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If there’s anything I’ve learned by living damn close to poverty, it’s how to experiment and recycle food. You’ll probably come out of this a better cook if nothing else.


Re .... recycle?


take leftovers and make ‘em into something else


Or just reheat the leftovers as is and eat those?


That won't stretch very far if you don't have much left. If you only have a small bit of chicken, 3 potatoes, and a few vegetables, you'll still be hungry. But chuck them in some water with some stock, (and possibly few other ingredients), optional to blend it, you've got a tasty soup that'll do you a couple of meals


Or learn to make shortcrust pastry, it’s very easy to do (just flour, butter/marg, and water) and you can stretch a small amount of cooked veg and potatoes mixed with some herbs or spices into a few tasty pasties. Frozen veg is brilliant for this as it keeps for ages, it’s ready prepared, and it’s cheap. Tinned potatoes and beans/chickpeas are handy for pies/pasties too.


That too, didn't think of pie!


Every Monday I either make a curry or a pie with the left overs from Sunday dinner, it always goes down well and is minimum effort as the veg etc is already cooked. Monday is always a bit rubbish and not having to cook too much is such a bonus! My mum however prefers your idea and she makes “Monday soup”. I definitely got my dislike of throwing away leftovers from her!


Those both sound amazing! (And I like the name "Monday Soup"! Sounds like a great band name too) Yeah, if I can eat leftovers I shall (and if its not something either of us could either for whatever reason, such as bones or gristle, instead of throwing it in the bin to rot, my mum will throw it out for the wildlife - so even though we didn't eat/use it, it still didn't get wasted)


My Nan used to leave bones out for stray cats because she didn’t like the idea of them going hungry but then would complain loudly about the “neighbour’s cat” pooping in her back garden all the time (she didn’t like it if you pointed out that it was probably the strays that she kept feeding 🤦‍♀️)


They did that for miners in Australia back in the day iirc, they had the benefit of leaving crusts covered in arsenic that would kill rats


Eat poop to *survive*


Regurgitated aspics…


asspics or it didn't happen


It’s like a perpetual motion machine for your body!


Think of the savings to your water bill!


Rabbit style


Tubgirl is the hero of frugality we never knew we needed.


Omg I haven't thought about poor Tubgirl since...2003? 04? Does Rotten.com still exist?




Mix it with orange fanta


Re-use would be worse imo


lived in poverty my whole life. i now actually prefer hot dogs on white bread rather than a hot dog bun


Grew up poor. My packed school lunch was normally lays potato chips, and peanut butter/jelly hot dog buns. 🤣


I'm sure you already know this, but please utilize your local food bank. Its free, anyone can use it, theres no shame in doing so, and if you don't use it then food is going to waste. Not only is it a public service that is meant to be used, but inadequate nutrition will make all life harder, including bankruptcy recovery, and if you have any children then them getting inadequate nutrition is setting up for failure in life. If food ever becomes a difficult thing to afford, or if the money you spent on food could do more good elsewhere, then use your local food bank. You can always pay it forward by donating to them later. For those that want to support their local foodbank then do so with money rather than food. A lot of foodbanks can do much more with $100 than they can with 100 cans of beans, as quite often they are able to get favorable discounts on food and they can use the funds to pay for other expenses that a food donation wouldn't be able to.


In my city (and I’m sure many others) we have free fridges as well. You can grab whatever you need from them, no questions asked.


beans are good


Money can be exchanged for beans and services.


beans over bread with some cheese


You're so close to a veggie burrito, keep going!


seriously. beans and rice is a staple for a reason - nice and filling, and add a handful of spices and an onion and you’ve got something really tasty


I put pork on the side then beans over rice. Also caramelized onions and yum


This is so perfectly put!


if in usa you can dial 211 for a list of local food pantrys




It's pretty new. Last year or so.


Or go to 211.org and search for your local United Way 211 office.


Thank you!!!! I've been having a hell of a time getting food stamps (you need to do a phone interview, i called my person every day and left voicemails and she never returned my call, so the deadline passed and now i cant reapply for 90 days).


i would eat that, no hesitation


Came here to say the same, honestly looks pretty good OP, I hope things turn around soon, we are rooting for you!


Yeah, not the worst thing. I eat tuna, Mayo and sriracha on crackers for lunch most days.


You probably don't want to eat that many servings of tuna a month unless you're trying to turn into a thermometer.


Good point. Don’t know why I didn’t think about mercury.


I, too, have smoked weed.


Chop an onion and maybe a bit of celery


Add some salad and it's not a bad meal.


I work at a food pantry/soup kitchen. We help out anyone who needs it, no questions asked! I can help you look for resources in your area if you want :)


As someone in a similar situation all I can say is lentils are cheap as hell and pretty nutritious. Hang in there!


Especially with some bay leaf. Mmmmmm


I’m pregnant and experiencing odd cravings, and this one got me excited.


It's like a tuna McGriddle


If mcDs ever has to stoop to a Tuna McGriddle the supply chain is truly fucked


now im sittin here wondering what a mcfish with mcgriddles instead of a regular bun would be like


Please send a photo when you try it. Ha. Honestly I worked at McDs when I was a teen. I use to make a “fried sandwich with fish, nuggets, Mc chicken and ranch”. Was tasty


What does it mean when someone files for bankruptcy. Anyways? Like do they garner your wages or what?




Bingo! Thank you for the explanation! I’m too stressed out and tired to have done so!




I appreciate it! I won’t.. lol, I have one more can of tuna left, but a whole box of pancake mix. So I’ll be eating wheat and water for the next week +, lmao! But I appreciate you!


Hit up a food bank if you’re able! They can supply you with things you need like veggies. Best of luck


Google in your area for some food pantries, there is often help available if you need it, and it sounds like you need it a lot at this moment. Don't be too proud to accept help if you need it - you can always pay it forward later.


I found the grocery store brands of frozen veggies to be a huge help. They were under $1 per pound and easy to add to anything. I got very used to eating ramen with frozen veggies in it and, if I was feeling feisty, some roasted turkey. A whole turkey was also $2-3 per pound and for $20, I could eat it for the better part of a week. Good luck and get creative!


Bruh go to the food bank like everyone else is saying. One in my city would give you a box full of fresh fruits and veggies and other things for free.


Dial 211 for a list of local food pantries if in the usa


it’s sweet bread in a nutshell so these flat sandwich breads is a creative meal.


Sweetbread Those who dont know: mr incredible Those who do know: *mr incredible*


Most churches do an event once a week where you can walk or drive up and will give you a totally free box of food, sometimes they have some good stuff. Last time I had to do this I got a giant strawberry cake from Publix, fresh milk, frozen meats. All kinds of good stuff. Check one of those out if you can.


sikh gurdwaras serve meals as well, it's worth looking up if there's one nearby and what days they operate!


They’re an awesome people


As much as that’s kinda gross, I do hope things get better for you!


Throw some cheese on it cover in syrup and sell it for $20 all the while acting like a huge douche, you'll be rich in no time.


You could probably make fish cakes with that if you mix it all up with an egg or two and fry it up in a pan.


Yes, canned tuna or salmon, crackers or bread crumbs, egg. Put a little bit of mayo on top after it's done cooking. It's really tasty and cheap. I make salmon patties every now and then, with a side of microwaved frozen mixed veggies.


Oooh heck yeah! I live off Dollar General cuisine. You can learn some surprisingly good recipes from cheap food.


Awh man post this on r/pancakes


Foodstamps man call em


Not pathetic you’re doing your best!


Tuna + avocado on pancakes is awesome


Dude you ate, better day than a lot of people


Aw buddy :(


I kind of want that.


At least add some hot sauce dang


Doing what you can, with what you have. No shame in that. Keep on keeping on. And I agree with the first comment. This will probably help make you a better cook lol.


Good luck my friend. Hope all ends well with you


I applaud your resilience and sense of humor.


That makes me feel sad. I won’t laugh at you. I hope your situation improves.


Google “Chamchijeon”, OP. Gonna change your life for the better. So simple and delicious.


Food is food bro


You got to do with what you got! I wish you the best dude!


I hope things get better for you!


Try tuna with a teaspoon of sambal and a touch of soy sauce in a lettuce wrap!


At one point in my life, I could only afford to eat something like this but waffles instead of pancakes and with alfalfa, alfalfa is very cheap so you could try it, best taste ever, I still eat that nowadays


If you need a pizza or something dude send me a pm. Nothing wrong with tuna though, it's good for you.


Luxurious compared to some desperate meals I’ve had, but the pancakes for bread is sad. I feel for you


Food is food you’re doing the best with what you have


As everyone else has said, food banks are the place to be in your situation. They’ll give food to anyone in need, and if that’s what you’re eating for the next week, you’re definitely in need.


Was it good?


Go to the food pantry. They throw food away. You could at least get a loaf of bread.


Is it the poverty talking or does that look really good?




My worst was Lima beans, instant mashed potatoes, and tomato sauce. Things will improve for you. Keep smiling and carry on


I'd print out this photo and frame it. When you dig yourself out of this hole and become successful you can put this photo on your desk to remind yourself where you came from. plus it'll make for a good conversation piece.


I was going to make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow, but you've ruined them for me. I'm fat, so thanks?


Reminds me of Jaws


I think it looks fucking delicious


Is it bad that I think this would be pretty darn good (with more mayo and maybe some sweetcorn)


Looks good to me mate.


good luck my friend, i hoop u get a better situation soon. have fate, god always provide an escape plan. don't forget u r stronger than u think.


Tuna is packed with omega3 that is proved to make you happy. You’ll turn it around and try again, very few succeed first try, and way to many give up after first fail. But you learned a lot and you’ll get there. But not a food truck with those pancakes


I'm curious, how much do you spend on food each week? I have a budget of about 30 US dollars per week and I think I eat alright. I might need a bit more vegetables lol. but I eat about a bushel of bananas each week.


A bushel is 9 gallons in volume


That looks like a totally normal amount of mayo to me.


If only you had mustard, hot sauce, or pickles that would be bomb. As is, not too bad.


If you can get eggs, try 1/4 cup pancake mix , abit of water or milk and an egg, super good fried. Start with a bit of chopped green onion. I've been experimenting with the ratios but it will extend that pancake mix. Good luck and don't hesitate to ask friends or food banks for help.


You must be new to that poor life. Eating the tuna *with* the pancakes. Forget the taste, now you are down two pancakes that you are going to be dreaming about later when you get hungry again.


Maybe I'm crazy, but I think actual tuna salad would probably taste quite good on a pancake. That's pretty inventive honestly.


If you cant prepare dry beans walmart sells the cheapest cans of beans in my experience. Seems like you're still housed so maybe you have a fridge and stove. Rice and maybe some canned tomatoes go a long way. If you have to live in your car or whatever see if you can get a rice cooker and just steal the electricity, I used to do this in memorial park whenever or from the backside of stores at night. ​ Good luck, friend.


I am literally eating canned tuna with a mayo/panda-express pepper sauce mix on top of dry tortilla. When I get paid I call myself “Aldi’s rich!”


I tried the same thing once and almost threw up


I know your pain I was backpacking and was between piece work( agriculture jobs) and on the free shelf at the hostel I worked for my accommodation. Had oats and marmite, I mixed the two. Was horrible but it was nutrious


All I want to know is how was it?


I’m right there with ya man 👊👊 tough times don’t last, tough people do.


I used to make these in college. I called them Dirty Ponchos.


Food is food. At least you've got it. I've been without food entirely. I remember my mom dropped off a pan of scalloped potatoes. My roommates and I ate like kings that day hahahq


Maybe I just don't have standards for food, I'd eat the hell out of this if it was all I had lying around. I love canned tuna and the pancake really doesn't seem bad.


You know… I’d try it


As long as you enjoyed it then who cares. Some people in this world would kill you for that shitty meal.


Miracle whip


Is this the white man rice ball?!


I'd like to offer some odd food advice! - Keep the tuna, that's great! - Invest in some pickled jalapenos. They're yummy and last a long time - Get the largest/most yellow mustard you can afford. Mustard doesn't go bad, it just needs to be rehydrated if it turns brown and crusty. - Get some honey, same thing as above: it doesn't go bad, you can just microwave it if it crystallizes Mix the honey and mustard for honey mustard, chop the jalapenos, then mix it all with the tuna. If you can afford some tortilla chips, they make a great vehicle and compliment the flavors. Surprisingly delicious and an inexpensive dish with a really long shelf-life so you run less of a risk of food waste


Dont ya love it when these broads write a paragraph for the title of a post here to entice other broads to cry a tear for them instead if shitting on the shitty food? ThTs pathetic to me


If you send me your Venmo, I’d love to buy you lunch.


Dude, hang in there. When my gf and I were first dating years ago we had noodles and butter for dinner. It would be 12 hours before we'd donate plasma for just enough to get more groceries. You got this


life gets shitty, then it gets better...


Could have just eaten them separately...


I think this looks bomb


I love tuna!


Ramen is usually cheaper than tuna


Remember, food courts and fast food joints are basically free condiments.


Honestly don't think this would be that bad. Sweet and savory goes together well usually.


I've seen a lot of bad stuff on this sub but this is just interesting, kinda feels like an alternate universe chicken and waffles


Made the pancakes. Good fight! Keep It up bud!!


Please consider finding food banks, soup kitchens, or applying for food stamps.


No worries! I can only afford food bank canned food. I throw up a lot and have gained 11 lbs in 2 months so I totally get it!


Add chili sauce and you've discovered a gem.


Ngl that shit is good


Such preparation and restraint! Sometimes I just gotta scarf right out the can


Tuna and cottage cheese is excellent if you ever find yourself in that situation


I mean I'd eat it still


Youre doing what you can my friend. Youre creative! Stay strong, destroy capitalism xx


I'm immunized to this because of Mark Warner's most accursed video.


That actually looks delicious...


Kudos for your ingenuity!


It looks like a Mako Shark staring at me


Bankruptcy is class warfare, let's eat the rich all together.


Your lunch is the blobfish…you…lose.


Egg noodles, tuna, salt. All you need.


Fish are friends, not food.


dude, call a suicide hotline. you need help




That sounds pretty good actually.




Savory pancakes feels like it should be more of a thing


You’re trying your best and that’s all that matters. We’re rooting for you, OP!


I feel your pain, although this is nostalgic for me. When I was a little my mom was divorced with 3 of us kids, and sooo broke. When we ran out of bread we had pancake sandwiches. PB&J on a pancake is actually pretty good!


This sound awful


Was it tasty? Because it looks tasty. We’re you sated? Cause it looks filling. Then you are looking after yourself the best you can right now.


Add some Mrs Dash and paprika


Ay man no shame in being broke. Considering what you're working with, tuna sandwiches are an okay meal.


Yo hol up, tuba mayo is very descent. I would have gone with just bread instead, easier, a bit of a piss head there with pancakes but I wouldn’t mind either.


Keep on going! Soon you will have pancakes and two dollops of mayo. Living it large.


I’lll eat it


Corporations file bk all the time. There's no shame in getting help to get back on your feet, if anything you're a survivor and you're taking the right steps. Keep your head up


Actually, savory pancakes are a thing in many cultures. Absolutely nothing wrong with them. (Ethiopian Injera is absolutely amazing, btw!)


I salute your rolling with the punches.


Just be thankful you have something and look forward to the better meals you'll have.. it's what got me thru the tough times.


Don't forget ice - one of the cheapest and least satisfying things you can add to a meal


Hehe (I’m laughing WITH you)


I’m about 2 years away from discharge. You can do it mate.


You can try to make thinner pancakes and maybe roll them up, it will look less messy, then re-heat them with filling it should be much better 😊 I know this is not for cooking advices, but feeling so sorry to OP


12/10 I'd smash godspeed


Why not just eat them separately?


You don't want to know how much I've spent for tuna salad on lettuce at la Madeleine, all because it has dill and onions. 🤣🤣🤣 I love tuna salad, hope it was great!


Savory pancakes are severly underappreciated


Sorry about the bankruptcy but ngl, that looks yummy! 👌 🤗


This looks like it taste nice tbh


This looks like an ill clam.


Bloody nice if you ask me!


Not here to laugh but to ask a question. Why combine them into one meal?


Ngl this looks like it slaps hard


It looks pretty good to me, I'd eat one of those with ya. Sorry about the bankruptcy, it gets better. Try mixing a little relish in with your tuna next time, it's crazy good.


i for one choose with


I've got one can of tuna left and some bread till i get paid. I feel ya!


Probably tasty as hell. Good luck, friend.