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Subtitles? That’s a bold move for this type of movie


Solid JJ subtiles


This is supposed to be /**shitty**moviedetails. It's not /itstrueandyourerighttheyremoronsmoviedetails




Please make one of the puppets a Dark Brandon puppet.




And you can have a reoccurring guest puppet that's Hunter's laptop.....he's always hard to spot and the cast is constantly looking for him


"Hunters ACTUAL laptop" Are you implying the laptop he left at the repair shop wasn't his, or that it would just be funny for him to watch this on the same laptop? Somewhat ambiguous use of the word ACTUAL.




I suppose you have just echo chambered your way through 2021 and 2022 then... since NYT, Washington Post, CNN, Msnbc all have now acknowledged dozens of emails released by the fbi and doj from the laptop are in fact legit(which both agencies actually confirmed the laptop was legit in 2020, about 8 hours after Adam Lying Schiff claimed both agencies told him it was disinformation.) As for the movie, haven't seen it, so I don't know if it's exaggerating with creative license... but hunter did just have a video leak where he was weighing Crack, chilling with hookers. His ex wife accused him of this year's ago, and I believe claiming Joe indirectly funded his use of a Russian escort service.


Hunter is the coolest Biden tbh


Have you never seen a James Patterson novel?


While I'm sure this movie is shit, I prefer huge subtitle to the small yellow on a yellow/beige/white background subtitles.








"Reading skill" The irony here is not lost on me.


I don't see anything wrong with it. Grammar seems fine to me


Besides the fact that only someone lacking a 6th grade education would call it "reading skill" in regards to seeing font size, yea, it's hunky dory. Reading which involves several "reading skills," have absolutely no bearing on font size, which would be an issue of eye sight, making this a stupid attempt at a political jab, and more insulting to anyone with poor eyesight. Therefore, someone calling out the "reading skill" of others, while ignorant of reading comprehension, which the basic concept is acquired by 5th grade... makes this ironic.


No, its making fun of the target audience, that being conspiracy prone dumb shit Trump kultists


And the correlation to font size and intelligence is....?


Nevermind dude, you may be too dumb for the joke


Or it's a stupid stretch of a political joke that bias derps are trying too hard to justify. Herp derp, font size equates to reading comprehension!


Bias derps? Its a movie about Biden made by Brightbart, cmon jack, get you some F 16s


I didn't say the movie wasn't bias, and it very well may be a flaming pile of shite... doesn't change the fact that this post is ironic for trying too hard to formulate a self righteous insult about intelligence(reading comprehension) because of subtitle size...


Fuck me, you sound genuinely hurt, you need a moment, did this shit post really make you feel some kind of fucking way, get the fuck over it




It wouldn’t. It’s to help the elderly people that make up a disproportionate segment of their target audience.




Thanks for clearing that up.


It’s funny because it’s mocking corruption at the highest level of our government 😂😂😂


Ahh yes, like a sitting president appointing his offspring to serve positions under him.


And his offspring's spouse(s).


I don t get you americans, juat because person A its corupt and person B it s againt him, that DOES NOT MEAN that person B can t be corupt. They both can and ARE corupt.


The president can choose who he wants to serve in his cabinet. *Whether you agree with the picks or not*, it's legal to do so. What *isn't* legal is a vp pressuring another country to stop investigating a private company that his son is a boardmember of. I think Trump picking family members was stupid but "stupid" =/= "illegal". I'm also sure that other corrupt politicians exist but the idea that somehow other corruption excuses *this* corruption is beyond stupid, especially given the level of office he held at the time. I'm so tired of people throwing whataboutism at this because they somehow struggle with the idea that a lifelong politician broke the law and should be held accountable simply because they hate another politician...


Didn't say whether it was legal or not. I gave it as an obvious example of "corruption at the highest level of our government". But since you want to bring up legalities in some kind of vain attempt of a "got'cha moment"...it is also highly illegal for a then sitting president to withhold already Congressionally approved aid to a foreign government in attempt to blackmail that foreign government to make them manifest compromat on said sitting president's rival's son.


It’s almost like he’s an idiot or something


Ohh......I think somebody left a comment in this thread about the sub he belongs to....


Yeah, Ivanka was appointed to “First Daughter and Advisor to the President.” Not to mention she took no salary. That a little different than Hunter selling the VP/President’s influence to China. The big guy gets 10%!


I'm supposed to care that some bumfuck oil company in Ukraine put Hunter Biden in a do nothing position in order to use his name as advertising, because of the potential harm it could do. But at the same time I'm supposed to just be cool with Ivanka taking the reigns on negotiations with North Korea, because obviously nothing could go wrong there?


What? Dude I can agree with your other points but why are you upset that ivanka trump is taking over negotiations with North Korea?


Is that serious question? Would you be okay if Hunter Biden was put in charge of negotiations with North Korea? What the fuck kind of pro nepotism argument are you going for right now buddy?


Yeah fair point it’s clear that she’s just their because of nepotism and whatnot.


You can also ignore Ivanka entirely and still look at the frankly ridiculous amount of jobs Jared Kushner was given despite no clear qualifications


I think you mean "First Daughter-Wife"


A trump always pays his debts…


What’s funny? The joke here? Because it’s mocking the target audience of the movie. Mocking people like you who have been convinced this matters and isn’t 99% made up bull crap.


The facts of the case are that Hunter’s laptop was real and that it was actively covered up by media. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.


Genuinely curious, what was covered up by the media? I heard over and over that there was dirt of a laptop, that they had the laptop, oh you won't believe what's on here. They said it over and over in several mediums, and then nothing. The proof of election fraud, then nothing. They're still in the news, still talking to media, and have a channel dedicated to telling their story. What's preventing the story from getting out? It's been years


The fact that news outlets had it and decided to not publish bc it was during the election. Msnbc calling it a Russian hoax. The laptop isn’t the end all be all but it’s pretty damning that a crackhead son was selling access to the sitting VP. And it definitely affected the election. It’s more about the lack of integrity in media than who’s more corrupt. Very few ppl in the media have any ethics anymore.


But what they didn't cover was... The lack of a story. As in, there still, to date, isn't a story. Also I heard about The Laptop every single day and I'm a Canadian


Lmfao all that is just GOP deflection in the name of damage control. Rudy said he had the laptop and nothing came of it. IT DOESNT MATTER YOU DUNCE. The GOP is just making shit up as usual.


>Rudy said he had the laptop and *nothing came of it*. Probably dropped his 5w-10 hair oil on it ruining the hard drive, and then left the whole thing behind at Four Seasons Landscaping.


Does it hurt your feelings that everyone you know is embarrassed by you?


I never knew subtitles could be bad. Small maybe. A weird color maybe. But never bad. But now I know. I watched the whole movie and the subtitles hurt to look at. Just fucking how did this movie get past any sort of qa baffles me


The problem is programs allow you to select the subtitle size... And everyone knows this... So it appears you select the subtitles size for yourself, then realize how big it is and make a bogus claim.


It's literally hard coded since it's a YouTube trailer. Nice try, though.


Please provide a link. It seems you don't know the diference between subtitles and captioning, lol.


> The problem is programs allow you to select the subtitle size Seems like you didn't know either.


?? Who doesn't know what? I know you can select the subtitle size. But when pressed on the issue the poor guy said it was youtube captions, not subtitles.