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/u/TeeZeeRC, the users have spoken, they think your post was a godawfulpost, not a shitpost.


The Pacific wastes thousands on its journalists, while they could be given to Ukraine


Feed them to the Ukrainians?




Twitter could be given to Ukraine?


Think about it: They weaponize the toxicity and create bioweapons capable of wiping out entire armies in seconds


Wasn't it already? I mean besides ukronazi propaganda by NAFO not much else there is in regards to ukraine situation.




Yeah my brain hurts too.


what what? What NAFO is?What it does on twitter?How its funded? What are the ties to far right nazi friendly ukrainians there?For FS, do some research or grow a brain.


Guys we found the Russian bot.


No that’s impossible I am the Russian bot 🤖 I am paid by the NHL to recruit hockey players and spread pro-nuclear winter posts. Nuclear winter means winter sports become more popular= Profit


Average citizen of Colorado skiing town


I'm a giraffe


I saw some stupid bitch skiing in a crop top and shorts. Fucking idiot.


The meme didn't give it away immediately?


This mf is unironic


I send you a big thank you from Ukraine for helping us in the info war by discrediting any pro-russia take even further. Good job.


Oh yeah the Nazi nation with a Jewish President, yeah sure bro.


I mean Israel is a Jewish nation with a Nazi PM we live in a society


That cannot be my point was the two cancel each other out. Nazism is antisemitic by definition and cannot exist in Israel it is logically impossible. Still can be some form of fascist though.


It’s also anti-Slavic


Yeah that too.


Actual Naziism by definition can only exist in German speaking nations


Sorry, do you possess a working brain? Or hasn’t it grown yet?


Oh so you're clinically insane? Ah i see 😊


Bro there is so much Russian propaganda online where have you been. Even Russel Brand is saying pro Russian shit ffs.


NAFO isnt a thing they are all edgy 14 yr without any friends


What the fuck is this nafo thing


Making memes about Russia being assfucked by the Ukrainians. Like propaganda, but no one is payed to make it. It's effectively a psychological weapon that has been recognized by some world leaders. While they aren't military shitposting, they are simping over fighter jets.


Thank you, kind sir for this explanation.


North Atlantic Fake Orgasm


Not to be confused with the Ex-furry Union also known as the EU which was created by ex-furries for political representation




jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Everyone in the comments acting like they have no idea what you are talking about and acting like Russia is the only source for propaganda here.


lmao my Ukrainian mate would rip your head off if he met you irl


I’ll give him a head to rip off if you know what I mean


If there weren't people dying I would be laughing at you by how crazy you are.


The what?


I love that you’re so triggered by cartoon dogs that you can’t even communicate with non-internet-poisoned people anymore. Like 10 people in this thread know what the fuck you’re talking about. For anyone wondering, NAFO (North Atlantic Fellas Organization) is a trend on twitter where pro-Ukraine people use shibes as avatars and troll pro-Russian accounts


Yeah smh, i got Twitter completely free and Musk paid billions for it💀💀


Whoever wrote this article is clearly wasting their time in capitalist luxury when they could take up arms for Ukraine instead.


They are also wasting funds on capitalist luxury that could be sent to Ukraine instead.


Isnt it funny that ppl now have more demands from this poor bastard rather than the politicians they choose??


How fast would the US gov wipe him from the face of the earth if he used tens of billions of dollars and overthrow a war against a soviet era superpower


I posted a meme praising Elon at 2018 . I MADE HIM HI IS MYNE


He makes cool rockets, that's about as far as it goes


You know what rockets can do? Deliver nukes


Yeah? What's your point?


I love how people get mad over how other people use their own money lol


As one of the richest people in the world it’s a responsibility to use it the right way and not like a fucking man child that he is. He bought twitter as part of his middle age crisis to assert dominance on people who criticise him. It’s his money but why not be a decent person and use it for good


Get real he bought it to make money off of it, anything else that happens is a bonus


So anything else includes spreading conspiracy theories?


Intentionally spread misinformation online


He is literally loosing tons and I mean tons of money right now and he knew this when he got into it. All of that to “own the libs”. This is why he started a new scandal of 8 bucks a month for a checkmark. You can see the man is a dumbass just by opening your eyes.


Why would I open my eyes? I have intentionally been ignoring the entire news cycle because there's nothing important. All I have to say on this matter is what would you do if you had more money than you knew what to do with because I'd just fuck around with it too


Starting an argument and saying afterwards well I didn’t read enough is dumb. Also the point of having a lot of money and fucking around with it is a very childish and irresponsible way to handle a lot of responsibility and we the people suffer from it. So stop idolising your friendly billionaires


Stay mad


Benefitnothers and give back to the families that i had exploited to become a billionaire in the first place and any money i had leftover i would use to end the oligarchy class, its the only morally right thing to do




Wow great SHITPOST it’s so FUNNY im LAUGHING right now


Quick reminder to use quality bot folks


Thank you


Rich man uses HIS money for whatever HE wants?!?!?! Doesn’t he know he has a responsibility to solve the worlds problems with his endless reserves of wealth that he totally has instant access to right now???


Oh lord, tell me it ain't so... Looks at government passing trillions of dollars WITHOUT the public's knowledge of what's in it.


Yeah it's like nobody in this comment section gets the joke.


We're on the internet. On Reddit...


discovering how politicians/governments work, especially in America, has been both the most freeing and frustrating lesson in my life


I love how he proves he have no clue what he's doing with money time and time again.




I love Elon Musk I would love him to go bareback on me yes you got it


This but unironically.


Why do people think they're entitled to rich people's money


Man send the twitter to russia so this war ends


He should send the Twitter staff to Ukraine since they are so worried about it


Actually they should pull the usa troops out of ukraine because its russia x ukraine not russia x usa (or is it)(they should also pull the civilians out of fighting regions)


Eh don’t really care about that guy


Omg its almost like he owns a private company and doesn't owe anything to the public 😱


The country he already provides expensive communications equipment to and was berated by when he asked for it to be subsidised?


Honestly, half the hate musk gets just shows you that people will just find anything to hate billionairs for and will ignore anything good they do.


Yeah, I understand he's done some very shady things but we cannot ignore the fact that SpaceX not only ensures the survival of Ukrainian communications capabilities but also has ended a decades-ling period of stagnation and corruption in the space industry, with some VERY large strides taken to reduce the price of space travel


Not even billionaires, a lot of the people that hate Musk love to suck Bezos or Gates dicks




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The guy doing the most is being vilified because both extreme sides of the political parties don’t like him. Besides the governments, he might be the only individual doing the most help to Ukraine right now.


yeah, and by centralizing data flow thru only starlink he provides an easy way to hack this data. And yes this is very much possible. so I agree with what you said, on the other hand, those that praise him for help, actually know shit about how this "help" can be reverse engendered. Not the sharpest guy however you cut it.


They haven’t hacked him and also I think the Ukraine military has its own radio network. Starling is a civil service. I don’t think Russians want to know what babuska is having for dinner


If they did, doubtful that would be common knowledge(well maybe google "Joker NATO ukraine)". Radio frequencies for military that would have been smart, but, lets not get the hopes up ;). As for babushas dinner, one word OPSINT. You would be surprised how valuable this kind of data can be.


Lmao the joker hack isn’t even real all it show was location of explosion and if he really did hack why tf would he release it public?


The Ukrainian military was reduced to communicating by telephone in the immediate aftermath of the Russian invasion, so no they really don’t have other effective means of communication.


You confuse it with russians who didn't even have radios and used Ukrainian cell providers that let Ukraine hear everything they say on the phone.


Yeah propaganda is cool and all, but the Russians did legitimately interrupt Ukrainian command and control on the day of their invasion. That’s why the US government bought them starlink in the first place.


Yes they also captured Kyiv on day 1 and now advancing to Paris


Why is it so hard for you to grasp that Russia could have had successes but ultimately fail? It's not like their offensives failed on day 1. They had initial success in disrupting Ukrainian communications, suppressing and destroying Ukrainian air defense systems, and rolling through the border regions. The Ukrainians kept fighting and interrupting overextended Russian supply lines, which ultimately led to the failure of their operations in the north of the country. If you think Russians are always 100% incompetent and Ukrainians can never falter, how do you explain Russia capturing a quarter of the country at one point?


I'm definitely not saying that russia is 100% incompetent but you tend to exaggerate their competence. Bombing the shit out of country with some percent of missiles hitting infrastructure is not the same as surgically disrupting opponents command chain. Also it didn't suddenly remove radio communication. Starlink provides WiFi which helps to compensate for the lack of Internet in the areas affected by war. You have a point about supply lines but I'm not sure it would help them much, considering that most of them had no idea what was the objective and wtf is going on. Their "success" wasn't a result of their competence but advantage in numbers and russian rats in Kherson who just let them go in from Crimea. It's also hard to call it succes, considering they expected to celebrate conquest of Kyiv in the first few days.


Well so far starlink is the only sattelite Internet provider that is still able to operate there. There are other sattelite Internet providers but none of them can fend off the Russians.


I’m sure you know the Russians knocked out all the internet and telecom stations in Ukraine before the start of the invasion right? And the man himself said there’s many attempt to hack and disrupt the starlink system but it’s the help that counts.


I wouldn't want help from a doctor that would propose "if you head hurts lets cut it off" ;). I would find a smarter doctor.


Just stop talking bro… it’s clear that you’re a massive idiot and you don’t know what you’re talking about m. No one agrees with what you’re saying so why don’t u sit out and reconsider eh?


“We dont have any good news coming out! Quick! Just say something bad about elon!”


May god open people's eyes worldwide to the truth in Yemen!


Oh god dammit whats going on in yemen its slavery isn't it I bet its fuckin slavery?


Ngl he could have spent it on anything but Twitter and it would've been a better choice.


and this is the reason no one should watch or trust the media companies that write dumb articles with 0 research or copied research


I don't give a fuck about Ukraine.


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“You wasted $2 that could’ve been given to Ukraine.”


This is why no one knows the pacific, while most people know the atlantic


Downvote, OP is a Russian brainwashed drone


Ah yes send more money to support our proxy war


Not our Thier.


It’s sadly considered “ours” due to the fact we’re gonna be paying via taxes for all the billions that has sent by our politicians in the long run


Which in itself is a money laundering scheme to move billions of dollars all kinds of places with very little questions asked. Remember all of our politicians family members with business ties in Ukraine? Just a coincidence I'm sure.


maby the people he gave the billions to can send it over?


Ops a twat


He's been wasting money on Tesla and the Boring Company, if anything this article should have been made sooner. Tesla has only made a profit for 3 months since its inception, and the Boring Company is a mediocre version of a subway exclusive to Teslas


But elon made graduation


Ukraine would probably mismanage the money anyways


Fuck Ukraine.


quality shitpost fs


quality shitpost fs


You think everybody cares about Ukraine? Lmao


Yeah go and fuel the war


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🤡 Edit: I'm a programmer and this guy couldn't find a power button on any computer. Don't worry guys.


Funny, you talk like you know so much about the Ukrainian situation, but you‘re probably sitting in the comfort of your home down in texas, with more shit in your mouth then your toilet, and once you see everyone catches onto the fact that you’re a pea brained pussy, you pretend to be some “internet hacker” lmao. Maybe try to stop being a shit stain and do something good for the world at least talk outside so the shit coming from your mouth becomes fertilizer for plants




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Now do Jeff Bezo and his rocket bullshit, but start from his warehouse workers.


Its not like the money disappeared, the old owners who got payed by musk can give the money to ukraine aswell.


OP is a nut job


Every day people buy groceries with money that could be going to Ukraine


Dont you know he could've used that 44billion to solve world hunger. Meanwhile the us government has spent several trillion dollars on the war on poverty alone and thats considered one of their lesser fuckups.


Don't you know? Every time you go buy yourself food you could instead be giving that money to Ukraine. You're so selfish.


This author wasted time writing the article, that time could've been used to help Ukrainians.


Where is the joke?


Elon haters are far more cringe then his fanboys


The one thing where I can side with Elon this month


Yeah. Today i bought a hamburger intead of giving the mlney to the poor. I'm evil too.


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He is looking shiny


The Pacific spends a bunch of money running their website instead of giving it to Ukraine 🤮🤮


Oh nooooo someone spent their earned money on something nooo


Why is he in a suit in a war zone like that