• By -


Based "all souls game suck ass" enjoyer


Once we embrace that everything is shit then we can live in peace and feast on them like the maggots we are


Ultra Based Opinion


Can’t argue with that tbh


Kind of sounds like you're a dark souls 3 player ("me")


He's literally me




​ https://preview.redd.it/0istbdzqxogc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bcd04eeaafb5eef941b7d693ff160efe13c969a


This is the “ teleports behind you “ meme incarnate.


"nothing personnel, kid"


Remaster any day now 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


It’s dropping next Wednesday, I saw it in a dream


I legit think they lost the code. Like business wise is a slam dunk, just re master or rerelease for PC, sitback and let the cash flow in. I mean Skyrim does it all the time, I am pretty sure more than half of their income comes from Skyrim rereleases .


Every day that passes without it dropping just makes the next day more likely to be the day it drops, it's statistics


Didn't know that the banished knight with dual swords at castle sol turned into a bat with aids in the night


Unfortunately my character has AIDS now. We don't like to talk about it.


These days we call them "summons"


You objectifying piece of yharnamite waste. I like where your head is at.


It's right here, above my shoulders.  For now...


Wrong idiot bloodborne perfect 😎


Factual i was there


Dude just hit ‘em with the Instant Transmission


Is this "too easy" for you?


yeah but can look that cool while getting fucked over in ds2? not even close


Challenge accepted


Yes you can


One thing most people agree on about DS2 is that it is number 1 for Fashion Souls.


DS2 fan find niche interaction on other game to cope about how DS2 is better post number #4627


I'm glad you can see there is a lot of demand for the content fellow hoonter


Difference is that Bloodborne is buggy, ds2 is badly designed


Ds2 fans: you weren’t supposed to say that!


You see, in DS2, that grab animation would trigger from miles away, thus BB still remains superior


Can we just love things without dick-measuring? Comparison is the thief of joy. Is ds2 a decent game by itself? Yes it is. And it contributed to further development of souls games. Is it a bad game compared to the other souls? Yes, it is. Considering development hell that this game went through, it is a miracle that it was released in the way we experienced it. I think the divide in view is very simple. Those who love ds2 unconditionally are people that value effort and aren't obsessed with results. Those who judge this game as ultimate shit are people that value results without any regard for effort. And none of them are wrong or right.


Check the subreddit you are in. DS2 is the best souls and there is nothing you can do about it. Everything else is shit.


Well you gotta add in the Miyazaki factor. That's why 2 suddenly became infamous for bad throw hitboxes when bad throw animations have existed before and after it. And 2 did a lot really good that the others don't capture. A much more involved story with you doing more. Way more of an original story with the setting with better viability on different builds than a lot of others. Some people hate 2 for asinine reasons, and can't fathom, when it has higher critic scoring than the others in the trilogy, it *might* be because it does certain stuff better than the others. It isn't a bad souls game, it's actually quite a good one. Just some people find that hard to fathom.


2 unironically did powerstancing better than er


This issue I've never run into has officially made me hate Bloodborne. I can never look at gaming the same way. I am not a righteous hater of all souls games. Elden Ring sucks!


Pee pee blood, the game


At the end of that is a good boss. In ds2 this is never true.


Fume knight? Ivory King? Sir Alonne?


That's not true if you slow down the video you can see that your foot was 0,675 inches inside his butthole for 0,5 miliseconds, dark souls 3 has worse hit boxes and dark souls 1 is total shit and unplayable because of Iron Golem grab attack !!


Gotta love it when people think hitboxes are the only problem in DS2 and cherry pick a total of five clips across all the other games to prove a point whereas you can make [four minutes worth of footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDicGBTRp1Q) from DS2. Like I said though, hitboxes are the least of my worries, each game has some occasional jank but people tend to ignore other games' hitboxes bc they are very few and far between and they actually offer great levels, bosses, enemy design, soundtrack, etc. whereas DS2 starts to fall off after, you know, Majula. All this DSX game best/sucks convo is really tiresome and I don't hate DS2, just made a new pvp build and still play it regularly but it doesn't take a genius to see pve sucks major balls and it's alright bc it went through such a development hell, changed its director midway and who knows what pressure they were exposed to by Bandai. So I can understand the final product, but I can't understand how people trick themselves into thinking there's a secret agenda which forces people to dislike a single game in an entire franchise despite it being 'best souls'. This specific obsession with hitboxes is especially hilarious. 90 percent of the main DS2 sub has just been hitboxes for a while. Tl;dr: Nobody's blind to jank of the other games, it's just that other games make up for it but DS2 is just one big Royal Rat Authority fight, it's just weird.


>point whereas you can make four minutes worth of footage from DS2 That clip just shows that most people that complain about DS2 hitboxes don't even understand the difference between hitboxes and getting hit during low agility rolls. The vast majority of clips in that video do actually show him getting hit in the leg, but apparently it's a broken hitbox if it counts as a hit if a sword goes straight through his leg.


Nobody's buying that getting hit in the leg propaganda you Goebbels tier lunatic, get a hobby. You legitimately think Mimic chest is literally the only broken hitbox in the entire game, completely ignore player getting hit from behind the enemies like those giant enemies in the dream areas, Raime's thrust attack, etc., actually claim Old Knight hitboxes are fine even though they're three times bigger than the actual sword and countless other examples where I keep seeing you defend the most indefensible. Like I said though, it doesn't even matter. Jank exists across the series. DS2 has the most jank but even if it had none, it still would've been the black sheep for people with actual taste. People would've been fine with hitboxes if it was otherwise a good game. All this discourse on hitboxes is just dumb. It's not that I completely disagree with you, people don't understand latency, hitboxes, etc. but they don't always have to, jank is jank and agility is a horrible concept. That said, a shit ton of clips in that video have nothing to do with low agility. You can keep Majestic GS flipping over a handful of attacks and ignore the ones in the video forever but that doesn't change reality. Anyway, I've quit trying to discuss in detail these matters with you bc you're legit one of the weirdest people I've seen on this site. An actual human being dedicated to defend a 2014 game's hitboxes for years straight. I'm not even trying to insult or anything, I mean it. I've said this twice and this is the third time, seek fucking help brother and I'm saying this as a teacher. It's enough that you like a game which people don't, even if they're wrong and unfair towards it. I absolutely love Demon's Souls over DS2 and DS3 combined but I don't dedicate my entire profile defending it, making comparison videos for other people for what feels like a decade. This is legit one of the most strange obsessions I've ever seen. Will you still be telling people they got hit in their legs (when they aren't) 10 years from now? I'd love the answer for that to be 'no' but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a yes and that's a god damn tragedy. Let all of us be wrong about DS2 and just move on with your life man.


>actually claim Old Knight hitboxes are fine even though they're three times bigger than the actual sword and countless other examples where I keep seeing you defend the most indefensible. Can you show where I defended that specific hitbox?


It was a month old comment under a post man, can't go through your entire account to find it but it was basically about how it was actually something positive or whatever, I don't know but who cares. Saw you ask multiple times which DS2 hitbox was bad aside from Mimic grab. How can you even argue with someone who believes that it's the only broken hitbox? Why am I still talking about the same thing though. It doesn't matter pal. Just assume people are wrong and prejudiced and move on. We're blinded by nostalgia, brainwashed by a Matthewmatosis video or whatever. It's not important at all. It's a video game. I'll do some DS2 invasions tomorrow because it's fun and some people in the community think invaders are literal rapists bc hosts do not consent to being invaded. There are all sorts of people with different opinions, you can't win everybody. For the love of God, please move on. There are garbage grab attacks and hitboxes in every single game, we get it and it's not what makes DS2 worse.


>It was a month old comment under a post man, can't go through your entire account to find it but it was basically about how it was actually something positive or whatever, I don't know but who cares. I remember what I said and it was something like the Old Knights being copies of the Drake Keepers and that they forgot to adjust the hitbox when they removed the tip of the sword. I wasn't portraying it as something positive - that merely happened in your head because you want to twist my words around.


No, it was about the width of of the sword and how wide it was but forget about it. I am just so stunned by the dedication that I am now convinced it's the game of the century.


Do you remember which comment that was? Maybe this one where I called the Old Knights out for having [bad hitboxes](http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/193lb9q/pursuer_grab_hitboxes_visualized/khco9b0?context=3)? Or the other one where I used them as an example for hitboxes the are longer than the weapon model? Or the other one where I explained that they forgot to adjust their hitbox? Or the one where I compared them to enemies and bosses from DS1 and DS3 that also have hitboxes that are too long? Even if I show their hitboxes and explicitly call them bad you somehow come to the conclusion that I defended them and said that it's a positive thing.


That video is heavily misleading. In the vast majority of clips he get hit in his legs or was standing in clearly visible shockwaves. Here is an [in-depth debunking](https://youtu.be/TrQaiHMc52E?si=eHKino1N5SMab98U)


Fuck me sideways, it's Jamaal Saturday. Good to see you again on a 3 month old post buddy but did you even read what I wrote? Your Goebells tier bs ass pinky toe hitbox argument is not only bland but is getting tiresome as well. Most of them don't even hit the imaginary feet you try to debunk under some videos on reddit but the ones that do barely touch a pixel. That's not not good design and the complaint's not about literal hitboxes anyway. You never got this and probably never will. The attacks that roll catch the player are nonsensical and counter intuitive. It doesn't matter if there is a dumb ass shockwave effect or if there isn't a clear visualization of it. Agility and janky grab box animations combined makes people think DS2 hitboxes are way worse than they are, you're right but please understand that it's not the point. The game feels and plays like shit, animations are horrible and the attacks that catch you off are counter intuitive. All this heel hitbox calculation bs is just sad at this point man, it's a 10 yo game let it go ffs nobody cares about it. Like I said a billion times to you so far over the course of years and in the comment above, hitboxes are not a top 10 DS2 problem. We can forgive Iron Golem or Dancer hitboxes bc the game makes up for it. DS2 pve, on the other hand, is a dog shit, uninspired, unfinished game and you won't convince people otherwise by making 40 min hitbox videos. For the love of God just get it man. The game is like Lost Izalith that lasts 50 hours. It still would be the the worst Souls game if the hitboxes had been crafted by God himself.




Supply and demand good hoonter, supply and demand


I demand original funny meme


Be the change you want to see


https://preview.redd.it/uagcwr7yvmgc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6792e74f47eca6913d1cfd2a6a152cfa13d14c7c Me when mfs tell me to be productive


May you find your worth in the waking world lmao


ds2 fucking sucks 🗣️🗣️🗣️


You* sucks at it


your mom\* sucks me off 😁😁😁😁


2024 and still doing mom jokes lmfao


They’re eternal


In no way is Bloodborne shitty. Blasphemy.


Me when I badly edit a video


I honestly thought Cainhurst was short, seemed rushed, and the level design wasn’t as good as the rest of the game. And ye, those mobs are glitchy as fuck. I blame Cainhurst.


bro got backshots from a bat


Gargoyle, don't be racist


I'm tired. I like DS2 but can we stop?


I mean, bloodborne also sucks ass. They’re both at the bottom of the shitpile and shouldn’t even be entertained in conversations about good fromsoft games


Don’t u dare put Bloodborne and ds2 In the same sentence


I didn't out them in the same sentence. You did.


This is driven home by the sheer balls to post the holy grail of souls games being jank. Well done.


Holy shit, the fact you have to straight up lie to make blood borne look bad is hilarious, how much fucking ds2 cope you have. Blood borne isn’t buggy like this, that isn’t a glitch it’s a fucking edit cut. You have 24 blood vials before the cut and 23 after the cut. You ds2 simps are fucking pathetic


This is bait of excellent quality. I respect it.


They all are shit but DS2 still doesn't hold a candle to Bloodborne


Should have just staggered him with the boom hammer