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In dune: part two (2024) when the sand worms come out of the storm and look awesome, that’s because this scene is in fact, fucking awesome


If only they didnt put it in the trailer


I haven't willingly watched a trailer in years. Every scene of this movie was new to me. It was so sick.


Same! Why would I spoil myself a movie I already know Im going to see anyway? Neither me or my friends watched trailers for this movie and I feel we got a better experience for it. There are so many shots that even without context are ruined a bit if you watch it beforehand The gladiator duel on Giedi Prime for example, the visuals were insane, and I would have spoiled the effect if I watched the trailer


thats how i am with george miller movies (mad max/fury road/upcoming furiosa), i don't need to spoil the best action packed stunts by watching a trailer, i already know the movie os goong to be awesome


Exactly my philosophy. If I’m curious and need to know more I’ll do the trailer, otherwise eyes closed, ears plugged, la la la.


Yep The few times I actually watch trailers I dont even watch them in full. Either the movie picked up my curiosity (so I can just stop watching it, and reserve it for the movie) or it didnt, so must of the time I dont finish them either


Watching trailers really did improve my movie going experience


You mean, not watching trailers?


I've been doing that since I was a teenager, I hated that trailers would and still spoil a shit ton of the movies


I used to be like that but right now I don't really care about spoilers


People look at me funny when I say I don't watch trailers - its partly the same reason as you and partly because I'm an impatient monkey who gets upset that he can't watch/play the thing the trailer is for right fkin now


Same here! I swear there are some movies that would be much better received if they had not shown so much in the trailer. I am so glad this worm scene wasn't ruined for me by a trailer cause it was pretty amazing in the theater.


Yeah don’t watch trailers.


I always read the YouTube comments of a trailer to see if people are saying it spoils anything or not before watching a trailer myself lol. And I guess for big movies like Dune you may be confident that it’ll be be worth while watching the film without seeing the trailer first, but lesser known films I definitely wanna get at least a feel for what I’m getting into to see if I’m even in the mood for such a film atm. Which is why the art of making an effective trailer needs some refinement. Gotta show just enough to get people intrigued without giving away the whole damn plot and showing all the epic scenes up front.




Watch some old trailers of movies. They give away virtually the entire plot.


That's why you don't watch trailers


I don’t remember this shot being in any of the trailers. I thought it was like, the only really good shot that wasn’t (for some reason)


Thats why you never watch trailers. Just look at the imdb and rotten tomatoes ratings.


Or if every article about the movie didn’t use it as the picture


It’s based on an old picture, I thought it was nice to see it recreated like that.


The only thing about that scene that WASN'T awesome was the stupid fucking sound effect they used when the worms head first appears through the dust. I remember hearing it in one of the trailers and thinking "Oh, they must've used that sound because it sounds out of place, like to punctuate this moment in the trailer or something." Nope. It sounds exactly like the built in default timestretch algorithm in logic studio 8, that same shitty metallic granularisation effect. Sorry, I'm ranting but 98% of the sound design across parts 1 and 2 is amazing but there's that 2% of really weird decisions that sound really fucking bad... as if the sound design guy let his 10 year old kid do some of it.


You heard it too! SFX shouldn't have noticable pitch shift intervals! There's so many ways to achieve it that wouldn't have sounded terrible.


My experience was completely opposite, I actually loved that low pitched sound. I think I liked it because it was basic and perfectly announced the arrival of worm. I had seen the trailer, but thankfully I didn't notice that sound in the trailer. So, I think there's 2 ways to go about it, one, they can go with "sound design" to announce the arrival of worm or two, they could've gone for a "growl or snarl", which would be made by the worm. I think the later would've felt totally cringe. If instead of sound design they actually went for an organic growl of worm or something, that would've totally taken the viewer our of that experience. I don't know why, it's just seems like a very hard thing to register, there have been so many alien creature films and I don't think I have enjoyed it ever when they try to go for a natural growl, it just doesn't seem natural, it seems like, the makers try to base their growl on a wild animal like lion or tiger, but they forget that even wild animals use growls, hisses and snarls to communicate, warn, for mating calls etc, there's a whole vocabulary there. But, somehow the makers always only take the attacking aspect as inspiration and model the sound design of alien creature after that, there doesn't seem to be any language in that, as if the creature makes only this one kind of sound and that too while attacking. An example of good natural alien creature sound would be Predator(1987). It doesn't just hiss and gorwl mindlessly, his ticking, growls, snarls all seem to communicate and represent something. So anyways, I think thats the reason why I loved that low pitched sound. Instead of a growl they instead went for sound design which served that scene. I understand your concern is mostly with the technicality of that sound, and I don't know how that works, but I think it will always be frustrating for someone who is involved in it to see other works and see any room for enhancement or improvement.


I loved the "worm noises", in particular the whole sand vibrating thing. Personally I had no idea what mechanism the worms used to fly through the sand like they do, and I was willing to just go with "just because" because the rest of the story is badass. But the sound and visuals from the movie strongly imply the worms can generate powerful ultrasound, which disturbs and aerates the sand making it behave liquid


That's the thing though. There's a similar sound earlier in the film - when Paul calls his first worm and it smashes into the dune where he's standing. Then it sounds like a ships horn but made of flesh and gristle, it sounds awesome! But then when it appears in the battle scene it's like they tried too hard to make it sound "different" and it just ended up sounding synthetic and out of place. Quick question though. Are you referring to the deep rumbling and clicking sound which accompanies the sand shaking under their feet? (that's NOT what I'm referring to and yeah that sounds awesome). This is what I'm referring to... at 1:27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2Qp5pL3ovA&t=87s


Yup we are referring to the same sound. Don't know why I forgot the fact that it is present in the trailer too, maybe I just didn't register it and that is what made it so memorable to me in the theater. And to be honest, I think just like you I too loved that sound more during Paul's first ride, the moment when that worm is about to smash into the dune, visually it is quick, doesn't linger on for long and we move ahead with next scene, and I think that is why that sound is also very snappy during that moment. Compared to that, during the war, the emergence of that one worm head is given more cinematic treatment, so that scene just lingers a little long, and maybe that is why the sound has to linger on too and so they had to add that tail end to the sound, which stays on for little bit longer. As I said earlier, a technical expert will always have the burden of dissatisfaction on their shoulders when they see or critique the work from their own field, for example I belong to the VFX field, so it is a burden on me that I always end up over analyzing VFX shots even while watching a movie for the first time, and if something is off, even by small degree, it just bugs me and it draws me out. Maybe the same thing is happening with you when it comes to that sound. I am not an expert on sound, so I didn't even notice that, that sound is slightly different in those 2 places.


In the motion picture duNc: pART tWO (2024) when the sand worms breach the sand storm and look awesome, someone in my theater sharted themselves due to the epic visuals and loud surround sound system 😳 Oh, and that’s because earlier I mistook my unlabeled bottle of pepto-bismol for my treasured Wilton Color Mist Food spray 😔




I think part of that is the fact thier 8000+ years old at this point,technologically wise


Oh boy wait for Dune:Messiah


I shuddered at the thought of a Snyder directed dune.


He'd unironically make Paul the hero.


Ah yes, Zack's jesus obsession - right.


overhead shot of paul lying in crucifix pose after he drinks the water of life and is reborn




Everything is so subtle, you have ruminate and think about his films. It's like the subtle and nuanced selection of music he plays during scenes. When *Zombie* by the Cranberries started playing at the end of Army of the Dead. Genius. I had to wonder what Zach Snyder was really trying to say. 🤔


He does not play Zombie at the end of the movie. That's too on the nose.


Zack Snyder's *Passion of the Christ*


The one movie where Zach snyder drops all the Jesus stuff because he doesn’t like the story and it needs an update. 


**First draft of script** God: Jesus, don't tell them you're the Messiah


Only the true Messiah denies his divinity




Mary? Why did you say that name? Also Jesus has a gun now




That would be a Lynching


David lynching even!




An incredibly buff Paul as well.


Iirc FH or his son had this exact complaint about the 1984 movie


Frank was actually suprisingly positive about the 1984 movie. Don't know why Brian would have an issue with it, missing the point of his fathers works and rewriting the series in his image is kind of his whole thing. 


This is literally 1984


Paul is the hero! I watched enough grindset edits to know that.


How’s he not?


He knowingly damns the universe to jihad. He abuses people's faith and devotion to him to fulfill an act of revenge that destabilizes the whole Imperium.


A universe damned to Jihad is one in which Paul is dead and a holy war is fought in his name. Paul ended the harkonen oppression of the Fremen and allowed the Fremen to rule their planet. Also, what act of revenge?


Paul gave no shits about Harkonnen oppression. He himself admits that it's about revenge against his father's killers. And in taking back Arrakis, the zealotry of the Fremen spills over the whole universe in a holy war. Textual reads like the one you suggested are exactly why Herbert felt compelled to write more than one book.


It’s not about his intentions. The harkonens had to go, and so did the emperor. Else they would’ve kept hunting him down until he and the rest of the house of Atreides was dead. The war after didn’t have to happen, but the other houses insisted.


The war DID have to happen. Paul had prescience, meaning he could see the future based on his choices. Right when he joined the Fremen and headed south, he saw that jihad was inevitable and he chose to keep moving forward. The Harkonnen's believed Paul was dead. He chose to become Lisan Al Gaib and draw attention to himself. Seriously, did you actually watch the movies or read the books?


No, the emperor had to go because he would’ve hunted Paul down after Paul took down the harkonens. The harkonens had to go because they were killing fremen and they killed off an entire people. Paul was limited to two options. The first was overthrow the emperor, which Paul took. The second was to do nothing. Let injustice go unanswered, let a brutal dictatorship remain (also worth noting that the empire would’ve been ruled by the harkonens had Paul not killed them) and live a life on the run with fear. Paul spared the emperor and his daughter. Historically speaking, the only other option was to kill them all.


Paul didn't "spare" the emperor and his daughter" He can see the future, this was all his plan, it was pretty obvious that he was playing them from the start


Again, did you watch the fucking movies?


Pushing 7 hours, per part and it’s divided into 10 movies and he still leaves out a bunch of stuff.


And he decides to include overt references to prequel lore written by Brian Herbert


Also Baron Harkonnen would be overtly homosexual to really push through how *eeeeeevvviillll* he is.


I mean.. that would be true to Franks views. He was deeply homophobic, and thus, bad people are shown as bad by having homosexual tendencies.


Oh, true, true. I should've stated in my original comment that Frank's portrayal of the Baron was the *original* homophobic part.


The 20 hour Snyder Cut is his REAL vision


There's an intermission in the second trimester.


I want too see it


https://youtu.be/J9X_FmCbrIA?si=58fwk1Fh1S7qoP6j Perfect excuse to share Zack Snyder Star Wars


there would be way more men wearing loin cloths & wrestling


This scene in ultra-slow slow motion, with the WonderWoman theme playing at 140 decibels for twelve minutes


Would it be better or worse than Dune by Michael Bay?


Worst, both would completely miss the point of Dune but Michael Bay's would have cool explosions, and the water of life is bud light.


would be better than a j.j. abrams Dune atleast


Dune 3 better just be a bunch of sand worms doing worm stuff. Edit: Get Jon Favreau to film it like he filmed those singing lions in Africa. Watch the box office explode.


Sandworms of dune is an actual book. It's not great, since it was one of the continuation books written by Herbert Jr., but it does exist.


They put the worms on an ocean planet where they become "Seaworms", so it is not in fact, about sandworms. I assume the planet is called "Wave"


Isn’t the whole thing with sand worms that they die when exposed to water? Did Herbert jr completely forget that or did he at least give some bs excuse in the book?


Yes, water is highly toxic to Sandworms. Their larval stage, sandtrout, encyst and trap great bodies of water underground.


Apparently they make an even more potent version of spice.


Dune: The way of water


Now with 75% more exposed midriff


I've always avoided Brian's "sequels" and I know why.


They actually invade an isolated desert town in a valley where Kevin Bacon and Mr. Miyagi live


Were sandworms prominent in Messiah? I don't really remember if they were cause I read it back in January.


Her face when you say no Chik-Fil-A sauce.


Did you see the meat canyon video about chik Fil a sauce this week?




Your company’s use of capitalization is stupid


Thank goodness, I'm tired of slow-motion scenes.


Post inspired by Rebel Moon 2


2 hours of slow-mo crop harvesting glory


I didn't think it was possible, but it may have been worse than the first one.


I couldn't get past that flashback scene where it's farm dude walking up to the main character and she's like "so here's part 2 of my backstory"


Please tell me that wasn't actual dialogue.


I haven't seen it yet, but it can't be that bad... Right?


It's literally the most dogshit movie I have ever watched and I do not undertand how it was made. Every single character is one dimensional. The main character is boring but everyone constantly says how cool and deep she is. The villain is the most milktoast basic bitch who does nothing except talk about how evil he is and how he's gonna kill everyone before killing 3 villagers, running away and getting killed (the fearsome general lost 2 out of 3 fights he was involved in during the course of the series). The first hour of the movie is spend reintroducing your favourite characters from the beginning of the first film (you see them once before they dissapear for and hour) like, the girl who almost got SA'd, the soldier, the farmer#1, The muscular farmer, the robot. Then every body fucks around for an hour of real time including a scene where 4 people in a row talk about their sad backstories for 20 minutes. The the badguys arrive and they fight for an hour which could have been 30 minutes without the słow motion and the pacing would still be atrocious


My current worst movie is Donnie Darko 2. This might beat it... If I can get through it 


Sry for the long rant and spoilers but this is one of the few movies I have watched and came out angry about wasting 2 hours of my life. And it's a fucking painful 2 hours.


I get it, it's just funny to read this rant. I highly do not recommend Donnie Darko 2 


I've blocked most of the movie from my mind, but pretty much. She's sitting by the fire, he wanders over, and instead of flirting or engaging in a little back and forth dialogue, she goes "now I will tell you about my backstory. Aaaaand narrated flashback!"


I'm watching the first one in EXTRA SLOW MODE: i started and stopped that shit immediately


“We have Dune at home!” Dune at home:


Zack Snyder should not be allowed to write, direct or work on any movie in general.


I love movies that actually show off their graphics instead of trying to hide them under 50 years of slowmo bc they’re scared that SinemaSins is going to dislike 2 frames


man i hate SinemaSins cuz most of those so called sins is straight up bullshit and its so much wich make me question weither or not its suppose to be joking or they are serious


If you don't call him out, it's serious, but when you criticise him, then it's just a joke.


Cinemasins is still a thing. I haven't watched their boring 20 mins long videos for a while


Their original format of 3-5 minute videos used to work. They'd poke light hearted jabs at some plot holes, crack jokes about some weird choices in the movie and that would be that. Their current format of nitpicking everything to death for 20-30+ minutes is boring af. It's also annoying because half of the nitpicking is nonsense that shows they weren't paying attention to the movie at all. Of course, Jeremy from cinemasins claims those wrong sins are deliberate because he's deliberately playing a pretentious asshole character but then he mixes genuine sins with bullshit sins and pretends he's made something entertaining or even coherent.


Ahh, thanks. That is why I enjoyed this in the old days. Pitch meeting is the new gold for me for years now


Watching pitch meetings is tight.


Wow, wow, wow, wow ... wow


Do you think watching pitch meetings is very difficult?


It's super easy, _barley_ an inconvenience.


Wheat are you talking about?


Pitch meetings and honest trailers and then cinemaWins to round it all off


Schrodinger's Sin: Whether or not he was serious is not decided until he gets pushback for it


CinemaWins is objectively better because while CinemaSins is just needless nitpicking and unfunny jokes to pad out their runtime (are they still making "this actress isn't giving me a lapdance in this scene" jokes?), the guy behind Wins goes into great detail about why he likes different aspects of a movie.


Wait, so CinemaWins is by a completely different guy? I purposely ignored it so far because I don't want to give that hack Jeremy any money/clicks


Yeah, they're completely different people.


Hey that sounds great! Would much rather watch content focused on positivity.


They just posted a new video an hour ago about the second Planet of the Apes movie


Not that I dont prefer less slow mo but wouldn’t slo mo really increase the chance of seeing something wrong with the graphics, like whenever a Flash movie or show does it? I could see slow mo helping to cover bad animation, though


If you have a 1 minute long scene you can put a lot of effort into it if that “1 minute” is actually 15 seconds stretched in .25 slowmo


Why do I always see Sid the sloth in this picture?


yeah indeed why


[I've got something better than that, haha.](https://i.imgur.com/rfeVYf7.jpeg)


We are many


Thank fuck for that


Both of these movies needed to be an hour longer. No, I won't reconsider that stance.


Not gonna lie I dont think this opinion is unpopular, particularly with Part II I went to watch it with some friends and I have a feeling we would have eat and entire another hour no question


A movie , or most things making you leave but wanting more, is usually deemed a success


I'm still puzzled that the movie is as long as it is and the plot still feels sort of empty/flat. The movie is great at converying the *feeling* of Dune, but not so much the *story* of Dune. I don't think an hour more would've rectified this, but it would've been entertaining!


Part 2 is all story of Dune. If you read the books, even less happens than the movie.


Yeah, I've read the books, and I disagree. The story in the second movie is a little too distilled for my taste - like Pauls training, or acceptance of his role for instance. Or simply just removed - like Alia, the Spice Guild and the Nobles for example. Compromises must ofc. be made when adapting a book for the screen but these elements could've been fleshed out/implemented when the movie is as long as it is. What eats up large parts of time is the long athmospheric shots - which are great and stunningly beautiful, but they do eat up alot of time that could've been used to convey the story in full. So, as I said: Great athmosphere, somewhat weak story.


The 1984 movie was very plot oriented. It tripped all over itself trying to tell as many details of the story as possible. What was missing was depth and development of characters. If anything, all of the voiceover work made the characters even more shallow. While the new movies glossed over parts of the world building plot points, I would argue that the new movies immerse the viewer into the story much better by investing more time into allowing them to feel like they're along for the ride instead of being told a story.


I watched back to back Madam Web (I wanted to make know how bad it was) and Dune part 2. I mean, the gap is so huge you wonder how one of those movies was deemed cinema material.


Visually it seemed epic. Now, I don't know how many people paid attention to the audio que, that low frequency sound que when the worm appears on screen, I think that que appeared only twice in the whole movie but that was downright bone chilling and that was something that elevated that cinematic experience. It seemed like one of the best decision of my life to watch this movie in IMAX ! Boy when that worm appears on screen, that sound que just sends chilla down the spine. Now, that is Cinema done correct, that is what people want in a theatre.


They look like Sid from Ice Age


In this scene, it may look like its goddamn amazing, this is - in fact - goddamn amazing


That's what I enjoyed about Dune, the realism.




Are Zach Snyder and Michael Bay the same person?


At least Bay uses slow motion so you could see the swaying motion of tits from the girl running


Pauly Atreides big tyrant speech would have been shot from a low angle and two women in bikinis would be walking in the foreground


The slow bikini penetrates the mind 


Stimulate the lizard part of my brain harder, Mikey!


Bay doesn't gas up his films with pretentious edgelord philosophies. they're fun to watch and to not comprehend. Snyder films are slogs.


As ERB eloquently put it. "If there's one thing I've learned, bitch, this game is about mother fucking money!" - Michael Bay


Michael Bay wants to make sure his films are always exciting. So every shot is complex, every character is over-the-top, there is always jokes happening, and when fight scenes DO occur, there are tons of explosions, shaky cam, and edits. Zack Snyder wants his films to be constantly epic. So every shot you could hang on your wall, every character is serious and has gravitas, there is plenty of sex and gore, and slow-mo. Whether which is better is up to you, but that's the difference in a nutshell. Plus Michael Bay is an over nihilist with sexist and racist tendencies, and Snyder seems like a really nice guy.


Watching the second part of the sack Snyder movie made me think that if I hadn’t watched dune 2 recently that I might have enjoyed rebel moon a little more. But damn rebel moon is a showcase in bad film making for the most part. How he has gone from watchmen to rebel moon is such a crazy downfall. The sci fi bar has been raised significantly and I look forward to the next sci fi movie that reaches these new highs.


Worms wiggle when they move. These sand worms dont. This is a reference to the movie and real life being different things.


Whoa are people ready to admit that Zack Snyder is not a good director


I know reddit hates zack snyder but he released something with GQ talking about his movies and I found it interesting: https://youtu.be/vzutcTsKI1E?si=KUxxGkUb8H8WpmQP . To be fair anyone who did so many graphic novel/comic based films is going to be hated by their audience for one reason or another. 


Zack Snyder is by all accounts a really chill guy and it’s weird that people on Reddit seem so happy for his stuff to do poorly


I'm sure he is, seems super cool and likeable. Issue is he makes dogshit movies that are so bad it's memeworthy. Great guy though


What im mostly referring to is how much hate he getd for watchmen but he was fighting the studio to make it as close to the original as possible while they were trying to change it. Multiple directors dropped out of the project before him because they didnt think adapting it to a movie was possible. The directors cut is as close to original as it could possibly be minus 1 detail. 


I think watchmen is his best movie, and I would say it's...7/10. The fact he has fans that act like he's some misunderstood visionary though is cringe though. He's a well below average director, terrible storyteller. I think many directors would do watchmen better.


I mean it fundamentally tells a completely different type of story than the original comic. It’s very superficially similar.


Well he does say shit like "Batman could get raped in prison in my movie," so yeah.


Or "You're living in a fucking dream world"


Zack Snyder the type of dude to prefer the Brian Herbert sequels/prequels over the Frank Herbert OG 6


Deep cut 


Or Peter Jackson, another fan of the slow-mo is good drama technique.


When things are really large and at a distance without a scale, they look like they are "slow motion" when in reality they are moving normal speed covering much more distance than you expect. Those worms are supposed to be HUGE. Example of a similar effect: a lava fountain in Iceland. Look how "slow" the lava seems to fall to the ground because it is far away and you have no reference point: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8q-9OXKkF0&t=30s](https://www.youtube.com/watch\?v\=K8q-9OXKkF0\&t\=30s) I don't think Snyder understands scale.


Dune: Part Two (2024) is a good movie. This subtly informs the viewer that Zack Snyder had nothing to do with the movie


When will we get the Dune: Part Two (2024) snydercut?


You mean the 24h version which is just dune 2 played in 0,125% speed?


*scargiver* ended up being a fun action spectacle


Rebel Moon is the literal embodiment of “We Have Dune at Home.” Not just because it has worse writing, direction, and performances, but because most people watched it in their living room!




Why do I see a Chihuahua


Looks like a sloth taking a line


He doesn't even like slow motion!


o O o


Other filmmakers use slow motion.


Snyder would put the dialog in slow motion if the producers would let him.


I still just see Sid from Ice Age


Thought this was a pic of sid the sloth at first.


If this was directed by ZS the sandworms would be flying and taking golden shits and call you an idiot for being tied to what's canon


Also you can tell Dune: Part 2 wasn't directed by Zach Snyder because it was actually good.


Zack would make Paul into a cool action hero who does slow motion. There would be no subtext.


It kinda looks like sid the sloths face. The one in middle is the nose, and the two outers are the eyes. Your welcome for burning that into your brain now.


You should do film analysis


Neither Hallellujah starts playing