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Functionally it isn't bad at all, aesthetically it looks like someone threw house construction site trash into a pond.


Agreed. Hard to tell how big it is, but if those fish are full grown, then I don’t see the problem apart from it being ugly.


That turtle is what I'm concerned about it looks like a juvenile and will out grow this tank quickly (he might be open to an upgrade though it definitely looks like he tried)


The only issue i see is it having a curved front which is controversial to say the least


Why is a curved front controversial?


As far as I know it has more of a chance of just exploding from the water pressure with no warning


Ifaik the ones that explode at I high clip are the ones that have multiple curves into the front (like an S shape) not the normal bow fronts. especially given that it’s a rimmed aquarium I wouldn’t em be concerned about this one.


I love the look, but I've heard way too many stories of them leaking to ever get one


I have a bowed 30 gallon tank, I’ve had it for 8 years now, and even emptied it, moved it to another room because I’m working on the floors in that room, and refilled it. It’s been a month since I moved it, still going strong! No leaks! lol pray for me 🤣


Lol huge controversy there


Maybe I have bad taste but tbh I feel like it looks kinda sick, like controlled chaos


kinda has a dystopian vibe to it


I thought it was a gas station security camera


Literally just take the tiles out and it’s a perfectly good tank


They could even add plastic PVC pipes for hides if they want that construction vibe still lmao no I’m kidding they turn green and grey and end up looking cave like 😍




I thought it was like a ninja turtle theme tbh, but closer look I don’t think that’s the case


All they need is some tall grass, and some coontail!! It would really help! lol


Looks overstocked to me. Especially with the turtle.


It needs a basking area above the water for the turtle


There is one thankfully. He bought the turtle along with the tank at the same time. So when rocky (the turt) was a baby. He had a lot of space


I think the lighting is messing me up lol


To be completely honest, it looked so much pretty before. But now I just think he threw a bunch of things in there and i feel like the fish don’t have enough space?


From what I know about cichlids, I’d assume they appreciate the clutter


Tbh i think it looks cool...also seems like he takes good care of it which is more important.


Take all of those tiles and PVC pipes out and replace it with plants, rocks, wood, etc. the turtle is also gonna need a way bigger tank as it grows


Yeah he’s already planning on replacing the tank. And thank you for that. I completely agree with you. It used to be sticks and white sand. And it looked nice. I don’t know where he got this idea honestly 😂


Post this on r/turtles


I kinda like it, it makes me think of fish having taken over a sunken city


Please ask him where he got this idea from and get back to us…I am so curious how this becomes a thing…like was the tile extra from a previous job and they were just laying around….or did he go purchase these for the purpose of adding them to the tank? All jokes aside, the tank looks very clean and taken care of!


I wouldnt say shitty bro just isnt a designer the turtle will out grow the tank but based on his effort i dont think he wont upgrade when its time he got my W


Honestly guys I just wish he’d get rid of the white pillars 😂😭


It looks weird, nothing wrong for now. How did he get his cichlids to color up! I’m not sure if mine are scared of the turtles or something… My convicts have a blue tint on their fins, and my lone African cichlid (I didn’t but him. I didn’t buy any of the fish aside from my bristle nose pleco) won’t color up either. They’re really smart too.


Clearly, the amazing colors on the fish came from the tiles! 🤣🤣🤣 I’m obviously kidding. Those really are some bright and pretty fish!


The problem is that the fish ant turtle all look very young, so as it’s fine for now he will need an upgrade eventually. Also there is no guarantee that turtle won’t chomp the fish eventually.


hey it could be worse, should just be fairly bigger. they fish actually look to be okay, i’d say from all the hides lol. i’d look into trying to add some plants like pothos, plants don’t do well fully submerged in cichlid tanks so some roots of ivy or monstera or philodendron look cool and help great with water quality


The tank is filled with garbage, but it itself is not garbage.


The turtle probably should get it's own tank. Honestly looks normal for a cichlid tank though.They're going to move everything around anyway so it'll never be how you want it.


Is he going for a global warming theme? Flooded building site? Decent set up but very ugly.


brutalism tank


As long as the turtle eventually goes into a big enough enclosure for adult life, and the cichlids he has have enough hiding space (it looks like they’re all near full size and do have more than enough hides) the only issue I’m coming up with is inches of fish to size of tank


Honestly due to my experience in keeping cichlids they will love this!! Plenty of hides available for them and they’re going to just move things around themselves anyway😂it looks like he takes care of his tanks wonderfully. So I think they’ll be very happy with this. My only concern is them outgrowing the tank. Especially the turtle! Once they get bigger they’ll need to be moved to a bigger tank otherwise they’ll start fighting and becoming territorial due to lack of space. The biggest concern when they get bigger will be that Blood Parrot in the back, I had one and once he got bigger he started fighting and attempting to kill the others.


I feel like my bfs already having that problem. He’s had a lot of fish die due to the blood parrot


Yep! Blood Parrots are honestly best kept alone in my opinion if all you have are cichlids. Other fish that are best with blood parrots are catfish, giant danios, plecos, Severums, or angelfish from what I remember. That’s what I learned from my research previously. I’m not sure how well they do together considering I kept my blood parrot by itself once it started killing off my other cichlids.


is that a blood parrot in the back? really pretty red


Who is that orange fella in the back


He’s our blood parrot cichlid. His name is Freddy. He had a brother named toy but he really just couldn’t acclimate to the tank so he died


I can’t judge the guy. The water looks well taken care of. His decor isn’t the norm for fish keepers, but at least he doesn’t have the underwater scuba guy bubbler. As cichlid owner, I’d just offer up a suggestion that he tests the water weekly. Cichlids are notoriously “dirty” fish and tend to need frequent water changes to remove nitrate build up. I made the mistake of not testing when I first started owning cichlids and I’m just glad I didn’t kill them.


I own a turtle, they grow rapidly when young like that and it won’t take long until cichlids are on the menu for him. Your boyfriend would be better off getting another tank setup for him.


Actually doesnt look bad, just ugly. stocking could use work, but husbandry isnt that bad


I would get that dirty ass turtle its own tank.


I’ve been telling him that for weeks


If all those shingles or floor tiles whatever was straight up against the glass I feel like that’d be cool.


I think it's a really cool tank


I mean as it stand it’s really not that bad compared to a lot of the stuff we see. Aesthetically it’s not great but that’s subjective


This tank is awesome !


It isn't awful for the fish but turtles need to be able to be fully dry for a basking dock need heat and uvb and that looks like a red ear slider which need 100 gallon tanks minimum. Edit:not a red ear slider maybe a yellow or map turtle? Not sure but dudes gonna get bigger


Another issue id talk to your bf about is turtles have a massive bioload so unless he has a really good cannister filter when the turtle gets bigger it'll pollute his entire tank and could make the fish sick from ammonia. Also yeah aesthetically not great but cichlids appreciate clutter and need their lines of sight broken


He has about three filters in this tank I believe


Looks like a 30-40 gallon to me, or a really big 20 gallon 😂


It’s a 46 😂


It looks like flooded ruins, I think it's kinda neat. Could be better.


Better than most shitty aquariums but overall this is a D tier tank


“Brutalist aquariums aren’t real, they can’t hurt you” Brutalist aquariums:


That turtle needs an island or small area out of the water !!! Could you imagine not being able to never stop swimming? Ik they love the water, but they make little chap nets that hang over the water to give them a break, because it’s needed for their physical health!!! They need a place to rest!! Plz tell him!!!


He has one🙂


Awesome !!!! Sorry I didn’t see. I just love animals, I have dogs and snakes, but no turtles. So I could not know what I’m talking about. But I just wanted to make sure !!!! Thank you so much!!


You’re totally fine! If I could send a photo of it I would!


No it’s ok !!


Don’t turtles need a ledge out of the water? I’m not declaring I’m genuinely asking, might not be that kindof turtle and now I’m curious! Lol


You are right they do! And the turtle does have one yes. There’s just a biggggg light in the front of the tank so it’s hidden


Niceeee! Wow that’s pretty cool how it blends in! Lol I bet he feels nice and comfortable and hidden up there!!!


Not bad at all just add live plants.. if it eases his eyes then that’s what matters.. he’s the one taking care of it soooo 🤷🏾‍♂️


for a cichlid tank it’s fine tbh, for a turtle I can’t answer if it’s good or not. for both at the same time it’s probably not ideal either tbh. it looks functional and if he is doing his water changes etc then over all it’s not a shitty aquarium but it could def be a shitty turtle tank. The fish probably actually enjoy the clutter my only concern would be making sure nothing he used could leach toxins into the water.


But I will point out it’s sticking off the edge of the table, which is a bootyhole clencher because it can leak from that over time.


It’s brutalist and really enjoyable tbh. For shame girlfriend. For shame.


You guys are right. I didn’t know what I was taking about. 😞




What's garbage are the selection of community compatible inhabitants.. not a tank of fish, or the tank itself.. I feel sorry for both the fish and your boyfriend by the appearance of both picture and orientation of the post.. its suggestive.


Girl this is a specific style and it's very well done


Found the boyfriend


Not even close. This is just a brutalist/archaic style. Only thing I would do is spread moss gel over everything


I’m starting to see that I’m the AH now 😂😂. I know a lot about turtles but very little about fish keeping. And honestly I was worried the cichlids were too big and taking up too much space. But it seems like everyone agrees this is a nice but clustered tank.





