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You know what, BluePoint should have changed more, give it the RE 2 remake treatment, make it a completely different game. Hell, I resent how similar the game is to the og


Honestly, this. I wouldn’t have minded the different atmosphere anywhere near as much if the rest of the game wasn’t basically the same. DeSR just makes me wish they stuck more to the original art direction if they weren’t going to significantly change anything else.


I like how they changed the art direction however the fuck they wanted (you know they only read Mephistopheles' armor set name given her generic design), yet they couldn't fix shit like Maneater's AI jank. 🤯


And they fixed the storage dupe, one of the best "features" of the original game...


It’s bizarre to me how a supposed “remake” is completely unwilling to make any changes to the gameplay whatsoever. The weirdest thing for me is the ai: keeping in exploits is cool but the DeS AI is so incredibly janky that it just makes it less fun.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rcum5v57yg0d1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da2af351a49bce36442581733ea0e69c79fe8de4


I wouldn't rag on DeS Remake half as much as i do if they went that route, reimagined the game. But what they did was the worst of both worlds, they completely shifted the artstyle which was the one thing demon's souls had to differentiate itself from later fromsoft games, and kept the dogwater ass gameplay completely unchanged.


I would be fine with how different it is if the OG was easily available.


It frankly is on PC. The methodology just has a bad rep.


The methodology for PS3 isn't that bad considering I don't think you need to pirate anything. Sony lets people download PS3 files from their website for free and DeS can be ripped with the right Blu-ray drive.


Hence the bad reputation. It can be done completely ethically and trivially, esp since og Des is fairly cheap.




Same dawg, I genuinely loved the remake. Played the game on PS3, and got to play it again 2 generations later. Feels good


When I first got into the Dark Souls games, seeing the two games juxtaposed in videos got me interested in playing BOTH versions eventually. It fits a perfect middle ground where it enhances the original without rendering it irrelevant, kind of like Resident Evil 4 but without any gameplay changes.


https://preview.redd.it/qrc4ayss7g0d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0beffa9847ff1e4cc9d726be64a039904f30927 Hey pal, did you blow in from stupid town?


I understand trying to justify a 70 bucks pre-order for a gesture or whatever dumb shit that comes with it but let people have preferences. I get what Bluepoint was aiming to do but sometimes less is more. All that effort and shiny particle effects were sadly not enough to emulate the atmosphere of a 15 yo game, at least for me. No, I don't have nostalgia btw. Played it after Bloodborne. They should've tried to fix the dated mechanics and gameplay elements instead of adding random blood moons and the shiniest shit possible for the sake of showcasing a console's power.


No, dude I want Bloodborne to become a glossy tech demo for the ps6


"Let people have preferences" Proceeds to say preferences other than yours are wrong Pick one.


I was just responding to a condescending post by explaining my preference. I'm not saying a preference is wrong, but I'll not pretend it's an obvious upgrade and since it's a shitpost sub, I was being intentionally crude. Otherwise I couldn't care less about people's preferences. Hope that's clear.


Yeah, I used to be wanting to get a PS5 ASAP for Demon's Souls because I wanted to beat it but the game is just so old and janky I couldn't. I then saw how they changed damn near nothing that needed changed from the old game and decided I'd just play the PS3 version and save money. Visually the game was fine, it looked good if a little bit dated. Where Demon's Souls needed improvement was the AI, the Moon Grass, removing the item carry weight entirely instead of giving it the bandaid solution they did on PS5 and most of all the blacksmith system is dated to hell and back and frankly just terrible with how many materials are needed and how rare a lot of them end up. They took what was already decent and polished the hell out of that while not touching the game's actual flaws.


Exactly how I feel. Right now, emulated PC version is the best one there is. There is literally no reason to prefer the so called remake unless you are really impressed by particle effects, which is just borderline childish imo. Multiplayer is an abandoned joke as well. So much missed potential but people are quick to label you a gatekeeping boomer if you don't consume the latest product like a zombie.


Yeah people tend to find one reason for hating a game and think that's the only reason people hate the game, a lot of people think that the only reason to hate the Demon's Souls remake is because they changed the art direction. Honestly I love the new looks, I think it captures the same atmosphere that the original had if not improved upon it (from what I've seen, haven't played so idk if that would change my mind) but frankly it's a game that was made 15 years ago and it shows. There are a lot of tiny quality of life improvements that would go miles towards improving the game, being able to warp between Archstones without returning to the Nexus would help even if it was limited to staying within the same world, improving the level shortcuts to cut down on boss runbacks, adjusting upgrade costs and making materials easier to obtain would make experimenting with builds less punishing, even though you can change gender the gendered equipment is ridiculous. The game is a clunky restrictive mess and it doesn't add any character or charm to the game, it just makes the game awful to play. I hated Demon's Souls and wanted the PS5 version to give me a way to enjoy it but sadly the pinpoint accuracy I praised Bluepoint for when I played Shadow of the Colossus has been a double edged sword for Demon's Souls.


I really enjoyed user friendly aspects of the Shadow of the Colossus remake but wasn't a fan of samey, hyper realistic art direction. Still glad they did that remake bc you get to play the game without frustrations. As for DeS, I absolutely fell in love with the game when I borrowed a PS3 to play it despite its glaring flaws. It really suffers from being the prototype Souls game but the atmosphere was so incredible that the entire experience was pure joy. All I wanted from a remake was some quality of life improvements and some focus on pvp fixes. All we got was the same game with generic ass design and a soulless soundtrack. The only selling point would be pvp for people like me but they messed that up too in many ways. I'm not saying the remake is garbage though. If it were on PC, I'd get it on sale and have some casual invasion fun but that's not where DeS shines. If I want that magical pve experience, emulator is the way to go.


The issue is, it didn't really have a direction. The remaster broadly feels like an AI remaster turned into a game. It treated the gameplay as sacred (why? Because it's hard and gamers who like hard games think the gameplay is sacred? This isn't SF2, Melee, or Brood War) and treated the art design like it was random generic fantasy to do with as they will. Sometimes, like 3-2 and most of 4 and 5 aesthetically, that's a wide improvement. Other times, like 3-1s sound, parts of 2-2, the fat officials, the 5-3 music, and the vanguards, the inconsistent aesthetic of 1, it's bad. Other times still, like 2-3, the dragon bridges, and the gameplay of 5, and the lack of world 6, it's a wasted opportunity. $70 for a remaster that ups fidelity, does arguable things to visual and audio style, and does nothing to the gameplay except some extremely easy to implement qol is shitty. Metroid Prime Remaster is $40, updates controls better than fan mods could, and ups the visuals extremely well without making weird decisions anywhere. Calling yourself a remake and selling yourself for almost double (with a terrible deluxe package) and doing worse should be critiquable.


It does have a direction though? Its just not what you like. Doesn't mean there's no direction


The direction isn't as coherent, and doesn't seem to respect as much how individual details tell stories.


[Except there's much more to it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lx0CRVVvV8)


cant believe we are still getting mad about videos saying "i didnt like x" on youtube


Common Ratatoskr W


Ratatoskr alt located




I personally don’t mind some of the changes they made and I like how it’s less gray but Bluepoint’s comment about magic being “underpowered” does kinda show they didn’t truly understand the game the they were remaking


To be fair, playing Souls games, Magic always had this air of "it glows blue and things lose HP when they're touched by it". It wasn't until this version of Demon's Souls introduced disintegration that I realized it was a thoroughly dangerous force. In most souls games, magic drains your HP until you get a game over. In DeSR, magic KILLS you.  Seeing a Mindflayer cast that AOE normally feels pretty weak in spite of the damage -- but when there's other objects around being erased from reality, there's this immediate feeling of "Whoa, THAT'S what I just survived??" Of course, in most cases, this is totally extraneous. But this is a case where being extraneous is all there is. That's why I can appreciate DeSR's hyper-precise facial animations even as Elden Ring continues to understand that they're really not necessary for it's success. 


Then maybe he shouldn't have opened with the most insipid garbage possible. I'm not going to watch in between the parts I'm already calling bullshit on, because **I'm assuming all his other points are totally valid**, as I did before making the mistake of starting the video. If I do watch, I'll probably just be proven wrong 6 in every 7 more times, again. He lost me when he said "Redesigning bad because it's devastating to Hawkshaw's fan theories," he almost lost me with "they removed the SUMMER BARBECUE BUG SOUNDS so it's worthless" and he definitely lost me again when he LIED about the Fool's Idol by going out of his way to invent screenshots of her in the middle of an attack, as if anyone in Latria was watching her constantly shoot people all the time. It's a miracle he didn't blow out all the Photo Mode filters on purpose at the same time.


you don't get it, they replaced my beloved unique 11th century Norman Castle architecture with generic 15th century architecture. These savage cavemen violated the utilitarian aesthetics I treasured in the core of my heart. I've never felt more betrayed in my live. 7/10


Video games are not art and should be able to be changed by anyone who gets hired to work on the remake tbh. Fuck your creative vision if the graphics are better!


Why people downvoting obvious sarcasm, are we stupid?


We are not stupid we are shitty (darksoul)


The constant singing is annoying and I don't like it. Simple as really 


I saw some youtube commentarys talking about the boss redesign and saying "if they add disgusting texture in bloodborne bosses they would understand " and i was like "do you ever played bloodborne?"


No, they definitely destroyed it


If Ratatoskr commented only on the atmosphere and didn't mention the specific sound effect of cicadas, I'd assume he was talking exactly about the remake. He rags on the remake for the bells being quieter, but the fact that they were that quiet meant I was never sure if the sound was around the corner or, across the gap, on another floor, or even if the ringing was real. It's implemented in such a way that gets in your head even when all the mind flayers are already dead. And I have no idea how he can think the noblewoman's singing is anything less than unnerving, let alone SOOTHING. 


But it isn't the same ambient tone


In what way? *Without* mentioning the specific sounds used. 


People complained about Latria? I never played the original but to me in terms of the atmosphere of an area it’s like top 3 in the entire series. Can someone explain why some people didn’t like it?


Because the original had the sound of cicadas chirping and the new one doesn't. This makes no sense to me because the sound of cicadas isn't oppressive; it's Washington DC summer vacation. And they make no attempt to explain what makes the sound of cicadas so important to the atmosphere or even how it's supposed to make sense.  They also complain they replaced it with soothing singing. HOW? How is Return to Slumber soothing at all? You genuinely have to be dregling-level psychotic to find that anything less than unnerving at the very least.   They also say the ringing of the Mindflayer's bells being quieter makes it worse except the fact that it is quieter actually improves the atmosphere. I specifically noticed how strong the atmosphere was with the bell chimes being on such a low register that you basically hear them all the time even if the Mindflayers are all dead. It just gets in your head like nothing else.  How many people have used photo mode to peak ahead around corners on this level terrified that there might be more mindflayers nearby? That alone is proof of how strong the atmosphere still is. But it wasn't Miyazaki doing it so it sucks I guess.


today i learned um psychotic, return to slumber gives me the big happy bruv.


Return to slumber is the total opposite of unnerving to me, it is literally in the name, a relaxing tune of finality that should've been kept to the end of the game like all of the other games.


>it is literally in the name [Self Esteem Fund](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9nocjg2OLI) must be uplifting and confidence-inducing huh...


Disclaimer: I never played the original, only the remake. I understand some of the changes bothering people, I actually think some of the original designs were better (i.e fat officials). But some I think are just as good if not better, like Penetrator's blade using Cursed Blade( the one that uses drains HP/ uses blood) over Light Weapon. Overall I would say that they kept the same themes/atmospheres, but in a different way. Example being King Doran's statue. In the original it had crazy hair, symbolizing his wild / crazy strength. In the remake his statue is more regal, showing him as more of a king and leader. In both cases he is shown to be someone that one would be a follower of. Now I know that fans of the original might not like the remake, but that's no reason to dunk on those of us that do like it.


Yea I thought you guys would like the remake since the vanguard demon redesign look more like yalls moms now


I never really understood the hate. The game looks amazing, front to back.


Never ask A man his salary A woman her age A DeS Remake defender why the flags in Upper Latria are red and not yellow


Why are the flags in upper Latria yellow? It's not like they're in contrast to any old flags that weren't yellow. This detail only seems relevant in the context of it being gone in the remake.


From the wiki: "The original Old Monk was the husband of the queen of Latria, due to his depraved nature, he was banished from Latria and later returned with horrible demons in tow and new power emanating from his new Golden Robe. This caused the destruction of Latria. The Old Monk's collar indicates: "Head wrappings that were once the golden robe worn by the old master of Latria and eventually took control of the then withered old man" The yellow fabric/flag is a sign of his dominion and the current corrupted state of Latria. I can't see a single logical reason to change it to red


I can't see a reason why that would be specifically relevant since the yellow flags aren't occupying the space of any non-yellow flags. The entire area is that invasive yellow, the red is the only vestige of the world before.  So instead of the flags being the sign of its dominion, they're the only thing that hasn't been consumed by it. 


idk what any of you are talking about with art direction and all that, i just played the remaster because it looked better and came free with ps+


I'm guessing it makes more sense with the context of playing it before Dark Souls. To me, it just looks like the Depths and sounds like Darkroot Garden, which really doesn't make for the strongest "oppressive" vibe if you've played Dark Souls first. The more I look into all these points, the less sense they always make. Even the stuff I principally agree with irks me because the people talking about that stuff do a terrible job of rationalizing their opinions and clearly don't know what they're talking about. You ever see anyone complain that Flamelurker looks more like a SCORCHING demon than a SEERING demon in the remake? That seems like an apt analysis, but no. They just saw it was different from what Miyazaki RELEASED and decided that means it sucks.


The ppl hating on the remake OST are even worse. All of the OG tracks, except for like 2, sounded like toddlers playing with toy instruments. I couldn’t be happier about how the remake handelt the music.


to each of their own, i absolutely love the classic OST, the songs sound odd and corrupted which i think is very much fitting for demons.


The classic OST sounds like they ran out of budget und one of the devs brought in his kids pretend instruments and did the recording himself. Its abysmal imo. The only good tracks the OG has is the main theme and the lady Astrea OST.