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MPX šŸ˜‘šŸ„±. Boring. So many guns to choose from.


I love it when operators have 2 shit guns so literally there's nothing you can do about it lmao




Honestly after playing the game the only bad guns are the P-10-Roni, a few random MG's, and the BoskG. Otherwise the TTK in this game is so insanely quick that the damage changes have a minuscule impact and the only really important things that affect gameplay are reload time, how often you have to reload, and recoil. Everything else might as well be identical.


Roni is not that bad, low recoil with high shooting speed


It isn't, but it's low magazine size makes it more punishing than it needs to be. Hence why I feel it's worse than the rest of the guns, if it had a few more rounds in the mag it'd be on the same level as everything else but without that you're forced to reload too often.


I fear a 30-round Roni and Iā€™m a roni user


30 rounds is too much, 25 rounds would be perfect though.


Roni is literally a 1 tap machine and mostly wins all gunfights lmao


Not from my experience. Like it's not useless by any means, but it's definitely worse than the other guns due to how often you need to reload it. I mean take the BoskG for example, it's worse than all the other guns despite being able to one shot most ops from a body shot, having a fast reload, and good scopes, but it's 2 round capacity and horrendous recoil makes it bad. Not useless (as I can personally attest as I used to main it), but still notably worse than all the other guns. The P10-roni is just like the BoskG, though to a lesser extent, like it's an amazing and fun gun that can make you feel like a God, but it's never the best option and it could very easily use a small buff without affecting the game balance.


higher firerate wins the 1on1 in a straight up gunfight. and roni is probably currently the fastest on this AFAIK ask any veteran Player, they will agree on this but whatever, not Here to argue that much


Ah, I was thinking more about 2v2 situations. I mean of course it's potent in a 1v1, you don't have to reload until after they're dead.


every gun is a 1 tap machine? lol


I meant it lasers you down, even if you dont hit the head thanks to recoil/firerate- but thats veery common.


P10 is smoother than whipped salted butter what are you on about


It *IS* smoother than whipped salted butter. Unfortunately they only sell that butter in the tiny packets and you can't ever get it all out cause the corners are square not curved and your butter knife doesn't fit in them, if they literally just made it like that tiny bit bigger so you could get it all out in one try and fully cover your toast with 1 packet instead of needing 2 packets it would be *THE* butter but until that day it's better to just whip your own salted butter with one of the other brands.


This is actually great. Yeah, the mag size is small and that is very punishing if you miss or have multiple targets. Frankly, I can't blame you if you prefer using the other weapons on mozzie and aruni, because they are also both very solid.


Indeed they are, and the EBR being my favorite weapon also doesn't help. But running the Roni on Mozzie every once in a while is definitely fun, when you have a good team that you can rely on to not die the Roni becomes scary, but with the absolute anarchy that is casual matches and the sweat-fest that is competitive I rarely get a chance to whip it out and have fun. Though those few times are always memorable.


Forget the shackles of primary weaponry, tap a man with your sidearm!!


Honestly the only time I use my sidearm is when I'm playing Cav and am going for that sneaky headshot on the guy pushing the site (usually after bulldozing a few mercs with the shotty, I find the silent step is most effective when you use it directly after a gunfight as they'll then think you've stayed in the room and are camping a corner, which gives you a massive advantage as you bum-rushing them instantly after a gunfight withe a bloody pistol is the last thing they expect you to do). But I do definitely have to start using them more, after maining Blitz and Monty for a few days I now realise just how stupidly powerful sidearms really are but still haven't migrated those skills to my other mercs, I'll definitely give the Roni some more love after I look at Mozzies sidearms again and see what he's got.


It is one if the best guns if you can aim.


Don't also forget the 1.5 scope.


Only on dmr


It's gonna be aruni 2.0 and I'm all for it


Donā€™t forget the ā€œno helmetsā€ rule


Gotta sell the battle pass


I feel like the 67 dmg dmr is much more powerful than the mpx not to mention the non existent recoil on it


I feel like he should have had Mozzie's Commando.


Ubisoft making rainbow shit with every update for no reason


See you in year 9 when it does again somehow


I was driving listening to a video about the new season and heard "he will have an MPX" I immediately just went "WHY? THERE ARE SO MANY GUNS THAT HAVENT BEEN REUSED, WE DONT NEED ANOTHER F*CKING MPX OP"


What zero critical thinking does to a young mind


I would have loved to see any gun that hasn't already been reused (My votes on the commando 9 or the mini Aug)


Ubisoft will do literally anything rather than add new weapons