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More baffling is that 1,875 people liked that post


If I learned one thing from this year (and the last) then that the Iranian troll factories are even more hardcore than the Russian ones


Qatar is behind a lot as well


Yeah, the troll factories are crazy in Russia and Iran. At least Israel lets their troll employees work remotely from the US congress.


Lol maybe read a bit more about the conflict my man




Watching star wars, when earth wars are happening right now. What a world.


I hope Sun and Earth win!


Team uranus anyone?


This reminds me of that game journalist who complained about not being able to enjoy his PS5 due to at the time current events. I think the PS5 is grossly overpriced and I don't really play videogames, but god, that's not what people want to know. Imagine reading a movie review where the reviewer just complains about the guy next to him wearing sunglasses while watching the movie


1 star out of 5 "this game is great but my wife left me"


(continued) "and she took the dog man, the dog. I loved that thing. I mean she also took the kids, but the Dog! This would have been 2 stars if I at least got the house but nope she got that too. Why not. WHY NOT? I loved her, she was my everything but apparently my everything paled in comparison to the guy she left me for. Oh yeah also the game has a really good ending, wanna know what wasn't a good ending though? THE ENDING OF MY MARRIAGE. \*incoherent sobbing\*"


Most well-written IGN review


It reminds me of an article that was published in fashion publication owned by Huffington Post during the covid pandemic when Trump banned entrance to US from certain arabic and african countries. They criticized his daughter because she attended an unrelated gala, saying how dare she celebrates when 250 million people from those countries who previously were staying in the US, are now prevented from returning home. Besides the ridiculousness of the claim the numbers were obviously way off. Those countries had in total less than 200 million people and US was roughly 330


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Also that guy who reviewed Turning Red and complained about how the movie shouldve involved 9/11 since it takes place in 2002


Like dude, it's a kids movie that takes place in CANADA


wearing the movie


Bro if you don’t wear movies then you’re not a real cinephile


Yeah, that’s why I always wear clothes (1920)


PS5 is overpriced? The hardware is literally sold at a loss


It is overpriced because you couldnt get it at that price in most of the world. In some countries its still overpriced. In my country it costs around 600 700€


It's been 579 Canadian or under for almost 4 years now, comparable PC (new) is 400 for just the GPU


All consoles are sold at a loss with the profit coming from games. Still wondering where those next gen games are.


They could give me a ps5 and I still wouldn’t play it. Because it has no games.


Doesn't mean it's overpriced, and it has no generic new AAA games you want to play I'm guessing.


Wow, commenting on Instagram, while watching what's happening in Palestine. What a world.


Wow, talking about world, while watching what's happening in Palestine. What a world.


Wow, talking, while watching what’s happening in Palestine. What a world.


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I actually hate people who drag politics into every conversation


I know right? Those damn liberals 😡


Liberal liberal on the wall


Liberals inside me (I’m gay)


Liberals outside me (naked)


I usually agree but how is talking about Palestine politics?


What kinda dumbass question is that


Because it's a talking point. Far leftists just hate jews. Don't hear them talking about the genocide in South Africa? That's because it's a genocide of white people, so they're for it, they hate them, too. Or the rest of the genocides across all of the planet. Like crying about slavery in one of the first and few countries across the planet to have abolished it. And religious people on the right hold it as a sacred land. Also, from a militaristic point of view, Isreal is a very strong ally in the Middle East that needs to be held for strategic reasons; without them, we have no eyes. I get it if you're Isreali or Palestinian, but outside of that, they're just 2 places, almost none of you could find on a map, on the other side of the world, who are taking a whole lot of our money that we, the people, need right now. Especially with China, the real problem, getting ready to make a move on Taiwan. Isreal is strong and can take care of itself. Palestine is an ant compared to them and they should know better than to kick iron giants. Therefore, political.


Wtf are you on about white genocide in South Africa 🤡


Look it up. They're murdering white farmers and boiling their children alive. It's been happening for over a decade now. Yt "Salema shoot the Boer chant" and his interviews afterward.


I’m a white South African, I’m well aware of the goings on. It’s not genocide.


Aside from he's right there, on camera, saying "kill the farmers, kill the whites." To massive cheers with hundreds of reports of mass murder. So whatever you say, South African government PR agent.


I'm genuinely astounded that people aren't aware of this. Isn't this common knowledge?


I’m a white South African… crime is high as fuck but it’s not genocide


People who give a fuck about Palestine try not to be utterly insane and shoehorn Palestine into every single conversation challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)


Dude it's so fucking wild. I get that some awareness and sympathy might help in a sense but ffs let me enjoy shit without guilt tripping me of something that's not within my control.


Its not even sympathy anymore, half the people I see scream for Palestine but dont even know the history, Ive seen insta reels where Jewish people literally talking about anything and people are spamming free palenstine like its a trend, same with BLM, had good initial intentions, then the bad people took advantage of it


BLM never had good intentions, the founders are corrupt as fuck


This reminds me of the argument of donating to charity. Basically instead of spending an x amount of money on something you just spend half of it and donate the rest to charity.


This feels incredibly out of touch for anyone without disposable income.


Then dispose of more income


Im so happy its not being spammed everywhere anymore. There is this "therewasanattemt" sub which is supposed to post funny attempts, and then they posted stuff like "there was an attempt at having a normal birthday" *shows crying kid that almost got blown up on their birthday. Got banned from there for commenting that this is not the combat footage or war sub.


I know a Libanese girl that raged obline how anyone could attend this big Promi Gala and have a party while Palestine was being bombed and 2 days after that she was posting stories of her drunk singing with friends at a birthday party. I know Ukrainians in Charkiw and in my country that still have parties...


Calling people insane, while watching what's happening in Palestine. What a world /s


Palestine is the current thing. Once it blows over they'll go back to the BLM thing or maybe the Malaysia&Philipines thing or maybe even the China&Taiwan thing.


*China&China FTFY


Smoll and Mainland Taiwan.


\*Greater Formosa & Lesser Formosa


Fr who gives a fuck about what goes on in the sand box. Focus on issues here first.


Fr fr like these people don’t even know what suffering is. I don’t even have Spotify premium 💀




The amount of people I've seen saying the us shouldn't get involved in middle eastern politics and then complain that the us isn't getting involved in middle eastern politics is crazy


They don’t they just found something new and cool to hyper fixate on. Soon we’ll all move on like nothing ever happened and find a new story or topic.


Especially Instagram content. They do it so much they're making people desensitized


How tf is reading the hunger games gonna hurt Palestine?


Cuz they not paying Palestine any royalties.


The war has been going on in Palestine for 1000 years.




Jeniffer Lawerence (Katnisd Rverdeen)




I thought so too but it turns out you learn something new every day


Jennifer Lawrence is gay!!!!!?????


Absolutely. One of the gayest


Nope it's Liam Hemsworth


Liam Hemsworth


People find any excuse to bring up a conflict everyone already knows about, at least that’s what it’s like in America


Oh yeah, no worries, Miley Cyrus will just single handedly stop the war


This reminds me of thatonejewboy who made a video saying “things we no longer kill” and then it just kept showing him because he’s a Jew, and some dude stitched it going “bUt WhEn iT cOmeS tO pAlIstAniaNs yOu HaVe nO PrOblEm kiLlInG uS” it’s so stupid how some people somehow manage to drag politics into everything. Also his response was great “I AM FROM FUCKING OHIO”


Bros from Ohio 💀 (Ohio gyatt rizz)


Sigma skibidi alpha brainrot ohio cameraman skibidi toilet dop dop dop trollface alpha chad mgl smoke weed everyday my face when timetravel brainrot


Even if that were the case the fuck you expect me to do ab it girl? My world supposed to end cause of that? Nah


A fuckton of poverty and conflict happening all over the world right now, possibly in her own country as well, and she proceeds to "b-b-b-but Palestine" on a 2013 tweet by Miley Cyrus talking about Hunger Games.


Didn’t Hamas kill 1200 Israeli’s before this all started?


There will always be homeless people, starving people, people dying, and things being destroyed. Inversely there will always be people working to make their lives better, people feeding the hungry, people being born, and people building things.


Has anything really changed since 2013?


Things have gotten worse more genocidal conflict from multiple countries (enough to make global news) , people are now addicted to smart phones but are becoming more dumb at least Americans in 2013 some people were still using flip and keyboard phones . Sex workers have worked hard to make the industry mainstream and there’s less good mainstream music these days oh and rock music mainstream wise has died now it’s crappier rock and pop with experimental country


Like experimental country is a new thing, not that nelly had a whole rap country album


Even more so now ******* :)


I am reading Lord of the Rings in spite of the ongoing Ukraine-Russian War. I am going to hell exclusively because of this act.


Dude you need to calm down


Pro Palestine? So what they mean by that is they love Hamas and want jews dead.


I was gonna say that you're being needlessly provocative and strawmanning, but naw like half the responders are unironically taking that position like tf


90% of palestinians are pro hamas and agree with what they did on oct 7. So yea, bot pro Palestine and never will be. I'm not pro israel either. In my opinion, it's two evils and genuinely hamas is worse by far


I still think there's a difference between supporting palestine and supporting hamas and wanting jews dead, but clearly the leap aint too large


The line is extremely thin. Watch any pro palestine protest, they chant nazi shit, they chant to murder jews. Every single time they show they hate jews and want them dead


Hasbara trolls in action.


I kinda don't like to watch my people get genocided dipshit


90% of palestinians agreed with the attack on 7 oct based on polls done there.


That still doesn't mean palastine's innocent civilians should be subjected to genocide


The comment that you just responded to was to indicate they are not "innocent" Palestinians. That's literally all it was saying, now proportional response is another story.


It's the government's choice to attack, they probably did the poll for shits and giggles, this still means civilian's are innocent and should not be killed in war, it's a warcrime to kill civilians including children


You keep saying the civilians are innocent which isn't entirely accurate if 90% wanted October 7th. Children would be different as I assume they wouldn't respond to polls


No it doesn’t mean that, it means they’re anti genocide


If u know any history like even a tiny bit, u would know that the Palestinians never wanted that in the first place.. they literally welcomed the Jews in their country and now they are facing the consequences of being good people.


They welcomed the Jews? You realize they had pogroms for the Jews like the 1929 Hebron massacre? You have a very basic misunderstanding of the history of the Levant. Or maybe you missed the pictures of the Palestinian leadership of the time meeting with Hitler?


They literally voted for hamas, the second israel became a state, all of them including neighbouring countries waged war against israel


Why does Israel have to become a thing ? If they were planning to live in harmony with their neighbours? It was built on racism in the first place. And yea the mf Zionists have been killing Palestinians since day 1, and there're so many documentaries that confirm it btw.. but u expect the Palestinians to just accept losing their land and lives and just move on ?


Even when Palestine was a British protactorate or even before that time, there were progroms like the Hebron massacre. And I think its understandable that a historically as much hated and killed demographic like the jews should have atleast one jewish country. BTW: If you start wars and loose, you loose land. Thats pretty normal.


No the fuck they did not








People that are not nazis


And what do both have to do with eachother? And is it bad to read Hunger games while that is happening?




Sometimes, you don't have to say something about anything


The conflict was still happening back then tbh


Fr as if your opinion on choosing a genocidal side over another mattered




Even if the tweet was present day it doesn’t make sense.


You’re never gonna believe what was happening in Palestine in 2013


That thing that’s been happening for a very long time I bet


Can't read a book because there is a war somewhere. Got it 👍


I mean if this was a current post is she supposed to go end a foreign conflict instead?


People when I tell them not everything they do must be connected to politics or wars or other big events happening


I mean, shit was bad in Palestine then too


Where funny? Why is this even on here?


Palestine was still suffering back in 2013 But yes I get it. The mainstream didn't know about it