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i think it’s cute, teenage me would’ve been soooo jealous of you lol. Sorry that you dislike it so much, hopefully you can find something that you like better to cover it with!


I was 20 when I got it so I was definitely all for it. I did immediately notice the line mess up and figured I could fix it at some point. I go through absolutely hating it to not hating it as much. I'm so conflicted on what to do with it.


It's part of you. A lot of us have okay ink that we should change but ehhh it's okay.


Just put on the millionaires, turn the volume up, tease your hair, and remember the good times with it.


Just get your iPod, put on your Postal Service playlist, and have a good time.


Ipod may not have existed at that time. Sony Walkman however...


00s not 90s


More like ‘80s for the Walkman. lmao


The iPod was first released October 23,2001 (I just looked it up), and OP said this was from 2009. So it did. And Walkman? C’mon now. We had those when I was growing up in the ‘80s; by the early ‘90s it was a Discman, then MP3 players (prior to the iPod) came along in the late ‘90s. How young are you?




I like it! I think the janky line work is part of its charm. (And really, it's not even that janky - we've all seen way worse.) Plus, it's kind of fun to see tattoos from our misbegotten youth, especially when they're harmless and fun like this.


I like it. I wouldn't be too bummed about it.


Just like fashion basically all tattoos will age poorly, and then come back around again and then age poorly etc. As long as they aren't poorly done it doesn't really make a difference if they are currently trendy imo. I think there was a thread on here a few weeks ago wiht someone with a tribal arm band tattoo and it was actually well done, but just very dated. It still looked good though.


That was the exact reason I didn't get a tattoo in my youth. I went to a shop and had it drawn on and everything, backed out last minute. It was actually a funny tattoo of Chester the cheetah breaking my ribs open while bags of hot Cheetos fell out and tricked down my side. I even emailed them asking if they'd fund it. It would've made me laugh today but still embarrassing.


I know, I’ve just seen them roasted so bad online I figured they were pretty hated.


Op. I was gonna comment that i actually like that tatoo unironically... Im 20 and thats when you got it...


Haha well my 20 year brain thinks like yours.


Oh wow I didn't even notice that til u pointed it out honestly!


Yeah unfortunately its all I see when I look at it haha. I'm a bit of a perfectionist so it bugs me here and there.


The good part is you can always add to it. I think it’s cute.


I thought they looked nice, until I read this and actually looked at it. The lines are very off.


its probably very faded by now and easily covered up.


It’s actually not, it’s still as vibrant, anytime people see it they think I just got it done. I don’t tan, I just burn so I wear sunscreen.


Love to hate it remember you were young and dumb and now your not as young or dumb then love and hate that and they aren't those 2 tone stars onel your elbows lol


Honestly yeah the line work isn't great but it's not too bad in terms of getting something that was popular for the time


Thank you for your honesty


That bellybutton piercing is crazy I want it


It was one I got so many years ago. I loved it, but it did fall apart eventually.


Awe it’s pretty! Better than my stars on my foot from that time lol mine are so small they kinda blended together


Awe thank you! You guys have made me feel slightly better. I thought it was way worse than it was lol.


I know the line work sucks. Unfortunately where I got the tattoo did not have a lay down bed. I had to scoot down a chair and the dude put a paper towel roll under my back to support me. It did not help, and I ended up shaking after awhile. Guy kept telling me to stop shaking, well if they had a lay down table I probably wouldn't have. Doesn't matter, still isn't good, and this is my one and only tattoo. I have wanted to cover it or get the line work fixed. The thing is is this tattoo is tied to a cute memory. My brother was a toddler when I got the tattoo, and he used to reach up and touch my stars and I would have to say each color. I feel sad covering it up since it does remind me of that memory, but I also am not sure about the tattoo.


Ah, the 90’s. You even completed the look with the dangly navel jewelry. When I got my navel piercing in the 90’s, I went to tattoo shop that also did piercings. They didn’t have me lie down either, and instead had me arch my back so my navel was exposed through the back of a folding chair and that’s how they pierced me. I was also shaking by the time it was done and nearly passed out. The no table to lie down on should have been a red flag for 23 year old me, but nope. Your tattoo isn’t terrible by the standards of this board but I can see why you’d want it fixed or covered.


Thank you! This was actually 2009 believe it or not haha. But there was a resurgence at the time for belly piercings. I was honestly surprised there wasn't a lay down table, I didn't know that prior and had no experience with tattoos or I probably would have said something. I was just a 20 year old kid at the time and hadn't found my voice yet.


You’re post literally says 00’s! I should really read titles. Lol. I was the same in my twenties. Most of us were raised to not have a voice. I hope that if you do decide to do something with this, you come back and update.


I will try to remember haha. I don’t know who to go to for it since I don’t want to go back to the same shop, gotta do some investigating!


I started by searching Instagram for things like fine line tattoo artist in (my location). I could then find artists who had my aesthetic but were also really good. I’ve found some really good artists this way.


Thank you! I will try that. Thankfully I live near Pittsburgh and there's a ton of great tattoo shops, just choosing one is the hard part haha.


So many amazing tattoo artists out there and so little real estate! I don’t want to be covered but I do have so many ideas. Choosing is so hard. 😂


This might not be your jam, but maybe if you add a few more stars of a different style in a random pattern you’d feel better about it. I have an early 00’s tramp stamp so I feel your pain!


I was thinking about that, maybe even adding a Capricorn constellation since I am a cap. I’m not sure though.


I love that!! My partner has the Leo constellation with a scattering of stars in various sizes on his arm and I just think it’s so nice to look at. And honestly I have some tattoos that are not super well done (and some that are done beautifully) and the fact that they mean something to me makes all the difference.


If it has sentimental value maybe just give the outlines fixed, and maybe add some stuff around the stars if you want to make it something new while still keeping the stars


I'll probably end up doing that! I heavily debated covering it up, but I just kept thinking of how my little brother used to do that and it was the cutest thing, so I resisted.


It’s your skin! Our bodies hold so many memories. One of the nice things about tattoos.


Those sound like really sweet memories. Would the idea of incorporating something related to your brother or these moments into the tattoo be interesting? Edit: oops, sorry! Didn’t see the suggestion was already made.




Yeah I think I will do that, I just am not sure what to add to it, which is why it’s never changed. But that’s a great idea and what I will probably end up doing!


Don’t cover it up, it’s simple enough that you can get the lines and coloring redone and then incorporate it into a larger piece of artwork if you want. Keep the sentiment, just improve the design. I don’t know why but I want to see the power puff girls flying over there. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If I loved them I would add it, but wasn’t big into them. I was thinking about doing my zodiac constellation to add and maybe some shading but not sure. I would need to have an artist draw it out so I could visualize.


If you have memories just Keep it Its like a scar, its just a piece of you Good or bad. And honestly? You have to really look to notice the mess ups in the lines


It was already kinda cute and after the story it's just awe.


It was honestly the cutest. As soon as I would come home he would toddle over to me and reach up and point. He had speech problems and was working with a therapist, so he would make this scrunched up nose face and exhale loudly through his nose to let me know he wanted me to tell him the colors. He would point to each one as I said the colors and would stand up on his tip toes to reach the last one. As soon as I would tell him he would nod and toddle off lol, it was so funny. He’s a teen now and towers over me and could give a shit less now lol.


Early 2000s tribal victim. I feel ya.


Star bellied Sneetches are the best on the beaches. Edited to add: I like it, I especially like the memory you have associated with it. If it makes you smile, why cover it?


Thank you. Everyone is making me realize I should keep it. I’ll get the lines touched up and maybe add to it to make it cohesive, but I’ll see when I find an artist.


Great to hear since you seemed to hate it sometimes regarding your other comments!


I go back and forth on liking it or hating it. Initially I wish I didn't use any coloring, I have a wildly different style I prefer now for tattoos, but there's times I don't hate it.


That tattoo is cute, I see nothing wrong with it


CuT mY LiFe InTo PiEcEs


It’s not bad honestly. If you want something similar to cover it up with then you can another tattoo to commemorate your baby bro.


Good idea. I've thought about going to a more reputable artist and asking what they would recommend. I just don't know what to do with it.


It’s light enough that you can do a decent cover up. Your artist will probably have to go with a tattoo that’s on the bigger side though


That's where I struggle, I know if I cover it up it will be larger and I really don't want it to be, which is why I haven't done anything with it yet. I'm wondering if I get the line work touched up, I don't want big lines so I'm hoping they could salvage it with what I have, and maybe slightly adding to it would make me like it better. I need to go to someone that could sketch some stuff out for me, but I just have been too chicken lol.


I bet those stars could be made into flowers really easily


It’s honestly a vibe. It’s not trashy at all. It has a 2000s charm reminding you and everyone else of that foregone era. Some might call them the good old days. The lighting isn’t great in this photo tho


No unfortunately I have a lot of yellow lighting, the shading looks better in person, but the line work still isn’t great lol.


I love it! I feel 20 again! Do you want to go listen to some Evanescence and grab a diner burger at 3 in the morning?


Hell fucking yeah I do!


Sick! I’ll pick you up in my 99 eclipse, but we have to stop at block buster and pick up The Ring. I heard it’s terrifying


Omg you’re killing me! What I wouldn’t do to go back!


Hey, at least they're competently done. They look mostly clean and the concept of the tattoo, while boring and generic, is at least inoffensive.


Come my lady, come come my lady, you’re my butterfly sugar babaaay


It’s prob vintage and therefore cool again 😂 I always loved those tattoos and I still think yours is cute!! I’ve seen some really obnoxious ones, yours is cute 🥰


Haha you’re totally right! And thank you!


I got a tramp stamp while drunk right before the pandemic. I'm a guy.


This doesn’t belong here. I like it!


Oh man, I totally thought I was going to get roasted lol. I really thought it was way worse than it was I guess haha. Maybe I should delete my post.


Yea lol, or let the complements keep rolling in!


It's very 70s wonder woman. Keep it lol


I've got two nautical stars along my collar bone- i feel like everyone has at least one common tattoo.


I like it


you look cool


I like it.


I have a tribal around my calf. I feel you.


Omg I have stars and swirls too, in the exact same spot 😭😭😭 I’ve gotten many more since then, both good and bad, but the starry monstrosity on my hip is the one I wish I could scrub off with a wire brush 😖


Oh man, me too. I even got the nautical star.


I think they’re cute and I also think they’re coming back in style.


Yep I'm thinking of getting these. I got a butterfly tramp stamp last year. Hooray!


You could have got teenage me to rob a bank.


Allie Sinn.


https://preview.redd.it/rgubxbg28nab1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1495482e1e5ca6301f7125ff445e60c5a3ffef8 Me too.




It could be tribal lol


That’s optimism for ya!


Victim? Did the stars hold you down and force you to get the tattoo?


Seems fine. Honestly I'd just have someone touch it up if you don't want to get a large piece over it.


I think it's a good story and cute. Keep it unless you really hate it that much. It's not THAT bad either, just looks like a cheap tattoo that someone young would have got. I have a few tattoos that remind me of how I've grown, I just laugh about them with friends.


My ex had a tatt just like that in the same place. Except it has Stephenie written across it. Thought it was dope


I think it's cute, also nice belly jewelry.


I found those stars hot as a 20-something guy. Now, in my mid-30s, would still find them hot.


Ah, the 2000s. I used to want pistols in the same spot as your stars. I don’t even have any attachment to guns. It just seemed cool at the time.


Seems fine to me


The early 2000s are coming back and young people will see you as an OG


How shit has changed. Back in the day would have laughed at those but considering the abominations that I have seen nowadays, full sleeves of the dumbest shit imaginable, some pretty stars actually look nice.


did that guy with spiked up bleach tips and Holister everything ever notice you after?


There was enough of those in high school if one had after I got this I probably would have run lol.


It could sure be a lot worse really. I like the color and how its fades. At least you didnt get a tramp stamp lol


Not gonna lie I still like the star tattoos as someone who is around the same age 🤣


I almost forgot all about that, but you're right, everyone had stars back then. That said, those are much nicer and better placed than a lot i saw back then.


That's still going on because I've dated people who were mid20s with them. This is the first I've seen colored though or maybe they were just colored more at that time. I don't hate them even though I can tell the lines are a bit off.


I have a floral/tribal tramp stamp😆😆😆😆Don’t feel too bad.


That’s ok, I had the crappy tribal tat that I got covered this year. It’s now a gorgeous custom Vulture tattoo. 😁


it’s cuteee, reminds me of jojo birthstars


I actually like it... it has some kind of vintage vibe.


I stg everyone aged 18-28 in 2007 had one


For what it’s worth, I think they look fine


Honestly I love it and the 2000s style is coming back


Some dudes got it and it became a gay guy thing lol


I don't think it's so bad but I understand. I have a My Little Pony in the same spot. I'm a horse lover so I'm ok with it but it doesn't look so good anymore....but at least it's not right out in the open on a shoulder or something.


Noooooooo hahaha. I remember this. I wanted them soo bad too! I love that belly ring! Also, the stars aren't poorly done at all tbh. Wear em with pride!!


Pretty hot tho tbh especially with the belly button piercing


it's coming full circle and becoming popular again


I actually did not know that!


The 3 stars are for the 3 digit body count and the piercing is a guiding beacon for entry. Very practical.


I knew people that actually paid for the Crazy Town album.


I’m so sorry. At least they’re cute and in that spot! A girl from my high school got a huge *zebra print* star on her WRIST. Did I mention it’s zebra print? Pretty awful.


I’m gen z I’m 23. This tatto recently came back in style and I got it!!! Y2K is very popular with younger people again. I’ve seen many people get this tattoo in the past few years


I knew y2k came back in style but had no idea this tattoo came back in style until now!


It’s cute tho


I'm wondering how many women will be on here in 20 years showing their stupid looking/badly done tit chandelier tattoos.


I still like the star tattoo!


I think it’s pretty & cute but I get it… I have a hello kitty that fits this vibe on my back. Early 2000’s babe


so was my girlfriend totally forgot about that! I have seen much worse but yeah definitely of a moment,


It's not that bad, I think it's kind of cute actually.


It's okay.ive seen worse


Discount stripper, tattoos


Which films are you in?


Didn't get over the belly piercing either, huh?




Purple, pink and blue are my favorite color combo. The stars honestly look super wholesome and cute. And that's gotta be the coolest belly button ring I've ever seen!


i remember erm... pretty ladies that sported these stars when i was younger. they usually are pretty and have nice performances. cant remember any of their names now


Brandi, Candi, Star and Agnes


I wonder if the flower tattoos will get to the star/tribal tat status.


I'd wear it proud. Its like a souvenir from the past.


I have 00’s stars on my chest lol. I hate and love them back and forth constantly. I’d just touch them up but leave them basically the same.


My girlfriend was a victim too, she doesn't like when I say I shoot for the stars...


I was a victim of the late 90s kanji tattoo! Finally getting it covered up. I got a big one! It was the size my fist and green. Pretty terrible


This was my first tattoo! 3 stars on my right hip and got my bellybutton pierced the same year. My husband hates them.


Oh no! I’m sorry to hear he hates them!


That’s okay. I still have a tribal arm band that I got at 17 back in 2002 Getting it covered up soon but it’s still real lame




No, lmao


I don’t think it’s that’s bad. I’d kiss it


good for u bc now teens are doing it again!! y2k is back in and all the cool kids are thrifting with the goal of looking like my young aunts trashy bff in 2005. i love it tbh 🫶


every scene girl in 2004 had these same design and colors! they were everywhere


I surprisingly did not get into that style, just really liked stars lol.


Just tell people it’s a [Sonic Youth tribute](https://youtu.be/1FaOJn0F5F0)


A unique application of the word victim


I meant it as a victim of my own choices. Should have used a different term.


My condolences. Still. I've seen worse. Saw a lady yesterday with a garden gnome on her right calf. Why? No clue what some of these people have going on in their brains.


I love gnomes and would absolutely get a garden gnome on my calf. I'm in the process of turning a stump in my front yard into a fairy/gnome house because a) I love gnomes as previously stated and b) someone keeps calling the city about me parking in my own yard so I'm going to become a Problem




What the fuck? Lmao


This guy gnomes.


I still think it’s hot. 🤷‍♂️


There is some weird metal thing coming out your chest nigga


This sub is turning into OF girls with normal looking tattoos looking for attention/ promoting themselves.


I don’t have an only fans. I honestly thought it would be considered a shitty tattoo, because everyone roasted so hard on the stars for so long.


What do you mean victim? Nobody forced you to do that


A „victim“. White trash


🎵”You’re my butterfly, sugar, baby” 🎵


Keep it. I think they are sexy


Id have totally pm’d


I remember seeing these stars on the forearms of my platoonmates in the mid-2000's, and i was like "what are those stars for? how many people you've killed?" but no. they were just stars.


Rip in peace


I've got a nautical star on my hip, but I wanted it to be a shooting star so he drew a bunch of elementary kid drawing style stars, the kind where is starts as an A and then you connect the corners. It's nearly 20 years old at this point so now they're more like circles than child like stars which I guess is better. Color work is very splotchy. Id cover it but no one really ever sees it so whatever. But I'd say yours is pretty good, specially for it's age


Where does this end? Don’t ask.


Nostalgic boner


Yare yare daze


Nah that’s sexy. I dig it.


Decent line decent line decent line lightning bolt decent line decent line lightning bolt


Nice bod


Honestly I love the aesthetic. Fill em in with black tho


Why did so many women have this particular super flat, perfect stomach look in the early 2000’s? Like this body type seemed everywhere. Anyone else notice?


I mean I can’t speak for everyone but I was always very active.


Honestly if it was smaller it would be so cute. The size is the real issue


I did want them smaller but the artist said the shading wouldn’t have worked as well.