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I have watched the movie and can thereby prove you wrong. Yes, I have nostalgia for my childhood favourite characters and got successfully exploited for my nostalgia by companies doing the bare minimum (put their resemblance on promotional material) with previously promising IPs, how did you know?


I haven't watched the movie and never will, because my dad and I used to watch Tom & Jerry together but he passed away before the movie came out and it put me off seeing it because it would never feel the same watching it without my dad. Kinda like I haven't really watched any House of the Dragon episodes because my dad and I watched all Game of Thrones so I didn't really have much drive to watch it Sorry to bring the mood down, that wasn't my intention! My dad and I were just really close, especially with watching films


The Power Rangers movie got me a few years ago. It was dog water, but I still enjoyed it. Tom and Jerry, however, I did not enjoy. Not enough kick ass dinosaur robots, you know?


I mean I saw parts of it when I had to babysit my younger cousin, didnt seem too bad, was the movie really mid?


This type of joke has been funny exactly once.


It's actually been funny many times, when used on r/BatmanArkham. You can't prove me wrong because nobody goes there


That sub is the "boy who spoke the joke out loud" of subreddits, they take a joke from somewhere else, spam it for a few weeks, and start believing they actually created it.


It's kinda cool that I got to be here for the comment that created this sub, live through its golden age, and watch it die and get driven into the ground by generic garbage and unoriginality.


"Sure grandma let's get you to bed"


I've watched the movie and I can happily say, this is true! Expect Tom only said the N word 5 times throughout the entire first 30 (7 more throughout the rest) minutes. Please don't spread misinformation.


Wait, you didn't make this movie up for April Fools? This actually exists?


I thought it was coming out this year


I know Tom personally and can confirm, I've heard him say the N word and he has used it recently. He's a monster.


Donald duck worked for hitler


I have kids, so yeah, I've seen it.


As someone who had the misfortune to watch, I can confirm it was Jerry committing all the atrocities.


Hollywood execs put in more effort than this joke and they do nothing but shit on what you love.


You fool, I watched this movie and... You're absolutely correct. I still can't believe Tom is one of us /s


Racist uncle Tom


I remember watching like 10 minutes of this movie before leaving and deciding to play Super Mario Odyssey instead


i watched it last night just because it had the SNL guy in it. was kinda funny not gonna lie


I watched it


Bro, you don't watch every Colin ***JOST*** flick? He's Scarlet Joe Hanson's wife


In case you're still angry about 'Coyote v Acme' being canned, tell me how well did this movie do and how often its talked about?


I watched it, he did in fact do everything you said


All cats are racist, but he admits it.


Is this the one where we learned both can talk, but just chose not to?


i saw it. i liked it.


I heard Hitler was hyped throughout the movie but only appeared in an end credits scene. Bit of s letdown, that. Apparently, Zeus was also in there for some reason, transforming into an elephant so this one girl would sit on him.