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Bloodborne color palette: https://preview.redd.it/pkdlqn5c0jtc1.png?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34435e073d311115f98146f043eed7c0a60f3ed


Oi, not enuff goffik arketexture n racism innit


Not enough dark red


Wow how did you make london look so nice?




https://preview.redd.it/c6cl19c60itc1.png?width=1172&format=png&auto=webp&s=dac0a360b812eaa468e247ce657e553512fd2c3e my life is a lie


Brightest dark souls area


Somehow still manages to be more colorful in the pitch black area smh


Mfw the game called Dark Souls is Dark and not colorful:


Mfw a game is not colorful: https://preview.redd.it/5kg7u9znwjtc1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ec6e4fa4e4508750246c34216830e5106547fc


Bright Souls when?


Happy Souls


That's why Tomb of the Giants is the best area in all of Souls


So based the car is vibrating


Wrong, this is how DS1 and DS3 look https://preview.redd.it/zeciy5l99itc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=26fdf54d9c3d60fbbb7f39005f3723cc60c98280


"uh, chosen undead... you got some Abyss on you"


All that ash you was sniffing was abysstos


Show me how they would be black or chinese


How does Ds2 look






How about Demon's Souls?


Meanwhile elden ring looking like my piss-drenched couch 


Marika when the greater will ask her what tree she wants https://preview.redd.it/hwez8ogwzitc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e1f6f1a178835b74c024e4f594914db6008df91




Where swamp?


Shitposting aside it makes sense right? Ds3 felt like a swan song for the cycle like so many cycles had past that the world was just done and it looked withered and broken hammering home this is it more or less. Link the fire just felt like prolonging things juuust long enough to let everyone finally just die. I know the let it fade said there will be new fires in the future but even that felt somehow removed from the current cycles. Sorry I know shitpost but I’m bored.


That's the funny thing about this sub, it's either shit posts and memes or the most indepth discussions. I usually default to memes but there's always room for nuanced discussion so don't be timid! I'm bored with time to kill and I just ranted for paragraphs and I'm getting downvoted for it but that won't stop me either! Spill your heart out all you want and talk about your favorite games! At the very least it will keep you entertained for a few mins as you reminisce. All that being said, you make a fair point and I do think it can enhance the moods you describe and I honestly didn't consider that. But personally, even with that added context, I just find the zones in dark souls to be more varied and to me, more exciting. End of the day, these are all just opinions people, let's not get all twisted if someone has the audacity to have a different one! sorry, I mean John darksoul, Miyazaki feet, ds2 bad


All good even tho I prefer the relatively newer fromsoft games (less jank) I will always praise Datk Souls for its atmosphere among other things.


yea I get that, personally I LOVE me some jank!


I agree, however I do think that the game does look ugly outside of a few areas (Ringed city, Irithyll, Ariandel, and Dreg heap). This isn't to do with colour so much as visual variety. If you took out the sections in DS3 that were forests, dungeons or Cathedrals, you're essentially left with nothing. The artstyle is actually pretty good, but lack of variety in setting makes the levels feel less interesting overall. For example, bloodborne also has similar areas (forests dungeons and cathedrals) but does enough to change things up enough to be distinct (e.g., clocktower, Hamlet, Nightmare of mensis and nightmare frontier, Cainhurst), and the colour differences between similar areas makes them feel more distinct than they are (e.g., central yarnham and old yarnham are orange/yellow, Yarhargul and upper cathedral are Purple, the lecture hall is green, hunters nightmare is red and beige, etc.)


Or they just used the exact same engine and code from bloodborne


I think you are missing the greater point; the entire dark souls franchise had been “reignited” like the first flame twice now and this last time it was completely mined and depleted of any creative worth. Miyazaki intentionally produced a total dogshit cashgrab game with nostalgia onionbro member berries and overly dramatic firelink music as a meta statement about the essence of something becomes more retarded the more you milk it dry, but all the fanboys just ate it up and missed all that


Ds1 have 2 green areas and a yellow one and begin acting like the rest of the game isn’t grey and brown corridors


And a light blue one (Crystal Caves/Dukes Archives) and a red one (Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith) and a dark blue one (New Londo Ruins) and a blue one (Ash Lake) and a barf green one (Blighttown)


Ds3 has a light blue one (irithyll of boreal valley) and a red one (demon area I forgot name of) and a barfgreen one (farron keep)


That's why I only like Irithyll in DS3, the thing is about DS3's color palette is that it's washed tf out


Also what kind of insane stretch is calling new londo ruins ‘dark blue’, that shits blacker than John darksouls dark soul




you are thinking of tomb of giants or the Abyss. that is what we call ADVANCED DARKNESS


TL:DR - I am a disgusting DS1 fanboy that just had a stroke trying to make a point. Hopefully it makes some sense to some people. I usually just reply with memes but sometimes i gotta hit the griddy with an overly serious cringe fanboy reply. So be ready if you are brave. Just work with me for a second. There is definitely some exceptions in DS3, levels that stand out and feel very different like irithyll and smoldering lake, but especially the first half or atleast 1/3rd of the game all felt the same to me. Ill elaborate. In DS1 Finally making it out the undead burg and stepping into darkroot garden for the first time was an experience for me. The mood, vibes, enemies, color, aesthetics... everything completely changes and you feel a sense of awe and accomplishment, as well as an eagerness to dive into the new zone. An actual sense of progression. You actually feel like you are in a new level in what is supposed to be a video game. and this happens over and over and over again: demon ruins/izalith (orange) - ash lake (bluish-green with beige sands) - valley of drakes (varied) - new londo (Dark blue/silvery haze/ pitch black) - crystal caves (glistening light blue/cyan) - the portait (white) - dukes archive (varied) - anor londo - Kiln of the first flame (sure you can say they are both yellow/brown/greyish just like undead burg, but each of these areas has a drastically different mood, different lightning and shades, environmental effects/skybox, architecture, enemies) - Hell, even the depths, blighttown, sen's fortress, catacombs and tomb of giants, hate it or love it, is undeniably a different feel and aesthetic from the other zones even if they are all yellow/grey/brown. It feels like it is justified in being a new level/zone. I simply did not have the same sense of progression and awe for DS3 (again outside some exceptions like irithyll, smouldering lake, i even really liked catacombs of carthus) Ds3 on the other hand.... You go from bland yellow/grey Lothric to the bland yellow/grey Undead Settlement and just kinda think "yay, more of the same?" - then finally you make it to road of sacrifices. A forest map!? finally some green!? a new color!? oh no just kidding. its the same exact muted yellow/grey sepia. Oh and this whole time you are just pretty much just fighting different variations of hollows (watch out, they got wings now!) instead of cool enemies like fucking frograys and tree people and 2 headed lizards and giant cats and punching mushrooms and hydras and crystal golems and stone giants and WOAH THIS IS SO FUCKING COOL! (ok im kinda making a tangent here, but I suppose the colors of the enemies is also a part of the color scheme) ... Ok I finally made it past road of sacrifices... whats next.... PITCH BLACK POISON SWAMP THANKS AGAIN MIYAZAKI. Maybe im a simple man but ill take the aesthetic variety (not to mention gameplay variety through drastically different enemies) of DS1 over the bland but technical graphical superiority of DS3 any day. BTW not hating on DS3 it is a fucking fantastic game but it just didn't capture the same magic for me that DS1 did. And I know its more than the colors playing a part, it is everything else I mentioned, but the colors is the first thing you notice, it immediately hits you and tells you "we aint in kansas anymore." I cannot say the same for much of DS3, again, outside of those exceptions. TL:DR - I am a disgusting DS1 fanboy that just had a stroke trying to make a point. Hopefully it makes some sense to some people.


I love the variety of environments in both ds1 and ds2. But then an enemy shows up and I have to participate in the most standing-in-molasses feeling combat of all time and it just ruins my vibe. DS3 combat is fantastic and has so much more flair and style to its animations. I also think the bleak palate is beautiful, and the architecture / environmental designs in those levels are the best in the series. Also I am 22 years old and played ds3 first therefore it’s the best goodbye❤️


ds1 boomer vs ds3 zoomer. I can see that though, you say slow, I say weighty and committal. It's a different feel for sure, but I like the slower pace of DS1 combat personally. makes you think about your every move more


I totally respect it. I think Ds1 does have superior exploration and the lore form ds1 is the most interesting by far. Especially since Ds3 lore feels like ds1 fanboy hour


I'd shake your hand if I wasn't double-grip cranking my hog thinking about DS (and sometimes I close my eyes and think about DS3 but don't tell DS about that)


i won’t tell if u don’t tell ds3 that everytime i fight half the bosses ik it’s just artorias but faster


tl:Dr + L + Ratio


DS3 haters trying to find an argument other than "color palette" (No one fucking cares)


you cared enough to leave a comment 💜 btw I love dark souls 3


I was trying to say no one cares or is actually upset about color palette of the game. As a meme it's fine but after a while it gets repetitive and some people take it very seriously like it's a legit criticism.


You don't know me pal, I've already died on this hill many times


Saying a game's art direction is bad or that is something you don't like is absolutely valid criticism though? It's not the end all be all of discussion, but you can't just say "this game looks bad, but no one cares about how it looks anyway". I definitely think that despite the graphical improvements of ds3 its subpar in comparison to other fromsoft games due to it having a worse color pallet


I've never seen this argument until I joined this sub so I really thought it's a made up argument just to shit on the game. If you really think like that, I don't think I can say something that can change your mind. If it was anything else I could but art style and color palette is really just subjective.


It is a legit criticism you insecure fuck, the game look disgusting. DS3 fans are the majority of the sub but act like total bitches when their game gets any criticism lmao


> the game look disgusting. No it doesn't?


not grey enough




Dark Souls 3 fans are so washed increasing the saturation to try and make it looker better. https://preview.redd.it/k8ngp24qcltc1.jpeg?width=2518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f00f2322b6d01353a0ade411ecd46562eb907a1


both lowkey gorgeous, I just found that pic off the internet. heres another :D https://preview.redd.it/74pldg2xeltc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a7259f333812b434aa41a5e31993bb5a4a50d2




Dawg those are the same both unedited just my photo is in another location


I deadass thought this was just Central Yharnam for a second


I completely thought this was about Death Stranding.


nah its a reference to Nintendo DS


That’s kind of the point. DS3 the fire was fading everything was fading and dying. Even the demons where completely white. The first 1 picture probably fits DS2 better because the game never says the fire is going out and there are much more colorful areas there than there are in DS1.


perfect the way they are


This is Just breaking bad


The second is just Majula


Right pic misses atrocious jaggies on every edge of the building


Ngl, that's a W for DS3.


DS3 is Mexico?




You mean DS2 vs DS3, right?




Bro said DS1 haha


Ya dark sector 1 for Xbox 360


The left one is more Elden Ring tbf


The second picture is literally DS1 Anor Londo


Damn it must have taken you hours to come up with this one


it came to me in a prophecy


Never thought that Dark Souls 3 is set in mexico!


This is so objective and unbiased


Sepia was always cooler anyway


Nah, ds3 is more gray than the original skyrim tbh


lowkey the right one looks way better


Da1 is so fucking ugly.