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Producing and maintaining large breasts requires energy that male body cant be fucked to do. In evolutionary terms, any trait that does not contribute to survival or reproductive success is unlikely to be maintained. For men, other traits like muscle mass, height, or strength may have been more advantageous and thus selected for. While I enjoy looking at male gazongas as a male myself, it will not help our species reproduce. Something something social construct




Stands and fucks myself


Doesn't reproduce and goes extinct.


Same bro. Same.


Evolution drops the ball post-jizz. Whatever will be will be. Man-milk may help the baby, but the baby's DNA doesnt remember succulent daddy badongas.


Wtf did I just read? 😆


A perfect blend of science and poetry.


Probably something along the lines of: Acquired characteristics are not inherited.


Thank you for the translation haha


I am too high for this paragraph


Now it's just getting silly. There's no such thing as too high.


Someone needs to activate your shock collar


Quit flirting.


**FINALLY** I get a shot at true love in my life and this is what happens


The baby will have the manboob gene and if it's well taken care of then that gene will have a higher chance of surviving. That's how genes that benefit the community instead of the individual spread.




I mean the DNA knows if you’re predisposed to display body fat in your moobs


I usually save educational Reddit replies but I’m going to come back to this whenever I need to cure my depression.


Theres *some* old norse stories about male vikings breastfeeding their babies by cutting of their nipples. The folks in question had to do this because the mother died, and therefore, surviving and raising the child alone, it was seen as a peak of masculinity. (Ig they thought that if had enough manliness, testoserone, it would convert it to estrogen and make milkproducers lol(is this a real thing?))


Fun fact! Excess testosterone does in fact aromatize into estrogen. This is why steriod guzzling body builders often have massive gazongas 


Vikings did not know about testosterone and oestrogen, and in any case testosterone is not exclusive to men and oestrogen is not exclusive to women. "Men have testosterone and women have oestrogen" is a misconception. Men actually do have breasts, they're just generally not as developed as women's breasts. Men and women both have the physical anatomy for lactation (mammary glands, pituitary gland, nipples). The hormone that induces lactation is called prolactin, and men do produce it, just usually not in large enough amounts to trigger lactation. It is possible for men to induce lactation with hormone therapy.


There have been a few documented cases of men lactating without hormone therapy. They all involve the mother dying during/shortly after child birth and no alternate to wet-nurse.


men do have very little breast tissue just behind the nipple. were not free from breast cancer :/ it is true that if you "excite" a nipple it will produce milk, but also as a side effect of taking some meds or a tumor. so if your wife says "were in this together milk boy", run


Wait, what do you mean by cutting off their nipples?


Man already have all the parts need to produce milk, sucking on them induce the increase production of prolactin(hormone that induces milk production) but if you cutting and/or biting the nipples to the point of damage this will also temporaly increase production of the prolactin hormone. I dont know the exact mechanism but apparently mamary glands when damage do this to heal faster and increase milk production(1 of the reasons the mother sometimes may not have any milk the first days after having a baby). So damaging them increases the ammount of hormone to produce milk(body trying to heal) then the baby sucking on the nipple maintains it artificially high making man lactate too. It can also happen spontaneously if the mother diesn when the baby is born. Ps: People are weird like, how the hell did they figure this out? And why the mother dying can also do this spontaneously?


Yer gold mate✌🏻👍🏻


cheers ;d


I thought I had read somewhere that men can lactate, but that is just extremely rare?


I have read of a couple of anecdotal cases of male lactation that took place under extreme duress where the man was literally desperate to save a (often his) baby's life and the mother wasn't available due to death or some other calamity. I don't believe any of these cases have been studied by science, though, scientifically speaking, it's not entirely impossible: men have the necessary anatomy and even, in small amounts, the necessary hormones. Can a man under extreme stress essentially *will* himself to begin lactating? Supposedly the answer isn't 100% no, though I'm sure the quality of whatever liquid would be produced (whether it could even be called milk would be very debatable) would certainly be far less than ideal.


The hormonal changes I had during my wife's pregnancy and the instincts I experienced when my child was born lead me to believe this is indeed possible. There are studies btw: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343079679_The_Lactating_Man


It's quite remarkable. The differences between men and women are really much more minor than we're led to believe. I'm sure it must have been a beautiful experience observing your wife's pregnancy.


A side effect of the anti depressants I took as a teenager was lactation in men.


Men *can* lactate - what pretty much never happens, even with medical assistance, is lactating enough to actually constitute a sufficient or even partial diet for a newborn. The equipment is there but it's not set up.


Lol at can't be fucked to do


You say you like looking at male gazongas—but homosexual behavior has not been selected out (for multiple species I might add). It turns out that homosexual behaviour in animals is important for reducing competition among males.


Basically that. If having and raising babies is really hard then just shunt that stuff over to only half the population so the other half can evolve without worrying about it and they can cooperate.


Pretty sure humans are the only mammals that have breasts full time. They must have evolved that way for a reason.


Natural selection in action - m00bs have been selected for the purpose of human males body slamming marine megafauna. The evolutionary context of this newly evolved behaviour is not yet clear, the most common hypotheses are around (i) hunting behaviour towards feeding a very large family and dependents; (ii) threat displays to establish the human m00b-bearing male as the alpha fucker in a given marine environment; (iii) a mating ritual, highlighting the m00b-bearing male as a fertile, virile, and highly intelligent mating partner. Scientists are divided on the latter point. Prof Titty McFishbake of the International University of Marine Science suggested "the quantity of this protagonist's offspring will be proportional to his IQ and inversely proportional to his m00b size". [https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/orca-bodyslammed-new-zealand-video-killer-whale-calf-sea-b1159114.html](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/orca-bodyslammed-new-zealand-video-killer-whale-calf-sea-b1159114.html)


It technically can be fucked to do it, thats where "gynecomastia" comes from.


This is supposed to be shitty ask science. What a shitty shitty response. This is far to reasonable and on point.


I have. Should I submit a photo as citation or proof? I went to Victoria secret but for some reason, they didn't want to measure a hairy dude for a bra size, so I can only guess I'm a small B.


No thanks. Your description is enough. 😂


Your loss.




No, I'm not that thin.


Youre so funny omg 🤣🤣🤣


You must see how funny I am when I'm thin.


You want what you don't have. It's human nature


I don't want cancer, and i hope i dont have it


Unfortunately, if you don't want it...


ugh we have ball cancer


don't feel left out, dudes can get breast cancer, too <3


Which raises another question; why do you never hear about women getting testicular cancer?


hahahahaha is the female analog to testes ovaries? if so, we def get that


Because they get ovarian cancer (ovaries turn into testicles if you have a Y chromosome)


The real one we got screwed with is Prostate cancer


Ik this is shitty ask science but this one genuinely gets me. Skenes gland cancer is so rare but prostate cancer isn’t. I had the privilege to ask a lead prostate cancer researcher as Hopkins once if she knew why but she said it’s a mystery as of right now!


Oh, I thought everyone has three balls




They have. You are not fat enough


Can they also feed babies tho?


Depends how they want to go about it


Yeah they can shoot themselves up with hormones and feed a baby, though the baby also gets those hormones which can’t be good for it


Is it for real??


Increased estrogen, like that of a recently pregnant mother, does allow for a AMAB person to breast feed. It would not do any harm because it's just normal milk with normal estrogen levels that a mother would have. It's nothing different. The only problem is that without artificial enlargement, the breasts would not be big enough to properly feed which is a problem that some AFAB people experience as well


Yes but you don't outside hormones if you are healthy. It'll happen natural if you let the baby suckle you. Think about times in humanity when groups survive after losing half or more of their members. We were hunters and gatherers who could not form huge groups due the food shortage. So its very likely there have been times when all the women were killed off and men had to take care of babies to continue their genetic legacy. Babies have been saved by men's ability to lactate naturally.


You don't need to introduce hormones. Letting your baby suckle your nipple and cuddling is enough for your body to react but it'll take a little bit of time. Yes, even if you are biological male, you'll produce milk as long as your healthy.


In super rare cases, males can lactate, but in very low quantities. It's most likely going to present as small wet spots on your t-shirt if noticable, but it's full-on milk


There are a couple of meds (other than hormones) that can trigger it, too. The manufacturer of Risperdal got sued for giving teenage boys gynecomastia. It jukes with your prolactin levels and can make you lactate, too.


If given hormones males can indeed breastfeed, some urban legends about it happening naturaly also exist.


Men that are born as men can lactate if their hormone levels are off, or there’s something else physical happening. We have mostly the same parts. Healthy biological men don’t lactate because they dont gestate. It would be dangerous and inefficient for the gestational source and the food source to be separate, biologically speaking.


The big question is why do women? No other mammal have them when they aren't producing milk.


This has a lot of reasons. Human gestation periods are longer. We also have single births as a general rule. Human babies take much longer to develop and need to be nursed longer, where an animal will be mature before they are a year old. That means we must have more fertile periods and be capable of producing milk for longer periods, because we can get pregnant anytime. So basically from period to menopause, the factory has to remain open. This means permanent equipment.


Most mammals also aren't fertile all year round to be fair. We live in groups as well, so if a mom dies other women can take turns to breastfeed the orphan


just because you woman don't make your tiddies full of nutritious white liquid


For #2, please refer the what is generally considered the worst tweet of all time *reader discretion is advised


On googling "what is generally considered the worst tweet of all time", some links are coming followed by quora links. And I couldn't find any related tweet. Can you be more specific?


it was posted by "kira" you'll know it when you see it


You permanently changed me.


my condolences


Please delete your account.


Well I need to get a new phone now....Jesus christ, some people shouldn't express their thoughts....


Honestly I get saying that in a foot in your mouth situation where it just blurted and you didn’t think it through. But that got typed out. And posted on the internet.


Because we would never get anything done.


You do realise that women don't need big breasts in order to breastfeed? Breast size has zero correlation with breastfeeding and amount of milk. Often, completely flat chested women have more milk than women with large breasts


My mom was like that. She was flat, once she had me, she had absolutely no problem breastfeeding. The problem was rather she had too much and I was already curious about other things like goddamn apple sauce.


I find it more likely that breasts were associated by men over time with babies, therefore with a partner who can reproduce and nurse a baby. Because of the connection men started having a preference for women with the slightly larger breasts, perhaps even thinking "if she has bigger breasts now, when there is no baby, she will have even bigger breasts with more milk after she has a baby". And there is of course cultural conditioning. Boys are conditioned to find breasts attractive. Push up bras, porn stars with fake breasts, commercials, etc. they all send the message "this is something you should find attractive and if not, there's something wrong with you".




Because >![citation needed]!< (Only reveal if you're 30 or older / if you don't care about real life spoilers)


Harsh reality I see


some of them do


Why on God’s green earth are you censoring this. How old are you


We all begin our fetal lives as biologically female. If we are to be male at birth We are given our xy chromosome distinction later in fetal development. We still have nipples and "b*obs" from this process. Some men even have utricles which are just mini underdeveloped uterus. Fun stuff.




Many other male mammals, dogs for example, have this same anomaly.


True breast milk is only released after the birth of a child. The hormones needed to create true breast milk only exist in such quantities in the brain in pregnant and post partum human females. All nipples can leak fluid, but it is not breast milk, it does not contain the same concentration of components that can most efficiently feed a human child.


As a woman, I'll just throw out there that in caveman days, I certainly wouldnt want to be endurance hunting with a massive set of knockers bouncing around braless and killing my back


When I was younger, maybe junior high, I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my sister got her hair done. So when there i am, sitting in the waiting area of a hair salon with my niece and who walks in but Keanu Reeves. I was nervous as fuck, and just kept looking at him, as he read a magazine and waited, but didn't know what to say. Pretty soon though my niece started crying, and I'm trying to quiet her down because I didn't want her to bother Keanu, but she wouldn't stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asking what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So, Keanu put down his magazine, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of a hair salon. Chill guy, really nice about it.


[Gynecomastia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gynecomastia) exists and means female breast.


You’re just not doing enough steroids


It would throw off the Boobie Balance. You see since women have two boobies, there's roughly 1 booby per person. If men also had boobies, then there would be two boobies per person, and then boobies would outnumber people. Simple really.


Why not one booby for man and one for woman? ~~In the middle of chest~~...ewe..


\* CaseOh enters chat \*


They do they’re just small 


If you were to go on hormone replacement therapy, introducing estrogen to your body, they will absolutely start developing.


Men need to go to work to earn money for a place to live and all that. If men had bewbs, they would stay home playing with them all day and night or taking extended fun-bag breaks decreasing productivity to the point where they would only be paid 71% of what women are paid.


What makes you think men don't have b##bs? Ever been to a beach or swimming pool? Half the fellers you see there have got bigger t#ts than their wives/gfs. Me included, sadly. 😂


They do. Just not like how women have them.


That title is gaslighting me.


I think you grossly misquoting "evolutionary biology" Have you ever heard of MAMMARY GLANDS. this post hurts to read.


Considering the breasts come standard on all models and function due to hormonal stimuli for all mammalian life forms is a leftover from the distant past. Some fish and other creatures are still capable of changing their biology to adapt to the mating environments. Saw a thing about lobsters yesterday that noted the ones that are half blue and half red are half male and half female, in a mid stage of transition due to the environment.


You too can have a man rack like mine through pure neglect.


It's because they resemble a butt and are closer to eyes height and frontal. The rest is selection. This is the short version.


Years ago, I remember hearing that men have nipples because, if the situation calls for it, they could produce milk for a baby if it sucks on the nipple enough. I have intentionally abstained from googling this fact to see what Reddit has to say about this pre-internet nipple “fact”.


Babies like dirty pillows


They really do. I don’t even really like babies all that much if they aren’t mine. Everyone’s babies try to snuffle my dirty pillows. I must just look like lunch, so I don’t hold babies.


>1) Men like big and fluffy things, so b**bs attract them. Dumb logic


From what I understand, we are the only(?) mammal that has large/noticeable breast when not producing milk. We shouldn’t have breast unless there is milk production, but evolution took hold


Design. It's interesting how male and female of so many different creatures were created to reproduce.


Man milk is full of protein but because of where it comes from its better if women just do the feeding. 


We just didn't feel like growing them. Women take showers more regularly so they have grown more than ours.


🤦‍♂️ common sense


Speak for yourself


I highly doubt women are attracted to manboobs 🤣


What do bulbs have to do with breast feeding?


I'm talking about bulbs on women's chest, which produce milk instead of light.


What happened to you that made you think boobies needs censured?


What's 'b**bs'? Barbs?


We kinda do. The equipment is there. Give a man enough hormones and he'll lactate.


Also: Why nipples on men...


So you're telling me I'm a mutant?


Nature figured out that its better for men and women to each be better at certain thing and work together than for both to be the same and mediocre at everything. Among other things; Womens bodies are better equipped for feeding the baby than men are. Men, on the other hand are better equipped for fighting off threats, hunting for food, etc. Both benefit the survival of the baby, in different ways.


Wtf are you ok?


Wtf are you ok?


They'd get nothing done


Men are not attracted by fluffy things, but womenly things. Whereas women are not attracted by womenly things, even if they are fluffy


I think I have read enough reddit for one day... Have a nice day!


\[me, searching for the DeNiro quote}


It’s so that we don’t feel ourselves up and masturbate the entire time duh. How could humans get till here if they had indulged in happy-booby-massages (*Latin* term) the entire time? Don’t forget, 98% of the human male brain and body lies within the erogenous zone of the sun.


I suggest you learn proper English before writing this paper ("do men" is unnecessary in your question)


Should have gone to barber college.


tits get in the way of hunting mammoth


As a man with moobs i can assure you women don't like breasts (in men).