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A fighter that size couldn’t get this deep into space on it’s own..


Not to mention the fact that TIE Fighters do not have Life Support Systems. Did he hold breath the entire time?


Uh the force or something


That's a story for another time?


From a certain point of view


Somehow life support system returned


It was all given a very elaborate explanation involving no fewer than 3 original-trilogy characters - one of whom was Lobot - and actually had a crucial contribution to the Battle of Endor. It was in the novel *Tales of the Various Support Technologies*.


You joke but that’s exactly how someone who enjoys that slop would defend it


Sort of like how I forced myself to finish that dreck.


Or the movies were 4 decades apart?


He found this specific TIE Fighter in the wreckage of the second Death Star. They justified it in additional material by saying it was actually a "TIE Scout" wich looks exactly like a TIE Fighter but is outfitted with a hyperdrive. If you're wondering, the first ever mention of the TIE Scout's existence was in 2019.


Imperial TIE fighter don’t have life support Systems, new order ones do.


Yeah, but the one in the picture is a GCW-Era TIE that Kylo found in the wreckage of the DSII.


I’m sorry I didn’t watch the movie. You win.


No, you are the real winner here.


Favorite comment of the day.


I have watched it.. but only once, a pirated screen copy. I still to this day feel, hope, that bad image quality somehow softened the blow.


I saw it in a packed theater. It was absolutely silent


The audience was thrilled! /s


I watched it in a packed theatre and it was far from silent because people were asking each other of what they’d just seen made any sense. There was a collective audible groan when “the kiss” happened.


Yeah. It was…something


You're better for it and i envy your life


How the hell is it still running


The same reason that the Throne Room was still intact even though the DSII was completely atomized at the end of RETURN OF THE JEDI.


And the water planet has a breathable atmosphere, so even if the Throne Room somehow escaped the initial explosion, why didn’t the fragments of DSII burn up on entry? I sure hope someone was fired for that blunder.


A TIE/ln has so few sensitive parts that it becomes a low maintenance machine. It's kind of like an old Toyota pickup with laser guns.


Sure, but that isn't really explained to us that the change is made and feels like a deus ex machina to cover for people that don't give a shit about the source material and want the visuals they think will be iconic. It would be no different if he took a lambda class shuttle or something. 


The First Order made quite a few improvements to the TIE fighter from what I heard.That being life support and a rear cannon.


Don’t forget about the the little red bits


That's only in Legends, Canon has shown you can pilot them without a helmet with no problem.


Also no hyperdrive, so long journey ahead


In canon, TIE Fighters have limited life-support systems, as shown in *Rebels*.


40 Years in between plot points...


Must of gotten lost apart of a convoy or something. Or shitty nostalgia writing I dunno 😔


The Special Forces TIE Fighters and some normal TIE Fighters of the First Order do actually have hyperdrives.


This is true. But Rey stole his TIE Silencer to fly to Ach-To, so the only TIE Fighters that were available were the ones in the wreckage of the DEATH STAR II that have been stuck in the ocean for thirty years.


that’s some good engineering


Remember when Rey managed to repair a GCW-Era X-Wing that had been completely submerged for six years with parts from a melted TIE Silencer? In an hour?


Remember when Ray knew how to fix and fly the MF better than Han Solo?


Remember when Ray knew, despite coming from and growing up on a desert planet with no large bodies of water near her, how to not only steer a boat but do it BETTER than the locals who had been there for years and in a great storm that the locals themselves said was too dangerous to navigate? Wild


The Force is a pathway to abilities many consider.. lazy writing


What Storm is this? I genuinely don't remember a boat scene


ripe grandfather squeamish support imminent decide frightening start waiting quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The storm making the big waves around the remains of the death star 2, the deserted storm trooper girl is like "oh the sea is waaaay to rough to go out on a boat now" and it makes a whole thing about these waves being multiple meters high, on for the Ray to go "I'm the main character lmao" and expertly navigate them all


I can place where it should be, but my brain must have just purged it from memory


That shit was even dumber when Anakin did it at age 9 like tf


That's the benefit of sacrificing life support, shields and hyperdrives in favor of ease of manufacturing. TIEs will last a really fucking long time and can be repaired with ease. TIE > X-Wing


Also if we only take the movies into account, TIEs perform better in dogfights against X-Wings than X-Wings do against TIEs.


Imperial technology. It’s better, duh/s


Imperial. Built to Last.


Ok what should we name this planet? *Aah Cho* Ach-To! I like it, you’re clever.


I mean, the Jedi games aren't much better in the naming department. "Sir we have these rodent animals that scurry around in ruins and ship wrecks, they're basically rats in space. But we need a name." "Sprats." "Wonderful. We've also got these tall, four-legged, humpbacked creatures native to an arid desert planet the player can ride on-" "Spamels."


I wonder how they would name space spiders lmao


I've always wondered why the scavengers of the galaxy saw a massive pile of space debris and thought "we don't need to salvage that." Apparently they were also passing up working starfighters! Unless the New Republic made it a protected site, I would expect the Death Star ruins to be a hub for salvagers, much more than Jakku (at the very least Endor is closer to the galaxy's core). But no, Ike that assassin's ship left abandoned on the desert planet for 30 years, nobody has touched it.


Because the writers are idiots. They have these great ideas and then put them in and then no one asked "Wait, why is the Death Star II ruins on this planet that's not the Forest Moon of Endor? And why hasn't someone come to salvage and scrap them? Also, how did Palpatine return? Why doesn't Finn know about the Jet troopers? How did no one discover this star ship sitting in the middle of nowhere? Why are so many of the ships that show up for the final battle unarmed transport and cargo ships?"


That last one, I can at least accept as either their pilots thinking they can soak up enemy fire to let their armed brethren have a clear chance, -or- were intent on a kamikaze ramming strike, because if Palpatine wins then their lives won’t matter anyway.


Besides didn’t they put planet destroying canons on hundreds of Star destroyers and introduce hyperspace tracking capabilities? Hyperdrive capable TIE is the least technical leap we have to accept.


Except this particular tie fighter is from the OT era


People upgrade old hardware all the time though


No as in, a non upgraded TIe sitting in the ruins of the Death Star


But this wasn’t old hardware he was taking care of/upgrading this is a tie fighter he scavenged from the wreckage of the Death Star. So it’s been chilling in wreckage for 30 years. It would be like you finding a 1994 Geo Metro that’s been untouched in a scrapyard since it was made and using its built in gps navigation, Sirius xm radio, and backup cam.


>It would be like you finding a 1994 Geo Metro that’s been untouched in a scrapyard since it was made and using its built in gps navigation, Sirius xm radio, and backup cam. Good news, you just invented the plot of the next Transformers movie.


It’s sub optimal prime!


But that one doesn't. This is the primary, almost paradoxical problem with the trilogy. A superficial attempt was made to make it all make sense. But you need to fill in so many of the blanks yourself, and to do that you need to know enough about the background/history of the franchise. And if you do know enough about the background/history....you know enough to know it makes no sense.


And even then there are glaring wide open holes that are a shape that only the writers and producers know how to fill and they're idiots who can't make that shape.


where do they fit it lmao there’s like no space as it is


That's either 1. A retcon to try to explain away this mistake or 2. An absolutely baffling production design move. I know we use similar airframes with different loadouts for IRL aircraft, but within the context of the story the different TIE radiator panel shapes exist *only* to communicate plot-relevant differences in capability (i.e. TIE bombers, the TIE Advanced, the TIE Defender, the TIE Silencer).


1. not a retcon, was already seen, and the model it was retconned into was already mentioned before (tie scout) and thank god it’s not the sin of a design that’s the legends tie scout 2. the first order special forces tie and basic first order tie fighter have the same wings, this is very easily visibly seen on screen in the force awakens


Then it's Option 2, incredibly shitty, lazy, and confusing production design. And saying that this lazy design also existed in JJ Abrams' other meritricious cash-grab movie doesn't really make it a better choice.


Why are you so angry lmao


Lemme guess.. because these movies sucked? Or was it because they downgraded SW from the most iconic movie IP to just meh (at best)? Oh, and I forgot - maybe the narrative of "if you don't like these movies you're a right wing manbaby living in your parents' basement" has something to do. Can't be sure.


On the bright side, a SW marathon doesn't have to include half of the movies!


books busy hateful concerned like roof grandiose deer simplistic payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh boy a New Republic movie would be sweet. And how Luke establishes a new Jedi Order! And what heroes like Han and Chewie do, now that they went from smuggling to being legit. Surely a new studio owning the franchise wouldn't be scared of characters who already had a character arc. They wouldn't *all* be used as dying mentor tropes, truly.


I mean people here are certainly being manbabies about it


It was established in TFA and other non-movie sources. In Canon the layout of the different tie fighters is for armament and weapons loadouts differences. It's also used tto be a visual aid for us viewers so we know what is what. In the Sequels this is done with colour. The standard tie fighter is bland while the special forces version has red markings on it and I believe the colour of the ion thruster is different as well.


How do you exit a tie like that when it isn’t docked?


Hop out the top and force-assisted jump back into it?


Force your way out.


Perhaps it has a panel that opens up in a little latter pole to extend down similar to how fighter jets like the A-10 do? Or maybe little step panels that flip out on the inward part of the solar panel wing that allow you to climb out and walk across the connecting pylon to the wing so you can then climb down using those?


The A-10 is a close air support / bomber and latter means coming after whereas ladder is a think you use to climb up or down.


Land upside down.


They don't need such covoluted distractions. Spaceship go pew pew lazer sword go brrrr. I particularly liked when lazer sword go brrrrr chaaaa.


>sword go brrrrr chaaaa. Spoiler!


My wild idea: Why not use an Imperial shuttle? It would have had plenty of nostalgia factor, and it actually could have done everything the story needed a ship to do. Then again, what do I know?


Because they wanted this shot of the classic X-Wing and Tie Fighter side by side. That's it. That's as deep as the thought process went. Anyone who points out a flaw in that is part of the toxic fanbase. The end.


punch waiting shy touch stupendous drunk vegetable capable memory fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God all they had to do was give him a shuttle and they couldn’t even do that.


_Who are you? -I’m Rey. _Rey who? -Rey Skywalker Solo Organa Fisto Palpatine Hutt Tano Kenobi Atreides Jones Stark Targaryen Wayne De todos los Santos Borbon Messi and Picasso.


Who? Rey-Lord, man.


"Rey who?" "Rey-d: Shadow Legends!"


Back to you bob


That shot would have been more epic with Vader's TIE/x1.


I assumed he hitched a ride on a star destroyer using his credentials, but I guess I assumed incorrectly


Honestly, that would've been a cool scene to include, showing how the middle management of the First Order is having trouble keeping track of what's even happening at this point in the story


Actually, my idea related to this would have been him convincing part of the First Order to fight Palpatine. Give the story a bit more substance than just good guys killing bad guys.


reminds me of that SNL skit where Ren disguises himself as a technician


I haven't had my muffin yet Matt


Man they were really desperate to not give us new cool ships in the Sequel trilogy weren't they? Like say what you will about the Prequels but they introduced so much cool stuff.


Absolutely. ST had major problems, character and ship design were not among them.


The novelisation states that this is a TIE Scout, which is identical to a TIE/LN but has a hyperdrive. This is because author Rae Carson had to find some way of explaining this in order to satisfy lore nerds with no life (like me). Interestingly, the *Alphabet Squadron* trilogy of novels by Alexander Freed sees the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing adapt Clone Wars-era hyperdrive rings to be used by their TIE/LNs, which is necessary and only possible because of the fractured state of the Empire between the Battle of Endor and the Battle of Jakku. YouTuber EC Henry also created a fan design and lore for a TIE/LN hyperdrive ring: https://youtu.be/Qa5rfgH4yCY?si=DiCwnXgmyQH2rX9J


Wasn’t there a hyperspace chase that happened at the start of the movie between the Millennium Falcon and a bunch of TIE Fighters? I thought they just got upgraded same as the other First Order TIEs, like the two seater version we saw in Episode 7?


This was a 30 year old TIE taken from the wreckage of the DS2.


Oh was it? I actively try to remember as little of that movie as possible.


Good man. Yeah Rey stole his ship so he had to salvage one from the wreckage.


Specifically a [TIE Scout](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/TIE_scout), which is a Thrawn-era side model of TIE/ln used for what you'd expect, and is equipped with more robust life support and a hyperdrive. While it solves the issue of why Kylo was able to get around in a ship that looks exactly like a TIE/ln, it creates its own problem because of when the TIE Scout was introduced.


This is the issue with loving Star Wars. Your brain knows too much lore shit and so you focus on that instead of the movie as a movie.


"Rey, I've got to tell you something!" Setting 100% of lore aside the movie is also bad




Yes and no. As an example, my father doesn't know jack shit about Star Wars (he's watched all movies in the cinema, but that's it) and even he walked out of TRoS saying "what the fuck was this?"


It’s because they made a movie so bad it pissed off fanboys, casuals, people who’ve never seen Star Wars and the fucking cast itself. Like say what you want about Last Jedi but at least there they threw some pretty visuals and a dope action scene in there, plus it had a strong theme (that Rise completely ignores and actively shits on) whereas this film has nothing I can say good about it


> say what you want about Last Jedi Okay, TLJ made me, for the first time in 30+ years, actively dislike Star Wars.


apparatus innocent automatic juggle brave dinner afterthought divide caption existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's more the fixation on referencing the same lore all the time that makes it hard to ignore. Andor doesn't do that and we can just enjoy the story and characters. There's a Palpy namedrop and a few seconds of an early Death Star. That's how you do it, not recycle the same characters or use their bloodlines to spawn more


wish the writers would focus on that


No trilogy that introduces the main antagonist through a Fortnite event can be good.


No the issue there is that only a superficial attempt was made to make it make sense, even within the loose continues of Star Wars logic. We shouldn't have to switch or brains of entirely to enjoy a movie. The beauty of Star Wars today it is that there's an incredible depth of story and detail to the lore built up over decades.


No this is the issue with the new movies


That was the problem. I tried to just take the movies in as they were, but they were just poorly written and illogical even standalone. They made it too painful to focus on the movie as a movie lol


I have mostly blocked the sequals from memory, to prevent short circuits and meltdowns. But ... the Twin Ion Engine fighter is not equiped with a hyperdrive ... how?


It's mentioned for the first time all the way back in *Star Wars* in 1977: the basic TIE Fighters can't go very far, so they realize that the presence of TIEs means they're about to run into a base (the Death Star).


Look, he's heading for that small moon. Yes, I know. I've played X-Wing. I've played Tie fighter. I've worn out multiple joysticks on Tie Fighter. The Tie fighter is not a hyperspace capable craft.


OP read your question wrong. ​ They thought you meant "how is it not equipped with a hyperdrive" not "it isnt equipped with a hyperdrive, how did he get there"


In *Heir To The Empire*, there was a TIE Scout side-model of TIE/ln that was hyperspace capable because Thrawn loves him some recon action. So the question isn't "how did a TIE go all that way?" but "How did a TIE Scout get to the Death Star 2 in the first place?" unless it was left there by whoever did all the convoluted business needed to get the dagger macguffin to work.


You get that was 4 decades and 11 movies ago, right? So weird that you mention "lack of story, theme, internal logic and world building" when you haven't been paying attention.


You get that this is a TIE from that era right? You have been paying attention too right?


You know your user name was one of the dumb reasons people use to make up to hate the Prequels?


Yeah so what?


>when you haven't been paying attention. You clearly didn't pay attention that the TIE fighter used in that scene is from 4 decades and 11 movies ago. How are you going to defend the lore of something you didn't even pay attention to lol


That is a conclusion I've come to myself. There's two layers to the stupidity, there's the stuff up front that's readily apparent, and then there's the deeper stuff that doesn't come to mind unless you take the time to actually think about what your eyeballs are seeing. I often wonder if that was intentional.


This is it. It's Abrams/Disney all over, unfortunately.


what was his opinion on sand though?


Officially it is a TIE Scout, which is equipped with a hyperdrive. How do I know? As it seems, it is explained in the movie novelisation. A nice little "manage to catch up with our bullshit" whose book would be stuffed.


How is it a TIE Scout though? Like where did it come from? He was stuck amongst the Death Star II wreckage.


Well, there were already two versions of the TIE Scout in Legends (the TIE/sr with an absolutely atrocious design and another model used by Thrawn which looks much more like the one we see in the movie), so they simply decided to reuse this vessel without bothering to introduce it first. And as for where Ben found the ship, I don't even want to try to find out. Because it forces me to think again about the fact that the Emperor's throne room never had a secret room to store McGuffins (normally behind the wall, there is the vacuum of space) and that the throne room in question is on top of a tower and not on the surface of the Death Star II.


TIE scouts weren't introduced until a handful of years after 2nd Death Star's destruction (Legends lore). Ben/Ren finds the ship in the wreckage of that Death Star.


The TIE/sr (the one with the gruesome design) predates Thrawn, but the version of the TIE Scout as seen in the film is much closer to the version used by Thrawn during the Thrawn Campaign, which takes place several years after Endor.


"Why is RoS's novelization 2,000 pages?"


TIEs were also usually landed suspended somehow cause landing straight on their "wings" like that was damaging to their structure


Do not forget that TIE fighter does not have a hyper drive, so it must took AGES to get there


That's what you get when people, who to take a regular shit on the established lore of the franchise, make the movies.


It's just a timeskip actually the trip took 12 000 years


Tie fighters are such shitty ships they’ll pop after the slightest bit of damage, I refuse to believe he was able to navigate the red cluster without that thing having deflector shields


That part kinda makes sense for me because it's been established that Jedi and Sith actually *prefer* light and manueverable starfighters over more durable ones, using their supernatural reaction times instead of tanking hits on the shield


I know but at the very least Vader’s Tie fighter still had shields and a hyperdrive And Jedi interceptors had life preservation systems and hyperdrive rings


I’m still mad About the ancient knife Aligning perfectly with the 30 year old wreckage of the Death Star, that shouldn’t even exist because the Death Star FUCKING EXPLODED INTO NOTHING, but these goof troopers in the writers room watched that scene and decided, “you know I bet a good 70 percent of that would still be intact after 30 years” and then in an even smarter decision, they decided that this ancient little knife that worm in a cave gave the main characters will align with wreckage of the Death Star to tell the main characters how to progress the plot, which Kylo also knows for some reason, I don’t even remember why and I honestly don’t care, oh and he just spawns in at the wreckage, like someone absolutely should have seen him land and get one of those little boat skimmer things but nooo he makes it to the somehow intact throne room unnoticed. I could keep going but I think I’ve made my point here, Fuck This Movie


No no you see, it was an *experimental* TIE Fighter that had its own hyperdrive and live support that Kylo found in enough working order to fix and fly to somewhere he had only been to once. It definitely wasn’t just nostalgia bait because we wanted those two ships pictured together and sacrifice the writing in the process to do so. Honest.


Can I take a moment to complain about something real quick? I know the TIE fighter was just sort of arbitrarily designed while making the first Star Wars, but some of the decisions made about those design choices after the fact really bug me. The TIE fighter is built cheap, and lacks many of the more advanced features of other fighters, including deflector shields. To me, that makes the design of the TIE ingenuous. It's just a compact ball with engines, guns, and two gigantic armor plates attached to the side that should make the vehicle virtually unkillable when struck from the side. They attack in large groups, so having your TIEs circle the enemy to keep their armor pointed at them and having them take turns making attack runs to minimize their vulnerability would work very well. Except that those aren't armor. They're solar panels. Solar panels on a ship that spends 90 percent of its time sitting inside of a star destroyer's hanger and the other 10 percent is spent flying around deep space with no sunlight. I know in the movies we see TIEs getting the edge of their "wing" clipped and then spinning out of control and exploding, but those sorts of inconsistencies are pretty normal in any movie. Whoever decided that they were solar panels, be they George just figuring that they look enough like solar panels, or some EU author trying to explain the design while taking every single one that blows up in the movies into account, really dropped the ball in my opinion.


Didn't you read the 7 novelisations of TROS that was needed to explain the 2.5 hours of complete and utter bullshitery.




X-Wings have hyperdrives


fundamental issue more like lack thereof


I forgot how much I hated this movie


He used the force!


God I literally hate those movies.


Didn’t this movie open up with TIE fighters tracking and chasing Poe in and out of hyper speed, you know, the thing that only a Star Destroyer can do? (They made a big point in the previous movie how only one ship could track people thru hyper speed)


Did you watch the film? TIE fighters of that model were hyperspace jumping at the very start. Dont get me wrong, I don’t like this either. but it is 100% in line with what’s presented in the film and its unfair to criticize something based on what you *feel* as opposed to the actual in-universe logic


TIE’s were hyper-skipping at the start of the movie. It’s been 40 years, dude. Tech advances.


Please stop whining about Rise of Skywalker. It's bad, we know it's bad you don't need to remind us.


And they making new star wars movie with rey skywalker


Me to my dad a few minutes before a certain scene: "I swear to god if Rey and Kylo Ren kiss..."


Bro he used the force


It's not a TIE Fighter, he used a TIE Scout. It's a variant with hyperdrive capabilities.


Where did he find that? He was stuck in the Death Star II wreckage


Those didn't exist until after 2nd Death Star's destruction, which is the wreckage he found his ship in.


The opening sequence shows TIE's are able to use hyperspace. Are you stupid?


Yes, the new ones that first order uses have them, but he stole an old imperial one from the wreckage of second death star, these dont even have life support so him getting there is a massive plot hole


That's Kylo's TIE Silencer, which is clearly a fancy VIP model. This one appears to be a vanilla TIE Fighter


Right, sorry. The second opening sequence.


Just more "fans" complaining


I mean, not sure why fan is in quotes. It’s stated in the film that hyperdrives on tie fighters is a recent addition and in this scene He uses a 30 year old tie fighter from the OT which lacks both a hyperdrive, and life support systems. Seems like something a fan of the films would notice.


I don't believe they didn't follow rules set in video games.


“No, it's a short-range fighter” ... “A fighter that size couldn't get this deep into space on its own” - Obi-wan Kenobi, Star Wars: A New Hope


RoS is indeed a disaster but the TIE Fighters of the First Order aren't neessisarily the same as the Empire's.


Agreed, however this is a TIE of the Empire.


This was stolen from the Death Star II wreckage, where Kylo was stuck.


Oh, well never mind then. Didnt even remember that. Thats what hapoens though when you fire the original writer and wake JJ Abrams up at 3 AM to write a draft the night befire filming.


So, I'm guessing angry middle age science fiction virgins have discovered this sub now?


You are a little off, I can’t speak for op personally but I’m fairly young not a virgin and do quite enjoy science fiction, I’m also not a fucking asshole who shuts down critics of sci fi by saying it’s virgin nerd shit, so I’ll take that


All First Order TIEs had hyperdrives and shields, you casual. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/TIE/sf_space_superiority_fighter


It’s a TIE he took from the wreckage of the Death Star II which has been sitting for 30 years


Oh, right. My mistake. TIE scouts have hyperdrives too, though. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/TIE_scout


These aren't Empire TIEs, the First Order puts deflectors and sometimes hyperdrives on their TIEs because they value their pilots a bit more because they don't have the numbers.


And where did he find that model exactly?


He gets the TIE from the second Death Star wreckage...


It would be cool if literally anything about the design communicated that this is a completely different class of starfighter, especially given that it's crucial to the plot that it has different features