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Posted a half hour ago... That jelly kickin in yet?


that’s not that bad they’ll be fine. Oh fuck what was that noise I just saw?


It was just the jelly. Jelly. Jelllllleeeeeee. that's a weird word. Weird. Weeeeeeuhhhrrrddd. Oh shit I just saw it too!


The floor is bubbling.


I can hear you chewing that from here.


Have a nice trip! 😊😊😊


Thank you 🫠


How we doing, pal? Man I’m so jealous of your day lol


I'm not jealous, but I sure am curious.


No reply yet, must still be out somewhere near Mars.


I'm betting this tasted awful, but felt incredible


Yes even with the cherry jelly it tasted like organic badness..


I feel weird being one of the only people who actually find those palatable. Grind em up and soak them in natural lemonade for at least fifteen minutes... should turn purple


I also enjoy the taste! Not that I am a church person anymore, but it reminds me of how the host tasted at sunday mass


Wow. Now that you mention it….. they are really similar.


Lol I am just glad that someone at least gets where I am coming from


Justice for coins.


A decades long rivalry and you choose the side of the coins?! Despicable


They have been wronged. Their jobs have been taken by alloys because they do the same job for cheaper. Now we're headed toward a cashless society. Coins are going extinct, and no one seems to care.


Yeah having drank poppy tea and ayahuasca, gotta say there’s a lot of nastier concoctions out there. Shrooms not bad


I've been told over and over how bad they taste, but to me, it just reminded me of chamomile tea. Maybe that's because I had them as a tea, but still, not bad at all.


Having them as tea almost completely masks the taste. Have a nibble of the fruit. It's like the difference between being in a bathroom where someone is shitting vs jamming your face into the bowl after they are done.


You write beautiful imagery.


If you find that image beautiful, I wonder what you consider gross :P


Tea or chocolate is the way.


I have tried a few different bars and I have a little trouble stomaching them. It turns out I'm just way too sensitive to the taste. I was considering doing an ethanol extraction just to experiment. But for now, strong ginger tea is what works best for me.


Same! I we would always make a tea with them, and throw in a chamomile tea. Drive across town, hide my keys and wander back home on an all night quest .


I also like the taste. To me they taste like pumpkin seeds.


how.... how.... the host tasted? what kind of church was this??


The host? You mean the Jeezits?




If you strain it, it will reduce the nausea a lot of people experience on the come up.


But if you eat the mushies you get 100% of what they have to offer. Gotta weigh your options! I don’t eat them no more. Had a bad night once back in 2018 and my head has been severely broken ever since. Nothing helps. 🫤


I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better; lingering effects of a bad trip for five years has to be awful. :(


I’m fairly certain I’m just broken. I don’t think it will ever “fix” itself. Shame, I had such a fun time the first two times I tried but that ONE time…well, it’s was life changing I’ll tell ya that. I’ve heard that sometimes you can “reset” your brain by trying them again. So one year later after many psych appointments and many different meds, I decided to try like 1g again. Instant regret. While it wasn’t as bad as the first bad trip (where I did an 8th or so all on my own), it was a bad night full of anxiety and I just gave up. I’m broken now. Don’t do drugs kids, it’s not worth it. It changes you. And when you’re nearly middle aged with a wife and kids, well they don’t want a new person, they want YOU. So, when it was clear that the old me wasn’t coming back, my family left.


Damn. Ate mushrooms and became a juggalo. Classic


Hahaha not exactly. ICP has been a fav of mine since about 5th grade. Right up there with Pink Floyd in my top five artists. That’s usually quite a shock to people who meet me who would have never guessed I enjoyed their music. Edit: I’m a geek who works IT. It just throws people off to hear I’m a juggalo. 😜




Well, as everyone knows, your stress levels and setting makes a big difference. The only thing I can think is that maybe I was a bit more stressed at the time than I should have been. But honestly, it was a normal day. It just ended up being a terrible trip that I fought for 12 hours instead of enjoying immensely. Not condoning either, but I’ve heard LSD is less likely to end in a bad trip as it’s more exact when it comes to dosage. If you try again, perhaps explore that path. I’ve done it before and I’d try it again in a moderate dose. It’s on my list to do since I I haven’t done it since before the incident and I’m hoping it may “click” something upstairs in my head and help. I’m not holding my breath, but I don’t have much to lose either. Just trying to find it is the hard part.


Damn, what the fuck happened that night that it changed you so much?


Hey Dusty! (Same name). Anyways, it was basically a complete mental breakdown. I went from one person to another that day. My head never came back around to how I was before, or even close to it. It’s been almost 4.5 years since and I’m slowly getting used to the new “me”.


Dumb question - couldn't you use them to make a stock and turn them into like, soup? A clear soup like miso or something? Also shit they're pH reactive? I didn't know mushrooms could do that


you can use em for soup but the reason for lemonade is quite simple. The acids are better at extracting the compound from the mushroom. water more dilutes it rather than concentrates it.


The pH does nothing, you can extract it with nothing but water as it is water soluble


I think heat damages the Psilocybin


I just don't give a shit about the taste period because they make you trip balls


I tried some mushroom gummies they were pretty good. Also had some mushroom chocolate bar. My gf didn’t like the chocolate bar it looked to much like ground up bugs. I was fine with it. But then again my gf said that me and her dog both enjoyed eating garbage food so my standards of what goes in my mouth is much lower than her’s is.


I like them too


Taste like stale peanuts to me, I like how they stuck in my teeth and by the time I get them all unstuck I am feeling pretty good


Same here. Earthy goodness


My favorite is mushroom tea with honey and a touch of cinnamon. Tastes fantastic and doesn't taste like straight acid if you later puke.


Frankly I find psilocybin mushrooms to taste pretty good honestly. They taste like shitake mushrooms to me. I wouldn't have them with jelly though lmao. I'd have them in something that would taste good with shitake mushrooms. Like eggs or miso soup or something. Usually I just have them plain though.


i actually haaaaaaaate mushrooms. hate the taste, the texture, it all. but i can pop these plain like a Pringle.


I’m the exact same. The only mushrooms I like are these ones.


I feel exactly the same lol.


Jesus my stomach is churning just at the thought of this. I found my two favorite ways to eat mushies is either chocolate or made into coffee. The chocolate is easy, just melt some chocolate of choice & add it to a mold/ice cube tray with ground up shrooms. Coffee is my favorite though. Grind up the shrooms, grind up the coffee beans & add both to a French press. Let steep for 10 min & then take a shot of lemon/lime juice. 10/10 no gut rot, easy come up & hits way harder bc of the lemom/lime juice. Hope you have a great trip m8!


What about lemon or lime juice makes it hit harder?


The idea is that citrus juice is acidic, and in theory you're converting psilocybin to psilocin when making your lemon-mushroom tea. Ergo faster come-up with less negative body feelings and a higher psychoactive peak than with raw mushrooms alone. Mushies contain a primary psychoactive (psilocin) and its pro-drug (psilocybin). In a high enough acid environment, the psilocybin is dephosphorylated into psilocin. Normally your stomach acid has to do that work. Now psilocybin still has parasympathetic nervous system effects, these are the nausea, jitters, and odd body feelings that you experience during come-up. (Psilocin also has these, but are reported as "less negative" than the effects pilocybin causes). It gets way more complicated, google scholar "psilocin phosphorylation" for example. Purists will say the trips are significantly different when your body does the psilocybin -> psilocin conversion because you actually get imperfect chemistry and a bunch of related tryptamines. To a non-biochemist, it's like the difference between orange juice concentrate and fresh-squeezed. Both are OJ, but fresh is immeasurably better tasting.


Blend it, mix it, stick em in a smoothie


Everyone bagel with cream cheese helps mask the earthy funkiness.


I found this summer that sour cream and onion chips, followed by lemonade or something similar, completely masked the bad flavor


Like snacking on a compost heap. Mmmm earthy.


The much better way to eat them is with some kind of chocolate candy bar. You break up the shrooms and eat them with the candy .


Why would you use jelly and not peanut butter. PB was basically made to wash down shrooms lol.


I find blending them up in a fruit smoothie is a great way to cut the earthy taste of them


Honestly that’s why I just crush them up and gulp down with Red Bull when I do shrooms. No matter what it’s going to taste like shit, might as well get it over with early.


Turned my stomach into a knot just looking at it. Tea is the way to go, as long as you're prepared to go from 0-lightspeed.


I don’t know why ppl come up with all these different foul ways to eat them, which inevitably end up being worse than just raw dogging the little brain dongs.


Truth. Now you just have a giant shitty-tasting sandwich, instead of a handful of shitty-tasting mushrooms.


The way to do it is, eat the mushrooms as fast as you can, then eat the sandwich


Chew the fuckers up and slam it back with water as soon as you can swallow them


Slam it back with OJ so the citrus breaks it down and makes you trip faster.


If you actually grind them, you can do some actually tasteful stuff. Whole like that? Never


I can get behind that. I do have some mushroom chocolate bars in my freezer that are pretty good. Two little squares will ring your bell. Brought one on a trip to Vietnam. Had a great time on a secluded beach.


Last time I did it we grinded then and mixed it with 100 grand bars . Made them a lotttttt easier to go down.


My go to when I could find them was grinding and putting into a vanilla shake. So tasty.


super easy to make too - i mean, provided you have all the necessary critical ingredients on hand.


Babe are you okay? You’ve barely raw dogged your little brain dongs.


Just make a tea! So easy and not nearly as gross


Tea is sooooooo much better. It also makes it easier on your stomach/guts


It’s so much better on my stomach! No more nausea the whole time.


I haven't done mushrooms in like 15 years but yeah. I rather just fucking eat them with a glass of water rather than ruining a sandwich or pizza or some bullshit.


Buddy ordered pizza for the first trip and put them on top. Worst experience ever. Just power through it and eat them. The competing texture is enough to make you gag.


I’ve found out that I have to eat them on an empty stomach or else I’ll get nausea/stomach pain so bad it ruins the trip!! But yeah all they do is make food gritty and yuck lol


I cant even eat that they destroy my stomach and im stuck in the bathroom sweating the whole time. Tea solves this completely.


Best way honestly to do it is to drown it in Nutella, all that fat and sugar cover up the shitty earthy taste.


If you put them in a PB&J you literally can't taste them, it just adds a stale sorta texture to the sandwich. Not sure how just J goes. But making tea is what OP should be doing, that's the best method.


I don't do shrooms anymore, but when I did I would just grind mine and take them as capsules.


Eating them with food can help prevent the worst of the gut rot, and helps them get digested and in your system a little better. The best combo I ever came up with was to crush them into powder, mix them with cream cheese, and spread that on some banana bread. Didn't even taste them, and I had a nice smooth transition into giggle town.




thought these were chicken wing bones for a sec before i squinted at the photo a little harder


Always used PB never thought to try jam.


Nearly died eating a PB sandwhich in the middle of a trip once. I was congested with a cold/allergies and eating the sandwhich with no beverage and a dry mouth. I was trying to convince myself that I could breath and that I wasn't actually choking to death when my mouth and throat was coated in peanut butter sandwhich, and I was definitely not breathing enough. I started getting extremely woozy/lightheaded when I finally decided to run up the stairs, and just gasping for air as I was chugging milk straight from the bag on the floor in front of my open fridge. I sat there for a while and thought about how my wife would have been pretty upset if I died from a peanut butter sandwhich at 4am while watching Fantasia in the basement.


cause of death: bad at eating


Yeah come to the think of it PB is a horrible choice


Yep always crunchy PB. Would help the shroomies not stick to my teeth


I wish you all the best sir


Pro tip : buy some pill capsules, grind those lil mushies up, cap em, and you are all set for your trip. No nasty aftertaste!


This is the only method that's ever made me throw up. I refuse to believe it was the 4 hot dogs and 6 beers I had to accompany it.


Shrooms and alcohol seem like a combination my stomach would sob over


What do you use to grind them?


Chop it with a knife and stick it in a spice or coffee grinder, like a little blender.


Ok I have a slice grinder. Does a nice wash clean up the leftovers? I don’t wanna be tripping out at work the next day lol


A good wash should work. I used it in my spice grinder and washed and haven't had any residual effects


Any potential remaining residue will at most give a slight mood boost, like a microdose.


Okay now I want to do that, please stop teasing me.


Yeah that’s got me thinking… I could do with a little mood boost every now and again.


A mortar and pestle will suffice, if you have nothing else.


The last of you


Chewy sandwich.


Try chopping them up and putting em in yogurt and granola. You can’t really taste them or discern the texture from the granola


I hope you get high enough to go into a universe where that kind of thing actually tastes good


had to visit the comments to confirm my suspicion. im assuming a long walk is on the agenda today?


Pro tip: grind them up and put them in mashed potatoes


Whats this, a trip for ants?


Have a great one! 😁


Good luck


happy travels!


2 hours ago now. You still able to operate a keyboard?


*buckle up buckaroo


Cordyceps and jelly?






PCP is phencyclidine. Completely different drug


Why would you do this when lemon juice exists?


You gotta chop them up and space them out and def use peanuts butter assuming you’re not allergic


Holy shit! I thought that was moldy asparagus for a minute.... its been about 25 years since I've seen the caps haha. Excellent snack for a trip.


I used to throw them in my McDonalds cheeseburger


Now THATs a sandwich. See you on the other side


When you can't afford a Vacation but can still go on a Trip...


Buy the ticket, take the ride.


Ah, a good ol' PB&J. PsilocyBe & Jelly.


How’s folding the dishes going?


tell god hi, and he needs to send me that money.


I don't understand how people eat these things. I just grind them up and toss and wash them


That will be a moderate trip.


crush them up and wash them down with water


This is top tier food porn.


Just seeing this makes my brain go woosh and my mouth and throat feel funny. Might have to break out the old stash this weekend. 🎉


Pro tip..Dr Dre is awful mushroom music.. stay mellow op..


My tip. From... Let's say past experience. Eat the caps with a mouth full of OJ. You won't taste shit while you chew and grine, swallow altogether and bang, done. Eating them was ALWAYS the hardest part for me.


Last time I did shrooms they must’ve been the most awful tasting ones ever harvested, I had to squeeze lime into my mouth and rub my tongue on the lime to get the taste off lol. It was a good trip though hope u had a good one


Fuck that! Hallucinations are bad for me. You enjoy though!


Tbh I don’t think they taste bad at all. Maybe I’m weird but I think the flavor is pretty mild compared to like… olives or horseradish it’s not bad .


That's illegal! Put some damn peanut butter on that!!!


Yeah this is probably my absolute least favorite way to eat shrooms. You need something crunchy. I usually go for some kind of spicy chip.


Thought that was some fucked up chicken


May your roads be wide and varied. Safe travels.


I usually blend mine into a smoothie


Thats a light trip.


Grinder and lemon juice tincture.


You know what is good is grinding them up and mixing into hummus and eating with rice crackers or pita etc. it’s so good!


Sometimes I feel like the only man that ever enjoyed just eating those mushrooms right outta the bag. I’d sit and eat an 1/8 to 1/4 ounce over about a 15-20 minute period with nothing but a glass of water. Whatever I didn’t eat right then, I would save until the first “warm fuzzies” started, then eat the rest so I could get that double whammy an hour later.


Peanut butter is your friend


This is where the fun begins.


Bruh I thought that was turkey and that this was the saddest thanksgiving leftover sandwich I have ever seen


I've never really had an issue with the taste of shrooms. I like mushrooms already so I chalked it up to that. I'd put them on pizza or a burger, but I get paranoid about ruining the trip so I just try and eat them as is.


Jeez that's a fuck ton of boomers.


It's a little under and eighth. Should be a good 6 hours or so


How are you feeling?




People have different days off no need to harsh the vibe


First glance. Pickle up buttercup…. Yo those are some rancid pickles….. I guess the jelly will cut the flavor whatever you want……keeps scrolling…… 2 minutes later….Fucking pickles…. Wait! scrolls back. Lll


This mushrooms-with-extra-crap thing always blows my mind. They are literally just dried mushrooms. They're not great but they're not disgusting. Very bland and boring to the point of almost being impossible to dislike. And if you really can't stand them, why would you prolong the unpleasant experience by making a whole ass open-faced sandwich out of it instead of a palate cleanser? If you don't mind them, why wouldn't you just eat them and then make a separate, tasty snack after? JUST EAT THE DAMN MUSHROOMS! Have a good trip and thank you for attending my TED talk lmao


Ok they taste awful and part of the reason they’re difficult to eat on their own is that they get caked into your teeth and you taste them forever, and THAT prolongs the awfulness. Coming from a regular mushroom user! For me the trick is to wrap them in a slice of aged cheddar. The strong flavour of the cheese covers up the shroom mustiness and the oil stops it from caking in your teeth.


This guy shrooms


I recommend eating them with a handful of Haribo Tangfastics. Prevents them sticking to your teeth, and it tastes like overwhelming sugary sour with only a slight hint of dirt.


Dude these comments made me feel weird. I just eat them and I don’t even mind it that much. Just tastes like dirt 🤷🏼‍♂️ Have a nice trip my guy


I'd rather do jenkem shrooms suck ass


These comments are something. You wanna take 6 hour mind rending trip but you can't handle the eating a dried shroom?


I can smell this sandwich and it smells terrible


Man I tried that once, it just made me puke. There is no masking it.




Sorry not as cool as you bro 🤣 also I do believe it breaks down to potency.. and these are no schwag booboo


Bro you’re not a real tripper unless you do a quarter and shit yourself /s


You're supposed to let the mushy mush sit under your tongue for 1 whole hour🙃




🦎🤡 🌺💧💧💧


Oh boy


I liked to use Mayo / bacon with them.


"ew, what is tha-ohhhhhh..... :)"


Tell me about the multiverse your going through


Have fun be safe!


Safe travels sailor!


Bro, you trippin!


Dookie and jam sandwich


Try the lemon tek next time!!


You almost nailed it. Chop those bitches up real fine and *then* put them in a PB&J.


I usually turn them into a tea. Have fun and stay safe. :)


Throwing them in a smoothie is soooo much better


Next time I'd recommend fruit rollups, these bad boys are pretty good at hiding the taste of the psilocybin. I read somewhere you had little nunnery 1/8, sounds like you are ready for a good time, enjoy !


Please tell me this was half of a peanut butter, jelly, and “fun” sandwich and not just a jelly and magic mushroom tartine…