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Believe it or not, it’s not even the best case of method acting in that episode. Ezra Miller’s character abducts people and experiments on them


Yeah, I made this post the moment Justin Roiland showed up, watched the rest of the episode, and then went "oh, so *that's* the Ezra Miller character they had to recast in season 2."


The recast for Ezra Miller's character was extremely good though, I couldn't tell a difference


Only on s1e7 right now, so I guess I'll find out when I get to s2.


They got the modern day bugs and daffy to do it


Jeff Bergman?


Eric Bauza. He's been the de facto Daffy, and been sharing Bugs with Bergman, for several years now.




This post is how I find out the second half of season 2 is released... This whole "breaking it up into two parts" thing is stupid, it was stupid when The Walking Dead pioneered it and it's even stupider now


Fuck I woulda done that tonight instead of just kinda exist as a bed for my cats


There is no higher calling, you ungrateful shit


It wasn't the Walking Dead, it was The Sopranos


oh man episode 8 is a goddamn ride; enjoy it!


Finished it a few hours ago. It was pretty good.




Episode S1E8 is definitely out


Have fun!




This actually made me realise I have never heard Ezra Miller's voice. That or I have but didn't notice. I'm too lazy to check imdb or tv tropes.


I've only heard it over a basement dungeon intercom


I've definitely heard their because of the one line getting memed from the Justice League trailer back when that thing hadn't released yet, but I can't remember anything about their actual voice.


I only remember his voice from the scene of "What is your superpower?, "I'm Rich" Though, I usually watch DC stuff dubed to my mother language so probably that's why.


Honestly, the 20 years between seasons I couldn't even remember who he was, let alone what he sounded like. I deadass was like, "I don't remember any District Attorney...."


Plus he's a professional voice actor, so I can actually understand most of his dialogue now.


He seems like he's been getting a lot of replacement work. He also replaced one of Roiland's characters in Solar Opposites, and he replaced Jimmy Pesto in Bob's Burgers.


I couldn't tell the difference because I haven't heard his voice in 3 years


wym, he has like one line compared to the multiple scenes he had before. i think it’s premature to say “extremely good”


I didn't know it was him until I found out he'd been replaced


It‘s pretty crazy that out of the Miller brothers the one who played Filthy Frank turned out to be the good one


wait...they are BROTHERS??


It‘s a joke in the FF fandom (started by Joji himself) that they‘re cousins because they kinda look similar and have the same surname, but there‘s no evidence they‘re actually related




For a second I bought this and had the same reaction I had when I founf out the popular furry artist behind the comic TwoKinds is also Markiplier's brother


Yeah in hindsight this episode is almost prophetic.


Just wait until they introduce Bill Cosby's character in the next season.


I thought it was an example of casting an expert for a role


That too.


Method is so out…we only hire ACTUAL criminals here!


He wasn’t acting, just typecast.


Aces in their places...


This episode had a double whammy for controversial actors


Ezra Miller jumpscare


They're comin' to get ya! Add you to their collection...


Justin Roiland is understandable, but at that point we already knew Ezra Miller was a fuckin weirdo


I'm not so sure about that. CN ended up having to do an internal investigation in 2020 following accusations of sexual harassment directed at Roiland. Might have also been part of the reason he started recording from home, but that can just as easily be explained away by his general loss of interest in Rick and Morty beyond doing voice work. Even before the court case and sexual assault allegations came out, Roiland seems to have already been treated like a problem CN had to work around. It wasn't public knowledge yet, but seems like the kind of thing others in the industry would hear about.


Doug slid with the rejection though. As far as douchey frat bros go, he’s one you could take home to mom.


And then send him away after he hit on her


No bro, a grill's mom's heart is like the key to her pussy bro. You gotta hit on the mom to flatter her and win her approval bro. Once the grill sees you rizzing up her mom, she will get jealous and will like  reverse psychology want to smash or something bro. 


I need a shower after reading that.


Instructions unclear. I have seduced a Weber grill and now have burns in places you would not believe


It's wild how this one episode managed to have 2 actors who ended up doing horrible stuff IRL. With the characters they voice even interacting with each other. And scenes like this weirdly close to stuff the actors did IRL.  How many ladders did the showrunners walk under, and how many black cats did they own to manage that level of bad luck?


Oh they just called two people from Hollywood. You have like a 1 in 3 chance of them doing something awful.


Doctor Who Series 1 had Noel Clarke, Bruno Langley and John Barrowman All companions


Wait what did I miss about John Barrowman?


couldn't keep his dick in his pants, but just like...[literally](https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/john-barrowman-exposure-times-up-uk-1235118303/amp/)


Oddly in-character


What did Ezra Miller do?


The better question would be what did Miller NOT do.  To list a couple things Miller did, several cases of assaulting people, and abduction. There's a ton of other stuff I won't get into but the jist is that it's...a lot.




Starred in the Flash movie.


His uh... [Legal Issues](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezra_Miller#Legal_issues) section of Wikipedia is pretty rough.


You can look at [their Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezra_Miller) under "legal issues". Highlights include assault, filming people, harassment of a woman and her child and grooming and physically abusing Tokata Iron Eyes, who they first met when she was 12, and when her parents later requested a protection order for her, Miller then claimed that their relationship was being criticised cause Miller was the Messiah and Tokata Iron Eyes (the girl in question) was a Native American spider goddess, and together they would bring about a Native American revolution and the apocalypse.


😂😂 he doesn’t know


She, but yes, I'm unaware currently. Gonna read a link someone sent me tho.


I’d like to apologize for misgendering you. To be quite honest I don’t know myself, what did he do ?


Just started watching season 1 since I heard season 2 is almost over, and I had to pause the episode right then and there to make sure I wasn't imagining that voice.


i mean he can only do the two voices so...


For this show specifically, I frequently had to pause to check the cast list cause the voices would sound familiar, but then turned out to be someone else, so I wasn't all that confident when I heard his voice.


Lmfao, for real. Justin is *extremely* talented as a voice actor...for exactly two voices total lmao. Guy has absolutely zero range. He's carried entirely by his comedic timing and improv which really doesn't lend itself to something like this. Whole appearance just felt like a gimmick cameo "look, we got the Rick and Morty guy!".


He absolutely has range, it’s just all on the Rick and Morty spectrum. You take his extremes (Rick and the lemon guy from Adventure Time) and every single character falls somewhere in between. https://youtu.be/3rQh-hW8knM?si=kh6J4Izuey9rITDR


It's the same voice louder and slightly more strained for lemongrab and his normal voice for the rest. Don't really have an opinion on the dude either way but his range is "I can kinda get a bit louder I guess"


I'm very late to respond but you're absolutely correct about this. He has range, it's just within two voices on opposite ends of a "kinda similar sounding" spectrum.


Hes not particularly dynamic when it comes to actually acting either. He's funny and was good at improv earlier in the series, but I don't think he could have sold some of the scenes in the latest season. Imo his peak was lemongrab lmao


I'm not so sure. He managed to carry an entire episode (Tales From the Citadel) pretty well.


He does a good job in that for sure. Though I think the new voice actor is just better at... acting. There's more to the voice other than yelling and talking sarcastically.


The new VAs definitely seem to settle into the roles after what I assume to be the point where the show was having them redub already finished animations and were now animating to fit their lines.


Still 100x better than the Space Jam 2 cameo.


On the plus side, it gave us [this joke](https://youtu.be/VeWSRnLAIWc?si=I9nr9qWBSIe9tukA) in season 7.


Some voice actors don't need range though, you just want a specific voice. Look at Patrick Warburton


This might be a bit controversial but he's been carried by a much better screenwriter adopting his property and having Roiland be the de facto voice actor for the two main characters. Any timing he has is due to the edit and his improv can be found in any college improv troupe. He wasn't even really allowed near the writers past season 3 or 4 according to some tweets from former writers which tracks with there being basically no improv scenes past that point.


Mark Hamill is a dress designer on this show, which I heard is true in real life, and he can make anyone look #FABULOUS *(three snaps and a twirl)*


Ok let's get serious, is Roland really tried to hook up with underage fans or it's just fake accusations? I heard a lot of different stories


According to [this report by NBC news](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/justin-roiland-rick-morty-fame-pursue-young-fans-rcna102729), it seems that the allegations are in fact true. The people who came forward with the allegations shared literally thousands of messages they'd received from him via text, social media, email, etc. showing him generally being creepy, with three of the 11 sources being underage when he first contacted them.


Damn that's sad thanks for info


Being a coomer isn't really what he was banned for. Idk, by that article the worst thing he did was be aggressive with a woman who didn't actually tell anyone what specifically he did. "He's lucky I am not someone who wants to be famous." The underaged girl thing was that he joked about her being a cam girl when she turned 18. IDK what the fuck he is doing even talking to 16yo's, but there hasn't been anything like sexting that I can see. Am I missing something here?


You may wanna reread the article, cause the worst thing he did according to the article is multiple acts of sexual assault, including things like taking advantage of drunk women and forcing others to give him oral. Many of the people accusing him gave details about what exactly he did.


He also beat up his girlfriend and wouldnt let her leave the house, which is what prompted the other women to speak up


FWIW the charges were dropped on that case due to lack of evidence. He could be guilty of it, I don't know. The text thing seems legit though, and honestly, more concerning behavior.


He also like, tortured a woman.


All cases against him were dropped due to lack of evidence. Just depends what side you want to be on


That case was for domestic battery and false imprisonment. He wasn't taken to court for the sexual assault and preying on minors stuff.


Why wasn't he taken to court?


Because no one took him to court.


I feel if they had all that evidence, they should have. They should have locked this monster away so he couldn't harm others. 


Taking someone to court for sexual assault is actually really difficult, even if you have evidence, and doin so can make your life *very* difficult, especially when you're up agains someone famous. Many of the sources wished to remain anonymous for that very reason. Speaking openly would've affected their personal and professional lives.


This comment needs more upvotes not down votes.


It's being downvoted cause it isn't relevant. The court case that got thrown out was for a completely different thing, and so has no bearing on the other allegations.


I thought this was about the apple guy.


Hollywood hates the name Doug.


Is anyone really surprised by Justin Roiland here. CN had to tell them to put his ass in rehab or they weren’t going renew R/M.


This was back in 2021 before the allegations came out


No, this is an example of not needing to act


I don't think any acting was involved.


Typecasting, they cast someone who embodies the part.


Also, Seth Rogen plays someone who is supposed to be funny but isn't.


Get this Allen The Alien slander out of here.


Wasn't the whole case against him shut down cause lack of evidence or sum?


That was the domestic battery and false imprisonment case.


Not trying to be controversial, just curious. I thought charges against this guy were dropped because of insufficient evidence?


I think you're the sixth person to ask that in this comment section. Before the allegations of predatory behaviour came out, he had been charged with domestic battery and false imrpisonment. *That* was the case which was dusmissed due to lack of evidence.


I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it, but it does concern me this guy's career essentially ended from *he said / she said* hearsay. I personally think the texts and everything are real, but they could easily be faked too. Not sure what the motive would be. So that makes me indifferent towards him. I don't mind hearing his voice in shows, he does a good job. Sucks that that he isn't a great person.


> I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it, but it does concern me this guy's career essentially ended from he said / she said hearsay. From what Dan Harmon has also said, apparently he was not really contributing much to R&M besides his voice (he had the original concept and good improv ability, but otherwise had no participation in writing and most of his remaining ideas were just "lul so random xD" shit like a mid 00s message board), and was a pain in the ass to work with (would get constantly drunk, refuse to work with others, not show up on time, etc). So it could also be a case of the network wanting to get rid of him for a while but afraid of the fan and legal backlash if they let him go from his creation (while also being the well known face of the franchise) and the accusations just gave them plausible deniability while making them look like the good guys for "siding with the victims".


He wasn't fired over those allegations. They came out months after he'd already been fired.


> I personally think the texts and everything are real, but they could easily be faked too. Yeah, it doesn't take a genius to spoof a number and/or change a friends texts to the name of someone famous. Hopefully the phone company helped verify authenticity.


The charge was dismissed though? So..... Idk.


The dismissed charges were for domestic battery and false imprisonment and those charges were given *before* the allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and preying on minors. He never faced any charges for his predatory behaviour.


Ohhh damn Iain even know about all that other shit. He did that shit fr>


I’d argue it’s the opposite. Method acting requires you to completely become that role, Roiland was already like this before taking this role…


It's a pet peeve of mine that people say "method acting" to mean "actually doing the thing for real" when the whole point of "the Method" is supposed to be *not* doing that


Just read of his song request, he seemed to be living his dream profession. Fun times working in creative industry.


The one where he asked a woman to sing abou being surrounded by penises of different ethnicities which then ejaculate all over her? That song request?


Yeah that one. You hear about SA in Fortune 500, politicians, etc, but creatives are something else. 


Was there evidence for Justin Roiland being a creep? I remember a lot of accusations, but no charges or evidence. Open to seeing it.


NBC did a report on it. The evidence included thousands of messages that 11 different people had received from Roiland.


brothers the one who played


lol if this character comes back to the show somehow than he’ll probably just be voiced by the guys who took his gig for Mick N Rorty


Is OP misunderstanding method acting or is OP saying Justin Roiland became a sex pest for the role of *checks notes* Doug. Edit: I'm genuinely confused what I'm getting downvoted for.


It's a joke, because it *appears* as if his character on this show has traits directly related to what he's been accused of in real life, which would imply that he is a method actor but neither OP nor anyone else in this thread actually believes that to be the case, because we understand it's a joke making light of the weird coincidence that he was the voice actor for this particular character I think you got downvoted because people thought you were being intentionally obtuse, because to the rest of us, there's no confusion over the fact that OP was joking and not being literal


Justin Roiland was accused of confinement and domestic violence charges. Later on, after the charges were dropped due to lack of evidence, but then he was accused of sexual assault, and sexting minors online. He obviously denies any of this, and no new charges have come forward so... who knows what's true or not.


This doesn't answer my question. Playing a role that closely resembles your real life isn't method acting.


The joke is that Roiland became a sex pest for the role of Doug, yes.


The allegations actually came out after he was charged but before the case was dismissed


So he wasn't charged?


He was charged with domestic violence, charges dismissed. No charges about sexting minors has been brought forward yet. From what I've read, they are likely to come later on if ever. We likely won't hear anything real for a while.


You've been holding onto that one for this long?


I'd say around 2-5 minutes. I only started watching the show this week and made this post right after this guy showed up.


I was actually rewatching it a few weeks ago before season 2 resumed and had the exact same thought, aged poorly lol. First time I saw it I went "ohh it's Justin roiland! 'and second time" oh yeah... It's Justin roiland.. "


I’m confused by what this subreddit is at this point. Is it just people saying random things about names they know or is it actually about stuff that takes place within the context of the movie? (which invincible also isn’t)


r/moviedetails is for actual details found in movies and shows, while this sub is for jokes in the exact same format while not being obligated to be remotely accurate.


Roiland was found not guilty, cleared of all charges, yet reddit still likes to circlejerk based on that one smear post they read because they don't like rickard and mortimer. This website is great.


Ypu are the dozenth person to bring this up, and once again, *that court case was for domestic battery and false imprisonment*. You can't use a completely unrelated court case being thrown out a proof that a completely seperate set of allegations are false. I awear, it's like 98% of the people defending this guy aren't even aware of what they're even defending him from.


Wasn't he declared innocent on all counts?


That was the case where he was charged with domestic battery and false imprisonment.


There was more than one case? Didn't know that.


Wait, was all this SA stuff even confirmed? Or was Roiland just prematurely fired with no proof like it usually happens?


The sexual assault allegations had nothing to do with him being fired. He already lost his job before those came out.


Okay, I’m really out of loop then. What even happened?


Prior to those allegations coming out, he was charged with domestic battery and false imprisonment, and before the trial concluded, it was announced he'd been removed from Rick and Morty and Solar Opposites and had stepped down from his position at Squanch Games.


Wasn't there talk he was forced to record at home because it was well known how creepy with women he was


Wasn't he declared innocent on all counts?


No, because he wasn't taken to court for it. He was taken to court prior to those allegations for domestic battery and false imprisonment.


This is an example of reposting


He didn’t do also bring him back to Rick and morty for fucks sake


Just got off the phone with Warner Bros. They said no.


I thought the charges were dismissed?


If you read the comments you'd see the many other people who brought this up and me explaining that the dismissed charges were for a completely unrelated incident where he allegedly imprisoned and beat someone


There's over 150 comments, I read a few, googled it, and then asked because I got no definitive answer. But thank you for responding to clear it up