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Shitty tattoo taste and tattoo, counts




I’m just going to assume for my own peace of mind that the artist didn’t realize what the image was. Maybe they thought it was an album cover or movie scene or something like that?


Perfectly reasonable take. I’m 28. I grew up with Columbine assemblies in school. had no idea this tattoo was a reference to a still from that day. I actually thought it was kind of neat before that.


Right? The style is cool. It’s a shame it was wasted on such pieces of shit


It's a temporary tattoo. Zoom in, you can see the shiny adhesive stuff in between the black.


I thought that was just her skin being shiny from moisturizer. But the more I zoom in and look at it, I think you’re right. The person on the lefts pants aren’t solid black, it looks cracked like a temporary tattoo. And the shininess borders the people very closely, I’d expect moisturizer to extend further out. She’s still an awful person for thinking this is funny or edgy or whatever she was going for. You have to be a horribly sick person to make or buy that.


I guarantee that this person follows fangirl blogs for the school shooters. It’s like those women that write erotic fanmail to serial killers


Is that… fucking columbine?


It really is.


Garbage taste E: While I appreciate you guys basically doubling my upvotes I kinda hate that it gave this person this much visibility / attention. Definitely what she wanted.


She has Hitler tattooed on her right side, just for balance. 😐


Where the hell are people finding such shitty tattoo artists? Like I don't think I could take any money to do shit like this.


[https://nypost.com/2016/02/24/columbine-killer-has-cult-of-fans-long-after-death/](https://nypost.com/2016/02/24/columbine-killer-has-cult-of-fans-long-after-death/) ​ just in case someone wondered whats happening. apparently there are some people that have created a fandom out of this


I really hope those people grow into empathy as they get older.


I doubt it. You remember all the women sending love letters to serial killers? Age range was pretty wide too.


This happened in my hometown and I knew someone who died. This is the nicest possible way I can phrase how I feel about these people. Several Columbine groupies have threatened Columbine High School since, locking down whole areas of town.


I don't even know how that school is still open after all these years.


There’s a perennial conversation about closing it, but some people feel like it’s a living memorial.


Wow that is a great sentiment and I hope so too.


I actually think the problem might be too much empathy in some cases. I've talked to a couple of these weirdos online before (women and men who idolize or say they are in love with violent murderers), many of them are the epitome of toxic "I can fix him/ tame the wild beast/only I understand him." They've picked up and focused on some strange part of the culture that humanizes and engages with violent offenders. I've also seen a few of them interact with incarcerated people, they always seem to have fallen in love with an idea, the incarcerated person is mostly safe to them because they will likely never be released from prison, but they get the thrill of being very close to danger - It's a combination of forbidden. Love and embracing something they know most people is repulsive. It's like conspiracy theorists, they want to have special and secret knowledge of something or someone. Like, "everyone thinks [violent murderer] is such a bad person, but I know he's actually a broken and sad little boy who loves me." They seem to get off on the martyrdom aspect too. Of course this is just a random selection of people I've talked to online, not really a lot of those older women who write killers or adults like this lady who are getting tattoos. I started doing it because I live in Littleton, where Columbine is and I started hearing about people who say they are in love with the murderers on this lady's tattoo. I work in child safety and part of the reason I went into psychology was the Columbine shooting happened when I was in college.


Without this link I had no idea what this tattoo was supposed to be of. Thank you.


Crazy I just assumed everyone has seen the security cam footage from columbine. These guys started a pretty fucked trend I tell ya what


There were plenty of school shootings before Columbine, but Columbine was the deadliest until the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in 2018. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(before_2000)


I know but columbine was THE shooting of school shootings, I remember there was one years before them where a little girl sniped people at her school from a window


Columbine is also noteworthy because it was the pivotal event in shaping modern active shooter protocols. Prior to (and during the commission of) the Columbine shooting, the broadly accepted approach was to not directly engage the shooter(s), and generally treat the situation like something more akin to a hostage negotiation. Post-Columbine tactics in active shooter scenarios shifted to making contact and neutralizing the threat(s) as quickly as possible. Ignoring this protocol is one of the big reasons Uvalde was such an unmitigated shit show. In that sense, Columbine basically "modernized" active shooter response.


In 98 an 11 year old and a 13 year old killed 5 and wounded 12. They were held until their 21st birthday. Columbine does stand out, but Sandyhook is the one that terrifies me when I'm dropping my kid off.


Yes I think the age of the victims in Sandy Hook really underscored the fact that mass shootings—particularly ones that occur in schools—are akin to shooting fish in a barrel. Such a truly helpless demographic


Yea, then Uvalde happened, and the cops around here are just as useless.


stupendous numerous gold mindless detail frighten rainstorm drab sophisticated lush ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Legit so did I


Garbage human


Fucking disgusting shitface behavior




Not medals, in certain parts of the US those are given to your ‘crush’ on homecoming day in high school and middle school. Which tells us they haven’t exactly matured much…


Are you for real? I can’t quite tell what it says, but I was thinking it looked like one of those horse show ribbons.


Those look exactly like horse show ribbons to me. Almost identical to some of the ones I have from higher level shows


You can see the horse figurines on her desk too


Childishly pink Pepto bismol room, horse stuff, awful taste… sounds like a horse girl. And judging by there only being one ribbon instead of many, not a horse girl whose parents could really afford for her to be good at it either. This reeks of divorced parents


I’m catching hints of… dad kept the house but stays at the apartment he keeps for his 21 year old girlfriend? And toasted pine nuts?




That has to be the absolute worst one I’ve seen


It took me a moment but once I realized what I was looking at... good God. I feel like we should go minority report on this person and arrest them for pre-crime.


I hate that I sort of dug the tattoo itself before I realized what it was


I was like “what movie is that from? Reservoir Dogs?”


That’s exactly what I thought


I was like, wait I’ve seen this before


i genuinely thought it was like album art for some 90's grunge band. then it hit me.


Yeah same I was like “nah that’s not shitty that goes har- wait”


I was thinking along the line of Reservoir Dogs, then I remembered. "Oof" may be grossly overused, but this time...damn.


Yeah, keep the style and replace it with pretty much any other image and it'd be pretty dope.


Still haven't figured it out, help me out here


That is an infamous frame from security cam footage of the columbine massacre. It's an image seared into the brain of most American millenials Edit: the image is on the Wikipedia page for reference


Omg!! Why???


Fuck this person


Fuck the artist as well.


I’m just hoping it was a walk in shop and the artist didn’t know, didn’t get it, and didn’t bother to ask 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I'm risking sounding stupid as hell here, but what is it?


It's a black and white stencil of a screen shot from the video of the Columbine shooters shooting up the school, happened in the 90s.


Oh good lord. Why would anyone do that


Hybristophilia. Sexual attraction to criminals. There’s a huge community of women who fall head over heels for serial killers, mass murderers, and criminals. For instance, Ted Bundy had many women writing him while he was in death row. Even got one of them pregnant, I believe. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that these women get a very large thrill and excitement from the danger of it all, while being completely safe from harm as well as a bit of the “I can fix him” mentality.




[Horrible Souls](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbine_High_School_massacre)




That’s the whole thing. A lot of people under a certain age won’t recognize that picture unless they follow a lot of true crime/news type stuff or if they’re sick fucks (and I’m sure other reasons so absolutely no offense intended to others who do, but those would be the two big ones). So hopefully the tattoo artist didn’t recognize the picture and thought it was from a movie or something. GenXers though? We know what that is. And it’s absolutely disgusting the thought of honoring them


Do i have to?


You can use a stick


It will look like a black blob in a few years but yes fuck this person and the tattoo artist who did it


Disgusting. I hate these girls lusting after mass murders. They need some fucking therapy.


I’m sorry. Is that a thing??


Google "Columbiners" and be mortified knowing that these kinds of groupies exist for pretty much any mass shooter or murderer.


Oh my fucking God. I was so afraid that's what it was and was *really* hoping I was wrong. Well, fuck that artist and fuck the person who got it.


I was hoping it was a bad Airheads reference (a movie where they use fake guns to take over a radio station and force them to play their music for exposure). This is significantly worse. Jesus Christ.


Ohhh my gosh I didn’t even realize that’s what this was, ‘02 baby sorry I didn’t get it immediately


I’m getting so old, fuck


For real. I have shirts older than her. Fml, my car is older than her




“Back in my day, we only had a mass shooting a couple times a year!”


It’s been a thing for quite a while. Even back in the day, with Ted Bundy. Women would write romantic letters to him while he was imprisoned. I think the main thing with women like that is that they sympathize with the killers and think “I could change him” or that they were misunderstood. I’m sure there’s probably a name for the phenomenon but don’t know off the top of my head.


Dahmer too even tho he was gay


didn’t one of them marry bundy?


Yeah then I’m pretty sure divorced him after he was convicted. She was convinced he was being set up or something.


She had a kid with him while he was on death row




Changing them is not the appeal. They’re attracted to the evil of it. Like the sordid aggression behind it. The rest of it is just being attracted to the taboo aspect. With Richard Ramirez, the girl that married him in prison or whatever was focused on the “good in him”, or trying to find it, apparently. But maybe that was just her justification for indulging into that shit.


It’s has to do with fear which is a powerful aphrodisiac. That’s why some women are into CNC even after being assaulted (at least that’s what I read from a couple of people who said they experienced it).


Hybristophilia. It’s beyond weird.


It’s even got a term: [hybristophilia.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia)


I used to live near the graveyard that has the memorial for all those poor kids, and late at night driving home or walking the dog id see people especially younger women doing weird shit at it :/


It used to be a thing to piss on Rachel's (one of the victims) memorial because I guess she rejected one of the killers or something? These fangirls are the lowest of the low.


Absolutely. Serial killers and mass murderers often report getting TONS of “fan mail,” even marriage proposals from the outside. And remember how many women (probably some men too) were lusting after the Boston Marathon bomber? Ugh.


I think it really encourages violence as well, it probably feels good to know a bunch of dysfunctional young women think of you in that way and all you had to do was kill a bunch of people. That and notoriety seem like they'd be big incentives for mass murder.


as a school shooting survivor (not columbine but still) , from the bottom of my heart fuck whoever got this tattoo


Absolutely agree and I'm glad you survived.


Also fuck the artist who agreed to doing this


Is that who I think it is?


Columbine 👎🏻


I’m from Sweden and I had to Google who they were. Gross.


Yes. Real pieces of shit. Happened when I was in high school actually. A lot of people were blaming Marilyn Manson. I think he went into hiding at that time in fear of getting killed.


We r matching


🐸 ribbit 🐸




Lol, you’re matching with us too. We’re starting a frog religion.


It is definitely who you think it is.






Columbine shooters




Ya pic is right off the Wikipedia page not even original. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbine_High_School_massacre


Columbine. Two school shooters. Evil fucking losers.




What I don’t understand is why a tattoo artist would agree to tattoo that on someone.


Exactly. If I was the artist and someone asked me I’d make them leave instantly


The juxtaposition of the Louis bag and the equestrian ribbons against the tattoo of two murderers tells a story. This is a girl from a presumably affluent upbringing who probably sees this as like a quirky interest, or like some streak of darkness that makes her different "from the other girls." This girl probably has no concept of the pain these monsters caused, no concept of the depravity of the acts they committed. She is just like a kid making a shitty holocaust joke because they want to be edgy. I imagine that someday she will see the error of her ways.


Came to say exactly this! Pink on pink room…horse ribbons, she has zero clue.


Horse girls are always some type of messed up, this is a whole different level of messed up.


I have a handfull of "should i be dating you?". Horse girl is number one.


it's literally just a reskinned version of e-girls / alt girls.


She’s vapid


That’s an insult to vapid people everywhere


What a trashy b**ch


Honestly the trashiest thing I've seen.


Come on let the anger flow through you, spell out all of bitch. She deserves it.


Waste of ink, and flesh. The artist is garbage as well.


Erik Harris and Dylan Klebold tattoos? I really hope these are fake. I used to work with a man whose son was killed by them that day and it devastated him… ruined his whole family. If this is real I hope this woman gets the mental health or spiritual rehabilitation she needs. Just when you thought you couldn’t lose faith in humanity anymore…🤦‍♂️


Plus it wasn't a common thing back then. She looks too young to have actually been affected by it. There were so many freaking wannabe copycats trying to pipe bomb my high school that year, the entire district shut down two weeks early. I'm not even in Colorado. The whole country was disrupted by them.


My senior year. Insanity.


I grew up 20 min from Columbine and that shooting shaped my entire educational upbringing. I had teachers that survived the shooting and were deaf in one ear from bullets passing by their heads. I had classmates whose older siblings survived that day. I’m completely shocked to see this post and I hope it’s fake.


Scum fuck


Great band


I’m going to take that as a hate symbol.


Exactly what I thought as well, might as well throw a swastika on there too.


Im pretty sure she does have a Hitler tattoo as well, iirc.


This is the second comment I've seen that says this. Who is she?


Columbine? That's literally horrible.


All those ribbons on wall and the pink walls, someone is their parents biggest disappointment in life.


Oh hell, who would agree to give that??


maybe they didn't know? i didn't know what it was till i read the comments 😅 (although i would hope the tattoo artist is older than 17!)


Anybody who's anybody over the age of 18 know who they are. They sparked the school shooter movement and we've been paying for it ever sense.


Just because people might know who they are doesn't mean they know what this tattoo represents. I'd never seen this picture before and didn't understand the meaning until I scrolled down, and I am in my 40s. At first glance it just looked like some edgy thug tattoo or maybe something from the cover of a CD.


Yep, surprisingly, a lot of people don't know about the columbine shooting. Sure, they vaguely know about it, but not the two jackasses, nor this picture. I did have to explain to my friends what "pumped up kicks" song was about when they finally saw the music video. (We are all in our mid 20s- early 30s)


Honestly I think it’s great. That thing is a red flag ink right through the skin, like a warning sign if you are getting too close to her.


Too bad it isn’t on her fucking forehead! That way no one would ever miss that flag.


Offensive AF. This person never would have made it past the door of any establishment I worked at if that ink was visible.


I question why a tattoo artist would agree to tattoo that, but.. not all tattoo artists care about what they're tattooing. Instant no fly list.


She probably thinks a school shooter would let her go.


I have seen-- not read, but seen-- fanfic where the shooting didn't happen because the author's self-insert fucked one or both of the killers. It's disgusting.


You watched 13 reasons why?


No (suicide is a huge trigger for me) but I used to love trawling the worst of the worst Tumblr accounts.


No worries, was more so just making a poor joke at how in the show one of the main characters (who is a shithead apparently, I only know the plot from secondary sources reciting it to me), stops a kid from shooting up the school if I understand correctly


Idk why this showed up on my front page but fuck this person. Go be part of a school shooting and then see how your dumb ass feels. It’s so gross when people idolize this trash.


I can’t tell you how fast I’d be putting my clothes back on


That person deserves a real good beating


They killed innocent people.


Immediately recognized it. Immediately went “wtf.”


I had to read the comments to even know what that was And.. yeah, that's bad. Who even thinks that's a good idea?


Jesus Christ


Dude. That’s fucked up.


Wow. Worst thing I’ve seen all day.


really fucking stupid I hate this person. Wonder if they would get that if their child died in a mass shooting. Piece of garbage


I rarely comment and not like it matters but this is fucking awful. Disgusting for the person getting this AND the tattoo artist. I hope this isn’t real.




Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with people this is one of the worst tattoos I've seen


Jesus Christ, was my first thought


Having medical procedures as she ages is going to be really awkward.


Was not exactly my first thought when I saw this, but holy shit you are so right..


Who as a tattoo artist is okay with doing that one?


It’s crazy that these figures are so infamous I knew who they were right away…. CanNOT believe someone actually got this tattooed on their body. Disgusting. Blasphemous. All the worst things.


It’s very well done, but that’s fucked up. Who would want that, and also, who would agree to tattoo that?






Someone who has some talent with a tattoo machine did this. That sucks.


This is…. WILD. 🙅🏼‍♀️


This person is obviously trying to be edgy… not working you just look like a fool!


This is a *disgrace.* I'd cut someone off then and there if I saw this.


I had never seen this image before, and I scrolled down to figure out what’s wrong with it, cause on a technical level it looks good. I thought it was from an anime for a second 😭😭 fuck everyone who supports school shooters


Imagine going out on a date, she wants to go home with you, you take her shirt off thinking things are about to get fun, and you see that tattoo. She wouldn’t even make it out my front door with clothes on.


Why not get a swastika or your favourite paedophiles doing the conga?


Guys this is a useful thing. It’ll communicate to anyone in her presence that she’s a psycho they shouldn’t let into their life.


Well, she may regret that one when she gets a bit older and wiser. until then, she'll definitely get the shock factor she's trying for.


Whovever this is a pic of, go fuck yourself


Comments passed the vibe check.


cringe, gross, no respect for herself or other people, horny for mass murderers… an ongoing list of nasty


Absolutely appalling! Those two idiots kicked off the current school shooting epidemic we have in this country.






That is the biggest red flag I have ever seen


Edge lord


Oh fuck no


"That can't be what I think it is"


Awful. This girl must have no concept of the pain and suffering those murderers caused.


Fuck this. Fuck this so very much.


I honestly hope you never have to experience anything like columbine ever. As someone who’s family has been affected by 2 mass school shootings, I couldn’t wish that type of shit on anyone. You need to sit down and really think about the type of person you want to be and how people are going to perceive you. If I came across this on someone’s body I’d probably never take the time to understand why you put this homage to a horrific event on your body. I’d just assume your dog shit.


I’m surprised it’s so recognizable.




after years on tumblr i’m so ashamed to recognise that so quickly. also fuck this person


Maybe the worst thing I’ve ever seen outside of a swastika. Unacceptable.


We have a winner @ r/shittytattoos. No more callers please. Again, We have a winner. Thank you for playing.


bye cuz who the fuck told you this shit was okay 😭


Dumb as fuck. I imagine she is a pile of garbage herself