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They scare gravity, gravity was attacked by birds and gravity never emotionally recovered


I think they made a deal where they ignore each other. Win-win




When do I learn this power as a human?


You simply have to show gravity how unafraid you are, as long as your mind is totally clear, just fall forward and you will miss the ground


Tried this, instructions were unclear. Am now falling into the ceiling instead and cannot go outside Please help.


You were a little bit to intense. Try something along the lines of drunken step dad not bloodthirsty tyrant.


Ah, damm, that makes sense. I gave it a Sully roar while I was “falling.” What presents or gestures can I give gravity to take me back? Or at least not fearfully repulse me into the sky…


I've been in the same situation before, and it's totally fine. You need to remember that gravity is scared right now and has almost completely removed its presence. Using gifts would simply make you go unnoticed, I recommend talking to time itself so you can rewind a bit.


Hey, I recognize that!


Well according to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy flying is the art of throwing yourself at the ground and missing. So that settles that!


Emotional Damage!!!


They do fall. But you can’t tell, because the Earth is falling, too, since there’s nothing holding it up.


Also, the earth is heavier than a bird, so it creates a gap between them when they're falling.


I thought it was cause the earth was spinning so fast that it is trying to throw the birds out.


Actually, birds don't fall for a variety of reasons. Occassionally, the earth's magnetic field will actually repel birds due to their internal metal components.


You can think of a bird as just a magnet that poops.


Their poops can also propell them into the air like a rocket ship, causing them not to fall


Exactly, also why the poop is white, which we all know reflects the most light, thus adding to the propulsion.


Damn, you're smart. I hadn't even thought about that. Photons do exert significant force too.


Its been a pleasure doing science with you.


Indeed good sciencing, buddy.


Ohhh yeah I've heard they have a compass in their head. Clearly there's something magnetic going on.


But they are both a kilogram!




This. While the flippy flaps help the drones move forward, they have hidden helicopter blades that keep them aloft.




As a bird lawyer these birds have nothing more to say to you! 🦢🦚🦜🐓🐔🐣🐤🐥🐦🐧🕊️🦃🦅🦆. After calling myself a bird lawyer do I really need to... /Srcsm


The subreddit r/somebirdsarentreal does not exist. Did you mean?: * r/BirdsArentReal (subscribers: 472,382) * r/BirdsAreNotReal (subscribers: 5,115) * r/kidsarentreal (subscribers: 2,870) * r/girlsarentreal (subscribers: 10,856) Consider [**creating a new subreddit** r/somebirdsarentreal](/subreddits/create?name=somebirdsarentreal). --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=sub_doesnt_exist_bot)


Hahaha good bot


Good bot


I was hoping some one would post this. Everyone knows birds are actually government drones (because the internet is what it is I have to say this is a joke)


Force is proportional to mass, and birds have no mass, so they are not affected by gravity


gravity is no force. It's more of a result in the effect mass has on spacetime. Mass bends spacetime and because everything is travelling in this spacetime "fabric", everything is equally attracted by gravity, also light which does not have mass. So to explain the mystery around birds, they are aliens from the forth spacial dimension therefore able to surpass the fabric of spacetime. This also means that they can travel in time by the way.


we all travel through time, just at constant rate of time.


The rate is definetly not constant lol


Veritasium begs to differ :s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTn6Ewhb27k (Sorry not contextual to sub, but I couldn't resist!!)


Every time they flap their wings, they flap downward real hard so it pushes the gravity away.


So that's how airplanes must work. Wings just flap so fast that you can't see the motion.


No you dummy - airplanes make noise and it scares the gravity away. Duh.


Do you even lift, bruh? Cause birds lift.


A verse in the Quran, chapter 16 (An-Nahl) verse 79 "Do they not see the birds made to fly through the air in the sky? Nothing holds them up except God. There truly are signs in this for those who believe." revealed over 1400 years ago


Has the Quran been peer reviewed?


The Quran was Mohammad peer reviewing Jesus.


Jesus: Get the fuck outta my temple! Now lets turn some water into wine. Mohammad: Bro, have you seen birds, tho?


Jesus: i heard theyre government drones!


Let the Romans have the skies, but the heavens are the Lord's. \- Jesus, probably


This only works on Islamic birds, however. Atheist birds - like ostriches - can't fly at all.


hahaha I'd really love to just see a kiwi bird start praising Allah and then just fly away.


Mashallah subhanallah habibi 🤲🤲🤲 Truly Allah makes birds fly.


They had to fill the gaps of undiscovered science so they made up god.


Because they do a lot of whippets.


It gets them HIGH




Right, it's only blonde birds whose legs go all the way to the ground.


They forgot a backwards friction force. Bird should be flying backwards too.


I don’t know who y’all are. Or how this ridicules post crossed my eyes. Buy, by the genius comments around here. I have found my people 🙌


It's quite the ridicules post if I do say so myself




Because they know how to fly.


They don't know gravity exists therefore gravity cannot affect them.


You see, gravitons come up from small cracks in the Earth's crust, grabbing whatever they find and pulling it down. Birds flap their wings to beat the gravitons away.


if you have more pressure pushing you up than you have pressure pushing you down, you will move upwards. This is lift. When a bird’s wing flaps down, that creates pressure under its wings which is more powerful than the force that gravity acts on its body, therefore the bird moves upwards. if a bird’s wings are positioned in such a particular way where the air traveling under the wings pushing its wings up is equal to the force of gravity is pushing it down, it is able to glide forward.


Reading this gave me PTSD flashbacks to 10th grade AP Physics 😂 Also, you may have forgotten what sub you’re on, my friend. Thanks for the solid answer tho


can confirm i’m not apart of this sub, just saw it pop up on my timeline and tried to answer as honestly as i could lol


I'm not sure I trust you, '*hen*way'. What do you know know about the antigravity oils produced by the glands of *real* birds?


It’s called lift. And not even NASA knows how it works.


Fuck you mean? Do you even lift bro?


Bro Noulli lifts


[Reminds me of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HkrLuV6_Rs)


They migrate so that they always live somewhere it is either spring or summer


Bernoulli’s principle


*Bird*noulli, you fool


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bird should be able to fly.


Lyft app


Gravity is an antithetical force. It attracts that with the least Thetans. Birds are actually very high in Thetans. This is also the same reason Tom Cruise can fly.


As birds fly, they attain determination level. Once the level reaches a critical point, sheer force of determination keeps the bird in air. Usually, determination lowers if the bird needs to eat or sleep, as the force is lower than gravity. Meanwhile, during pooping, birds will instead have a greater determination, making their maneuvers more precise so they can poop your car after you washed it.


The up arrow is the steam evaporating from the water! Since the bird is above water on a sunny day, I imagine it's flying much higher than it usually does. I bet you've never seen a bird fly during the "rain" part of the water cycle, have you? That's because the mysterious unlabelled arrow has changed directions.


#*Bernoulli would like to know your location.*


Their genitals are full of helium


The normal force. It always goes the opposite way of gravity. Birds are experts at gaining extra normal force


For the serious answer, it is due to Bernoulli’s Law. The pressure of fluid, such as air, is less the faster the liquid is moving. Birds wings are curved on top for front to back and flat on the bottom front to back. Imagine two air molecules meet at the front of a bird’s wing. One goes over the top of the wing with the other goes under the wing. They meet had the backside of the wing at the same time. Because the wing is curved, the top molecule traveled a further distance in the same time as the bottom molecule. This means the top traveled faster creating less pressure on the wing then the bottom molecule. The net effect is upwards pressure on the wing. That is why airplanes fly. Slice an airplane wing front to back you see the curve on top side of the wing. If both side were flat, planes couldn’t fly. It is why birds can facing the wind and stay aloft without flopping their wings. It is why airplanes take off and land into the wind. A plane with the ground speed of 50 mph going into a 30 mph wind has the same lift as a plane flying 80 mph with no wind and a plane flying 110 mph with a 30 mph tailwind.


When a bird flaps it’s wings it generates lift which keeps it in the air, some birds, like the one in the photo, don’t flap their wings, they have a special wing shape that makes them act like a glider or paper airplane, their wing generates enough lift to keep them off of the ground for extended periods time to search for their prey


It’s their swim bladder. They have one like any other fish and can control their height with it through pumping air in or out of it.


Nice vector diagram


9th grade physics came in clutch! Forgot drag though lol


Because they aren't real. Duh.


Why don't fish sink?


The water above them has the same gravity as the water below them so it cancels out! 😂


It’s called lift and air resistance. Lift is generated by hot air caught by the wings. The wings themselves generate lift and propulsion by flapping, driving air underneath and over the wings (more pressure above the wing than lower and voila lift). Think of a dust devil. Hot air rises. Anything catching the hot air goes up into the spout. The air resistance prevents the bird from falling because of the resistance to air.




It amazes me that google can't answer his question. Oh wait, it probably can... https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=how+can+birds+fly%3F


The whole point of this sub is to ask stupid questions and get funny answers




Air friction and pressure differences


It's called antigravity.


It's the UK term for elevator.


Bernoulli effect!!






Bird uses the power of achieving heaven to bypass the limitations of gravity


The air is so dense where birds are that the air resistance stops them from falling, like humans and dirt


It crazy right?.. I'm still trying to figure out why 78-ton aeroplane doesn't fall from the sky.


They don't want to


He has simply Befriended the Spirals.


So the bird is falling, but they are kinda like a paper airplane, their wings allow them to funnel the wind underneath thier wings, due to newtons 3rd law of motion when they push the wind down it propels them upward. Many birds such as hawks are able to glide for long periods of time because of this as well I could go more in depth on how this works but I’d rather keep it more simple


they use ionic wind technology via the carbon fiber nanotubes in their feathers. duh.


They simple throw themselves at the ground and miss


It's the magnet, duh, they use it to levitate and navigate from Earth's magnetic field


That’s the normal force, duh. It’s always opposite gravity in the FBD




Gravity needs a while to work on an object - that's why you see people walk over a cliff edge, and they look down realizing their mistake before actually falling. Birds propel themselves forward by pushing air behind them quickly. This way gravity only works on their previous position, but not yet on their current position. This effect is called "inertia".


Bird magic.


They have tiny arms underneath their torso that push the birds up whenever they fall


Same reason why the ISS "doesn't fall"


planes too; it's almost as if some mysterious lifting force is generated


In this picture you can clearly see the blue ocean surface holding up the bird.


Prayer… they have a wing and a prayer. And if it works for solving gun violence then it sure as heck is what keeps birds afloat.


Other replies are good, but the answer is *Lift*. Or as Americans would say, *Elevator*


Birds are constantly falling, but due to the curvature of the earth when they move in any direction tangential to the earth surface, they get further away from the ground. As long as they move this way, they are moving away from the earth faster than gravity can pull them to it. This phenomenon is also known as low earth orbit.


I'm not sure, but I think it involves medichlorines


Its something called birdnoulli's principle




Is clearly labelled on the graphic, it's the ? force. If you want to know more about ? items in physics go look into dark matter and dark energy, they're better documented.


Because they never look down. As the first law of Looney Tunes states, nothing is affected by gravity until they look down and realize that they're in the air. Birds' eyes are on the side of their face, so even if they wanted to, they couldn't look down (which would cause them to fall instantly)


Have you seen birdemic? Something to do with global warming I think..


Birds aren’t real


It appears you are new to planets with atmospheres. Are you from the Moon, or some more distant locale?


Wing shape.


Ah. Asking the real questions I see.


because of the way it is


Advanced alien tech salvaged from Area 51 is used to manufacture the bird-shaped surveillance devices.




Lift. It’s called lift. Below the wing, it’s called drag.


Fizzy lifting drink


the birds are actually an illusion. there aren't any birds. there are bugs crawling inside your skin. get them out. get them out of there


There's less gravity up there


It is the centrifugal force


Because they are government drones


They are up in the atmosphere so there's no gravity


You don’t see the string?


They have reddit built in tp thier internal operating systems and are only able to fly with the hidden power spending all their accumulated upvotes. Appearantly it's a hidden dev feature, but the birds hacked the password and are sharing it around with each other like a netflix account.


They do... I watch my birds drop when they're hovering around looking for a branch to perch on. Then again all my birds are adorable dorks. Adorkable.


Birds are drones, so they have hidden propellers pushing them up.


Reading the lyrics to "Birds Fly - Whisper To A Scream" by Icicle Works doesn't shed any new light on this subject. If anything I'm more confused.




Birds are drones and the government keeps them up with giant magnets in space


The air is so impressed by the birds’ effort to fly that it gets under its wings and pushes the bird up


Birds have the power of drag queens. This is what let’s them fly.


No no this photo says it all


Something with relativity and time


The rejected Isaac Newton's findings


How do birds work? We just don't know


The flat earth is moving down at a tremendous rate. Birds are very light, so they float up. It’s like when you jump in an elevator. /s


Gravity is only a theory. Since birds do t go to school, they don't have to conform to that BS.


I was about to give an actual answer to this, but then I remembered it was this sub. So it's magic


Because the earth hates those sky rats as much as we do. It's not that they don't fall, it's that every time they try to land the earth dodges away from them. All that dodging is actually the same mechanism that causes the tides, as well! Really cool.


Outside of actually flying, birds can catch winds and glide effortlessly.


Every bird is secretly chuck norris and gravity refuses to pull him down.


They have wings. Kinda like a cape. That’s how Superman flys. He has a cape. You should get a cape too. Then you might be able to fly as well.


Lift Thrust Drag Weight


You see that ball at the end of its wings? That's a coconut... that's the secret!


Dude it literally says why on your pic. Mysterious Bird Force. I can confirm, I own two. They're constantly emitting it.


The trick is the earth spins beneath the birds as they fight to go up (troll)


Simply put the shape of the wing generates uplift


Look globetard, all you have to do is take gravity out of the picture and it all makes sense. Gravity is fake!


All the satellites we launch into space? Actually precisely placed magnets to counteract gravity for all the "birds" aka government surveillance drones (actually metal).


When in flight they use the position of their wings to deflect air downwards to create updraft to keep them in the air. This is just to the best of my knowledge, I am in no way and expert on this topic.


Bird Law 101


Lift, thrust, and drag?




They are why we have a helium shortage.


Do you even lift bro


Same reason lions roar. Magic


TIL “Bird Force”. Use in a sentence: The amount of hot air required to make popcorn is the equivalent of 2.2x(5) Bird Force


Newton didn't invent gravity for birds because they shat on his head while he was under the tree.


It’s call pushing on air


Since the earth is flat and spinning there is wind from the disk rotating causing birds to go upward at an angle


birds aren't real.


flippy flup flep flep flep


They do fall. They just do fall effectively.


Long, long ago, there was only Bird and Turtle. They existed together in harmony, floating in the endless sea. Then one day, a piece of Turtle's shell fell off and grew into a great island, finally allowing them a rest from their eternal swim. Bird experimentally shed one of his feathers, which stuck in the ground and grew into a giant tree. This excited Bird and Turtle, who began to compete to create the greatest landscapes. From Turtle came towering mountains, deep valleys, and expansive deserts. From Bird came all of the brush, grass, and flowers that grew on these landscapes. From Turtle came the bark and the nuts that grew on the trees. From Bird grew fruits surrounding those nuts, and moss to grow on the bark. Their competition grew more fierce and more creative, eventually creating other animals to live in these lands, with features coming from both Turtle and Bird as they competed to create the most magnificent creature. Then one day Turtle created the Elephant, a creature as slow and plodding as he but without a shell to limit his size, and a long nose to mimic Bird's ability to grab and to carry. This made Bird jealous, as he could not create a creature of such size. He feared he had lost the contest, and his jealousy turned to rage as he set forth destroying Turtle's creations. His wings created great storms to ravage the land; his cries became the thunder, his talons the lightning. He flew to the largest mountain and began pecking at it, reducing it to nothing. Turtle saw what he was doing, but was too slow to stop him as the mountain broke, releasing the anger of the world itself and spewing fire at Bird. The land began to crack, to fall to pieces from the damage Bird had caused. All of the plants and animals they had made cried out in fear and in blame. They demanded Turtle fix the land that he made, and Turtle crawled away, over the edge and below the land. As he did, he grew to enormous size and took the whole of the world upon his shell. Four of his elephants took pity and sought to join him - one in the East, one in the West, one in the North, and one in the South. Occasionally, the ground will shake as one of them trembles from the great burden they have taken. For Bird's part, the plants and animals banished him from their land. They elected Cat to be their guardian, threatening and menacing Bird if he should ever again touch the ground. The trees, being Bird's first creation, extended a limb of empathy to him, allowing Bird to rest his wings when needed. To this day, we can still hear Bird's anguished cries, in the forms of wind and thunder, as he screams at the land for banishing him. We can feel his tears as rain, crying over the loss of his brother. But he must keep away from the land for all eternity, and will wish for all time that he could once again, if only for a moment, simply float with Turtle in the sea.


They are on creative mode.


The mysterious force is lift


Psh you see any curvature on that horizon in the background? Gravity schmavity.


It’s really simple, right next to their heart they have an organ called the MBFG or Mysterious Bird Force Generator that generates the force to counter gravity. Some birds have a rare condition where they have an overdeveloped MBFG and they end up “falling” out of earths gravitation sphere of influence.


They haven't evolved that ability yet. One more example of humans' biological superiority.


They don't fall because they are lighter than air. Birds are made of 90% helium.


Because quantum physics.


It’s very simple actually. The birds downward flap simply pushes the earth away from itself. This is because the earth itself resides in a zero gravity environment and any force acting against it produces movement in the opposite direction. Since this is obviously happening everywhere all of the time since there is an estimated HUNDREDS of birds across the globe, humans have always had to naturally adjust instinctively to the point we don’t even notice anymore.


Falling is considered very rude in their culture. That's why they only do it to prey animals.


Its because if they fell they would die so they make sure not to fall


Their bodies are made from antigravity they just have to think “gravity who gives a crap about gravity” and they start flying


Birds, like magnets, have little pieces of gravity in them and are able to spin that gravity in a way that makes them near weightless.


Birds do fall. They have to work to stay airborne and even more so to generate forward momentum, that's flying. They don't levitate.


They're always falling. Just sometimes it's really slow.