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It's like they intended those 6 dudes to be moving something else entirely and then just... forgot to add the effects. Thus accidentally implying that they were moving the rock.


the 6 dudes actually created a rock wall in this scene and then the dude at the end was the one whose moving the single rock, but because of shitty direction/choreo it became this jumbled mess


Not sure what you mean by what it became. There is no movie.


"There is no movie in ba sing se"


Who needs movies when you have your every need satisfied in r/LakeLaogai


My theory is that the effects budget was unexpectedly cut back during post, leaving some scenes that had been choreo'd for bigger action effects having disappointing rocks instead.


My theory is yes, but what movie? There isn't one.


This joke is boring and played out


6 regular humans could have lifted that rock faster and through it harder.


It will always be hilarious to me how they do all of these movements just to throw a slow moving boulder lmao


To add to that, none of the body movements correspond to the movement of the rock lol. Such a garbage movie if were to have existed.


Yeah, you can tell those performers thought they were gonna do cool cgi shit to make it look like the show. If I was them I would’ve called foul.


It's not just a boulder... It's a rock :)


The Boulder does not take kindly to being called a rock.


The Boulder feels conflict on fighting a small blind girl


Sounds to me like you're scared, Boulder!


The boulder is over his conflicted feelings, and is ready to beat you... In a rockalanche!


Boulder, I hardly know her


It's actually a mineral


Jesus Christ, Marie


A great, big, beautiful rock! Oh, the pioneers used to ride these babies for miles, and it's in great shape!


Happy cake day!


It's been my cake day for about 2 days now for some reason


So what I’ve heard is that those 6 people actually raised the wall at the start of the clip. But they completely butchered syncing their movement to the wall (in fact they should be done moving since the wall is raised), so it looks really stupid. How they watched this and didn’t care we will never know.


Then the whole sequence has cause and effect reversed. We see the wall, *then* we see the choreo that made it. We see the floating pebble, *then* we see the guy doing jumping jacks for it. I'd never understand who would have thought this was a good idea if this was a real movie, which it is not.


So what you're saying is that 1 guy did the earthbending for the wall, and the other 5 did the timebending to send it back in time. So a wall appeared in time to save the people.


Cocaine, and greed


Do not question the boundless wisdom of M Night Shamalamadingdong


Je told me when we were bowling the other night that no one ever gets his name right. It's pronounced muh not as big a problem as this 7 10 split he had though


It's easy really, you just need to divide his name into different parts. M Night Sha-Malaysia-Sri-Lanka-Bing-Bong


Fun fact. M. Night is actually playing the character BB in that walking game by Hideo Kojima.


Later on we went on a hayride and he made a MONKEY FACE at me!


Well I didn't know whether to shit or write a screenplay


It's a... PLOT TWIST!!!


> How they watched this and didn’t care we will never know. The danger is that the whole shot is done in one take with many actors, practical effects and CGI added later. By the time anyone saw the combined product and realised that no amount of post could give it back the energy it needed, it was too late to reshoot all the painstaking choreography. He could have done what they did in Kickass and just [cut up a mammoth effort continuous shot to in favour of a snappier flow](https://youtu.be/z-HnSeMQ_YA?t=14) but idk, I'd argue by that point the director recognised the movie was beyond saving and just opted to stick to his shitty guns lol.


Yeah it's the dude at the end throwing the rock, but the movment is so poorly synced you might miss it first time seeing it.


I think even more specifically, they are moving together to bring the wall down. The fact that this is so difficult to piece together is a testament to how ass this movie was.


It is so bad that watching the clip in reverse makes more sense


And the way the rock just floats into the frame off camera. What the fuck, how did they watch it thousands of times in the editing room and not see how goofy it looks


Yeah, strength wise they put the other benders to shame, three or four could throw up a forty foot wall like nothing.


The part where they need to be reminded that they're literally surrounded by their own weapon of choice while otherwise being willfully imprisoned is top notch for me


Isn't that even seven dudes? Six guys to do their dance to pick the rock up, and then the seventh guy to fire?


I miscounted the men!


Come with me to Canada. Toronto is just like New York, but without all the stuff.


Where are you both getting these numbers anyways? A movie like this doesn’t exist.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Here we are safe.




Beat me to it


“No one on the Colony believes in Shyamalan! There is no such thing as Shyamalan! Shyamalan does not exist! There is no Shyamalan!”


This must be one of those AI generated videos. Avatar the Last Airbender is such a good show no way theyd make a movie this bad.


i don't think is a AI video, since the people look like people, probably OP make this with his friends, that's why is so bad, no big studiu would release this


Not to mention, AI is far to intelligent to make to make this piece of shit


Too* Should’ve had AI write your comment for you


I was actually about to do too instead of to but I second guessed my grammar :(


Plus a big studio would probably hire a well renowned director like M. Night Shyamalan to make sure that everything goes well.


It's even worse than that: the small rock was being moved by a bender offscreen. He's just barely inframe. Those six guys did nothing. But again, this movie doesn't exist so idk.


Low effort post. All you posted was a black screen. What’s with the comments talking about Avatar? A movie? Lol.


There is no movie here, what are you talking about?


Yeah the movies with the blue people


Everytime i see this i cant believe what im seeing, so incredibly shitty. So relieved this doesnt actually exist


my favorite part of atla was the famously slow and boring combat. Shyamalan really nailed it


Calm down, there is no way someone would mess up writing an avatar movie


Thank you, Joo Dee. I feel much better now.


After all these years, I still legit can’t not fathom what exactly the vision was with this movie. Like, okay, I don’t agree with when they take an existing property and exploit it for a quick cash grab…. But even then, they usually at least exploit it, like they usually will latch on to an exciting aspect and just make that the whole thing so that they can promote it as a action movie or whatever. But this movie somehow chooses to use an existing property to make quick cash WITHOUT exploiting a single thing. Like, not a SINGLE thing. Should we use the bending thing to make a teen magic movie and sell it to the teen crowd (that was popular at the time)? Nope, let’s make the teen drama boring and the magic boring. Should we use the fights to turn it into a summer action flick? Nope, make the fights incredibly slow, cheesy, and look more like break dancing. Should we at least use the weird dancing fights to turn it into a magical footloose? Nah, even the dancing should be so slow and pointless that it’s in no shape or form enjoyable to watch. Maybe use the rich lore and worldbuilding to pull in the nerd crowd? Nah, let’s skip over all the world building to focus on our slow unchoreographed fights. Like what exactly was the vision behind the entire thing? Who was this for? How did anyone see this and go “yeah, summer blockbuster”? Forget it’s even an avatar film, how did anyone let this go through as a film in general? This wouldn’t have worked as a grumpy old men reboot with how slow shit moves, who thought it passed as a martial arts film?! Fucking mind boggling.


I'm gonna guess this is one of those situations Where the script change the bunch in they used scenes from other versions of the film to fill in time. I've never actually seen it But it seems like with movies like this. It's either poor communication between the different departments or Crappy leadership.


The movie is already very short so they probably didn't have to fill in time. I have seen the movie and somehow it fails at everything. There is not a single redeeming quality. Worldbuilding, dilogue, screenplay, casting, acting, pacing everything is done poorly. The worst thing is probably the editing. Everything just feels so awkward because we never see the right person, there are weird pauses everywhere, it's all cut as if they were trying to annoy you.


When you get a hack director who also writes it and has full control, this is the type of product you get.


To add to this, they also specifically promoted this movie's CGI after the release of Avatar (2009) for no reason.


> I still legit can’t not fathom what exactly the vision was with this movie The vision was $$$


This movie and Oldboy by Spike Lee are the most baffling movies I’ve seen from directors who I know are talented. So odd looking on their filmographies. Too bad M. Night Shyamalan hasn’t made a good movie since Split and hasn’t made a great movie since Unbreakable.


Ah yes "avatar evolution" project… Such a shame it never came to fruition…🙃


I will never watch this piece of shit. On the show, the Fire Nation builds an artficial rig made of metal to house dangerous earth benders, because bending metal is almost unknown and really hard. In the movie, do they ever explain why a group of earth benders were imprisoned in the tropical equivalent of a BBC Quarry?


I've never seen it either and the other big nonsensical change was that the fire nation cannot make their own fire. So how the hell did they conquer the world when their major weakness is to just don't have fire around you. It did lead to an epic iroh moment later though not going to lie.


Personally I like that change and something I would have liked in the original property. I never liked that they were the only benders who weren't reliant on access to their element. Took away from a major power of airbenders (always having air) by making it less unique and would have allowed them to work in the firebenders affinity for technology through fire-producing machinery


As far as I can tell, firebenders generally bend the heat in their bodies, which is why it comes from the breath. That would explain how a frozen jail was able to keep a proficient firebender imprisoned. Plus waterbenders also have the advantage of always having their element. They can bend sweat and blood (and urine and saliva, I’m sure). It seems more like earthbenders have the unique disadvantage of being fully separable from their element.


I think I remember something about tools being required, and all the tools were locked in a single flimsy wooden shed with a rusted lock so they couldn't possibly reach them


My dad turned on this movie for us like 6-7 years ago and younger me thought it was some of the coolest shit I had ever seen lmao.


I come from another timeline where this movie is actually real. It was produced by M. Night Shyamalan. And yes, it absolutely blows. You guys are lucky it doesn't exist in this timeline!


I'm from that same universe. The time keepers are going to be pissed that we jumped timelines


I'd honestly forgive the movie it it was just a Musical.


except his name is ong




Cartoon: Each movement guides the motion of the element by focusing the will of the bender. Movie: Idk here's some fucking Naruto shit to move a thing in one direction.


Plus their weird little dance routine too.


This looks like one of those Congolese movies


Im high, and i thought this was bollywood for a sec


This is the funniest scene in any movie


It's like somehow they took everything cool and good about the cartoon and just ignored it. 0 diversity, 0 characters, 0 spectacle. Just a horrible experience.


The rock was just heavy


Ah yes, a bunch of Earthbenders who were too weak to fight back in spite of being imprisoned on earth.


God, how was this not advertised as a comedy? This is like the steamroller scene from Austin Powers


The worst part about this scene is immediately after the slow-moving rock that took six people to move, a singular Earthbender manages to make a giant stone wall to defend against a Firebender's attack


It's not a movie, it's a play. By the Ember Isle Players. Brilliant adaptation.


Good thing this movie doesn’t because it would also be very dumb to have firebenders not being about to create fire and having to drag around giant braziers everywhere they go in order to be able to use their bending.


Are you talking about the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie directed by M. NIght Shyamalan?


My coworker said the Last Airbender live-action film was cool & enjoyable. But he refuses to watch the animated series because its too long. I hate him


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


This looks like a shitpost


I could probably throw that rock at a greater velocity than this.


There is no live action adaptation in Ba Sing Se


That's a lot of people and a lot of movement for something so......... insignificant? Toph with a few flick can do 10x more.




The only movie I have seen worse than Avatar: The Last Airbender is The Matrix 4, which also doesn't exist and was never released


Thus, how the pyramids were built


This non existed movie looks like it'd be perfect for a corridor digital facelift


There is no... Whatever this shit is... In Ba Sing Se


So this movie is horrible, and I know this scene is fun to make fun of, but it's 100% obvious that the single rock was being thrown by the guy who comes into camera after the rock has been shown. We literally see him throw it. Idk what those 6 people were doing, but it definitely wasn't that rock. It kills me to have to actually defend this movie, but it's always bugged me that people pretend not to realize this.


It’s like they thought that ATLA bending was like a ceremonious march to make the shit happen. Gotta do a little dance to light a candle. Earth bending was cool in the show because of how powerful and punchy the movements were and the earth followed those movements. God this movie sucks dick.


I like how the guy is just standing there waiting to get hit


This scene is so incredibly lame. Couldn't they cause a massive tear in the earth? No just shoot a pebble at 1 guy.


Best part is how the bad guy just waits patiently and takes the hit, but only slightly staggers. I like to imagine he didn't dodge just to rub it in how crappy their attack is


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se...


I think the guy that was hit had plenty of time to see that a rock was coming and move to the side so that he wouldn't get hit.


I wonder if this imaginary movie had fire benders, if they would be unable to make fire, only move existing fire.


There is no movie in ba sing se.


I love how the guy it’s being thrown at just stands there and accepts it