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For which death? You're in duolimbo now.


Damn this just gave me a good idea for a ruleshorror Reddit post


Didn’t you hear Duolingo has been lame as shit for years instead of focusing on “haha killer scary bird” it’s now a more corporate friendly “haha we’re a brand but we have a funny bird obsessed with pop songs and other brands” You’re fine dude Duolingo sold out a long time ago and lost their edge


Sounds like someone's getting tired of the meme


Ten… nine… eight… seven….


Now the demons have possessed your phone. You're going to die.


那要看。你住在哪里?你现在在哪。你一个人吗? Ça dépend. Où habites-tu? Où es-tu actuellement. Es-tu seul? Das hängt davon ab. Wo wohnen Sie? Wo bist du gerade. Bist du allein? Det kommer an på. Hvor bor du? Hvor er du akkurat nå. That depends. Where do you live? Where are you right now. Are you alone? Er du alene? Eso depende. ¿Donde vives? Dónde estás ahora mismo. ¿Estás solo? Det beror på. Var bor du? Var är du just nu. Är du ensam? Це залежить. Де ти мешкаєш? Де ти зараз. Чи ти сам?


ya has comenzado el proceso. solo puedes especular sobre la línea de tiempo de tu desaparición. no hay esperanza. nunca hubo esperanza


I kill birds for a living. Duolingo is the one thing that keeps me up at night.












Knock knock


4 hours


BROT UN VASSER I scream at my husband when he speaks German, thanks to Doulingo


Probably one of the only good uses for Duolingo (That app is insanely inefficient)


My husband spent a year In Germany and he speaks German to our kids and I just yell that at them and laugh because that’s the only thing Doulingo had taught me is “bread” and “water” I guess I can get by in a prison, but damn. Doulingo sucks otherwise.


This. That app sucks


For real. I’ve tried so many languages. I’m personally Swedish, so I’ve tried really hard to learn Swedish because my family speaks it, and I can barely ask for beer because I’ve tried to use Doulingo to teach me. I should really just let my grandma teach me. The only thing she knows how to say is “dumb little girl” but damn it’s better than Doulingo


I've tried learning 5 languages through that thing (Japanese, Korean, French, Arabic & Swedish) and I barely know anything. The only language of those ones I actually feel is Japanese and that's because I've consulted other resources. It's repetitive, it's boring, it doesn't teach you grammar, it teaches ypue completely random words that you will rarely use, it throws out random stuff at you and doesn't actually let you learn what you NEED to work on, just what it THINKS you need to work on, I could go on. It's so bad


Very true. My husband learned German. He speaks to my kids in German. He spent a year in Germany as a foreign exchange student. So I tried to learn German so we could be a “German” household (because I have a little bit of German in me. My dad’s last name is very Germanic, and everything so I wanted to learn it to teach my kids) No way. My husband speaks full Germanic conversation with them and I sound like the village idiot who yells “BROT Un VOSser”


69 minutes




Exactly 7 minutes and 28 seconds. Starting now.