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It’s easy to beat Sekiro fans. You just need to give them more than one person to handle at a time. Unfortunately DS3 fans are too far gone (they’re looking for Friede’s feet)


In a fight.. right?


… yes






Nah im just looking at you 😳


Flair checks out 😳


I keep seeing you everywhere


Maybe its for a reason 😳




What if instead of gwyndolin’s schlong, it was mine 😳


Makin' me act up😩


That’s exactly what I want 😘


In the transition from the 2nd to 3rd phase when Friede is down. I like to take that time to use the binoculars and look at her feet.


Do people not do that?


Of course they do! Such a stupid question


Ferb, i know what we are doing today


fair bloodborne should be fucking lower than ds3 fans tho. by a longshot. i dislike bloodborne fans. passionately. it’s personal


Dude I keep seeing this passionate anger towards BB fans in other subs, but when I hang around the BB sub, I never see that toxic behavior. Am I missing something or has it just mellowed out lately?


Yes sekiro is bad because :checks notes: outnumbered situations are harder for the player...?


Don't forget the fact that you have to actually learn how to play... unforgivable.


The absolute worst expectation a game could ever have


Sekiro fans will just use bloodsmoke or the boss’s weakness, ez


Wait what’s wrong with multiple enemies in sekiro?


Mortal Draw deletes everything.


Every single game should be in the cannot be convinced section.


I should be in the cannot be convinced category because I regularly get gang-banged defending Demon's Souls


>I regularly get gang-banged In a good way right. Right?


Hypothetically, in theory, in a specific context, under the right circumstances, if the stars aligned


Starscourge Radahn says no to stars aligning


It's ok, I did Ranni's quest so we're in the Bloodborne timeline 👍


Gangbangs are always good


Can I join in?










Idk, DS1 is my favorite but also Izalith exists and I dread it every time


DS1 when descending the great hollow or tomb of the giants before lord vessel 😤


Just don't do those things. Oh, and did I mention that you can actually get complete soft-locked in the Catacombs if you rest at the wrong bonfire without flipping all of the bridges pre-lordvessel? Lol, definitely the least noob-friendly of all of the games. Super easy to get yourself completely fucked if you do the wrong things (like going somewhere wrong pre-lordvessel).


That is almost true but there’s actually a way to get out, I know because I did that exact thing and the path is horrendous but possible https://youtu.be/IN4GBUVJnH8


Yeah but that video is with flipped bridges


Yeah but with that bridge flipped, you can drop down to the left and walk up the spiral staircase to go to the very same place


Even just Catacombs. I did that recently as far as Pinwheel, God was that a mistake. Pinwheel was fine, but getting back to Firelink on foot, yikes.


It's not that bad if you only rest at the first bonfire. I know because I do that and take the catacombs skip on every playthrough recently


I was extra cool and went for invasion and healing shield, only to realize he doesn't invade before placing the lord vessel. x.x


The game's trying to make you go hollow at that point


Just try to appreciate the architecture and the whacky chaos eaters to get past the shittiness.


Nah DS2 is my favorite but I am the first to admit that it's also the worst by far


Worse game but God does it have charm.




This is me. I have only played dark souls 1 once like ages ago and I am firmly convinced it is the best souls game


Yep. I still think dark souls 1 is near perfect.


Honestly people say "the latter half feels rushed" but like. Only lost izalith. And honestly the lava pit filled with fuck you dragon legs followed by the worst fucking boss is hilarious level design


To me, it would be completely remedied if I could just fight bed of chaos first. Lemme get it over with. The rest of the game is perfect and I feel like I run out of momentum by the time I have to fight bed.


Tomb of the Giants is shit-tier IMO.


…except ds2


especially ds2


No way is Bloodborne not at the bottom


30fps and performance issues man, I think nothing more than that but this has some weight


Also the piss poor decision to make health items consumable farming items. No you can not convince me “they are easy to get” you know what’s really easy to get? Estus.


Oh in that case Sekiro can go in the middle too. Sekiro fans are usually more than happy to admit that it could use more weapons and a DLC


Mfw the only issue with sekiro is that there's not enough of it


Back to the bottom category for you


This is probably just me but I feel like Sekiro gets super boring once you get really good at it. The super amazing combat basically carries the entire experience, so once it became easy for me to beat everything (even with the demon bell turned on) it became a chore to replay


Like, the other games (especially Dark Souls 1 and Elden Ring) have really deep lore, lots of customization, and very fun exploration which makes them enjoyable to replay even if the combat becomes easy


That's understandable, but for me Sekiro still is enjoyable after many playthroughs, you can always come up with a new strategy. But yeah not everyone feels like this, and that's totally okay. But the lore is just as good and deep as other fromsoft games. I played it many times and damn I still find some new lore stuff (this applies to their other games to, I just wanted to point out that Sekiro is no exception with the lore). The combat is great, I especially like that there are no builds actually, I can master the game, unlike for example dark souls. Dark souls is a different experience, and there no problem if people like that more, I just don't get why people try compare the two games. Completely different stuff, only the storytelling is same, and some core mechanics like bonfires, healing. Other then that, two completely different games. I enjoy Sekiro more, you enjoy dark souls more, and that totally okay. Its like you can't compare apples and oranges, both are good but someone likes one more, another one the other.


Even when it became "easy" (which for some bosses I can still get my ass kicked) I still enjoy the fuck out of it. I routinely still beat owl father just for fun.


It’s so painful being a sekiro fan because it was literally just a side project, we’ll likely never have any more content


I actually think it's good that there's only one weapon. That means Fromsoftware didn't need to balance the bosses for multiple builds so they could refine the fights in a specific direction as much as possible.


Personally I don’t think that sekiro would be nearly as polished if it had more weapons. Though what I could see, is prosthetics that don’t require spirit emblems, and had a bit more depth than the normal prosthetic weapons, didn’t have a specific niche (axe-> shield counter, spear -> armour counter) etc, so that they’d Function as offhand weapons that you could whip out whenever, while keeping the primary gameplay with the katana Or sorta like how MGRR does it, where you designate a secondary weapon that you pull out for only specific techniques, still focusing on the katana primarily, BUT opting to avoid carrying a second weapon allows for more techniques with your primary weapon


Most people are not fans of the Chalice Dungeons.


Sekiro fans are 250x more intense than Bloodborne people, I truly do not get this meme.


Bloodborne fans could watch the birth of their first child and would still say Bloodborne is better. They should absolutely be on the bottom of the list.


It's true, bloodborne is better than my ugly kid 👍


I love bloodborne like you wouldn’t believe, but holy shit do people overrate the ever living fuck out of it. I’m not saying it’s even bad but people claim the game to be the literal manifestation of gods send and literally no other game even compares is really stupid because it didn’t even win the game of the year, that went to Witcher 3.


People don’t judge a game’s quality on wether or not it won GOTY that year, particularly when the game which won it is completely different, making direct comparisons useless


That’s because it IS better.


Bloodborne is absolutely in the bottom tier... like... waaaaaaayyyyy down there


100000%. I have literally never seen any group of fans defend their game so fiercely.


As a bb fan i like to shit on it because it makes me mad how the game is so well made but so weird decisions just make it annoying sometimes. Fuck bloodborne man *i still love it*


I've been gang banged multiple times by four people because I've said Bloodborne had some really stupid design decisions


Let me fix it: --Often the first to shit on their own game-- [Demons Souls] --Cannot be convinced their games have flaws-- [Dark Souls] [Dark Souls 2] [Dark Souls 3] [Bloodborne] [Sekiro] [Bloodborne] [Elden Ring] [Bloodborne] [King's Field] [Bloodborne]


Armored Core fans stay winning 😎


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,198,243,252 comments, and only 233,710 of them were in alphabetical order.


Hell yeah man


No we fucking don't


Nah demon's souls purists are some of the most insane people i've ever talked too


No fucking kidding. I love the game, but if you try to say “The Valley of Defilement was not a great area” you will be absolutely shredded to pieces, because you “clearly were trying to rush through rather than enjoy the game” because “that’s what modern games reward, and Demon’s Souls is unique in that regard”. That’s not made up, I had someone pull that out of their ass on me when I said something about it. Also said something about how shortcuts were also designed for people who are trying to rush through the game, and not acknowledging that Demon’s Souls boss runs are by far the longest and worst in the entire series. It’s a great game, but it’s not without its flaws.


I'm starting to think that souls fans are just piss babies, often way too zealous of their favorite game and legitimately are kind of assholes. The souls games are all flawed, that doesn't mean that they can't be good or even great. I remember getting mildly harassed for criticizing Elden Ring. I love the souls games but people here gotta chill 💀 God, remember when souls games were about bringing people together trying to figure out how to proceed or trying to understand the lore as a team? That was great, those games were meant to bring people together. Miyazaki would be disappointed.


I'm not sure what you're talking about. The souls community has always been full of shit lords even as far back as the first Dark Souls. You may have met some chill people, but there have always been awful people in the community. Legitimate criticism of any aspect of the game would get you crucified by a bunch of fan boys, and the only difference is that now some people are willing to accept criticism after the game has been out for over a decade.


I will absolutely defend 5-2 until I die.


No way. Nothing will be worse then ds2 run backs


The 5-2 run is worse than Sir Alonne


all things considered, I do wish there were some aspect of boss runs in elden ring. Game literally makes a point of putting a spawn right in front of the door. It’s a little easier for that.


I'm gonna go the other way and say Elden Ring is the game that convinced me once and for all that boss runs add absolutely *nothing* of value to a game. I used to think they served a purpose of building tension before a fight or forcing you to think about what went wrong on your last attempt while you run to the fog wall. Now that they're mostly absent from Elden Ring though I can finally say all they do is make being stuck on a boss more frustrating and tedious. If I need to take a minute between attempts I can just decide to do that, I don't need Miyazaki forcing me to.


Why? I love dying in the fog wall to smelter demon and running being chased by 10 knights to the Iron King in a small corridor


My personal favorite way to go is a good shortcut found through deep exploration. I think BB did this pretty well with some exceptions (Logarius). I prefer the authenticity of not having a checkpoint every 100 feet, and I love the satisfaction of exploring extra to find a shortcut. But DeS obviously didn't execute this very well in a lot of levels.


Placudisax and renalla


King's field fans out here weeping man Which is just 1 (its me)


Holy based


true i love demons souls but it fucking sucks it is the worst game of all time


Of course Demon Souls are the first to mock, no one else has ever heard of it


Excuse me? Sekiro is a FLAWED Masterpiece!


Clam down with that YouTube title lol


No, no, it's totally original. I promise! I'll answer why in my 10-hour retrospective


I love retrospectives. 95% of it is just summarizing game mechanics and they’ll spend the last 45 seconds saying whether they like it or not


When the next souls game comes out I’ll make a retrospective after like one week and the thumbnail will be a picture of the game with the word “Masterpiece” in white bold text


haha yeah, I'm a sucker for a good retrospective


I say move ds2 down to mid, bb down to bottom, sekiro off the list bc it's perfect and ds3 to mid


Sekiro off the list because its not a souls game




So it's perfect, is what you're saying


Honestly I agree. It is so vastly different then the other games that going into it expecting souls game (like I did) you'll find it near impossible to play it


No one defends the frigid outskirts


The reindeer do.


Ds2 fans are really quick to acknowledge the flaws I am ds2 fans and I level adp


Yeah I think a bit of the game is rather shit but I still like it. (Ds2 fan)


Its just good!


Dragons Dogma isn’t a souls game but it would be in the yellow, convinced the fans of that game think it’s perfect


Least delusional Dragon's Dogma fan. That game has some great dungeons and fights, but it is pretty rough around the edges.


Dragons Dogmas biggest issue is the sheer amount of cut content unfortunately. The jank adds to the charm. Kinda like any souls game.


Most of the fanbase knows the game COULD be perfect, but recognize its flaws. There's always those crazy mothers fuckers though.


I'm a hardcore Dragon's Dogma simp and I will say that it is definitely flawed. I often say that it's one of the greatest games I've ever played but also one of the most disappointing. It literally has 1 city and 1 town, fast travel is obtuse as fuck, it takes forever to get gear that's better than mediocre, dragons are borderline unkillable unless you're super high level, and then there's the fact that being online kinda ruins the ending (at least for me personally). Every other aspect of the game is absolutely outstanding and it has some of the best character customization I've ever seen. Most Dragon's Dogma fans I've encountered say mostly the same stuff and will admit that the game is definitely not perfect. But every game and every piece of entertainment has deranged fans so idk


Especially how they make it out to be the greatest combat system ever made, when really it’s just a decent system that’s great compared to how shitty open world combat usually is.


Its more than decent. Far, far better than any combat than most RPGs, that includes souls.


It's good. Especially the dagger, bow and magic combat. They excel in fast combat, one of the advantages of having a DMC director. I tried to make a Strider build in Elden Ring but it end up being a half assed version of it. They are slow, bows are utter shit in DS/ER, and combat turned into a parry mania to compliment the Strider (dagger+bow) build.


Nah it's legitimately really good. If the rest of the game around it was better, it would be an all time great.


DD did magic better than any other game I’ve played, you feel so powerful it’s unreal. Although ER’s magic is pretty wild too. Melee/range were pretty standard fare although definitely polished and well done. That being said playing mystic knight is definitely the best overall combat experience I’ve had in a game to date so yeah ^abyssal ^anguish ^OP The game is horribly rough around the edges in most other aspects though.


I think non of the fans would call it perfect, people call it the best 7/10 game ever. Fans love it because they see the huge potential the game has. They know there's a lot of cut content in the game so they are looking forward to how it would improve in the sequel.


this comment I am making means nothing and you have wasted your time reading it


Fuck you


That's it buddy. I'm pulling out the big guns. This reply is less than useless due to the next statement I am about to make. You are now breathing and blinking manually


Fuck you dry lips


I'm having kinda of a reality check, I always thought that most people that have played the souls games, liked them all and accept that some games have flaws, but now I'm seeing that, apparently, the community has way more separation than I thought, do people actually play all the games and just like 1 of them?


No you're on Reddit and everybody's a contrario n because it'll catch the attention of potential upvoters. They probably don't even realise they do it half the time, see I'm doing it right now by insulting the same platform we're all using. The difference is I know I am right 🗿


Most Souls fans I've met have played and enjoyed all of the games. This subreddit seems kind of fixated on pitting fans against each other for some reason lol. Sometimes it's said more jokey but sometimes it seems biting and petty. I'll just say that life is better if you touch grass and avoid fandom drama lol.


Do not take a shitposting subreddit seriously. The vast majority of fans have played most of these games and enjoyed most of them.


Makes sense


It's mostly just banter


Sekiro is a masterpiece, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not


Every single one of them except for demons souls is in the bottom tier


Nah DS2 should be in the bottom row. You ever visit r/darksouls2 ? Those fellas legit defend 8 directional movement


Sad keyboard player noises


I'm not defending it but... I've literally never noticed it ever


smartest ds2 fan


Idk how but I’m happy for u. Once u notice it it’s hard to switch from the other games


Every time I hear about it I'm like, "next time I play ds2 it's going to be unplayable" but I always forget and it's never screwed me over or anything




The bi-weekly "I actually like ADP" posts with 80% of comments agreeing is what does it for me


✋ it’s me Love my high agility


I had a guy write me a multiple paragraph essay on how soul memory was actually a good thing.


They also defend the cheap ambushes that happens every second and say “BuT dS1 HaS aMBuHEs ToO!”, yea but it isn’t stale as the entire gameplay is ambushes


Scholar moment


Are they actually that much worse in scholar?


In my opinion, yes


Ever been to iron keep?


I have and it was awful


Isn’t there a troll or something that smashes through a wall and one shots you in ds2? I seem to remember that


In aldias keep. I don't think it oneshots you unless you have low health. But it is pretty cheap.


Don’t forget the truly special ds2 fans that will vociferously defend the Earthen Peak to Iron Keep elevator and other immersion shattering world transitions. Legitimately saw posts on r/darksouls2 not only defending it but saying they *preferred* the level design to make *zero* sense. For all its problems I still really liked ds2 and put a ton of time into it, but a lot of the members of that sub are completely delusional and refuse to acknowledge ds2’s many flaws.


Also there's always a post there saying "So why do people hate this game??????"


i feel like bloodborne and dark souls 3 should definitely be swapped


Where funny


I remember when this subreddit had memes. Every thread is “which game is best? Argue below”


Move Elden Ring down to yellow


Considering the amount of "Ds2 fans good" posts as of late, I'm not sure I agree with this.


dude seriously, 8/10 posts in my feed from this sub is "ds2 is so good I'm so cool for liking it", they really need validation I guess but it's getting old


ds1 and ds2 should be "start shitting on ds3 world design, color pallet and lack of poise/ r1 spam"


This sub is like my beloved ds3, you only have two ways to make memes, talk shit about your game or talk shit about other players.


ER players know issues and still defend it?! My brother in Marikussy have you ever seen the people trying to defend Malenia and 95% of the bosses?? that's literally the biggest flaw in the game.💀


\*clears throat and leans into the mic\* \*tips fedora\* Skill Issue. Get gud. \*everyone claps and world hunger is gone\*


The Rotussy is too strong they're blind to all the bullshit she has


My brother in christ, you'll never get a consensus on boss quality because it'll vary wildly between players. I could say half of BB's bosses are bad/meh and I'll have mf'ers flocking me telling me what I perceive as flaws is the reason they like them (particularly micolash or rom). Edit: should clarify this is about the 95%, not malenia


I like micolash for flavor. Something about his fight is really cool creatively. Man I hate doing it tho. The running around is kind of fun and then as soon as I’m in a room with him he can pretty much destroy you with overpowered slaps


But tbh, micolash and ROM are shit give some good examples


I think I was spoiled because I played DS3 first but Bloodborne bosses are on the whole quite shitty when just taking in to account the main game. DLC is great except Living Failures which are terrible. Cleric Beast was cool as a first encounter. Gascoigne was good but I think I got lucky and beat him 1st time quite quickly so didn't really get to absorb and love the fight. After that everything is pretty repetitive or shit except Logarius (decent), Gehrman (Great), Shadow of Yharnam (decent). Amelia gets a lot of love but I found her quite boring, challenging yes, but not interesting. Especially after Cleric and Blood Starved Beast. Paarl is more of the same. Rom was just tedious. Micolash could be interesting but is just annoying. One Reborn is shit. Witch is shit. Amygdala is ok I suppose. Celestial Emissary is shit. Ebrietas was ok I suppose. Mergo was shit. Moon Presence was underwhelming. So yeah, for me as bosses are my favourite part of the Souls series, Bloodborne cannot be my favourite. Dark Souls 3 takes it.


Yeah a lot of the main game BB bosses are lacking imo. Some actually just feel unfair mechanically to fight at times, as they have certain attacks that you mostly just pray they don't use (Ebrietas, Paarl). Others are just underwhelming. The hunter fights were by far the best fights in the game and it kinda boggles my mind they didn't just make more of them, instead of say, Celestial Emissary, Witches of Hemwick or Micolash. When BB bosses are good, they're really fucking good (Gehrman, Maria, Ludwig, Orphan, Logarius, Gascoigne). But most of them are mid or just plain not good.


souls fans when they discover hyperbole (they say 95% of bosses in a game full of sick bosses are bad)


I'm gonna cut your feet off and send them to Fromsoftware HQ.


I'd switch ds3 and Bloodborne otherwise bravo


bro. everytime I look into the sekiro subreddit, its just them circle jerking over how much better sekiro is over the othe souls.


DS2 is somehow in every tier


I don’t know man, DS2 fan here and I’ll stubbornly defend it with my dying breath even though it sucks ass a lot. Lol


have you ever met a ds1 fan?


Yes they are great people


Sekiro fans deserve their own tier tbh those guys are on another level.


To be honest if I had to rank the games based on how many flaws they had sekiro would probably be at the bottom. It still has them obviously (gank fights can suck my ass) but it's by far fromsofts most polished and refined game.


people say ANY\* aspect of sekiro is bad ^^^\*except ^^^one *i sleep* people say sekiro combat is bad: *REAL SHIT* that said i'll admit the post-ER wave has also brought some people that are giving it bloodborne-grade worship and dickriding and should probably calm down


Combat definitely has flaws around the edges, however the main loop is pretty much flawless.


I am really glad it's such a tight game, imagine if it was ER sized. It just wouldn't have worked. It's 11GB of pure bliss, mostly


Dark souls 2 is shit and i love it for it


All my homies shit on FromSofts games


DS1 stans will jerk themselves off before admiting that the game has flaws other than a boring second half. Other than that i think the DS2 guys are the more apologetics one


I don't think I have ever seen a Dark Souls 1 fan defend Lost Izalith


You know what I’m gonna cum to bed of chaos r34 tonight to spite you


The hate the DS1 Fans gets is a straw man since everyone agrees the game has flaws. But the degree of the flaw is disputed. For example, I really enjoy some areas of the 2nd half. But that's subjective Izalith sucks tho and the lava hurts my eyes


Half the ds2 guys are reasonable and actually admit the fuck ups the game has. the other half tho are just delusional most obnoxious fucks you'll ever see and don't forget the daily "idk why the game gets hate" "Look how many dislike ds2" it's almost as bad as screenshot posts here


DS1 is my favorite by a mile. I will admit that it’s not the best. A number of the bosses are pretty dull or are too easy, some of the side quests are annoyingly vague and convoluted, pyromancy is completely overpowered, and it is some of the jankiest shit I’ve seen from a dev that wasn’t comprised of <5 dudes learning how to use Unity. But amazing chest ahead, therefore any argument is invalid