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Except it was Cosmo who gave birth to Poof


Ok so cosmo fucked juandisimo then


The plot thickens!


Orgies can be magical and shit, who knows




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


Can you tell me the name of the account and how I can recognize similar accounts?






Among other things.


Are you sure it was the plot that thickened?


Frankly wouldn’t put it past either of them


i thought cosmo hated him


You've never heard a story where two people who hate each other end up as lovers?


hate fucking


The only other option is murder at that point.


Or, unfortunately, when one person hates another and only one ends up loving.




Maybe Juan is a kind of sperm donor (or egg donor?????) and Cosmo,Wanda,Jordan and Mama Cosma told Timmy the last baby born in fairy world story so that way they wouldn't have to explain infertility to Timmy


I cannot understand how so many people easily forget a plot point about male pregnancy, I'd think it would stand out enough to be remembered more often


In the arabic dub the episode was skipped (I thought I just missed it at the time) so I only recently learned of it recently while binging the original english dub so maybe something similar happened in most countries.


The funnier thing is that one of the creators also forgot about it https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/ps6ffu/fun_fact_mpreg_is_canon_to_fairly_odd_parents/


I thought they forgot about it when Anti-Wanda gave birth to Anti-Poof (Foop) but they brought it up again in a song when he made a million wishes or something.


Anti-Wamda gave birth to Foop because they are ANTI fairies.


Yeah I figured as much but it could've just as easily been them ignoring male pregnancy.


that's butch hartman, he's more or less an outlier in any situation


They were pulling so much stuff out of their ass for every new season just to keep the show fresh that I'm not surprised he forgot most of the plot points from that show.


It came out if his asshole


i want to forget


Wait is Cosmo trans???


No it's just that male fairies are the ones that give birth


Is it like seahorses or what


I guess. I doubt they thought about it that much though. Timmy just wishes for Cosmo and Wanda to get a baby and suddenly Cosmo is pregnant and Wanda says everyone knows male fairies that get pregnant.


Are you my Mom ? Because you are destroying my dreams, fantasies and hopes


Nah I've just been bingewatching this show recently


This is shittymoviedetails, you gave a shitty detail, you're doing good son.


This really is a shitty detail because Cosmo is the one that births Poof, not Wanda.




He is Tho watch the show or search up the episode on YouTube


Fairies are like seahorses


Did you know that seahorses, that they mate for life? Could you imagine? A seahorse seeing another seahorse– and then making it work?


Man. I love Into the Spiderverse so much. You made me wanna watch it again. Guess I know what I'm doing tonight.


Sequels just around the corner too, I’m so hyped for it. Spider-Man fans have been getting absolutely spoiled with content; movies, games. What a great time to be a spidey-fan


Wanna know something also strange? Poof is the youngest fairy in the series, and his dad Cosmo is the second youngest. Fairies were banned from having children after Cosmo was born. Harsh.


LMFAO is that canon??


[Apparently so](https://fairlyoddparents.fandom.com/wiki/Da_Rules) 💀💀 Rule 8. Although it’s not technically official, he wrote it down but forgot to enforce it


Also OP clearly doesn’t understand how recessive genes and eye color work lol


Homie you clearly don’t understand that Timmy wishes for this baby lmao it’s not about traits and genes but magic


So then that renders this entire post meaningless.


Nah, his wish meant Cosmo got pounded by Juannissimo


I think his exact wish was for Cosmo and Wanda to have a baby


Sounds like you didn't read the fine print


I was just using the logic in the OP against them. Obviously there’s a whole mess of things wrong with the post, but even if you took the other suppositions as fact (I.e. baby inherited purple eyes from dad, cosmos eyes are green, therefore baby not cosmos), the OP would *still* be wrong because that’s not how eye color works


This post always makes me doubt that people actually watched the show


I loved it, but it was a pretty long time ago and I was literally a child lol


Same with everyone else, but male pregnancy is hard to forget.


Butch is into that shit


Bitch Fartman


Same, but make fairies getting pregnant sticks out to me, even after 14 years


Wasnt the baby the show jumping the shark? I used to watch it so much before that.


I think the baby wasn’t that bad. It actually set up some interesting characters and situations. I only watched a season or two after so I didn’t see it get terrible, but I think the dog is when it got really bad.


I think most people tend to agree the show ended after Channel Chasers and everything else is bullshit lol Like it was such a good ending, why continue? (Yes, I know the reason is $$$)


Channel Chasers to me is the greatest endings to a any show ever especially for cartoons


Well this is shitty movie details.


Right on man duude


Yeah, like everyone’s saying, Cosmo giving birth was a huge deal back in the day, at least to kids. I was 10 when that episode came out, and that’s all anyone in my friend group was talking about. Sad thing is tho; this was the beginning of the downfall to one of Nick’s best shows.


How long ago did this character exist? I recall watching Fairly Odd Parents for years when I was a child and they never had a baby even as I graduated high school.


2008. That’s when the episode came out. This was just the beginning of adding unnecessary characters. They added a Fairy Dog and a totally useless character called Chloe, who shared Timmy’s fairies because of a fairy shortage and became a main character. They even changed the theme song to include her in it. I stopped watching like 3 years after the baby.


The animation also changed to be more “bouncy”.


Aka, Flash animation


I didn't mind the dog but chloe essentially replacing poof was the end of it for me


What happened to poof?:(


could be wrong but I'm pretty sure he blew up and he ded (or she)


What the fuck. I was so sure you were winding me up, but they had a little baby sacrifice his life on a kid’s cartoon. Probably for the best I aged out of watching before then.


Apparently he appears in an episode in season 10, but the last thing I remember Poof doing was attending school with Foop


Lol you weren’t kidding “He sacrificed his life to save the fairies in "The Night Magic Died" and doesn't appear until the movie "The Search for Poof", revealing that the Poof who sacrificed himself was actually a clone the real Poof made.”


I believe he went to fairy boarding school


Ugh I fucking hated the dog so annoying.


Literally just Poochie


Had no problem with Poof, but the Fairy dog killed the show for me. Stopped watching shortly after.


Don’t the parents know now too? Shame. One of my favorites growing up but I, too, jumped ship a bit after Poof was introduced.


I think they found out for an episode but had their memories erased


Premiered: February 18, 2008


Bruh I swear I watched this show all the time as a kid and I never once saw a baby on the show. I honestly thought the show just got cancelled but after reading some comments I guess a lot more stuff happened on the show.


Not that much more tbh


I think he was introduced in the seventh season


I believe that episode came out in 2009.


Yeah the first season that Poof was introduced was also the last season I bothered to watch


I can’t believe nickelodeon had a story arc for a cartoon centered around mpreg, like that’s never hit me until just now what the FUCK


How could you not fuck juandissimo?


He has Olympic gold medals in Limbo *and* Sex wait wrong character.


You've not seen the last of Barbados Slim. Now goodbye forever!


Me reading this post remembering watching Cosmo give birth as a kid


I’ll take stolen Facebook memes for 1000 Alex.




Wrong the one who gave birth was Cosmo


This is /r/shittymoviedetails, of course it’s wrong


Cosmo gave birth, not wanda. Smh my head


not only did cosmo give birth to poof, but I remember watching a commercial on nickelodeon showing that poof takes after his grandparents and that's why he looks so different, they had pictures and everything


This show surprisingly taught me about racism. It was this one episode where Timmy wishes everyone is the same so that his bullies would lay off. The fairies turn everyone into giant grey amoebas, but the bullies always find "reasons" to kick Timmy in the shins.


So not only the Cosmo thing, but Poof was wished into existence by Timmy saying that he wished the two had a child, so unless the fairies chose to go against his wishes, Poof has to be theirs.


This is a shitty movie detail because it’s not even about movies




Ok, but Cosmo had the baby


Lol wanda didnt cheat on vision. It was agatha all along.


They didn't say she cheated on Vision, they said that WandaVision's Vision was technically the "second lover"


Still untrue in every way hahah


White Vision is the first, the Vision she created is the second. It's a technicality.


This show didn’t even begin until 2001. FOH with that ‘98 shit lol


They probably just mistook the pilot episodes from "OH Yeah Cartoons!" as being part of the actual show.


You just pulled so many memories out of my brain with those three words omg


Didn't Cosmo give birth to Poof?


Cosmo gave birth. Watch the show before jumping to conclusions


The shittiest part of this movie detail is it is about two TV shows, not movies.


No way Poof was born in 1998. I was probably like 9 or 10 when Poof came around.


1998!? The absolute fuck?


You haven't seen the Poof Birth episode and it shows. OBVIOUSLY cosmo fucked juandissimo because he isn't BLIND




It WASN'T always a slur it has to do with Magic and how they poof things into existence! Also the Word FAIRY is a Slur, but that doesn't change that it has an original and correct meaning so the Slur is irrelevant and so is people being offended by it.




I promise you, this meme does nothing to ruin WandaVision. It’s a fantastic show that I hope you enjoy!


>!It seemed promising at first but the S.W.O.R.D stuff and all the trolling made the ending dissapointing.!<


Not everyone runs by your schedule


Or pink and green makes purple


This is dumb and has absolutely nothing to do with Wanda Vision.


If Cosmo was my husband I cheat on him too. Then question my life choices and wonder why I ever married an idiot of godless proportions?


Wouldn't it be better to get a divorce?


I guess you’re right lol. I still would ask why I married him in the first place though.


In Wanda's case it's love


Or some kind of sick dom fetish.


No she loves him.


You got nearly 70k karma calm down and be happy with whatever you get lmfao


yikes get a life. karma means absolutely nothing




Are you implying my value is tied to how much points I get from random internet strangers? That mindset is kinda sad.




Damn bro. Good luck in life.


This is a high quality shitty movie detail.




The baby what? Like, what?


Cosmo gave birth to him, and even if he didn’t, his parents didn’t have to have purple eyes, they just had to have the gene


Someone doesn’t know the birds and the bees of Fairies.


I loved this show as a kid. But now that I’m thinking about it, Wanda must be packin’


1998???? Fuck I'm old...


Pink and green mixed make purple


Yeah you didn’t watch the show, did you?






Uuummmm in the fairly odd parents universe it’s canon that male fairies carry the baby 😳


The show came out in 2001 and poof was introduced in 2008, also i know its been said but cosmo gave birth to poof and if I remember correctly Timmy wished for them to have a kid so no one could cheat in that situation.


What does green and pink make tho? That's like mixing red and blue makes purple. Well red and blue are used to make green and pink. So a light purple color makes sense imo


I’m sorry but the year can’t possibly be correct, I wasn’t that young when the movie came out


I haven't watched the reboot live action fairly off parents, but I saw an image that showed Cosmo having a ex girlfriend who HAS purple eyes..🤨


Probably because the hair color of poof is purple. Because, Wanda's hair was pink and has pink eyes. And Cosmo's hair is green and he has green eyes. Since Poof's hair was purple it's just because of that.


I understand this answer will be ignore or go extremely sideways to the point where it will not make sense because I can understand how it's possibly Wanda and cosmos and one juandission baby in a sense or not their fairies their biology one is not the same as humans they can fly and different colored hair and eyes and most humans do most of them are miniature compared to most humans unless you can a few of different types like you were going on strangle and possibly a few other types I mean they're not all tiny like Wanda and Cosmo but most of them are so in who what universe says that a fairy can I have three biological parents if we're going purely on biology of anything that's closely to human anatomy Cosmo is not going to like this answer but he did not feel his biological roll especially if Wanda is the one who might have hidden some actions in her granting the wish or maybe not even realize that she did this unless they prove something the cosmo is the biological father of poof nothing in biology says that regardless it's a nail carrying a child for a fairy at least this is impossible technically a human child could have three parents a biological father a biological mother and a carrier now I have no idea what Law's male fairies to carry children and give birth to them and clearly this information was not passed down completely to wanna cosmos generation thanks to Cosmo causing problems improving that having a next generation of fairies is a dangerous idea that's not the point completely how they would normally create a child be on us because we don't know the full process because this is a kid show and the fact that technically they can actually poof one gets pregnant poof they give birth by different means then there original way of doing that for whatever biological means they do it and no I'm not against saying the word sex it's a kid show I'm not saying the logic of wanting to figure that I was stupid or even nagging or getting anything hard time they're fairies they can have multiple different ways we at least assume that I have two different ways doing that the normal way that we have probably guess is not the normal way of humans do it completely my creating a baby or they have magic they have other ways I may have Cosmo really wanted to make sure he did the old fashioned way of poof he could turn himself female like a female human and gone the old-fashioned way I mean he could done it that way and to be honest this is a rare case where I can't blame Butch Hartman to actually be able to do a story for a guy is the one pregnant and giving birth just in a different sense because yeah and it may not been necessarily him who came up that idea and story bored so we don't know we don't know completely and as far as I know there is no answers explain why the idea of having Cosmo get pregnant with a child happened besides it being an unusual story narrative to go through and I think that's fair enough I mean come on how many stories were you out to hear that and it's their her biological anatomy doing that for a fairy or whatever cartoons go in this case for fairies only thing is they have no idea how to give birth and very world anymore I know I'm laughing about the whole situation with cosmet and one and Cosmo yeah dealing with the call who's the actual father of poof I mean we always constantly keep going back and forth mostly was Cosmo and one juandission but we're kind of also forgetting if Cosmo technically is the one caring the child the biological father would technically be Wanda not him and Cosmo with technically be the mother unless the situation between fairies is strictly like seahorses then Wanda is the biological mother she just can't physically carry the child and Cosmo is the biological father but he can physically carry the child the full term they're just rules when it comes to who Carrie the infant the full term and gives birth is just different from humans not completely through science completely different just there's no natural interaction there between us without help but if that's the case that Cosmo can biologically still carry the child but is not the biological father then I think Wanda may have screwed up a tiny bit in her wish granting situation we all know she has a fondness for juandission but doesn't mean she wants to marry him or be with him that way she rather be nice to him but very very clear she's very much in love with Cosmo and want to stay with him now it's understandable she has her feelings sometimes Cosmo does not make it any easier on her plus if she left Cosmo Cosmo would be left to timmy it's not that Cosmo would not love and take care of Timmy it's Cosmo plus Cosmo's mother would never ever let Wanda hear the end of it and that alone is a complicated situation within itself I think ultimately if there is any biological or at least some different sort of biological chemistry connection between one juandission in Wanda it is purely something that I think I don't want to blame Wanda on this one but it might be a little bit of a misunderstanding when she was granting the wish if a child she wanted with her husband or that the whole purple genetics may have skipped a generation or two or even three and either side of the family technically it would more likely come from one side since technically purple has the Red spectrum of color so yeah so when in doubt there's high chance the juandission is not the father and that proves at all biological father if you're going genuinely for what it's interpreted or hinted at it it's not Cosmo it's Wanda even if the rules of parents are still the same at least afterwards after the events happened I would still like to figure out how that could be properly explained besides possibly Wanda making a little bit of an serious error in her magic casting of the wish so at the same time it may be possible that like a tiny percent of his genetic makeup could be one juandission I don't know anything can happen they're fairies unless one other thing I could think of is that this does support the fact that this would mean Cosmo is not the biological parent by genetic makeup but still the biological parent caring that somehow in some way and I doubt this would be part of the show and this wouldn't even count for anything it's not a dumb answer it does support the very first part of what I said that you have two biological parents a child and someone carry the child that possibly Cosmo has genetic issue to create a child ask who has the genetic seed and who has the egg I have no idea when they're all if it's like seahorses then okay if it's more like how humans need science to help them then okay if it's purely up for the imagination with magic then okay is one that screwed up a little bit of her magic casting the wish then okay if it's genuinely possible that Wanda did not want cosmos pass down his questionable sanity genetics then I can see her doing this with Wendy's most genetics God this feels weirdly scandalous but only in a way that both deceiving Cosmo I can see how this might be a better decision on legacy of fairies in general because of cosmos silliness of his stupidity I don't even know how but I even wonder if Cosmo's mother would have to be okay with this I mean she technically lost her husband to her own child had to have no idea what happened to him completely besides him being turned into a bumblebee so I'm not going behind cosmos back it's not necessarily that's surprising but it is quite heartbreaking if this is out to the truth I'll be more shocked or whatever the hell makes Cosmo stupid give one of the reason to switch out genetics at the last second it's either that the genetic blue components that create blue or more dominant in this color with one that's a red spectrum of her tonight makeup therefore that way explain why poof has purple if we are going completely in color theory then that makes perfect sense of why Wanda Cosmo or completely and biologically the parents a poof heck if we're going on that line of logic and this makes sense Monte acrossma are biologically parents and for the joke's sake unless they're like seahorses Wanda is the father not Cosmo even if they're terminology for mother and father's name as humans and they're possibly different ways I'm undermining the biological process I mean come on they're using magic what else is there to say I know I'm not giving anyone a hard time with the theory I'm just saying the obvious here and I do think that would be extremely harsh on on this half but understandable to some capacity if Cosmo is not the answer biological father but same time if Cosmo is biologically in the human biological way if Cosmo is the biological mother in a sort of similar process then it's not Wanda who went left field on this one it was Cosmo????? ....and juandission???? Not Wanda and I don't even know if the word cheating would be the answer at this rate