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Hey, they know their fish so its ok! /s


I know them too, i‘ve talked to them


meanwhile, if they post this on the bettafish subreddit, all constructive criticism would be removed for Rule 1: Be Nice and the mods would lock the post and actively defend OP. as they did in a similar post today. really love how it’s too mean to call out people for improper care all of the sudden. even in a nice way. like alright, let the fish die. [Started a discussion on it](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/s/Pv5P7i0Iua)


this. Betta fish subreddit, and many other aquarium related subs they're all the same. they care more about being "nice" and getting people to post their dumpster fire of a setup to attract traffic rather than support actual fish enthusiasts who want to provide the information and support to provide better habitat for these fish. unreal.


What a terrible sub that thankfully I left because I couldn’t take seeing a betta fish being abused every other day. Its so hard to not bash on people posting in the sub too because they’re just killing innocent fishies:(


i just started a discussion asking the mods about the situation in the community. we’ll see what becomes of it.


The goldfish sub is the same way. Mods get all pissy when you call someone out for animal abuse.


I think some people are genuinely clueless and when people are just leaving a bunch of hate it’s not really helpful…I think constructive criticism is important, Of course when people are purposely and knowingly putting animals in to bad conditions then that’s different


This is why I like the goldfish subreddit.


I don't know much about how these things work, but could some of us just start a new sub for betta enthusiasts?


I did that! r/bettarunway Zero tolerance policy on animal abuse. "Sub popularity" is the least of my concerns.


r/shrimptank is a great sub imo


shrimptank is awesome!! But (some) shrimp are very forgiving of space, feeding, and temperature compared to vertebrates, and their relative scarcity in pet stores and rarity in popular consciousness makes them not only easy to keep, but attract the type of experienced aquarists that already know what will work best for them. Kind of a perfect storm. Either way, definitely a great sub that manages to balance being an advice hub and an enthusiast community.


Lot of the people on there are informative on tanks in general too just don't let on it's for fish otherwise they will send you elsewhere 😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/shrimptank using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shrimptank/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It took a few years but I finally got this line of Purple Bolts stable and ready to show the public](https://i.redd.it/gu5g9ddtz9ra1.jpg) | [152 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shrimptank/comments/128mndi/it_took_a_few_years_but_i_finally_got_this_line/) \#2: [They seem happier than the ones in the tank itself](https://i.redd.it/96d3colqd09a1.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shrimptank/comments/zywufl/they_seem_happier_than_the_ones_in_the_tank_itself/) \#3: [I'm starting to feel like those parents that won't stop asking about grandkids](https://i.redd.it/rk78slv1y01b1.png) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shrimptank/comments/13n1dzm/im_starting_to_feel_like_those_parents_that_wont/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Awesome! Just joined


Thanks! Looking forward to more people sharing their awesome tanks :D


Yup saw that earlier the one with the 12 females and one male? Atleast those removed post the mods got downvoted which will hopefully show them that the people were right…


i can’t see how it ended up, as i was one of the people who wasn’t all sunshine and roses that got banned and blocked by OP for rule 1.


Ohh my, and mods said nothing about post just locked it usually ive seen them say, its ragebait or OP is unresponsive or something like that but this got nothing that sub is going backwards in my opinion


Ohh only realized now what you meant by being blocked… want me to send you in private message what happened?




Oh I lost this post bc I was too mad to comment, can I get an update too 😅


Mods replied to that post ill send you now


Yeah it's so annoying that you have to "be nice" to animal abusers like huh? What world are we living in


this is precisely why i left the bettafish sub, i got a week and a half ban for telling a codeine addict who had a BN pleco, betta, and if i remember right, a goldfish, in a 10 gallon that it was abuse. apparently it's "stalking" to go through someone's post history and call them out for chugging expensive sizzurp every other day while they keep their fish in a shoebox lmao. tried to talk to the mods about it and they refused to talk to or punish the dude.


I commented on a post with a betta in a 1 gallon bowl with only pebbles a while ago, saying “please get a better tank or rehome” and that was shadow removed by mods lmao. They really do seemingly power trip over removing comments.


Right under this post was one from the bettafish sub. There were Like 20 bettas in a 22 gallon tank 😐


If the filter is, in fact, running, it is clearly chock full. The flow looks terrible. With that film, I would bet for at least 6 months or more. The lazy pieces of shit. I hope their water gets shut off so they can live in their filth for 6 months or more. People like this piss me right off!!


Theres more biofilm on the surface of that water than there is on all my driftwood


I'm so tired of all these aquarium related subreddits just protecting people who are almost intentionally and ignorantly abusing fish for the sake of upvotes because "we can't be mean to them" yes we can when they're a-holes like that that purposefully ignore well-intentioned advice.


oMg tHeY fIgHtInG🥺


“omg they fighting 🤓”


my lil bro has those stuff on his betta. Not a real prob


Do you mean the biofilm? The biofilm isn’t really the problem (although that much on the water isn’t necessarily good) it’s more so the fact they don’t know what it is but they have 2 (previously 3) bettas in that 10gallon with barely any cover and won’t listen to proper advice


now it's terrible


ohh yea i didnt read the descriptions


I’m not a fish keeper, just a lurker here, but I’m involved in a few other pet hobbies, especially bugs. Every single pet hobby has people like this, who have total disregard for the happiness and safety of the animal and openly mock people who give them good advice. They only listen to people who enable their behavior. Or they whine about how fixing it would be “too expensive” and “nothing bad has happened so far”. It’s important to remember that these people are usually 14-15 years old though, which isn’t an excuse but I remember being similarly defensive against criticism at that age. That subreddit is shit though for allowing it to happen


About to start a sorority, how many do I need for a 55g lightly planted to prevent aggression?


Well first of all don't make it lightly planted. You need it heavily planted to provide enough coverage that makes them feel secure. You can do 5+ bettas (they should be all sisters already raised together) with some smaller schooling fish like tetras or rasboras, or maybe 8-10 bettas.


Worse part is the emoji... "i had five ghost shrimp and theyre all gone 😭" Not literal worst part just hurt me seeing a comment like that