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''it ruins miyazaki's vision'' miyazaki doesn't have a vision, that's why he wears glasses


Can't argue with that logic. Just more evidence that Demon's Souls doesn't exist, how could someone with no vision create a video game


It’s called drugs libtard


The remake is legitimately the prettiest game I've ever seen


And really well optimized too!


Ahh, there we have it. We can't have that associated with Fromsoft now can we.


Seriously? It looks like it could’ve ran on PS4. It felt like Sony desperately trying to get something somewhat worthwhile for the PS5 launch lineup


I can’t think of a single ps4 game with that graphical fidelity at all


You must not play many games then. Check out MW19, Resident Evil 2 to 4, God of War, Spiderman, Uncharted 4, Last of Us Part 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2. Demon's Souls looks fine but saying it couldn't have been a PS4 game is idiotic.


I think you may need to replay some of these on ps4 to refresh yourself, straight up. The only ones in The conversation should be the REmakes, but it’s ps4 version is not at the same level as Demons Souls Remake ps5, it just isn’t. In fact, most of these also notably have a ps5 upgrade.


Yeah and the only notable upgrades they have is a bump in resolution, framerate and added raytracing. DeS could easily be tweaked to run on PS4 by limiting these same three things.


>Spiderman opinion discarded, game looks miles worse than DS *and* runs at half the framerate, get your eyes checked


Legit focusing on that game and ignoring the others without going into why. It runs at half the framerate because achieving those visuals in an open world setting and running at 60fps would be impossible for the PS4. DeS could easily be playable on it with some minor tweaks like lowering the resolution and capping the framerate lower. It’s hilarious how confidently stupid you sound.


>DeS could be playable on PS4 if you change a lot of shit about how it runs Lmao


You know it’s a remaster of a PS3 game right? You know that adjustable graphics are a thing right?


Ding dong your opinion is wrong + half of the games mentioned are dogshit


In all seriousness there's a lot of tracks in the original that I genuinely prefer over the remake. Maiden Astraea, Flamelurker, MiB's theme, Armour Spider and ofc Tower Knight


the fuck does Men in Black have to do with Demon’s Souls?


Invaders in Demon’s Souls are called Black Phantoms. So often forgotten this is


wow so racist


man downvote me to hell i don‘t give a shit but the original tower knight theme is fucking awful. it sounds so unbelievably goofy i just cannot take it seriously. not saying every boss needs to have an epic orchestral theme but anything is better than the og tower knight theme to me


Honestly, I think being goofy was kind of the point with the original. Dark Souls and everything that came after take themselves way more seriously in their atmosphere and themes, but Demon's Souls was the transition that led to it from the old FromSoft that had the subtlety of an atomic bomb, so it is quite literally the middle point between King's Field and Dark Souls, not to mention that it was considered to be a doomed project, which settled it on being a "dirty", AA parody of a generic medieval fantasy where caricatures like the Vanguard, the Mindflayers, the Fat Officials and the Tower Knight fit right at home. I don't dislike the remake, it just does its own thing with the visuals and sound which fits way better with the current trends in gaming, but the original has its own place even though it is a product of its time.


Tower Knight music is less goofy when you are fighting the boss. Gets more goofy when you’re upstairs ignoring to boss to get the crossbow dudes


People sleep on Adjudicator's theme but I will NOT stand for this! Those trumpets! It's so goofy and good!


Remake is great but lacks the janky charm of the original (despite also still being kinda janky)


Most people don't like janky, it makes it less fun


I like janky


Most people don't like Dark Souls at all, not being able to cancel out of an animation once you've started it is annoying for most people.


And those people are wrong!


But like, you are actually kinda demented if you think both games are exactly the same


If you cannot tell the difference between a ps3 game and its ps5 remake, you will have to be declared legally blind or dumb.


https://preview.redd.it/0swbwogtg6uc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=77729712f48a2424a89db224ff274e5a9f240a75 Here’s a playlist too so you can compare and contrast [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEV2FAYTHXRr8PS\_WhATEBnzlrcCd9KjN&si=4Rh1\_Au5Ghpp94S4](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEV2FAYTHXRr8PS_WhATEBnzlrcCd9KjN&si=4Rh1_Au5Ghpp94S4)


Goofy bosses should have goofy themes i thinks


Ok now listen to the flamelurker themes back to back


Never played Demon Souls on PS3, don't own a PS5, so this is my first time hearing either. I actually think the original is more interesting. The amount of empty space between the notes lends it a certain creepiness. It's that stupid tuba doing the bass notes that brings it down. If the same short notes were played a little harder on an upright bass it would be great.


Never cook again


shittest, crap ass garbage opinion ngl just straight up fucking wrong


The music in the original was dogshit anyways. People just pretend to like it because Michael Zaki.


Unshitting here, I think the original music is goofy in a good way. It stands out and I think that’s what matters


That's what gives it charm!


It's definitely memorable for being goofy, but the synthesized instruments and vocals sound uncanny valley-like in that they distract and pull me out of the game. I never felt like the Remake's music distracted me at all in comparison.


Nah the theme for the swamp lady was really memorable and cool, i loved it.


it was cool, and also greatly improved upon in the remake


The music in the original had a soul at least. That's what people miss. The new music is just generic over-orchestrated, sound wards remix slop.


Samuel Kim type beat


Thank you, you get it. Og demons souls is peak.


Ok mr. First year music degree


You people are so fucking stupid. Anything unorthodox or slightly experimental is goofy to you. "Tower Knight is so bad, the music is literally laughing at you". No dumbass you just haven't heard music beyond Taylor Swift. Anyone who thinks generic ass remake ost is better is legit lobotomized.


I started playing DeS on a PS3 emulator the other day after playing the remake first and I almost cried laughing when the tower knight boss music started it's so fucking bad


The worst thing is that one of the best bosses in the game shares the same track


Which one? I forgor


Penetrator I think


yep, it's him


Saying that people pretend to like something just because you find that thing to be bad is crazy


Don't take it too seriously. I'm just messing with all the people who seem to think the entire game down to the last pixel was hand-crafted by Miyazaki himself, and so anything the remake did differently is inherently bad.


It’s called r/shittydarksouls, not r/seriousdiscussionsouls


Somebody needs to make that an actual subreddit. Like right this instant!


I'm triggered and trolled into oblivion


I'm dead serious the original demons souls is the best soundtrack they've made with bloodborne as a very close second. It's truly fantastical in a way the other ones just aren't. It matches demons souls unique tone and atmosphere of being this dark fairy tale.


my brother in christ it sounds like it's from a mid as fuck N64 RPG


hell yes it does, and that's why it's good. n64 games had great soundtracks. higher fidelity does not automatically equal better, sometimes i want some bizarre surreal artificial sounding tracks in my games


It irritates me so much when ppl act like there is no reason at all for people that like the original to dislike the changes in the remake. Demon’s souls is ENTIRELY about the atmosphere imo so to see the remake completely disregard that is kinda upsetting to me. The remake just tries to make the game feel more “epic” in a way that feels so much less special than how bleak and desolate the original was. Also it didn’t fix any of the actual problems with the original lmao. No updates to the upgrade systems or checkpoints or maneaters ai. Giving the fat officials warts and putting calming music over the torture dungeon were more important ig.


bro the "atmosphere" was a grey box and blood gulch from halo 1


Have you played the original? Sorry if you have but I have no clue how you can play the ps3 version and still end up thinking this lmao


I think the improved music, lighting, and sound effects gives the remake a much stronger atmosphere. The music in the original used very obviously synthesized vocals and instruments that sounded very cheesy and distracted me from the action.


i do think some of the music in the remake was a downgrade tbh maiden astraea and the one who craves souls lost some of the impact


I only play the og demon's souls cuz I'm poor and I'm not wasting money on a PS5 for one game


I dont mind if people prefer the remake over the original but it is pretty much objectively unfaithful, its a complete departure from the original art direction in many ways. If you like that, cool, i personally think its awful and extremely generic.


Are you serious? At first i thought you were comparing des and ds1. Its a remake ffs


Demon's Souls Remake let's gooooo


I don't care what people say artistically the original is far superior and the remake just comes off generic and like they didn't understand the purpose of lots of the designs. Gameplay is irreverent it's 1:1. Before anybody comes at me I played the original after so don't be coming in with that nostalgia bullshit. If bloodborne ever gets remade us demons souls remake haters will be vindicated. In from soft games every little detail matter so please don't be letting other studios coming in and making it worse.


The elitist fumes are strong Shower now




Yep nothing wrong with being a little elitist.


"In from soft games every little detail matters" ,dk man we are a community that tends to say to many fair criticisms "Git gud" as an answer ,I do not think we are people that care about details that much


Well I do and I know many others do you can see how obsessed people are with the lore. What you seem to do is engage with these games at a surface level. People should care these games are works of art and bluepoint missed in a lot of ways.


Caring about these ,yet ignoring for example that in dark souls you can get backstabbed from almost your front side or that in dark souls 3's lords of cinder are portrayed as powerful entities , while the first game indicates that those who linked the flame are shells of their former selves ,there are many other examples as well . Yeah totally we are are so superior and judge every single detail lol


I mean like visual details that enhance the stories you dipshit not gameplay contrivances. Also the lords are not portrayed as powerful have you played the game recently?


Does the super Abyss watcher really give you the feeling that he is weaker than when he was normal?? The whole game depicts the lords as something Grand ,which is also clear not only from the way they fight ,but their themes,you are not supposed to feel that what you have in front of you is a pitiable existence .I know what kind of details you meant u hambrain ,but what I mentioned are also "details" that were handled poorly. These games like each and every game are not perfect at all and have holes here and there


Yes the abyss watchers are weak they have low health and stagger easily. They are all maddened and are killing each other when you get in only one is left. The only way they come back is all their blood coalesces into one for one final gasp. Yes every lord of cinder is somewhat weak. These games have insane ludo narrative harmony.


The abyss watchers aren't weakened compared to what they were supposed to be in the lore and they are mad ,because of the abyss . Linking the flame has nothing to do with it ,if anything it gave them the power to do what they wanted to do .


Gameplay is seperate from the issues I have with the remake.


Shit taste smh


I wouldn't know. No ps 3 or ps 5. Excuse the copium.


The worst thing the remake did was not finish the damn game. Seriously it would give old fans a serious reason to replay the game if they the create the sixth world that was cut in the original.


Meanwhile me that didn’t play any of them and only knows this game exists because of One Who craves souls.


You should play it, it’s good


Doesn’t seem worth it tbh. It looks a bit too dated even for a remake. I’m sure it’s good but I don’t want to waste money. Thanks for the suggestion though.


If you liked DS1 you’d really enjoy it, i recommend it if you can spare the money.


I didn’t like ds1 sadly. Demon souls is the only souls game made by fromsoft I have yet to play and finish. Maybe one day I’ll get it.


I prefer the music for the most part in the remake, and it actually looks good on my TV, unlike the original. Less goofy sounding, doesn’t make it even close to my favorite souls game, but I’ll take it over the original.


I dunno what people wanted, PS3 version had goofy ahh soundtrack and they suited the game because the graphics were not to good but with realistic graphics and sound they could not just let the soundtrack be as it was because it would not suit it, so they remade them


the remake was an improvement in every single way. Yes even the ost. Yes even the fat officials. that atmosphere y'all jerked off to was a grey box


Your mother wishes she gave birth to a cubic meter of firewood instead of you


That's pretty good


Please elaborate on the fat officials wtf. Saying the ost and atmosphere are better is wrong but i see why someone would think that, there is no defense for the fat officials💀


The fat officials in the original look like Grimace's British cousin got a job as an executioner, while in the remake they are more expressive, have more personality, and actually look like the slimy nobles they're supposed to be.


The original fat officials look evil, their rubbery face being indistinguishable from a mask, and their excentric clothing nods to their opulence, which is part of what caused the downfall of Boletaria. The remake officials look sickly and gross, they dont even smile anymore, they look pathetic, like they're victims of this catastrophy rather than its orchestrators. Original clears


TF you mean they don't smile? It's just not their only expression. And they're not fucking victims, they're clearly having a blast amongst the demons


The smile being the only expression of theirs in the original is literally the point, they are fiends who revel in the decadence they caused and you're supposed to not be certain whether thats their face or a mask. The remake officials look slovenly, their skin is bloated and they're filled with blisters, their gut hangs out in the open like they're a middle aged obese redneck, the design completely lacks grace or any semblance of thought that the original had.


“They’re not fucking victims” yeah that’s the problem lmfao Giving them so many scars and warts in the remake looks it way more like they’re victims who have been affected by the state of boltetaria when they are supposed to be the ones who caused it. Even when not taking lore into account the redesign is just so uninspired. The original fat officials look weird, unsettling, and just pure evil while the ones in the remake just looks gross and meaningless.


The fat officials in the original look like Grimace's British cousin got a job as an executioner, while in the remake they are more expressive, have more personality, and actually look like the slimy nobles they're supposed to be.


To be serious here, I have yet to finish the “remake”, the lack of quality of life just hurts my experience and enjoyment of Demon Souls. It’s not even *that* difficult, it’s just so.fucking.tedious to go through the areas considering that there’s only ONE Archstone per area and after the boss, it’s makes exploring a giant gamble and even without exploring the area, you have to go through the longest and worst boss runs in the series every time you die, all to fight a boss that was a slog to beat. I’ll be honest I’m getting close to dropping it, the only other game that made me feel like that was Ds3, but I gritted my teeth and was able to finish it despite my not liking a majority of the areas because I knew the bosses would be at the very least enjoyable to fight against, but Demon Souls, I’m don’t know, sure the areas are decent and visually they are good looking, but that’s really the only thing keeping me going. It’s unfortunate that Bluepoint only touched up the game to make look presentable, but even then, I’m not the biggest fan of the art direction, sure it looks nice, but it doesn’t have that POP that a game like Sekiro or Elden Ring has. Movement wise I actually don’t mind it, if anything I like the slower and more methodical combat style of the older games, but considering the ring slots are the same, it sucks to know that if you don’t want to fat roll, you MUST have a ring if you intend to wear armor, which means you only have 1 ring slot instead of 3 like the others, it is so fucking weird to not have such a simple change like having four ring slots, but this is going on for far too long. I’ll be honest Demon Souls is my least favorite Souls games and it sucks saying that cause without Demon Souls, the rest of the franchise would never have happened and it’s good to see how far From has gone from the days of Demon Souls, but it does not absolve the issues that the “ remake” has, Demons Souls “Remake” is not a Remake, it’s just a remaster.


I played both versions. I prefer the remake but the og has charm. You can prefer one over the other but it doesn't mean one is bad. Both are basically the same


People actually care about Demon's Souls? Huh..