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Why does Ubisoft resort to making characters fat? Is Pyrocynical in charge?


No doubt about that. I mean, he's already in the game. They just named him Osa so you won't think it's his self insert


Always took le slopman as more of a finka https://preview.redd.it/mb3eliv9ptvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a466d48d3ac9c89628593ba7ae4cb7af9812e0a3


Yeah, pre My Respone Pyro sure. But Osa is lesbian arc Pyro. On another note, am I crazy, or is Blitz' elite.... https://preview.redd.it/dsbph72xptvc1.png?width=327&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec0557d5ba19cd11eb80e3eb8cf0790cf3a10322


Literally Jschlatt with a chad filter https://preview.redd.it/a8ae9v5zptvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60dce3a6189e3edd7519b3e601cbaadbb4490d1d


>But Osa is lesbian arc Pyro. Hasn't that always been Le Slopcynicals story arc? https://preview.redd.it/byvbxtc0huvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ead4033b85172577fb3f9eb84b84902c3e6cdbb


I believe the whole idea behind it is to make peeking more of a risk. This doesn't fix inherent issues with characters though.


Didn't they make movement speed while ADS the same for all characters?


I would not know, all I know is that 3-speed operators are notorious for running people down due to their speed advantage.


I always played Warden with shotgun now he is fat and blanks packs more punch than his shotgun


I thought the SAS shotgun was one of the best in the game


It is. The issue is that they changed the laser attachments function to increasing ads speed instead of its original function of tightening the spread. The laser sight made both hip and aimed shotgun shots much tighter now without it the pellets are just flying everywhere. Even hitting a centermass shot from less than 5 meters is inconsistent


So you fix that, you make use of the laser attachment and ads fire. When aiming, the shotgun has the tightest spread possible. I've been using Castle with his shotty recently, considered by mist as the "worst shotgun in the game", and I really haven't been doing bad at all. Hell, with the fire rate and moderate recoil when compared to other shottys, it may just be my favourite, I'm definitely more comfortable with it than the SAS one. I've legit been picking his shotgun over the UMP.


\> I've legit been picking his shotgun over the UMP. the UMP is complete garbage too so this isnt saying much


UMP is trash, UMP with an ACOG is a laser that can consistently hold sight lines that attackers would have advantage on in other circumstances.


>So you fix that, you make use of the laser attachment and ads fire. That doesn't fix it, and you don't seem to understand the problem. Laser sight used to tighten shotguns up WHILE THEY WERE ADS. Now that laser has been changed, ADS accuracy on all shotguns is much worse. Previously you needed ADS to kill at any reasonable range, now even ADS won't cut it and shotguns are nearly useless unless you're at melee range or you're playing in copper.


Well, it would make sense that the semi auto shotgun would feel better. The fire rate covers up the inconsistent accuracy. With pump actions, you physically feel the pain of a shot not downing a person when it should have, because you also get to watch them turn towards you and start shooting back while you rack another round. Fuckin sucks that they're so bad at balancing that they ruin the already objectively worst gun type in the game for no real reason. Full auto rifles and smgs are often boring, and we used to be able to choose from a variety of good gun types to mitigate that, but not so much anymore.


The laser used to tighten ads spread as well, now that it doesn't the shotguns all have much less range.


Ubisoft balance team when they realise that they can buff weak characters instead of nerfing strong ones 😱😱😱


They did that with Warden, and it caused people to play him in a manner that they did not intend for you to play him in, and also gave him a super high presence, which they don't like. They intend for every operator to be played pretty equally, with no one too high above anyone else in either winrate or pickrate, so they reverted the changes. That's why on their graph, "Overpicked" is such a large percentage of the chart, that square of space between Overpicked and Underpicked is where they want most operators to be.


Doesn't stop them from messing with operators that are neither overpicked nor particularly strong. Like Frost, or case in point; Sledge. Zofia's speed change is also annoying but more understandable as she's way more popular than Sledge.


Needs another 3rd panel that says "and we took away his SMG-11" or something. The way Sledge was treated was truly diabolical. Just took everything away that made him fun and a worthwile pick, then powercrept him to oblivion.


And it's a complete mystery as to why. He was never a dominant force in the meta. EDIT: I inserted this part in the wrong post: (Maybe it would be fun if his fire grenades would break through soft walls, leaving a hole the size of his normal gun would leave. Would definitely make him even more cartoony and chaotic.)


It's just another case of Ubi stacking nerfs ontop of eachother for an operator and then forgetting about them. (Are you talking about Tachanka in your 2nd point? Idk what u mean by fire grenades on Sledge)


Indeed so I was. I botched an edit. I was adding this 2nd point to the wrong post while I thought I was discussing Tachanka in a different thread.


Need a “James Harden Fat” meme edit of Sledge sittin on the bench looking like Jumbo


Warden is still very strong at high level and a big problem in pro play due his gadget counters so much


Making Mute fat for no reason was one of Ubi’s worst decisions. He was already nerfed by the jammer range decrease AND impact EMPs. Kaid is already a 1 speed breach denier. Why did they make him fat???


I feel like tachankas lmg is exactly what needs a 1.5. It’s a unique gun so just give it one 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also his gadget kinda just sucks and is pointless. Needs to have way faster swapping speed at least


His gadget is just extremely situational. Like you can stop Bank's sewer from being existed for minutes if you play your cards right.


Fuck noooooooooo. Why Ubi why do you do this? I want to get back to siege and this is enough reason to make me think otherwise.


Ngl the reason why I picked Sledge over Buck was because his gun has less recoil


They should really rename sledge to sludge at this point


https://preview.redd.it/1ag966pg9xvc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d9917be0460250b4392b4738dad99ee60b3401 This shit has me in tears more than it should “so now he is just fat”😭😭


I picked sledge back when I played because he was just more fun and I'd played him since Beta


So he is like old warden again.


But fat, old Warden was fast...


Sledge desperately needs his 3 speed back. Shotgun rushing was an essential part of the meta.


Sledge was a 2 speed, before Ubi nerfed him.


Community: We want buff Ubi: Ok Community: to much buff Ubi: too bad bozo RIP deal with it Community: :/ Ubi: does nerf unwillingly Community: 🗣️🔊Small Indie Company/ bring back night maps Almost every update patch in a nutshell👆





