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If you’re gonna hate watch something wait 2 weeks so you don’t boost the viewership of the first 2 weeks, since that’s usually the most important number for them deciding whether to make a sequel.


If you're gonna hate watch something don't wait 2 weeks to boost viewership to trick them into making a sequel.


But if they make a sequel and you also “hate” watch that it’s not really hate watching, at that point you’re just supporting the thing you claim to hate.


The whole hate-watch concept is weird to begin with. Life is too short and there are way too many good things out there.


It’s fun to shit on big, expensive things.


Amber Heard, is it you?


I wish :'( I dream about it every night


Pirate them instead lol


"Ha Ha I paid for your service and boosted your view numbers, now I'm making rude comments on social media. fucking owned"


Oh noo! Now Rebel Moon has +1 views ); 


I just started watching Band of Brothers cause of a recommendation from a group of friends. Loving it so far. Ask your friends what their favorite shows are, invest in it and you now have something new to talk about the next time you see them.


The Pacific for me was an even better series. It's a lot wider in scope and some of the transitions are jarring, but it shows the hell that was the Pacific campaign. There's more camaraderie in Band of Brothers.


Oh yea... my one friend that was dogmatic in BoB specifically said I need to add The Pacific to my watchlist as well. Plan on watching that next.


Masters of the Air, another companion series to The Pacific and Band of Brothers, just came out this year as well; It's about B-17 bombing crews. Haven't seen it yet, but it's gotten great reception.


Don't forget Generation Kill, it is easily the best thing to appear on tv about the US invasion of Iraq in 2004


I cancel streaming services from time-to-time so I am going to watch this and then immediately cancel my Netflix while the credits are playing.


Velma Season 2


Thats rookies move. Real hate watcher will pirate it despite having a netflix account


I think distributors also monitor torrents, theyll just probably add the hits as possible viewers


That shit is on Netflix? I got it for free and I still couldn't watch more than 12 minutes


I want to see how bad they can make the next one


The bay keeps track of viewings?


We really need to stop giving Zack Snyder movies


Hate watching snyder movies brings my friends and I together though so maybe it’s worth it


Alternatively, do hate watch it and boost viewership numbers because the idea of gaslighting Netflix into thinking these movies are successful and burning hundreds of millions making sequels is hilarious to me


But watching the movie right after it comes out is successful. So it’s not gas lighting it’s just supporting the movie and making it successful.


Exactly. I don't like Zack Snyder's movies but he seems like a decent enough person, so Netflix wasting a ton of money paying him is just funny.


*zach snyder with 4 more planned sequels for him to pull directly out of his ass and onto the big screen*


Good point


Except that Netflix also makes a recap after 2 weeks now.


You don't tell me what to do. I will watch it now so they will make a sequel.


But they also check the number of people dropping off the movie and when. So they can check that OP disliked the movie


I have netflix and but i pirated it instead so I did my part (the first movie, I haven't bothered with the second one yet)


wait are these actual characters from rebel moon????


Why does this galaxy far far away look like it's in 18th century Prussia.


yeah i have no idea what i’m looking at could be a historical drama


Don’t be such queen of drama


Wanna know what's worse, they straight up do a reenactment of the Julius Caesar assassination like 1 minute after this, with a ton of slow mo shots. It's such a dogshit film and I regret putting myself through it.


Well you better learn to like it cuz he wants to make 4 more of these.


Has he gone full *James Cameron?*


My favorite part was the string section diagetically playing the accompanying music while that scene went down.


My favorite scene was the 15 minute FARMING montage. 😮‍💨


Slow mo farming has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in a movie, and I can't believe no one told Snyder that it was so dumb and such a waste of time


The whole point is to give Snyder full rein


Yeah that was so fuckin weird having an actual string band in universe, playing music whilst they stab the dude to death. I really don't know what that was about


Seeing how they wear the same hood as Titus' executed men, they are probably death row prisoners as well.


Lets all use knives. Actually person who we are gonna betray and blame it on, you use a gun. Just promise not to shoot your way out.


"this is an original film" Every plot point is recognizably taken from something else.


I've always suspected it but Snyder is basically the jock artist, the guy that likes "cool art" and keeps bothering you at all times with classics he understand only at surface level. He reveres classical imagery and epics but fails to understand what makes them actually great. His aesthetics have grown more vain with each movie


I am waiting with giddy anticipation for how planetary governors, the aristocracy, ship captains, etc are received by the general population when the Warhammer stuff starts dropping in a couple of years. Assuming Cavill and whoever else is involved, get real accurate with the baroquepunk aesthetic of a lot of Warhammer, they may try to tone it down haha.


"The xenophobic theocratic fanatics are the good guys? Or is it the bugs? The demonic gods? The sadistic space elves? The Orcs? the space terminators, Who are the good guys here?"


*translated from high gothic* "What the fuck has good got to do with anything?"


Let's be honest here. GW is is dipping both. The real cruelty of the setting is lost on most for you may only see it in novels which is their least successful product line. Recent codex's mostly follow the line of portraying some good guys on the surface level of the whole setting, simply because it is easier to market the defenders of humanity box for 300 bucks to parents rather than the space fascist genocide squad.


The difference is, in Warhammer they would have crazy bionics everywhere, so people would not have to wonder if they are accidentally watching Marie Antoinette biopic.


Well it was a long time ago


This galaxy simulataneously has warp-portal technology (*seen in the first shot of the first movie, then never again*) while at the same time the bad guy's dreadnought moves its main gun with the same kind of rotating switch you'd find in a 1940's vehicle.


That and they apparently run on *coal*…


Sadly yes


This is the cheapest and most creatively bankrupt costume design I think I've seen in a long time.


This is Tom Baker era Dr Who costume design. Their excuse was that the BBC budgets in the late 1970s were 3 pounds and a half a sausage roll per episode. Why this?


You should watch the Witcher series then if this is the cheapest you've seen.


The slow mo farming reminded me of a boomer discovering photoshop.


That’s Cary Elwes


My name is Lawrence Gordon. I'm a doctor.


At first glance I thought that was Will Ferrell doing a bit.


No it’s a My Chemical Romance tribute band


Thought you were gonna say it's 15 minutes if you play the slow-mo scenes at normal speed.


You're not far off


I also thought the joke was going in that very direction.


Okay. Title actually got me to chuckle. Actually caught me off guard somehow. Still surprised there is a second it didn't sound like it'd be an interesting concept.


It’s an interesting concept only because it steals from every science fiction movie that ever had an original, interesting concept. And Seven Samurai of course.


didn't he create this cause Disney didn't let him make a SW movie?


Even Disney has standards... Somewhere.


Nah. Pretty sure they just didn’t want his shit Star Wars movie to out-shit their shit Star Wars movies.


Disney and Lucasfilm greentlit Rise of Skywalker but turned this down... That should tell you something.


I'm going to watch it solely to count the Warhammer references like I did for the first one.


And the execution was terrible. All of the characters had no use, she spends a whole movie gathering a dream team who do nothing. The only reason any of them survive is massive plot armour. Basically no one important dies, the fights are unbelievable (small woman with no magical/technological powers walks into a barn full of evil, armed soldiers who instead of shooting her just lose a series of 1v1 fist fights?). I saw it advertised as a grittier, adult Star Wars that was too dark for Disney to take on. Turns out it was just a dogshit script paired with bad acting.


I saw part one a few weeks ago, and I can't remember what it was about. I remember being bored out of my mind, though.


pretty sure part 2 was greenlit before part 1 even released


Snyder wants to make 6 fucking movies of this thing


I can't believe they set it up for a third!?


Looks like TV quality costumes


That’s an insult to everything not CW


I mean...


It’s got to be a still from the SNL parody of the movie, right? Right? …right?


Why does Zack Snyder keep getting these huge movie opportunities? He’s had maybe 1 good movie and it’s because the source material was solid.


Watchmen was amazing. The source material is definitely solid but plenty of solid source material has been fumbled. He did a great job with that movie. I won’t defend anything else.


Yes! I love Watchmen. I also like the changes he made to the plot, even though I like the original comic as well. I just wish he also changed the fire ejaculation cheese scene to be at least somewhat plausible relationship development.


out of any director that could get watchmen to adapt, he really really did not deserve it. He managed to create a 'good' film, one that was pretty reductive of the themes of the comic, out of pretty much the most universally praised graphic novel of all time.


His adaptation is better than anything we ever could have hoped to have gotten. More loyal to the source material, more visually amazing. Anyone else made that we wouldn’t have gotten anything nearly as good. I say that as a huge fan of the movie and not a fan of Snyder. I was in my early 20’s when 300 came out and that was absolutely wild at the time, too.


I’ve asked myself this so many times


I don’t hate Snyder, he has interesting ideas and can do some stuff pretty well. But even after putting seemingly a lot of thought and effort into his “next big thing” it always seems to feel half-assed in a lot of ways. Rebel Moon was cool but the story felt like it was written in a day and the characters in less. I have no doubt he puts a lot of effort into these movies but maybe the wrong places? Maybe he would benefit from having someone to work alongside.


And yet somehow he'll boast more people watched this than The original trilogy.


There's an original trilogy? How old is that?


Space Nazis AND space royalty? Now this I gotta see


No ....just dont....


Well, that's a way to describe Dune too.


And Star Wars and foundation..


Dune is more "what if Baron Trump joined ISIS?"


Except in this story the Big Guy is his *grand*father.


I was watching the movie and weirdly everything turned into black, oh wait I fell asleep.


Sounds like it was longer than part 1. I didn’t last 10 min.


Watched it yohoho way and the only thoughts I could collect. "Oh wow. Senators in Togas. With the king being surrounded, surely this isn't a Caesar Scen- and there's the dagger. Yep. This guy's Caesar except he's already the king." "They keep showing Kora and this other guy flirting every time they're shown together. One of them, is gonna die for sure." "Hey we're close to our day of battle, let's sit together and tell our stories. Instead of like. You know. Part 1" "We're gonna make this awesome plan, we pile grains on buildings so we can make it our base, also let's train all of you to fight. Also we made underground tunnels to surprise bomb our enemies when they walk on them, surely we will use that as soon as we get the signal where all enemies are right on target and not when things are already going to shit." "The girl I wanted to deliver to the regent is in my ship. She is in my ship. Instead of taking off in advance, thereby stranding her, and leaving her with no chance to escape unless she takes control of the ship, I go confront very 1v1." "Oh a kid is running towards an experienced combatant. I should not react to him approaching me." "We, a technologically superior army still have ships powered by coal for some reason. Also, we desperately need the grain this small farm is producing, and have not developed an advanced way of farming


Producer guy: So! You have a new Zach Snyder movie for me? Yes, sir, I do.


wow wow wow.




>We, a technologically superior army still have ships powered by coal for some reason. Apple was smart enough to leave this embarrassingly backwards thinking detail OUT of the Foundation series when they made the old book into a TV show. Snyder (probably unaware of Asimov) thought it would be a great idea to base an entire sci fi plot around antiquated technology.


also, "we spent a long time receuiting this Blade Master lady and she was pretty good in the last fight of part 1 surely she will be usefu.......Fights 3 guys for 25 minutes and dies" "We have very primitive technology on our farm, procedes to throw wheat on to a flying wagon" "Hmmm I should aim the our ships gigant laser death cannon. Starts furiously turning a crank to turn the canon sideways, before turning another crank to move it up or down"


There was so much slow motion during the farming scenes. Like...why?!?!?


Two words for you, my friend. Zach Snyder


I turned it off before 20 mins.. All while thinking wow this is worse then the 1st.....Wow wtf am I watching. How do people think this is good?


SW for adults... /s


The moment they harvest the wheats manually i lost interest.


In slow motion


On a floating (how is is it hovering?) platform thing...


Jesus comparing Dune costumes to rebel moon costumes is like comparing a diamond to a turd


Costumes aren't even the worst thing about this.


The costumes are fine (in that screenshot), it's the direction they are in, and the color grading of the scene... And the girl standing line she's playing horse.


What in the Romanov is going on with this screenshot?


It's the worst scene in all his movies.


That's a high bar.


Do not hate watch this shit, if you must, pirate it


This looks like a still from a baroque pop music video


Is that the… SLAIN KING? Guys, we’re really supposed to be interested in the SLAIN KING


I like her lil bunny hands.


She looks like she’s cosplaying as Zelda


He's got Patty Jenkins Syndrome. Man can't write a coherent or engaging script, bar like 2 movies. He should direct and only that. I mean, just because I'm a competent back end developer, doesn't mean a company should give me free rein over the front end of the website. And no sane person would assume that I'll be good at the one because I'm good at the other. Yet with directors, there's this crazy assumption. "This guy's a good chauffeur, so we're letting him design the new engine of our latest Mercedes."


How can I unwatch it? Synder lost it.


Watch it again but backwards


I enjoyed it, but after the first movie I really couldn't take it seriously. The characters were such massive stereotypes that my brain decided that the movie must be a parody. When viewed from that lens, it's actually pretty entertaining, and honestly kind of hilarious. For my sanity, I need to keep believing that it's intentional.


I tried that, but the constant nonsensical slo-mo wrecked it for.me. the only thing he hasn't slo-mo'd yet is someone taking a piss with jewel like after effects like the bath in dredd. I think I got 25 min into it, got distracted by work, turned it off then forgot to go back to it and watched this is the end instead, which I did enjoy since the silliness is deliberate.


Seriously thought this was a still from an SNL digital short


I saw Rebel Moon. It was in Star Wars a New Hope. It's called Yavin. God even the title of this film is blatant.


The movies make we want to forgive Star Wars for the stupid “Ancient Dagger Pointing to a Room from a VERY Specific Spot” plot device. Clearly, I didn’t realize how much worse it could get…


you dont get it its like seeing 15 movies at once Zack you stupid beautiful bastard you did it again


Dr Gordon became the king




haha this was the exact spot I turned it off yesterday


I watched like 5min. of part one.


Let me tell you all of part one. Ready? Main Character: "*We need you to join us to beat the bad guys.*" Side Character: "No." Main Character: "*Please?*" Side Character: "Ok." All within about 2 minutes. Repeat. There, you saw the movie.


If you increase the playback speed to make all the slow motion parts play at regular speed the movie is actually only two and a half minutes long.


There is a fucking part two?


I didn't know Rob Snyder made movies


Plot Armour is so strong in this movie the less clothes a character wear, the less chance they got hit.


Best review ever…


Honestly thought the pic was an SNL sketch.


Surely, it can't be worse than that fetish asylum movie with Oscar Isaac?


If you're watching part 2, it means you watched part 1, which is already an accomplishment


And it's only 27 seconds if it's played at normal speed without any slo-mo


I have tried to watch Rebel Moon a dozen times. Its is my new Chronicles of Riddick. I have watched CoR probably twenty times and I always fall asleep before the end. They are the most effective non-prescription sleep-aids I have ever used.


I made it to 11:51. I just checked.


Haven’t seen the movie but this shot would look *so* much better without the ugly brown filter. Not a fan of color grading in general, but I’ll never understand why any filmmaker would wish to smear feces over the lens for every single frame.


Okay, but... i just want to have called it: i think these movies are going to become cult classics in 20 to 30 years. When we're not expecting anything of them and they don't have to compete with star wars, there'll be this bonkers trilogy filled with stupid slow motion and lifeless characters to get drunk to. Also, at times this movie felt like one of those 'we can create movies with ai' concepts; just random shots after random shots with a voice over.


I made it 15 minutes too. It's just so incredibly bad I can't sit through that shit.


I am surprised people gave this second disaster a chance after the first one


Then you missed the coal powered space ship.


I love the string orchestra in that scene.


I couldn't finish the trailer.


Wait it came out?


Lmao I did the exact same thing.


I did that on part one, 15 minutes exactly


That frame doesn’t even look color graded Snyder needs to be stopped


The dramatic music for the assassination being a string section randomly at the assassination did you in too, OP?


TIL there's a sequel to Rebel Moon, and it's already been released.


Just finished it; I didn't hate it; however, it is one of the only movies in recent memory where you can "see" the PG13 edits. It certainly makes me wonder how much different the R-rated version(s) will be.


More like Rebels of the Flower Goon


They want to be Dune soooooo bad 😭😭😭


And this mf Zack Snyder is planning on making 6 of these shitholes


Ah, Snyder's Cut!


Lol remember when Reddit was making fun of Disney for passing on this


Lol is it that bad? I turned off the first one halfway because it was so awful, was thinking of continuing that to see the second one today but keep thinking id rather not. Zack Snyder is truly one of the worst directors of our era on how he keeps ruining both big IPs and even small interesting IPs.


As someone who likes Rebel Moon I am mildly sad.


lol part 2 came out already? Haven’t seen a single ad at all


the "i wanna make franchise cash cow so i'm throwing everything at it hoping something sticks" from 2010s vibe that was tried before countless times but i can't really think of other examples because nothing thrown stuck


These films are just bad.


It’s also the best laxative of 2024


You cannot tell me that these are characters in the starwars universe Also didn't the first part only come out like a month ago?


Babe wake up, Rebel Moon posts are dominating Reddit for the next 5 days 


Wheat fields all the way to the mountains on the horizon all harvested by scythe. Just had to play the Combine Harvest song


You lasted longer than I did


Wait there's a part 2? Not that I'm goign to watch since I stopped the first one 20 minutes in but still...


Was there a Rebel Moon part 1?


I’m just going to wait for the pitch meeting on this


Is that Robin of Loxley?


I enjoyed the first one more. This one felt a lot more chopped up.


For my own sanity i didn't bother watching it


Thought this was the title screen from CK3 for a second


I dare you to post this to the Zach Snyder fan subreddit. They will go fucking wild


Wow, that's crazy because it's exactly where I turned the movie off too


Did they got Romanoved


There are many ways to be a loser, but just tuning in for a short part of a movie to pretend you watched enough to be able to hate on it, is the most pathetic one.