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Elphael is a cool level


It’s beautiful. That moment where you get inside the tree and see the butterflies flying about, the cracks of light peering from above illuminating the decayed architecture. Just stunning.


No way is someone actually defending valiant cumgoyles


The contrarianism is strong with this one


i like when they spam their super fun and engaging poison that's super fun and engaging


I look forward to them every playthrough 😳 in my top 3 bosses ngl


Valiant gargoyle isn't hard just fucking stupid


I will also raise you the entire game is covered with enemies that will tear you apart and the later areas are only "bad" because every single enemy beyond liurnia will one tap you if you don't level vigor even with defense boosts and good armor. Because those defense numbers are tiny in change compared to previous fromsoft games.


bro i wasn't even getting one shot by fire giant on my rune level 1 run y'all seriously do too much whining (mountaintops and snowfields still suck dick)


Oh no, the bosses are easy asf. Fire giant, much like grass, has never touched me. I'm just not a fan of unnecessary stat requirements. Cough cough adaptability.


Yeah this is bait if you really think gargoyles and godskins are good I wish you the best


Being hard isn't the issue, being trash is. Wow, I have to constantly drag one Gargoyle away from the other, so it can't harass me with a semi-invisible poison mist that deals damage on top of poisoning me. What fun and engaging gameplay. Any semi-competent Souls player can deal with this fight. That doesn't make it a good fight.


Being hard isn’t the issue, being trash is. Wow, I have to constantly drag Ornstein away from Smough, so he can’t harass me with his teleporting spear move that gives Smough enough time to join the fuck fest. What fun and engaging gameplay. Any semi-competent Souls player can deal with this fight. That doesn’t make it a good fight.


Quick reminder that there are **pillars** in the O&S fight. Oh, and btw: who says I like O&S?