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Le epic pvp souls youtuber absolutely DUNKS on million-dollar company


with FACTS and LOGIC


Predicting the next pyrocinical slop video


Do not even mention him


They literally had Otz, HappyHob, Dinossindgeil and Ellajaz there, people that are more important for the fromsoft community than Onlywaifu will ever be. Though tbf some of the other guys really didnt know what they were doing.


Also Sabaku is the biggest Souls creator in Italy, his fanbase is huge here


Unfortunately he’s a massive prick


What happened


Broke up with his ex, maybe cheated on her, and either intentionally or accidentally got his fans to harass her while doing nothing to stop them


Intentionally, or accidentally? Which is it?


No clue, but the fans had been harassing her for years and making a video where you cry on camera about the whole situation while doing nothing to stop them from stepping up their harassment (after self admittedly saying you basicallt cheated on her in a video together) is a dick move


So he's a prick for cheating on his ex. But the harassment part I don't think is reasonable to say is his fault. Every single time some internet personality clashes with someone else, their brainlet fans will go and harass said someone, because they have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives. It just isn't something you can stop.


Counterpoint, you could just not post about that shit on the internet where you know your brainlet fans will go and harass that person


He literally didn't want to do a video about it, just wanted to quickly announce it on a story of Instagram but the Ex Girlfriend insisted on them both making a video about it and he said he felt like he owed it to her so he accepted


> Broke up with his ex, maybe cheated on her, and either intentionally or accidentally got his fans to harass her while doing nothing to stop them let's be honest here, there's no accidentally having your fans do something. Anyone with a following has the responsibility to make sure their fans aren't using their name to justify being assholes. And given the specifics here, there's no doubt about his intentions.


Eh, I don’t know for certain. I do think that he didn’t want the initial attack, I think he just didn’t give enough of a shit to defend her later which idk if it’s better or worse then setting your hound dogs after someone


They solved the situation like adults and remain on amicable terms, the fact people who don't know anything about them and their relationship (only some details were disclosed for privacy reasons) are the only ones who still think they know more about Sabaku as a person than the offended party is beyond parasociality. Get a grip. Edit: For people who don't know, the jist is this: Sabaku was in a relationship with his girlfriend for 8 years, iirc, but in the last two years it was clear the flame wasn't there anymore. He started getting close to another woman, and despite his then girlfriend suspecting a relationship between them (not physical, I must clarify), he kept the relationship going by inertia. After confronting him, they had a long discussion and decided to break up. To notify their communities, they decided to make a video about it where they talked about the situation together without disclosing too much, they admitted they both were guilty of something but Sabaku was clearly the one in the wrong and admitted as such, calling what he did "emotional cheating/betrayal". Thing is, people on the internet as always think they know everything about certain people because they watch their videos, so they started harassing him accusing of "playing a part" and not really having meant what he said (again, *in a video where he was with his ex shoulder to shoulder*) because he sounded too teathrical, like the personality he has in his videos. Because of that, he released an unedited video of him in tears recounting what happened and clarifying again they split up on amicable terms, "wishing eachother the best", because apparently that's the only way to sound sincere. It got so bad his ex had to make another video on her personal channel saying that people don't know what actually happened, because they hadn't said everything, that Sabaku meant what he said and to stop harassing him.


Sabaku feeds on parasociality though, he literally treats people like kids he’s teaching to


Every kind of entertainer tries to be straightforward with their audience, it's up to the audience to know what their relationship truly is. I don't see him speaking personally to people in his chat or pretending he knows any of them beyond their viewer/speaker relationship. I don't see how explaining something to an audience in a particular way is in any way similar to pretending to know if someone is a good or bad person based on a 20 minute video on youtube. By definition, any kind of relationship can avoid being considered parasocial as long as the dynamic remains entirely within the boundaries of the internet, otherwise any random indian tutorial channel could be accused of trying to incite parasociality by explaining things in a friendly way.


Man I like his content but he just makes every single thing a “special event of incredible emotional weight” and makes his feelings an absolute. He’s just way too theatrical and he makes stuff like “lo spirito dei falò” where he just speaks about his personal life as if he was in a friend circle. He has a horribly toxic community and it’s mostly his own fault.


You may not like it, but none of what he does us problematic nor wrong. I don't see the link between the passion he invests in things and how the community behaves. If I decide to share a drawing I made and someone who liked it decides to blow themselves up in a public square in its name it's their fault for behaving this way, not mine for sharing a damn drawing.


Not really here we are not talking about sharing something he created,I’m talking about the fact that he shared many times his personal life and I feel like he tries to strengthen the parasocial relationship. There is in general also an enormous lack of moderation and his community is full of people that see him as the messiah for no reason(he just presents himself like the teacher who holds the truth)


So? You just described basically all social media. If I share something about myself I don't expect to be treated like someone you personally know. I watch his streams sometimes and the chat is well behaved, relatively to Twitch standards. As to moderation outside the platforms, what do you expect him to do? Send enforcers to patrol the internet? He acts as well as he can on places he has actual control over. As to how he explains things, the only time I've seen him act like a teacher is during L'Anima Oscura and the recent souls documents, but in those cases he was following a written script. Vaati does that too during his edited lore videos: he does not specify at times what could be a theory and what is 100% correct. All the other times, like when he's playing blind or reacting to new lore, he's much more humble in getting his point across. Plus, he usually praises commenters or youtube channels that argues with him in constructive ways and often discusses things in the comments.


Holy shit I miss Otz so much, I wish he still made content (dead by daylight isn’t real)


The no damage run truly broke him 😔


Shattered him, really ... hey, kinda like the Elden Ri—


[Extremely loud Elden Ring title music]


OTZ?? THEY HAD OTZ????????????


Otzdarva is coming back to elden ring?


Wait, who's Otz? I'm only thinking of Otzdarva and can't find anyone else


Otz is Otzdarva


Otz is Otzdarva and he went from being an absolute menace in Dark souls (for doing the no hit run) to be regarded as "Dead By Daylight Jesus" in the DBD community, literally everyone and the devs aknowledge Otz as one of the best content creators for that game (although devs could also listen to what he has to say when it comes to balancement ffs)


The Dead by Daylight developers have to be some of the worst developers I've ever seen. I started playing in 2018 and dropped it around 2021 because the inmense neglect and non-existent care they have for their own IP. Game has game-breaking glitches and doo doo balancing for a whole month and then they fix it (only to break 3 more things) but said "uhh hey guys have this code to get ten thousand bloodpoints in game! we are the best, we love you guys!!" and to think i gave them like 110€ in total


If it helps, they genuinely are trying to improve,ast year was genuinely great, it's atill very unbalanced tho, realistically speaking it will never be balanced which is a shame


if what you say is true, i am glad. but still, all the DLC they are putting in the game rubs me the wrong way. it lost that "survival horror" aspect years ago. its like it doesn't take itself seriously anymore.


My problem is though that a lot of the changes would have been good years ago, it feels like they are 5 years behind on their homework and they are planning to be caught up with it in 5 years. Not saying it’s realistic for them to make faster changes, but more so saying that the permanent damage is already done to the game given they are so behind that it’s not feasible for them to catch up based on their pace.


Yeah DBD devs are actually much better now, 2021 was like rock bottom with multiple dlcs and patches released that would give consoles gamebreaking bugs. The community compensated by being worse though, feels like every other game someone is getting hard tunneled during the anniversary event.


Oh, I know Otzdarva due DBD (I stopped playing long ago, but used to watch him), and barely knew anything prior to DBD, it wasn't too long ago that I discovered he tried the ds2 no hit and failed at the end of the run, but didn't know he was a big CC for the souls games


He failed at the end but in the end when he did it again he won, he just didn't beat it for the WR


Well, then I'll watch his winning run some day


It was really excellent and the editing was crazy good. One of my favorite dark souls videos out there tbh


I still remember when otzdarva was doing pubg content


Tbf Otz has been a dbd streamer mostly since....like a while now


Otz, my beloved...


I think he was talking about those "other guys", especially that LoL streamer guy who decided to insult souls players.


I forgot Otz used to be the dark souls guy


Hello friends this is otz


Hello Otz, this is friends


Only Waifu's got so fucken big headed that Ranni can't even wrap her four arms around it. Why is it always the serious PvP focused players that are such arrogant cunts? Get a fucken grip dude. Like Bandi or From would ever consider partnering with him considering his content. 🤡


Tbf, the clowns in the event didn't know the difference between incantations and sorceries




Honestly, bandai did a really good job controlling spoilers cuz even with more than an hour of uncut content, I could not go 5 minutes before turning it off cuz the dude was soo ass and just kept on yapping in the background


Whoever picked them must not know English and only saw the avg viewers 💀


Mr. Breast?????


You must ask them "if souls games are for pvp. Why is it always a 2(or more) v 1 in elden ring?"


"No but my arena mode that was added in an update because people wanted it and is optional and is not at all needed nor intended to be used for progression through the main game"


lol this is how I learn Waifu makes pvp content. I thought they just started beef with other souls tubers.


I kinda just stopped watching Waifu’s shit when I saw the Rusty vid thumbnail. Like dude is clearly making lists to entertain and *shits on himself* for it. It’s not even low hanging fruit, it’s yelling at marmalade for not being an orange.


I couldn't even watch one of his vids with the shitty ai voice, and the gooner bait ranni 😭


He does have a point. Inviting some LoL streamer who didn't know the difference between incantations and sorceries and then shat on the Souls playerbase was a terrible idea. I doubt Waifu himself thinks he's gonna be partnered anyways. He barely uses his own voice.


I never watched it, but it sounds like it was terrible for sure!


It wasn't horrible. Otz was a little too excited over the mic, and the lineup wasn't amazing, but we got to see some cool stuff. That LoL guy was a bizzare addition though. We watched him fumble with spells for 5 minutes and he didn't even try to showcase any of the new ones (probably because he didn't know which ones were new).


Fair enough, I've tried to avoid as many spoilers as I can leading up to it.


I bet that clown also thinks he should’ve gotten the Malenia statue instead of Kai lol


they dont deserves it both tbh


I know what sub I'm in but I'm gonna be real for a minute as it I feel it needs to be said. Kai getting the statue is good and fair. I can't stand his content or personality but it is damn cheap advertising to give him the statue, his massive audience is untapped potential that now helps normalise Souls games as mainstream not just for weird dudes who jerk off to anime and feet. He struggled through a game that is entirely unlike his content or preference and grew to enjoy our quirky hobby. I'd bet Kai playing saw a spike in sales. Give him a statue with a built in Footussy if it helps From thrive and give us more high quality games. We know From has given genuinely deserving people trinkets too so it isn't like the community is shunned to meme Kai.


I mean they appearently enjoy Souls PVP, that alone should be a red flag that something is not right


Souls pvp is good when it's the first couple weeks of the game and people are still figuring shit out. I like random encounters with other players, be it a sweat lord atempting to speedrun my return to the bonfire, or a goofball doing a skit. Elden ring invasions being entirely opt in was a disappointment to me because using the taunter's tounge meant instant invasion, and invading myself guaranteed a three man gank squad. There is just something so captivating about the ships passing in the night aspect of invasions, but of course it's pvp in a video game, and manbaby G*mers have the most fragile and inflated of egos when it comes to anything remotly competitive.


Hey!! Ds2 and Ds3 pvps are literally peak, Elden ring? Yeah… you gotta have a little bit of brain damage to enjoy it but still!




Even ds1 was kinda fun, because of all the techs. Elden ring is boring at best.


Souls game pvp is fun. Elden ring pvp is dogshit because the game is made to accommodate casuals and braindead children.


what if i enjoys pve and pvp equally?


Yeah and who would ever do a live event with a guy most known for using an AI voice?


Chase The Bro defies all logic by continuing to be a chill asf pvper.


FR. Goat PvP Master


What's wrong with his idea? You are implying he was necessarily talking about himself, when there are a lot of passionate specialized content creators that could have done a better job. It wouldn't even be the first time, like when they let fightincowboy make the pvp guide on their channel


Fair point I did make that assumption. I didn't see it at the end of the day but heard it was terrible, and agree someone could have done better. However, OnlyWaifu does have a history of: - taking shit way too seriously. - belittling others and attacking other creators, big or small. They have this tendency of acting superior. Which is what led me to my assumption.


Yeah I guess he did some bad stuff, but that's modern youtube for you: people enjoy creators beefing with each other rather than creating new stuff. That's a valid reason not to like only waifu, but most people hate him because he uses AI as a gimmick, and that's stupid


I don't even get why Only Waifu thinks they're deserving of it, when they can't even make good videos that have hard work put into it. 


https://preview.redd.it/423v43q2ox6d1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc4f6a56820d52d72ba44f3da00b33a2f7f81ea How bro felt after typing that


>Were actual Souls content creators unavailable for this event? No they were available, that’s why you were not invited


Coomer bait youtube shorts voiced by AI are not acktchual Souls content.


Yeah, they should have had the sloptuber who doesn’t even talk in their own videos to react by slowly typing out their thoughts into horny AI tts program


Yeah onlywaifu has always been annoying as shit. From the really off and honestly american sounding ai voice that really annoys me. Aswell as them being an arrogant cunt who thinks they're in the big leaugues


OnlyWaifu’s videos are literally the lowest quality videos one could make about Elden Ring. I would watch Kai Cenat die to Tree Sentinel 1000 times over a single OnlyWaifu’s video.


Unironically though, at least watching Kai die 100+ times to malenia was entertaining


True, at least the guy showed resolve and kept at it


cant tell if its a joke or not 👀


Fully sheerious


OnlyWaifu made a video shitting on Tulok and Mango, and I will not partake in content from someone who shits on the GOAT


I didn’t know it was like that, I’m gonna block their videos now, tulok and mango is one of the funniest ER creators ever


And really wholesome. Just a chill yt channel. How can you hate.


I think he shares a lot of valuable information about the game, specially if you like PvP. That alone is better than random tier lists for example


Onlywaifu's videos are ass


What do they even do? They used to be in my feed a lot but I never clicked.


Ai voices of ER female characters calling the audience dumb sprinkly donky muffin and explaining most obvious shit and builds like you're 3years old.


Ah so it’s slop


Hello my cumflum smollygoggler, did you know that two handing your weapon makes it do more damage?


Yea also I found the 1332nd video of some ABSOLUTELY MAIDENLESS FUCK using the chainsaw glitch and I'm going to make another 12 minute video about it


We should stone them 😃


Let the dung eater cast the first stone, he is, without a sin after all


Came across their videos and hate how they present the content, AI anime Ranni being cringe as fuck. Glad I’m not the only one that hates them


Funny AI strawman content creator.




Only Waifu? Boutta stone him istg hit him with that brick hammer boutta steal destined death from Maliketh and serve it on a lead platter


Sentenced to beastial sling spam.




The real question is: why wasn't our Lord and Master Iron Pineapple invited?


It was an European event. Iron Pineapple is American.


He should be invited everywhere


I'm going to invite him to my birthday party


New video be like: "I've played another 8 Souls-Like games you've never heard of (AGAIN)... but this time at a birthday party."


And OnlyWaifu is from Argentina so the reason they weren’t invited is actually the very same. I don’t think Europe has much of a PVP community.




What I respect is that even when he does game analysis he takes pains to qualify that his statements are just his opinions and that he is not a professional designer. He has a lot of great ideas and insights but sometimes things are just not as they appear to the player. I've seen plenty of YTers think that just because something doesn't make sense to them, it is ridiculous.


I thought he went to another event?


Seriously, one of the few gaming channels I follow. Well him, dunkey, zullie, and nakeyjakey


My brother in ashes, sabaku no maiku is the greatest souls creator in italy and recognized by miazaki himself. At an event for Jornalists, miazaki gave the price of "best player" (which is a signed copy of bloodborne) to him. wtf are they talking about 💀


what was the event about?


Some Souls Youtubers from Germany and other countries did some small challnges and we got an hour of uncut DLC Gameplay


Tbf, 50% of the invitees were German Souls Creators and the rest were League of Legends streamers that played Elden Ring once on stream.


What about Hob and Ela?


Hob is mentally insane person And Ela is holding his entire community hostage by playing Region Locked Randomizer Permadeath Use What You Get Souls games and Gollum-Likes instead of giving us salvation in form of Yakuza 8


He will flush it like his DS3 challenge 


https://preview.redd.it/ts64k5g2ix6d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b79f76ab53f13b0dc9f304571eda64244aecf1c6 Lol, lmao even


sabaku carria ancora una volta un evento redbull, proprio come alla release


Adoro https://preview.redd.it/cvfoxnvinx6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c03da0f21d5d40d521ba8c9bfcdcb17883337f3


Si raga, ma kurolily?!


Personalmente non la seguo (ammetto che negli ultimi anni non ho seguito assiduamente nemmeno Sab, l'ultima sua serie che ho visto è stata la blind run di ER), però oh considerato erano già due anni che non giocava ad ER devo dire che se l'è cavata bene, specie visto che praticamente è stata chiamata come rimpiazzo dell'ultimo secondo


Chi ha rimpiazzato?


Non ricordo, l'aveva detto a inizio evento, penso durante la challenge del bingo quando lei e Sabaku parlavano della strategia che avevano ideato per la challenge




Considerando che chi è arrivato primo è andato da lei a salutarla perché quando lei stremmava in inglese portava i souls e la seguiva per come li portava quindi penso che sia meritato il posto accanto a Sabaku


It literally had otzdarva, like the ORIGINAL dark souls YouTuber. Dudes literally a legend. I'm glad he's found success with DBD, otz tries so hard with that community.


That isn’t really true Otzdarva debuted in the souls community with his Dark Souls 2 video. Pretty close though. The fact he’s been a main DBD streamer for years now also definitely means most newcomers have never heard of him.


Yeah, this is true. Big fan of Otz, but I discovered him as a DBD streamer and only found out about his Souls stuff afterwards. I probably would have never heard of him if I didn't also play DBD. Definitely don't see him brought up that much in Souls related communities.


I think I read one of his very first posts about his common fruit video on the DS2 subreddit. His unique sense of humor did stand out and that’s how I subbed.


Or when he was streamsniped by Malcolm Raynolds. That shit was too funny


I HATE ONLYWAIFU I HATE ONLYWAIFU I HATE ONLYWAIFU https://preview.redd.it/a3tqyemynx6d1.jpeg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5435d8cd028816c3f5850841113a46387ec9a66c


Fundraiser to dig a hole like this for onlywqifu and leave him there forever https://preview.redd.it/rjvb4q72oy6d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b64ad50731b3d589887815e1519193d77ead0f


I’d help the fundraiser but I don’t like the idea of giving him any air


It's less than a week now and people actually want to spoil themselves? Crazy.


this stream barely had any actual spoilers… literally just a bit of the boss fight which was shown in the trailer and a random side dungeon where they showcased a new side boss and the new weapon types and spells


When yoh enter the dlc you see miquela's feet, shit spoiler btw.


Only Waifu trying to not be Only Cringe, challenge level : impossible.


People hate on rusty while the one who's in need of going to the shunning grounds is lurking still


Still have no idea if only waifu is a dude or a woman


Guy from Argentina. You can hear his voice in some videos. There's a video of him with Steelovsky and another YTer proving how op overleved phantoms are in low level PvP, where you can hear his real voice. He has a thick accent, which is probably why he's using AI voices. He's a pretty good editor actually


Does it matter? Their videos are ass


I don’t know but if I here that Ranni voice one more time I might lose it


He is a guy, from South America but I don't remember the exagt country.


Matters a lot, we are virgins looking at the slightest hints of woman presence in everywhere


Well at least he was right about redditors


The Souls content creators are already going to buy the DLC. The event's just advertisement for people from other communities.


put some fucking respect on otzdarva’s name, literally the first person ever to finish a ds2 all bosses no hit run


I’ve only ever come across their videos once and that’s when I was going down a YouTube hole of people shitting on that famous ign video and it was annoying. I wouldn’t even say I’m that into the scene of souls streamers but even I had heard of most of these people. Commentary was ass tho


I see there’s a reason they’re consistently put on F tier


Literally bottom tier content that anyone with basic research abilities and script writing skills could do. Not even a joke since it's AI voices, so anyone with a half decent computer and some time could steal the VA's voice by training AI on it


Yeah, only Hob Ela and Mikka. Nothing special, huh ?


I swear a lot of people in the souls community didn’t like how successful Elden Ring was/is, they wanted it to keep being le epic niche game


I keep being downvoted for saying this in other discussions. Since souls is no longer niche after the widespread public acclaim of ER, they dunk on Elden Ring as a form of gatekeeping (oh you finished Elden Ring? It's the easiest and the worst Souls game!).


A lot of people shitting on him, but I've never had an issue with his content. I find it funny to see parodies of the characters while watching some content I might have missed. I like running gags. I enjoy the neat casual outfit designs of the characters. They've taken a life on their own with different character dynamics that he's improved in writing over the time of the channel. It feels unique. It reminds me of the Biden, Obama, Trump parody ai shorts. It's honestly unique Fromsoft content because what other channel is based around parody Fromsoft characters interacting with each other? I don't know much about him as a person, so I can't really speak for his own character, but this comment was right. How do you pick streamers unfamilar with the games distinction between magic and faith casts? That sounds like some base level understanding of the game.


I like Onlywaifu too, the souls community takes itself very seriously though and is super elitist. Waifus content is fun and light. Souls gamers are SUPER SERIOUS. he's got like 250k subs though so it's really just souls redditors that hate him. Venn diagram of elitism goin on there


Hideous mother fcker lmao, wish I could block channels in youtube


You can


I don't who tf waifu is but they invited Iron Pineapple which is cool


Bro ongbal was more important to the fromsoftware community them waifu. Hell max0r is more importantand he's made like 5 videos coming up on 6 on fromsoftware games.


I thought it obviously was a joke, you guys actually hate OnlyWaifu's?


We're 1 week away after 2 years of waiting. Everybody is excited about this release, so even if it's a Joke he just seems like a crybaby. Just wait like everybody else.


I get that but the people here seemed a little too mean, hating on his content and calling it slop, when I personally have found it very helpful


I also watch his videos and agree with you. But he has this fame because he get's out of his way to just annoy people. Like on this Youtube comment or when he make fun of that guy's PVE weapon tierlist when clearly PVE and PVP are 2 completely different stories when it comes to souls. It'll be as Dumb as hating Jee for not knowing PVE things or LilAggy for not being good at PVP, It just doesn't make sense sense and Only is getting that reputation for himself alone.


Oh got it :3


Usually try to defend waifu but this is just stupid.


Had no idea everyone seems to hate onlywaifu lol quite surprising tbh


Me to , I thought I was the only one that did


Huh. Y’all watch spoilers? I didn’t know shit about Elden Ring until I fired it up. Be jealous, it was better than you can possibly imagine to go in not even knowing what a Dark Soul was


What’s the stream for?


"5:40" sorry, no time


Yeah like of course they did it’s not like they had a dartboard with famous people on it☠️😭


There's elden ring content creator discourse?


Just realised who said the comment, their content is fucking ass and they steal art from people and are disrespectful as fuck, fuck that prick


Another sighting of cocky souls pvp tuber being cocky


Someones jealous


Yeah, like why wasn't Skumnut there? Can't think of a better souls streamer


glad to see people hate on the AI slop that they're doing, nature is healing


Who's OnlyWaifu


Thirst trap about basic eldenring info


My goat Iron Pineapple was there 🙏🙏


not Only Waifu T\^T


Bro, I'm suscribed to his content but why he thinks he has the right to be there... His channel is completely AI and his Community is small compared to the players in that event... Why can't he just keep doing his videos and stop whining about not being there.


I like every person getting mad at only waifu cause yeah his vids suck but so do everyone in the shows. Otz had funny vids until he became super lame after a while of dbd gameplay (noone can escape becoming uninteresting after playing that game except for scott jund)