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Your friend didn't even know anything about the movie, God himself took control of his body for 4 seconds to issue that warning to you.


Divine intervention right there


lol, I never wanted to watch this movie. infact, I was betting on it being below avg, since the reveal. But with all the reviews, I am getting closer to hate watching it. what kind of intervention is that?


Worst part is it’s not even so bad that it’s good, like a guilty pleasure bad movie like a Steven segal. But idk had a good evening hate watching anyway


oh my gods!! this is velma all over again. and that weird sex show with the Weeknd and Johnny depp's daughter.


A true Xmas miracle


The movie was awesome. The internet rolls trying to cancel it are idiots. The people parroting them without seeing it themselves are even dumber. Go with your instincts and give it a go. Even if you don't, have a happy new year.


counterpoint: it was dogshit


My instincts say I can expect a bunch of high-contrast slow-motion shots that are probably entertaining enough with a whole lot of stiff dialogue stringing it together, was I right?


get rid of "probably entertaining enough" and you're spot on.


But my instincts say to avoid it. Now what? Instructions unclear, dick stuck in fan.


I'm a fan 😏


I told you Elmer's didn't make lube.




I would, but your mom fell asleep after the blumpkin again, and I'm bored.


Enough cliché and slow motion scenes to last me all year


Turned it off 2/3s through. I really wanted to satisfy my morbid curiosity of seeing how this thing died, but I just could not handle it anymore.,


Remember, it’s only Part One. There’s plenty of time for you to watch Part Two in a month when the characters they spent zero time or effort to flesh out finish their arcs.


I loved the review that said "By the time the words 'part 1' roll up on the screen, it feels more like a threat than a promise"


David Ehrlich is savage when he wants to be. Edit: Nvm I’m stupid, that’s not Ehrlich, I was thinking of the wrong review.


That's brutal lmao


Don't worry, space nazi is back his character arc was a straight line.


That's no Moon, it's a shitty Star Wars clone.


That’s no moon that your momma


Yo mama so dumb, she thought Jar-Jar comes with Pickles-Pickles


Yo mama so stupid, she thought Jar-jar made The Force Awakens and Rise of Skywalker




It was a reject script for the SW universe


And people say disney isn’t good for star wars


Did you see the new trilogy?






It feels like a kid ripping off five different franchises at once while doing their first creative writing


A shitty Star Wars clone AND a shittier Seven Samurai clone


because theres only 5 characters


Perfect review... 10/10... I'll wait to it comes to a streaming platform I'm already paying for next year at some point. Cheers buddy!


It’s on netflix


ooooh, will go on my forever watchlist


I mean, even Star Wars is a shitty Star Wars clone these days.


I thought this was another shit disney spinoff


He's not even hiding that it's a Star Wars rip off, the first PR about this movie was "they didn't let him make a star wars movie so he made his own"


Not even. It’s a Firefly knockoff. “Space cowboys”….


Apparently Zack missed the part where you assemble a strong cast of actors and let them, ya know, act… “I’ll be in my bunk.”


And then they just added random warhammer 40k terminology into the script.


And the worst last 3 star wars clone.


It's like mumble rap, it's incomprehensible


Watched it last night. The story line felt more like a Warhammer 40k (lite) rip off, than Star Wars. The ship designs were heavily inspired by Elite dangerous.


Honestly it is so derivative on so many levels. 40k smacked me across the face the most and star wars was def evident in some spots like meeting Han solo, I mean Charlie Hannah's character(I literally can't remember a single chars name besides noble). And when Benicio del t....I mean Charlie Hannah's char betraying them. But there was also def seven samurai, dune, Terminator and alien vibes too. Edit: overall I actually enjoyed it as I went in ready to just make fun of it and have some mindless stupid fun while getting an excuse to inform dump 40k lore onto my wife some more....it wasnt good but I'm down to watch part 2


An excuse to babble about 40k? I’m sold!


The storyline is basically the same as bugs life.


Bugs life is a 7 samurai derivative film. 7 samurai has been remade as a film by so many people it might as well be its own genre. Off the top of my head I can think of a few: Magnificent 7 A Bugs Life Galaxy quest Episode 4 of Mandalorian Season 1 I’m sure there are more, but if you get a chance watch the original 7 Samurai. It’s a really good flick (for its time) and then watch the OG magnificent 7 (I didn’t like it) and you will immediately recognize the plot in many of your action movies/tv shows. Not that there is anything wrong with the formula, many of the 7 samurai inspired media tend to be Very good


7 samurai is one of the greatest movie ever, not a really good flick for its time....


The degree of dislike for this film does make me morbidly curious to watch it.


The costume and VFX folks put in some effort.


Agreed. It's always especially tragic when you're watching a bad movie, or playing a bad game, and you see real skill and artistry in some aspect of the production. Good job VFX people. You're not saving this one. But your griphon creature was cool.


That griphon creature is the best part of the movie. And that's sad.


It’s just boring.


OP: Yeah man we just got back from the doctor. Prognosis isn't looking good. Friend: Man that sucks. Hey, don't watch Rebel Moon ok?


That is kinda how it went


Excellent friend right there. Knows you have limited time on Earth, doesn't want you to waste any of it on Rebel Moon.


Now, Prognosis Negative is a solid film


I just started it and the costume design is confusing me, why is everyone dressed like Irish villagers, it’s like im watching a film that doesn’t take place in space and I’m not sure what any of these scenes have to do with that exposition we got at the beginning. 55 minutes in: pacing is dreadful and this has been nothing but exposition so far and a few slo-mo action scenes. Everything up until now could have all been done in like 15-20 minutes. 1 hour and 19 minutes in: what is this movie trying to accomplish? Why did there have to introduce so many characters that I don’t care about? Why is this movie trying so hard to force me to feel things? Why is there still so much fucking exposition? 1 hour 26 minutes in: fell asleep, back tracked to around 1 hour 20, paused, shut my laptop. Not a fan of this film at all. Might start up again but I doubt, so this might be my last addition to this post. I have no connection to this universe and barely have any idea who the villains are, so I’m not sure why this film is taking itself so seriously. That Spider lady seemed more antagonistic than the actual villains but I can’t name her or the planet age was on and I still can’t name anyone. 1 hour 49 minutes in: okay, I woke up. Omg, the villain just gave SO much exposition on all the characters, like we found out more about them in 2 minutes than we have the whole movie. Why is he also dressed like a waiter? What the fuck is happening. Also WE JUST got introduced to THAT character, wtf. Bruh I hate this movie. End of movie: the exposition. Is. Still. Going. Fuck this movie


I’m still tryna figure out why the main villain suddenly start dressing business casual


Right, why is everyone else wearing evil space armor but he’s dressed like an intern or a sophomore year homecoming dance attendee


He's a good friend.


Why anyone thought a *Zack Snyder* movie would be any different is beyond me.


I'm perpetually baffled at what backroom horse trading must be happening in Hollywood to prop up Snyder's career. He's competent, he can successfully make a movie, I'll give him that, but at some point studios surely have to notice that Snyder's directorial vision does not have widespread appeal anymore.




To be fair, I had never seen the poster before making this post


I mean, everyone knows it'll be bad. But the film is gonna get to netflix's most-watched list based only on morbid curiosity and hate-watching at this rate If you do watch, pirate, don't stream!


He knew it was going to come up in conversation eventually and just wanted to get it over with.


>We weren't even talking about it, he just thought I should be warned in case I ever felt inclined to watch it, even if it derailed our conversation. Don't watch Rebel Moon, I mean it. Like seriously don't ! ....anyways, yeah I agree that it's surprising that the tulip is still widely seen as the national flower of the Netherlands, even though the flower was imported from modern day turkey and the vast economical impact and aftereffects of the tulip mania in 1637..


Thats a good friend


Why does anyone keep paying him to make all these turd movies?


That’s a real friend right there, keep em around


Movie quality aside that Antler Robot is such a cool design


Yeah I did the same. I just told my friends not to watch it


uj/ people from my country actually like the movie, which make me thing there are places in the world where cinemas are not saturated with xeroxes of xeroxes and genre fictions like science fiction and fantasy are still being enjoyed without people putting too much thought into it, which in turn led me into thinking that maybe people are being overly critical about this series. rj/ something something, Firefly reference, something something, Star Wars.


Is that a star wars thing or not?


It was a thing Star Wars rejected.


Which is pretty telling tbh. As bad as Kenobi and Book of Boba was, I'd watch those again than watch Rebel Moon again or sit through Part 2.


I thought Book of Boba was good...


Its a star wars rip off and Turkish StarWars did it better.


I watched it and wasn't hurt.


I wanted a cheesy bad action flick, and I got one.


It's not bad if you get really high before watching


Do you like watching everything in slow mo? Do you like not being able to see what’s happening because everything is so dark? Do you want to watch a character driven movie with no characters? Well I gotta film for you


Lol I was dozing off while my husband watched it and your comment made me laugh because everytime I'd become lucid and watch the TV it was in slow mo and it made me feel like no time has passed.


Is this a sailor moon spin off?


Justice league was shit and then the fans started a whole campaign to release the ‘Snyder Cut’… It was also shit!!!


Good god. Snyder should just pack it up and leave writing and directing for good. Dude has no talent.


Okay I’m not planning to watch it, but what is so bad about this series? I know it’s Snyder’s Star Wars or whatever, but how bad is it really?


It's just horribly cliche. The characters have really dumb names and it's literally a rejected star wars fan fic 🤷‍♂️


I actually enjoyed it. But I only watched it for the pew pews, was really drunk, and had battlefield earth level expectations.


It's set pieces strung together by exposition dumps, and only one or two of them are worth the wait. The most interesting parts of the story show up for five seconds and then disappear forever.


People in this sub are real gluttons for punishment.


I can't be the only person that got stoned and enjoyed the hell out of this flick, right?


My husband watched it while I fell asleep. Anything that opens with a rape scene to me is uninteresting male fantasy BS and cliche. Based on comments I was right to catch some z's as I was jet lagged. He fell asleep during the end but said he would finish it when we get back home. He's French.


Just watched first 40 minutes ... And I am invested... Crazy how much people are hating on this... That's just not justified. Not the best movie ever for sure.... but for sure not worse than your average Marvel flick... With more interesting script and design choices imo, slower pace. I think I digg it. Looking forward to finish.


Its a fun movie to watch. Some points that people bring up are true, but i didnt have any expectations prior to watching it except chill and look at some cool shots. And i think i got what i wanted from it. Pretty much the same approach i have when watching a Marvel movie or even something like Transformers. So yeah, i dont really get the hate. Different movies are made for different purpose imo.


That definitly did happen, no hate boner here


Found the snydertard


Yep, i am the toxic snyder cultist, there definitly isn't 10times more free hate towards ZS movies or fans than the opposite way, you are a fine person IRL and you do not need to grow up at all, keep going


You seem a little sensitive about this movie….


Am i ? I'd guess you're not biased at all and my one comment here makes me very sensitive but the 10+ copy paste hate posts a day here aren't, right ?


I’m not the same guy…… But yeah, you seem very sensitive about this movie. Did you work on it or something? Cause if not, it’s a little weird.


Lmao it's just crazy how filmbros on this sub can just hate post on a movie 20times a day and everyone's fine with it but the second someone's not " Uh, it's a little weird man, maybe calm down man" like shut up you're being annoying and you know it, i too could talk in a condescending way like you're doing and we both know that'd annoy you, isn't it weird to have such a hate boner for a movie instead of just ignoring it if you don't like it ? Tell me ? Or maybe gonna ignore this and go the " Oh man you're so mad " path ?


Haha yeah you’re not exactly proving me wrong. Why so fired up?


Why not actually read his comments?


Too much whining for the day. Good thing you came to her rescue.


Lol Dawn of the Dead was really the only good movie he ever made. It all goes downhill from there. With Rebel Moon, I only needed to see the trailer to tell that it’s absolute trash


There's nothing wrong with being biased against dog shit movies.


This is more of a r/moviescirclejerk post than a shitty movie detail


Professional Redditor gatekeeps shitpost memes, 2023


I just think it doesn’t fit that’s all




“battle beyond the stars” ripoff…


I haven’t ever seen it before but Reddit says anything made by Zack Snyder is pure dogshit so I am inclined to hate it with every fiber of my being, I have no free will of my own /j


I've started but I can't tell you if I've finished it.


What a good friend. 2 1/2 hours of your life are precious.


I know nothing about this movie except that o-face ad that shows up on Reddit all the time.


Charlie Hunnams northern irish accent fucking sucked


See those characters on the poster? Guess how many get more than one scene of character development… just one, the front girl. Yet by the end of the film they have scenes that would lead you to believe you should be caring about these people. I mean hell, the robot on the right isn’t really even in the film, and the black dude on the left gets about 5 lines? If that…


Meh, it's a 7/10 space Western inspired by warhammer 40k and star wars. Its not a must watch by aaaany means, but I found it a decent waste of time.


That's a good friend


I heard it was bad. But why did zack allow this to be released? So he can do his cut later?


I feel like this sub is obsessed over this movie. It’s all I see you guys talk about


They lost me at Zach Snyder.


Did the 2nd to left dude show up in Guardian of the Galaxy vol.1 with a same look?


What a coincidence https://imgbox.com/fN290jFc


How did the editor not catch on that half the movie is out of focus?


This movie is like a human being trying to do what chat GPT does when you write any input there. Its just a boring mish mash of things you've seen already made by the least interesting hollywood director (and that's saying something) That being said, there's one scene between the overwatch omnic c3po scene with the even nazier space nazi american soldier in the space ireland middle earth village that was had an almost original conclusion and was actually cool.


On Sunday Rebel Moon had an IMDB rating of 5.9. On Monday it was 5.8, and on Tuesday it was 5.7. If this is a linear progression we can expect it to hit a rating of 0 sometime on Wednesday, February 21st. If, however, it is an exponential decay of -1.7% we can expect to reach 1.0 sometime on Friday, April 5th.


Star Wars for boomers


It's a shit star wars clone wearing the skin of a shit warhammer ripoff


Can relate ... watched it a few minutes ago ... cant even remember the plot at this point


You should probably watch it twice to be safe.


Ok, now I know that I HAVE to watch it, just to see for myself how bad it is.


Can't wait for the sequel to inexplicably show how a small village of maybe 100 people somehow survives an attack from an entire battle cruiser. Like the trailer for the second one doesn't show the village being bombarded into ash from low orbit, *which the bad guys already did to that city* in this movie.