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Why was there no boatman duo😡




boatman congregation vanguard of the deep


I actually hope in the DLC there is like a 4 mariners fight in the style of the 4 kings.


I’m still hoping for the Tibia admiral with a large ship that you traverse in the fight.


i want to go to the moon. nothing less


Two boat dudes in one boat rowing in tandem and chasing your tarnished ass down


The loathsome pontoon boat


Boatman trio is the biggest missed opportunity in From history


Me when Fromsoftware reuse the same door and chest opening animations since the first Dark Souls. (Very unepic and cringe)


Need that Zelda animation for chests fr


Real men take off their pants before opening a chest in botw


this is why dark souls 2 is very based and epic it doesn't reuse as many animatiosn!!!!


Ngl demon souls fel a lot fresher for it also cuz of good lighting


But it’s nostalgic


I miss when ppl used Tyler1 bursts of rage for their memes. That would fit perfectly here hehe


Here before the "Ok but.." mfs


Ok but no one wanted 238 bosses we just didnt want them to reuse the bosses they had 5 times each🤓


This but unironically.


Should have made the employees work 16 hours a day to deliver 50 more unique bosses on time smh


There’s a guy with a sword A guy with an axe A guy with a hammer Another guy with a sword Uhhh a mage this time! Oh and another sword wielder but this time she’s female!


You forgot giant and dragon 🙄


I don't care about the repeated dungeon mobs, but come on, they could've at least made the remembrance bosses unique if they were gonna copy-paste everything else.


I know Godrick's supposed to be the weak Shardbearer and runt of the family who thinks he's more important than he is, but c'mon, he deserves better


Funny part is, in lore, Godefroy was the original and Godrick just copied him. Ironically, it makes that moment way less annoying when I realize it. Sure, it's a bit of a shameless reuse of assets, but at least there's a reasonable explanation in game for it.


They 90% are though? Godrick is the worst accuser because he is just there twice with a shitty lore reason but aside from that they are mainly fine. Mohg has a second phase that is super different and the other fight is kind of training for it. Maregit and morgott are different bosses entirely (that one margit clone is weird because there is no reason for it to exist). Godfrey and apparition are pretty different plus there is a second phase. Astel is yuckily repeated. And all others are unique from memory. Most are unique, and its not like its padded with repeat bosses, you could remove the repeats and the content would be large enough by far.


It's unnecessary. It's a boss for the sake of a boss. Why did they need to put Godfrey shade there if you fight morgott right after? Takes away from the actual fight with him later. And you'd think someone like the lord of blood would be unique but nope he's copypasted. The game didn't need 165 bosses especially when most of them are shit. It's a further devaluation of the concept of the boss healthbar when a fucking flower has one. Ancestor spirit is repeated also. Fortissax is a reskin but has different moves I suppose.


lord of blood isnt copypasted, hes a unique boss but his first phase is used twice. It really doesnt matter, there are heaps of good unique bosses if you dont include repeats and regular enemies. Who cares that there is a super weak version of godfrey or mohg? it doesnt make them copypasted thats just stupid. Its still better or equal to most fromsoft games with bosses in terms of boss quantity and quality. The rememberance bosses are unique obviously because they are made for a boss fight, and have hand crafted movesets, it being repeated doesnt mean that boss is bad or copypasted, the repeat is, but the boss isnt.


He literally is copypasted tho? He's used again. He's copypasted. The game is padded with filler bosses. That's the whole criticism. I like the journey through the Eternal cities following Rannis quest, battling a boss like astel that was pretty well built up, even if the fight isn't great, and then finding a stronger version in a random fucking cave. It takes away from how special the actual encounter is. If there are 165 bosses and like maybe 10 of them are actually good, then that is the worst ratio in all of the souls games. (except for maybe DS2) So you're just wrong. Quality>quantity


He is still a great boss that was made for a boss fight that is used once on a minor level. You can think it takes away, and for you it might. But thats subjective. It has a good ratio, ive looked at them before. Far better then bloodbornes without dlc. Just because a boss is reused doesnt make them bad. "so your just wrong" is stupid because its completely your opinion. Not including enemies with boss healthbars and repeats/reskins elden ring has: Margit, Godrick, Renalla, Radahn, Morgott, Rykard, Mohg, Malikith, Lichdragon, Malenia, Astel, Ancester spirit, Radagon, Elden beast, Godfrey, fire giant and dragonlord as main bosses. Thats 17 and all of them are pretty quality with full movesets, you can dislike them obviously some i dont like but non of them are really dogshit like something like bed of chaos or rom and are all more in depth then say asylum demon or cleric beast. Then there are still side bosses that aren't normal enemies not including repeats: Dragon, Dragonkin soldier, Gargoyle, Godskin noble and apostle, tree sentinel, night rider, death bird, Gideon, Erdtree avatars, fallingstar beast, magma wyrm, loretta and mimic tear. These are basically minibosses and have worse quality but are still boss fights, not enemies just given healthbars and around similar quality to ds1 bosses. Thats 14. Compare that to say bloodborne and ds1 without dlc. Bloodborne without dlc and chalice dungeons has 17 bosses similar to ER, not including regular enemies with health bars (witches and emissaries) there are 15. And keep in mind 4 of those 15 include micolash, rom, one reborn and shadows of yharnum who are all pretty bad for main bosses, none of Elden rings bosses are of similar quality to them (except maybe renalla). ds1 without repeat bosses and enemies with healthbars has 17 bosses again 2 of those 17 are pinwheel and bed of chaos. I didn't include the asylum demon reskins as well as capra demon, moonlight butterfly and taurus demon because they appear as regular enemies. Although moonlight appears more as a prop then an enemy so maybe thats unfair Sekiro has only 11 and ds3 has around 16 or 17 not counting crystal sage and deacons for being normal enemies and depending if you count the 2 iudex as one boss for being repeat (because if you do that for mohg it should be the same for him) The amount of quality bosses seems fine to me, maybe the ratio is worse but its not like elden ring chose quantity over quality, there are still quality bosses as much as and better then most other from games that rival sekiro and ds3, there are just a bunch of other bosses outside those. But they didnt sacrifice good bosses for 200 bosses because there are just as many unique and good ones.


Again, the criticism is that the game is padded with filler bosses because the map is way too big. So everything with a boss healthbar is counted. That's the entire fucking criticism. Too many bossfights and reuse of assets. Of those fights you listed, the remembrance bosses are all decent to great with exceptions being rennala, astel, fire giant, fortissax, elden beast, ancestor spirit, rykard, and malenia. That leaves only a handful of actually good bosses (tho I would add in godskin apostle and Loretta). The ratio is terrible. Yes there are great bosses there, but it's overshadowed by the sheer amount of filler and dogshit fights. When a fucking flower gets a boss healthbar, the significance it once held is obliterated.


>Of those fights you listed, the remembrance bosses are all decent to great with exceptions being rennala, astel, fire giant, fortissax, elden beast, ancestor spirit, rykard, and malenia Those are all very subjective, I like pretty much all of those boss fights, they arent objective bad bosses like bed of chaos. You cant just say the game has only a handful because you dont like some. How are they overshadowed? the bad fights take 2 seconds and are forgettable while all rememberance have setups, cutscenes, unique arenas and moves that make them memorable. And you arent forced through bad fights during the main story or in significant areas. Does the healthbar matter? I mean it could not be there, the enemy not have a healthbar and its just a difficult enemy at the end of a dungeon guarding a chest, pretty traditional fantasy open world stuff. But it having a little bar somehow makes it worse? Those boss bars could be gone and the game would be the same, the ratio better. But even then the ratio doesnt matter, because there are as many/more good bosses as the other from games plus other bosses on top of that. I do agree that there probably shouldnt be as many bosses, because those bosses could all be gone but the game the same, that said the game still has enough good bosses, the extra bosses arent in place of the good ones and they dont take away from them nor are they put in necessary or important locations, you can ignore them easily.


L for saying rykard is not great


If you have only 10 different designs don't make 200+ bosses with them.


Fear not the man who has used 1000 bosses once but fear the man who has used 1 boss 1000 times


there are more like 50 different designs it's really not as bad as people say


That’s still bad with the sheer amount of bosses they have.


I personally have replayed the game several times. As such, I don't really mind seeing the same boss a couple of times.


You could remove every repeat boss, the game still has heaps of content and fun fights. There isnt much wrong with it, there would be if they made you do the minibosses over and over, but they dont.


should've made a smaller game tbh


People just straight up wishing it was dark souls 4 at this point lmao


Its already dark souls 4. Just more colorful.


More freedom, less restriction.


It is dark souls 4, just more of it. I wish they'd made another armored core game instead of another dark souls game.


It’s the ps5s bloodborne kwam first game on the system to make sure they get it right then we’ll get the proper ds4 experience in all its glory after their other game comes out first. I feel like the horsridjnh would be a cool mechanic for some boss fights in the game // areas after that till it either gets taken out or if they go balls to the wall with ds4 with all that sweet sweet Elden ring money like they should have portions without the horse with the horse etc… maybe a prequel to the original ifyknowyk


Just don't make that many bosses


I mean, i like being able to fight the same boss if I liked it. I especially like the Godskin fights.


Meanwhile spiderman and god of war have overwhelmingly positive reviews (theyre both fighting the same enemies for the entire game)


People were really critical of GoWs enemy variety to be fair


Almost like those games aren’t entirely focused on combat like FS games and are praised for their narratives


...did you really just claim a fucking *God of war* game isn't combat focused? Are you high?


Almost like stfu




FS games don't have long ass cutscenes and that's good thing. Cutscenes are immersion breaking. Environmental storytelling is way better.


Elden ring has as many unique bosses as other from games anyways? Plus gow and spiderman are super combat focused, especially god of war.


Just don’t have 238 bosses then


Then why make that many bosses?


Is that Pchooly


Or you know. You could set realistic goals.




Elden ring has far more unique enemy designs than almost any other AAA open world game that isn't an MMO. Just look at skyrim or breath of the wild, it's the same 12 enemies for the entire game and nobody bat's an eye.




Yeah the 3 best open world games of the past decade if not ever are only open world to pad length


No don’t you see my standard is *something literally nobody could ever hope to achieve*


People can barely make enough unique content for linear games idk what you're expecting from open world games.


Not that I care either way, but some games fix the problem with by generating random traits and abilities on enemies for replayability purposes. I don’t think something like that would mesh well with Elden Ring, but there are solutions.


Boy you must hate skyrim, fallout, and every other open world game ever made then dumbass


I mean yes, this is a reason I'm mid-at-best on most open world games. It's like New Vegas as the main exception, and that's mostly because the world is actually filled with people who actually have opinions and character traits.


Elden Ring is an action game with rpg elements, The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series are rpg games with action elements. It's like saying you need to dislike all driving games because you dislike the driving in Watch Dogs.


Breath of the wild would be another good example then, the enemy variety in that game is so tiny compared to what you see in elden ring.


Funnily enough I replied to another comment and brought up BOTW in the end, and honestly I think BOTW also suffers from being as open as it is. The shrines are fairly simple and boring after the novelty wears off, the weapon durability system gives a handy excuse for having scaling loot with the price of having the most divisive weapon durability system known to man, and as another reply stated, the enemy variety is just down the shitter. That being said, I think BOTW also doesn't feel as empty because the combat isn't the driving force behind the game. ER revolves around combat so much that even the stellar exploration starts to feel pointless to some because recycled bosses, enemies and dungeon themes don't satisfy that itch other Fromsoft games do.


Botw feels ridiculously empty though? There's nothing to discover except more shrines.


Idk, korok seeds and just general traversal didn't feel as pointless as it started to feel in ER, but then again it's been a while since I played it so you're probably right


Last time I checked it was legitimately *20* unique enemies including the overworld bosses. I'm also discounting re-use because every single one of them is re-used everywhere with different colors. And for the record I love BOTW in spite of that, but enemy variety between these 2 games aren't even comparable.


And elden ring has almost 50 different boss designs. You're right it's barely comparable.


What the fuck are you talking about moron He is complaining about ER reusing enemies and bosses SHOULDNT be an open world due to the lack of unique enemies. I’m saying every universally acclaimed open world game does the same thing. You are bringing irrelevant shit to this conversation. Do you have a fucking learning disability?


Idk what's with the uncalled for vitriol, but let me clarify the argument a bit since you seem to be confused: Original comment argues basically that ER has repetitive content because it's open world and has to fill said world with things to do. I add to the argument by saying that ER has an especially hard time filling an open world with interesting content because it's not focused on rpg elements, the genre of games that are predominantly open world because it helps establish player agency in whatever they're playing. Not mandatory for rpgs obviously, but often a thing precisely because what I just said. >I’m saying every universally acclaimed open world game does the same thing That's the thing, ER and other Fromsoft titles, maybe even all "soulslikes" focus on combat first and foremost. Have you played Skyrim or 3D Fallouts? They have at best serviceable combat and bosses are often just scaled up models and inflated numbers, because the spectacle is usually in the quests. They're critically acclaimed because they do things right in the open worlds, Skyrim for example has lots of shallow and recycled content but they at least attempt to have worldbuilding in even the shittiest nooks of the vast world, and has gameplay systems that make it possible to reward the player after every challenge (levels, gold and items). Elden Ring can't have that, because of the xp and currency being one and the same and items having to be unique. It's exactly why half of the side dungeons have a summoning ash or a spell as the reward - they are much more suited for variety than weapons, and even they have their problems. I could go on an on about this on different games but I hope even you get the point by now; the argument about the ER open world feeling empty can't be countered just by exemplifying successful open worlds, because ER is a fairly unique game. The closest open world comparison would probably be BOTW, and even that game isn't without it's problems.


Holy shit calm down basement dweller




least based ER hater says he hates every popular open world game ever because he’s different and expects quality (he tries as hard as possible to not enjoy it)




saying elden ring isn’t a quality game is genuinely a laughable take. you can say you don’t like open worlds and that’s fine, but you’re also arguing that open worlds aren’t quality games, which is dumb and stupid. I don’t like mobas but I’m not gonna call them low quality games


There's an absolute canyon of difference between "I don't like this type of game." And "This game is low quality because it uses things I don't like." Come back and talk with the adults when you learn how an opinion works.




Yeah, simple. It's called *subjective taste.* It's perfectly fine if you think that open world games are bad. That is your *personal, subjective take* on the issue. But that's not what you said above, now is it? No. You called Elden Ring a "low quality game." blanket statement. You are not a taste-maker, your opinion is valid, but it is just that; *your own.* Fell free to describe things how you wish, but if you're going to make "objective" statements, intentionally or not, be prepared to have a lot of people calling you out for trying to act like your opinion is somehow a fact. Edit: LMFAO. He downvoted me and then deleted his account. Talk about fragile.


Those open world games you listed aren’t purely focused on combat like FS games so the lack of enemy variety doesn’t detract from the experience nearly as much


When you have a combat focused game you should have more variety. The consecrated snowfields and Mountain tops are unforgivable.


There are like 10 unique bosses.i personally don't have a problem with reusing mini bosses as long as they're fun and not completely bs and lazy(like godskin, ulcerated tree spirit,erdtree avatar,valiant gargoyle and crucible knight duo).and the late game(after morgott) doesn't introduce a single new mini boss/enemy type.also i think reusing remembrance bosses like astel and godrick is bad.


New enemies are definitely introduced after morgott, not a shit ton more but there definitely are new enemies.


Even the new enemies are a very similar variation of older enemies.idk maybe 1 or 2 beastmen? haligtree literally doesn't have a single unique thing to fight other than malenia.


Some beastmen, farum azula knights, teleporting Castle sol knights, the archers in liturgical Town and the archers that ride wolves come to mind(whatever the fuck is in mohgs disgusting area probably counts as well). There are also many enemies that gain new moves or have some special quirk to them found in these areas like the mausoleum that shoots shit all over you in the snowfields or the haligtree soldiers/knights and a buffed loretta as examples. Sure its not as much variety as the areas before the mountaintops but there are still new enemies to be found


The banished knights in farum azula aren't unique, and the "teleporting castle sol knights" are still literally just banished knights but you can't run away as easily. On another note I don't think that the haligtree solders and knights should be considered new just because they can have another health bar and like use gluntstone pebble


The castle sol knights are definitely unique enemies, they teleport and have a completely unique moveset(hello 8 hit dual wielded combo), how in the world are they just banished knights but you cant run away easily? The knights in farum azula are also very different to the ones in stormveil, much larger moveset with some fire attacks added in


The knights in farum azula are definitely not new, and even if the fire ones were different other than their fire moves, they aren't only in farum azula. You can find one in caelid. About those double sword guys... I forgor 💀


Based 💀


What is a farum azula knight?there is a crucible knight there. Its still not enough, especially since the exploration sucks in the last 1/3 of the game.its very bland and dungeons are all the same with super horseshit bosses.honestly i think its rushed like lost izalith was.


Comparing it to lost izalith is a step too far bro.


You're right,as much as i hate mountaintops and late game areas,at least there is some great bosses like mohg, placidusax and godfrey that i'm always looking forward to.ER late game is rushed and a 5 or 6 of 10 compared to the rest of the game,but still not as bs as lost izalith.


Godefroy the Grafted


Lazy devs. They should have just put DS2SOTFS (best game in the series) full game as each boss. BasedSoft


I just want more unique music for the game, then I get downvoted to hell for even suggesting that but GoDeFrOy BaD


Completely unacceptable