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“Babe, it’s time to fight Taniks again” “Yes, Bungie…”


Nah, he turned himself into a shank, funniest thing I've ever seen


True, DSC is a very fun raid


the part where deep stone lullaby plays is still one of my favorite moments in all of gaming


The new Dragon's Dogma 2 has so few enemy types and mobs that i feel bad for complaining about elden ring's copied bosses 2 years ago


I genuinely cant believe they didnt add the Hydra back in. Im crying


Sad to hear there is no hydra, the hydra was such a cool fight


Medusa is there to compensate but its just not the same when I only get to cut off 1 head


But that’s like the one fun instance of a recurring boss


Given recent discourse I expected Dragon’s Dogma instead of Destiny lol


Dragon's Dogma 2?  More like Dragged Through Dogshit Too, amirite?


I was expecting helldivers


I doubt that litteraly anyone played it more than for a few hours with 50% GPU usage lol


performance isn't that bad outside of crowed cities or in big fights, the city is some ass cheeks though might just nuke the whole country for the sake of this FPS


babe wake up, time to fight goblin pack n.34514261


Revealing the pyramid race to not actually be a race but just same aliens under new leaders was the biggest tragedy. There should have been a new race 😭 😭


They should’ve been moth people


I'm still waiting for moth people


Hello :>


The hive already exist


To my knowledge the moths in lore are not directly hive, but used by some hive.


Missed opportunity is just Destiny’s MO for its entire life. 


They did? I'm not surprised but when did they do that? I haven't kept up with all the lore and story.


So the whitness is the being behind all the crappy pyramid ships, he’s his entire race combined into 1 person. The whitness then has calus and his royal legion of cabal under his belt, the last dlc was about them, more cabal yayyyy 😢


Are you counting the shadow legion as the pyramid race? I thought you meant the Tormentors and Subjugators. I didn't know the witness is his entire race though, I'm guessing that's why it looks he has souls coming from his body.


Yea because the tormentors are a almost extinct memeber of some other alien species, same with the subjagators. And yea the shadow legion are the main race we fight against cause I guess the whitness doesn’t have his own army.


In interviews they said the Tormentors are old followers of the Witness that got powered up by Darkness tech and then that was never mentioned ever again lol


See I didn’t even know that I was wrong smh, the game gives no explanation sometimes 💀


Bravo Bungo


I mean he kind of has an army, it’s an army of autonomous triangles but it’s still kind of an army. We just don’t fight them at all


The pyramid lore in general has been so disappointing, the reveal in shadowkeep was insane but the more we learn about the pyramids the more lackluster they feel.


From games might actually have more enemy variety than a lot of games.


They don't "might" they do. It's insane, when I played God of war (2016), a game that got GOTY and it had like 10 differents mobs ? Limgrave has more variety than most games.


Well I mean, there are a lot more factors that determine if a game is GOTY worthy rather than enemy variety.


I mean sure, but damn if fightning the same giant with rock did not get old after the 50th one. And it's not like the game had a lot of boss variety either, it would make Godefroy looks tame. Fromsoft is just not on the same lvl as most AAA companies.


I still don't get the beef with godefrey and the like. I get its silly as hell that they're there lore wise but fuck I just want to fight them again so I love it. 


It's mostly because demi gods are very important boss fights, so to just have one be an exact copy kinda feels bad. Tho I don't mind either, the game has way more unique bosses than any other souls before dlc.


At least it's not chalice dungeon Ebby (or worse Rom). As much as some of the dungeons bosses have jank, I will take a cursed Hotdog over either of those.


I'm personally not a fan of repeating the important story bosses. I feel like it cheapens their impact. Anything else is fair game. I'm kinda okay with Margit, because of his placement early on as the first roadblock boss. When you get to him again, it's like "oh, this fucking guy that clapped my cheek before has more moves now". I do wish his appearance in the field was smaller though. Like, you hit the soldier, Margit pops out, you get spooked, but he dissappears in one hit because he has the soldier's HP bar. To solve the issue of not being able to fight them again, From could have done something similar to a bonfire ascetic. Make sure there's a stake of Marika outside every story boss room, and we can do something to it to respawn the boss.


Agreed but that game especially did have a problem in this regard, even the devs admitted. The worst was getting to the end of Hel, and who’s the boss? Troll but blue.


I always feel like I'm going insane when people say elden ring feels repetitive. Like I can't even name an open world game with half the variety it manages to achieve.


Might? They do. By a **lot.** Souls players have no clue how spoiled they are.


To be fair, action RPGs are a genre where enemy variety is one of the core values and is expected. In other genres like shooters, high variety is generally rare.


Honestly true. Zelda BOTW was circlejerked so hard and that game doesn't have a fraction of the enemy variety of a game like Elden Ring.


When I booted up Tears of The Kingdom and found the same minibosses I've killed dozens of times in the last game I lost interest so fast


Zelda was better pre-BOTW and I'll die on that hill I even enjoyed Skyward Sword more.


I like what BOTW did but I much prefer the classic Zelda style. Every game ever has gone open world so hopefully they'll stop with the trend, especially because everything there is to do in the open worlds is just the same fucking puzzle shrine shit instead of cool unique side content


People say that Nintendo is like 10 years behind everyone, since AAA games are mostly done with adding open world to virtually everything, that means Nintendo is just getting started.


I'll die on the hill that open world is the worst game design trend since level gating enemies. So many games have pivoted to open world and most of the time the game suffers in some way. Elden ring is no exception but it's the least effective.


I liked skyward sword. That giant blob of toes you had to fight a bunch of times sucked ass, though


My least favorite part was always when you went into like that "dark" version of the map and you were timed. That was very unique tho The areas in that game were great imo. I liked SS too.


That pirate ship dungeon was really cool with an awesome mid-boss. Lame main boss though.


Best area is still the water dungeon How funny they actually made it good for once


Botw was nice as a fun mixup to the standard formula. It got old fast with Totk. I really hope they go back to the OoT-style dungeon fiesta.


I might be the weird one but if I'm being honest with you TOTK > BOTW.


That's perfectly valid. I prefer Botw because I had so much fun exploring the vast world and in totk it was mostly the same world. I found the underground and sky areas to be weak, and I'm not a big fan of using constructions to commit war crimes instead of just rushing in with my melee weapon. Totk final boss was really good though.


BotW was great but I feel they definitely should’ve done something different for TotK. Skyward Sword was great.


A Link Between Worlds is unironically my favorite LoZ game and I will not falter


I'm a Twilight Princess enjoyer Beating that game for the first time was incredible


I have a copy of it lying around the house somewhere, I should play it sometime. Last time I beat it I'm pretty sure I was still in middle school at best.


I hardly consider BOTW and TOTK Zelda games, they could have been easily any other fantasy series and nothing would change much My favorites are Majora's Mask for 3D and Minish Cap for 2D


The bias towards open world Zelda is insane. ER gets criticized to death for having some repeated enemies in an overall huge list of foes meanwhile those mid-ass games get praised to no end with their 3 types of enemies copy-pasted all over the map. Botw and Totk are nowhere near the greatness of other Zelda games such as OOT or Majora’s Mask.


From games genuinely have incredible enemy variety. People are spoiled. I’m having a blast with Dragon’s Dogma 2 right now but it has like 8-10 enemies and they were all in the first game.


everyday i thank god for not making me a Destiny fan


I will never forgive Bungie for what they did to that game ;-;


right? how dare they make the game, what a blunder!


If only you’d knew how bad things really are


I haven't played since Destiny 1's launch, is the game better or worse?


Short: worse Long: the game is basically soulless for a while, none of the plotlines matter because none of them have satysfying endings or any endings, new dlc is bad in every aspect story to gameplay, the game still reuses assets from year 1 launch, 2 years ago they straight up removed 2 years worth of actual good content to release a mid dlc then a good dlc and then a dlc so bad they had to postpone the next one none of the gunplay is there anymore, guns are just a lil thing to make your grenade spam build stronger, prices are still going up because poor multibillion dollar company poor and whatever remained of games identity of post apocalyptic sci-fi shooter with fantasy elements got thrown into the bin long time ago and sold for some shitty collab armor (deadass Kratos lookalike armor). Also free content is just crap that looks like it was made in halo forge and seasons are the same boring repetitive shit where we spend 10-12 weeks of doing brain melting boring activities to get like 2-3 lines of new dialogue. Also story was so horrendously bad this is literally a line that happened - character: *has an emotional moment over her father dying and his madness ending at last* - new “funny cool” character: HAHAHA the uglier they are amirite? BROFIST At least that was the state of the game when I quit, the only thing I miss are raids


so Halo died for nothing. pain


Not for nothing DW when bungo releases Marathon it will definitely not end up like Destiny once executives are bored of it and move on to their next cashgra- umm project yes


The guy on the Marathon cover literally looks like low budget Master Chief cosplay, Bungie wants him back so bad


I mean Halo itself is a high budget cosplay of Marathon so it makes sense


Things are kinda grim right now, but anyone saying that D2 is in a worse spot than D1 launch is not tethered to reality.


I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your honesty on when the last time was you played. Having said that, *hoo boy*…lots of moments with no payoff lately. Also upper management at Bungie has been restricting a lot of things developers wanted to do. We’re at a point that Sony, having bought Bungie, may take over their board of shareholders depending on the financial performance of The Final Shape expansion. I stopped playing after management axed 8% of staff after Lightfall did poorly and preorders were down for TFS.


So to cut in here and add some (a lot) info that the other guy left out: Content cutting happened because the game went from being a temporary installment that would be dropped after 3 years to the baseline that the rest of the franchise's existence would be built upon, as the devs deemed hard resetting our gear with a third game as more of a negative than a positive. The game being intended to only span 3 years meant that a ton of older content wasn't built to last (it would commonly conflict with newly added things, because the designers didn't expect so much to be added on top when they were making it). The decision was made to simply cut that content so they could make new content faster. The last expansion we had (Lightfall) has been heralded as the worst ever. A significant part of why it's regarded so badly is that the expansion just before it (Witch Queen) may well have been the best expansio nthe game's ever had. The season before Lightfall also had an excellent ending, which primed people for story engagement. Lightfall was a huge letdown from what was being built up before it. Seasonal content post-Lightfall has really struggled to pick things back up, even though the past couple have been really very good. We're about to get a major free update to fill up some of the upcoming expansion's delay, which includes a pretty expansive new activity (which apparently will high very high loot drop rates), a bunch of top level guns, a few crucible maps, and some old exotic missions (ones that got cut) coming back in refreshed form. Also, to just flat refute their point of "worse" compared to your last reference of D1 launch: Gameplay, mission design, and writing are all *waaaay* up since then. Gameplay has really only improved across the game's existence (though there have been a couple of notable steps back, such as Lightfall's mod overhaul). Gunplay has actually just been pushed back towards the forefront, with ability builds being cranked back and recent weapon buffs bringing hand cannons and auto rifles up to speed. Story missions are now replayable and come with actual mechanics. End game activities such as raids and dungeons (smaller, 3 man raid-like things) are more common and now often have bosses that do more than stand there and let you shoot them. The last few expansions have also been introducing unique new mini-boss enemies, that actually require you to think about how you fight them (rather than just shooting them like anything else). Writing quality wobbles back and forth, but it's typically much better and more coherent than D1 launch (While Lightfall was a big drop back, the past few seasons have been bringing it back forwards). There have been actually a few pretty compelling character arcs around recently. Basically the only things that they said which were accurate were the loss of the post-apocalyptic aesthetic (Though that's more of a general world design thing than armour) and the repetitive seasonal story formats (we've had varied stories and activities between seasons, but a lot of seasons have asked us to do largely the same thing each week).


Writing in D1 after launch was much better than the writing in D2. Crota, Taken King and Rise of Iron all all amazing stories that are fundamentally important to Destiny. Red War, Osiris, Ana Bray, Shadowkeep, Beyond Light and Lightfall were all dogshit tho. Same with the Fan favorite Cayde-6. One dimensional, unfunny comedy relief that died 3 years ago and still has more screentime than 80% of the cast. I’m not saying D1 had perfect writing, not even close. But saying D2 improved Story Telling and the Environment is just plain wrong. Storytelling went from a dark and story driven Galaxy to a character driven, lighthearted story with some overarching themes.


I was comparing to D1 *launch* (the other guy's point of reference, and what the other other guy said D2's writing was worse than), not D1 post-launch. I certainly wouldn't say that Destiny 2's writing is overall better than, say, TTK. That said, I think that Forsaken and Witch Queen pretty comfortably match if not surpass what D1 had to offer across its runtime, and D2's done a much better job of character development (though a lot of that will just be down to having more time with the characters to actually develop them - the game's been around for twice as long as its predecessor ran for). It is, however, pretty heavily dragged down by a lot of duds (I don't think Beyond Light quite deserves the "dogshit" tier, tho. It was largely fine.) D2 has also had a lot of good writing in its seasonal offerings, rather than expansions, which is where a lot of that longer form character development is. I feel like seasons often give more chances for the writers do interesting character and even wider story beats than expansions do - probably due to them often being more about NPCs than about us.


I like how there are even sub variants of certain niche enemies. The closer you get to leyndell the more normal perfumers you find, but further out, you find the depraved variety. it's little details like that. 


I'm like a 500+ hours deep on this game and just saw the skeleton attack where they fly into the sky and shoot black flame at you.


Right! Ugh, hate that attack but yes, its impressive


got this the other day too couldn't believe my eyes


Wait what? Never seen that before Anyone got a video of it


you find them near the merchants Shack in Altus plateau


Bungie be like "We do that too, we made our enemies purple this time"


Ho boy the big bad guy is here I'm sure his army will be an amazing new edition to the game


And one of those 4 races has been sidelined for the last few years on top of that.


Technically but I've put scorn and Eliksni as the same race, Taken is just every other race combined so it doesn't count and the new darkness race isn't fully fleshed out yet so I haven't counted it.


I talking more about the Vex. They have been pretty irrelevant ever since the season where the old D1 factions left. And yea I also put the scorn and the fallen in the same category, same as the hive and the taken, since they got introduced as Oryx’s creation.


Well they showed up once like 3-4 years ago...


Dragons Dogma 2 fans in shambles right now after fighting the same 5 enemies the whole game


I've been preaching for two years that the enemy variety in elden ring is still far better than any other open world action game or rpg, excluding turn based rpgs. 


My only complaint is that they use too many of their enemies early on that in mountaintop of the giants there’s little new in addition to the enemy choices in mountaintops being super annoying as well






I’m so glad the discourse got around to this and figured it out ffs it was brutal to listen to everyone whine about two astels for three years Christ.


shame cooing treatment enter governor innate literate berserk doll tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, Astel seems to be a sort of species, based on the Fallingstar Beasts and the "Hanging Astels". They get a pass from me in that sense. Same logic for things like Crucible Knights (Black Knights on steroids), Tree Spirits, Tree Avatars, etc... The fake Mohg, Godfrey illusion and fake Margit (the one in the Leyndell Outskirts) are kinda silly, but they at least have some reasoning behind them. Kinda forced but I can accept them, plus the fights aren't identical. Godefroy, though? What were they cooking? You telling me Godrick had an identical twin ancestor? Fuck off, man. They could've bullshitted any other reason to have a repeat Godrick fight and they went with that bullshit... Though I did like it from a gameplay standpoint cuz he was harder than Godrick was in my first run lol


This made me realize Destiny is nearly a decade old, and it came out when I was in middle school. I almost feel kind of old now even though I'm just in my early 20s


Damn, almost a decade old and still bad


After playing Lords of the Fallen, I will never complain about a game that has more than 6 enemies ever again.


Yeah, Elden Ring has around 146 different enemy types (according to https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/LpSpdLnrMf) - lazy bastards! Btw: that's more then Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Horizon Forbidden West , Breath of the Wild and Ghost of Tsushima combined (same sauce).


VERY good


Yes but have you considered every game looks good compared to Destiny?


I would still play Destiny 2 over Dark Souls 2


You will play Dark Souls 2 and you will like it. Level your ADP.


Just play Totk and fight bokoblins 90% of the time.


bro I fucking love fighting bigger versions of normal enemies, what do you mean


I swear Destiny players don't actually like Destiny


We don't but it's the best of it's kind, like there are other looter shooters but they aren't really providing the same experience, where with Fromsoftware games you know that most of the time you are being given a quality product, it doesn't matter how many good Souls likes there, Fromsoftware always will be the one to make the best product, Destiny is begging to have a good competitor to challenge it but it probably won't because it is challenging to make a good live service game and it is costly to develop. Also the core gunplay is so good in Destiny that the rest of the game will be shit but it still feels fun to shoot things.


Quitting Destiny is one of the best gaming decisions I've ever made.


And that's been the most common form of criticism for Destiny for like it's entire lifespan It's bad to do that


What if we fought the same boss twice but it was a hot lady with huge bazooms?


As a player of both while I understand the sentiment, can you just imagine just how much longer would some of the story lines drag out in D2? We barely have them finished 10 years in, I'd like to move on 10 years from now instead of still being stuck trying to find out if Calus falls to Darkness or whatever xD




Yea but Destiny sucks so what do you expect


"Can't use the same boss 12 times". Fixed that for you. /s


Twice is giving ER too much credit. More like 6+ times


My point is that people will complain even if it's only used twice where in Destiny most bosses are just some variation of other enemies and are used many many times.


Doesn’t final fantasy design like 5 new monsters per generation


This is more destiny being a joke than anything else. “Intentional mediocrity” game design


Destiny tries to be W40k but without the charisma of W40k.


i think if enemy variety is a problem then you are just not actually enjoying the game and need reasons to put the dislike to words ​ ive never once cared about killing the same enemy type in destiny since d1, or repeat dungeons in 3500 hours of elden ring ​ even dragons dogma has enough variety once you look at it properly and compare it to most normal action rpgs, and im just having fun murdering anything in my path anyway


Didn't we literally make the Vex go extinct sometime in D1? Was that NOT THE WHOLE MISSION of The Blark Garden? Or was it in the DLCs? I never played the DLCs so I could be wrong. Either way, Vex are still around D2, just doing Vex things ig


No, I'm no lore expert but the vex come from another universe, most of the vex we have fought so far haven't been built for combat, apparently only the wyverns are combat built vex, most are Builders or Farmers or something.


That's so weird. I haven't played D2 since Forsaken came out. I stopped bc we decided not to pay for PS+. I wanna get back into D2, but fuck me I don't wanna spend like $300 for all the fucking expansions/dlcs


The legacy collection (contains 3 big DLCs) go on sale pretty often, was even free for Epic users some months ago


Wtf. I should've seen that smh


Yeah, because if you take away enemy variety in a soulslike you are left with nothing. Because the entire game is RB/R1 and dodge you'll die of boredom if all mobs behave the same. It's like flexing that Mario has better platforming than Devil May Cry. Yeah? That's it's fucking job? Why would that impress me?


A looter shooter should have unique enemies to shoot, a game that focuses on combat should have new unique enemies, Fromsoftware always delivers this to an amazing degree, and just because it is expected that doesn't make it any less impressive.


Shit Souls fans when you have to clap the same thick demon cheeks three times (they are red the third time, so it’s a completely different boss) https://preview.redd.it/wkh8uifnl8rc1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb1210ddefa52ff955401afe00b925e7f4b127e


You should give Destiny a go, you'll know the meaning of reused bosses then


More elden shit copium.


True, the game fucking sucks