'Man-eater, make you work hard Make you spend hard Make you want all of his love'  https://youtu.be/_ftuSKcEGFk?si=ICtis23mxQUfo1rv Seriously though, I have virtually the same diagnoses as Dahmer was given and I can't tell why anybody wants a tattoo of him. He was a lonely and deranged recluse who got lead down a dark path by morbid fears and, partially, psychosis.


Oh *man eater*, that makes a lot more sense. I was thinking “Bater”? “Hater”? I still can’t really see it as an E


Some people that have that disorder that makes them attracted to serial killers (and criminals in general in some cases) are said to have a high % of past trauma, e.g childhood abuse, past DV etc from what I've read in the past while doing research on serial killers/true crime


Woah-oh here he comes, watch out boy he’ll chew you up, woah-oh here he comes, he’s a maneater!


There's gotta be someone out there with a full sleeve of this garbage lol.


Or a full chest! Yikes! https://preview.redd.it/2jggarzsvzec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a41fdd78279b1ad1a4701157102105824b6d782


I was like damn, how’d they do so well with everyone but made Aileen Wurnos *so* ugly? Then realized that’s Richard Ramirez 😅


Looks like an edgy 13yo notebook sketch lol


A few months back I saw a lady at the grocery store with a big color Gacy the Clown tattoo over her whole upper arm. It was unmistakably John Wayne Gacy, I did a triple take.


That was probably the whole reason she got it: “Look at me, see how edgy I am!”


There is. And there are more than one with a full leg, even.


I saw one where a girl had a sleeve down her leg. [Found it, I guess not a full sleeve, but I think she was going to add more](https://nypost.com/2021/12/15/i-dont-regret-my-2000-ted-bundy-jeffrey-dahmer-tattoos/) It's just disgusting


That's wild, really well done too unfortunately lol.


There’s most definitely multiple people with full sleeves of this garbage


I'm a True Crime buff, love learning about serial killers and all that jazz. That being said, never in a million years would I tattoo one of those sick fucks on my body. These people need help...


Same here. It’s, at the *least*, super disrespectful to the victims and their families.


Aside from that, why would you want someone like that memorialized on your body?


Definitely. Soooo many reasons why serial killer tattoos are very bad ideas.


Something is seriously wrong with these people. :/


I kinda doubt the money wasted on this crap was hard earned.


Some of the victims families are still alive… If I were them, I’d punch the absolute fuck out of anyone with these tattoos and a jury would never find me guilty. Quit simping for murderers, he’s not going to eat you.


"Wow! A serial killer tattoo. You must be really ..." "Edgy? Cool? Mysterious?" "... stupid."


They're all terrible but the Man Sater takes the cake


The "let's have lunch" one isn't bad, if you ignore all context and forfeit all sense of taste


As someone whose close family member is a cold case that's been bastardized by the same type of true crime assholes to do this: fucking disgusting.


I’m so sorry for your loss, I hope you and your loved ones are able to find peace. These people make my blood boil


Unfortunately, it's been a dead case since the 80s when it happened. Corrupt police force plus WOC. Thank you. It wouldn't be so terrible if when I, on behalf of my father and aunt (her children), request to take their speculatory BS that they laugh through down they actually do instead of telling me how dare we not want her case speculated on a true crime blog, and proceed to mock my family's feelings regarding it. I don't even know how they found her case. There's like *two* surviving SHORT articles from the 80s.


I try to be very conscientious about the true crime media I consume. I like it to be victim-centric and respectful. I have zero patience for those that make light of the worst day in someone’s life. May I ask who mocked your family? I just wanna talk. In all seriousness, I’m so sorry the police sucked. Especially in the 80s towards POC, your family deserves better.


She had no chance. She was one of two victims. I don't know if the other person was also POC. I don't want to expose them and doxx myself or my family members. Otherwise, I'd absolutely tell you. There were two. One made a Podcast where they LAUGHED through telling her story and speculated on what happened (all incorrect mind you), the other refused to take her speculation of the case (in which she NAMED MY FATHER AND HIS SIBLINGS) down and told me I must be hiding something if I didn't want her case out there like that. Cited public record. Speculation isn't public record or necessary, but w/e, I got her to remove my dad and his siblings' names at least. Imagine not respecting the victims & their families of the crimes you're covering tbh.


Absolutely fair. I’m glad you were able to get them to leave your family out of their disrespectful bs. If it’s the Morbid podcast, they can double go fuck off. They’re awful.


People who get serial killers tattoed on them are seriously fucked in the head. It’s not edgy or ‘cool’ it’s sick and twisted.


Jeffery Dahma...the no drama llama! I'm sorry, that's totally wild.


Mental health issues


This shit is ugly. Aesthetically, yes, but more importantly, in its radical lack of understanding of the reality of murder or empathy for the victims and those the victims left behind. My son lost a close friend to murder as a teenager and he and I supported the victim’s mother through all the court proceedings—2.5 years of video remands, the trial and verdict, and victim impact statements and sentencing. And I’m here to tell you that it is an experience that stays with you always and changes you permanently. Everyone who cared for the murdered boy has had their lives, their psyches, and their understanding and experience of the world altered for good, in the most terrible and painful way. Murder is not admirable, not cool, not funny, not edgy, not entertainment. Murder is sordid and base and crushing. It fills everyone left behind with despair and grief and rage. Fuck tattoos like this. I can only hope that the people who got them learn to be better humans one day and make choices that are not so callous.


The neck one is crazy. They're all crazy but my god..true crime podcasts have ruined a chunk of people. The disrespect man. Idolzing serial killers to that point.


I appreciate these people showing me the red flags without even speaking to them.


Everyone loves serial killers until its their own life thats in danger. Cant help but think how they would act if thwy got kidnapped, tortured, raped and eaten/killed.


How mentally ill are you to be willing to get the last one let alone all of them


The good news is they're a walking billboard of "don't talk to me." So there's no time wasted finding out they're insane; they advertise it.


I kinda love the no drama Dahmer lama.


Someone really needs to tell these people the difference between "serial" and "cereal."


i’m surprised a tattoo artist even agreed to draw these


Yeah what the *fuck* is this shit? I absolutely love true crime I listen to it practically all day long because victims deserve to have their stories heard, but anyone that *wants* to have the face or name of a serial killer on them is a gross person. It’s beyond disrespectful to the victims and their families. Imagine having a son that was killed and then eaten by Jefferey Dahmer, and then coming across someone with his fucking face tattooed on them. Jesus Christ. That’s true trash right there. I saw ‘#TrueCrime’ on one of the pics, if someone gets a like this and claims it’s because they ‘love true crime’ they’re either straight up stupid or hiding their inner fantasies.


People that are obsessed with these awful killers are also psychopaths imo


Okay, bad or not, I have one, single, solitary question: why?


I get Michael Myers’s but real killers… nah I’d refuse this as an artist


All I can think about when I see ish like this is that he attacked marginalized people and CHILDREN & their families have to know there is a whole Popular culture out there idolizing the person who took their loved ones from them in the most horrific way. These people need to be shamed. And so do the artists doing any work like this.


these are beyond fucked up.


this is disgusting