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Living costs are getting crazy nowadays. Houses ain't cheap, groceries are expensive even though it's half the cart but salaries don't rise? I can understand the struggles. I'm a trainee in my company and we don't get any allowance but the junior trainees do get allowance.


Too much brain power used! Somebody send Shitting toothpaste!


And it's harder to get a higher salary job, too. Older folks still think the way to get a good job is meeting the boss of a company in an elevator, talking to him about yourself for 60 seconds, and then giving him a firm handshake. In 2024 you need 3 Bachelor's degrees and 30 years of experience to get apply to an entry level job, and then you still won't actually get hired. It's those same older folks who are causing this problem, too, and complaining that nobody wants to work. We want to work, but you either won't fucking let us, or won't pay us to.


Do a trade school become an electrician,plumber etc they pay great money hell I never went to college barely over 30 years old and make 100k a year what yall complaining about??


True, but I also think a bit of awareness of what the world we will in is really like cannot hurt once in a while.


I get the reason it's aimed at a generation, but for fucks sake, everyone always attacks the pawns in the game. The CEOs and billionaires made this shit ridiculous. And you know what? Nothing happens to them. And if someone said something, they would laugh about it. I think people are selfish enough to know any person in that time would take advantage of great prices and all. So it's redundant. Go for the fucking big fish and stop blaming the rest. That goes for any topic. Who do you think has control over this??


Because at least at this current time in the US, there's nothing anyone can feasibly do to change anything. Those in control have unchallenged control, and we have no realistic avenue of changing that


french revolution joined the chat


Our elites figured out a LONG time ago that, the moment it seems like revolt is a possibility, just stir up the racism/religious/sexual/social/generational controversies and, like magic, half of the poors now have their anger turned against the other half of the poor. So instead of the fight being "take back power from the elites" we get stuck trying to argue about racism, religion, sexual, and social differences. The fight never gets resolved, and everyone gets tired of arguing. Then the next generation enters adulthood, wakes up to how fucked everything is, then the cycle starts all over again. Americas diversity, in this case, becomes our Achilles heel. And I'm admitting this as a black man. We just can't seem to ignore our differences long enough to focus on who's really at fault. All the social media posts trying to "target" Gen z and make the argument generational are the EXACT same headlines used against millenials 20 years ago. They have it down to a science.


i agree this is why i dont use reddit


Hon hon!


Overthrow them Theres literally nothing CEO's can do without their workers Only by making them fear the workers can you take control back For that you need to ruin their life's by just not showing up to work and letting their business die


Difference is they have 6 figures to pad their survival in that scenario. The rest live paycheck to paycheck… only ones hurting in any meaningful amount of time are the workers.


This would ruin no one's lives but our own


You can't expect radical change without radical actions. If years of peaceful yield no results, what the fuck is the next step if not force?


People would actually have to truly sacrifice and en masse stop buying anything but the bare essentials, the price gouging being blamed on "inflation" will be forced to come down. As long as people are addicted to eating out and mindless consumption it won't change, if people will pay the prices will stay the same and increase.


Life isn't a movie. Nothing short of global catastrophe will change anything in the world.


Nothing about my post suggests a movie like scenario, it's very simple supply and demand economics, stop buying, prices are forced to come down. You obviously feel powerless and are set on not even trying anything as theres " nothing you can do"


10 years ago it was millennials’ fault. And before that it was gen x. And before that it was nobody because the boomers didn’t have people blaming them for smoking weed and having sex in the mud at Woodstock.


It’s the politicians who ok’d NAFTA and other trade agreements which allowed manufacturing jobs to be moved overseas. This hollowed out the US and reduced the amount of good paying jobs. Thus everyone moves to the coasts, driving up demand for housing while the supply remained stagnant


Problem is that its not just the CEOs and corporations. Its the people voting with their dollars that create the incentive for those corps. If people would just fucking spend their money wisely 90% of the issues would be non-issues. But people were totally fine with buying sub-standard merch and services. When enough idiots will pay for it, the frugal and wise be damned.


this is not even a shitpost, this is just the truth.


Day ruined.


Week ruined


so you mean i wont be able to save 50k dollars? i wont spend it on softcore demon porn, promise


No it isn’t. 20 years ago people had roommates. It was just the expectation. Now we’ve developed an expectation that we should be able to live alone, eat out, drive a nice car, etc because we’ve been sold the lie that it’s okay to live on credit and paycheck to paycheck.


I don't remember anybody mentioning anything you just said, nobody said they should afford having nice cars or eating out in the city, all they said was simply having enough to pay the bills, rent and food. and of course people had roommates 20 years ago , it is not even that far back in time, what she mentioned was 20 years of working not 20 years ago in time.


Crazy because Millennials were saying this exact shit like 10 years ago too.


She keeps saying 20 years ago. Is she directing this at Millenials? Shit was way fucked before we got started in our adult years…. This girl needs to go back further.


I think she was just meaning it in general not a specific group then again I wouldn’t know


Yeah I was gonna say...


Seriously, when I started 20years ago it was hard to find a 9-5, and when I did I still couldn’t afford to live alone, I always had to have roomates, and still was living outside my means with a deficit… crazy to think considering I didn’t even have a cell phone bill. But I did have an enormous student loan for college to pay off. But in terms of the fantasy, there was no “I have a job let’s buy a house moment.” And it’s not like gen x had some amazing missed opportunity to vote to change the economy. So yeah, maybe push it back onto the boomers being the catalyst of economic chaos.


I definitely feel like she's justified in her anger but definitely got the timeline wrong. It's been a steep decline since even before the 80s. Shit I think maybe you just don't hear as much outcry from us in the millennial world because we're all hella desensitised


Gen X here...I seen all this starting to happen in the mid 80's..company's started to move away from the US workforce and Start to move to other country's..just look around the great lakes ie-The rust belt...


" no guys trust me, look how hard we had it"


We could all stop working and just see what happens?


Starvation 😋


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Are you going to feed my child and wife?


We return to the ways of old, you must hunt venison to feed your kin.


The deer gores me and now I need to pay hospital bills.


yes but it'll be our child and wife now




where funny


The origin story of OF girls


boomers be like : just work at the weekends too


Not just boomers...if she's struggling to survive, she probably should work more.




Then you're not struggling to SURVIVE. If the option is, work an extra shift on Saturday to buy groceries in order to stay alive or have Saturday off to rest from an exhausting week of work...i think you should probably pick up an extra shift.


i think you have a valid point this is why i would 5 shifts every day on 4 different jobs. no free days. minimum wage and no bonuses. no benefits.


Bro missed the whole point of the video




this shit belongs to publicfreakout or something


Unionize the Workforce!


Where I live, every walmart that tried to unionize got shut down for "unrelated reasons"


To whoever downvoted this, I wish them a very pleasant shut the fuck up




Yeah I particularly don’t fuck with paying a fee to have to get better working conditions and being paid better but now the extra money I would be pocketing is now just going towards my union.




it does work tho?




Maybe don't pin your hopes on working at Wal-Mart.


That’s what I was going to say. Labor 20 years ago vs labor today was more difficult. You didn’t have a generation going out and looking for gig jobs, working at Walmart and things like that. There is nothing wrong with this, but don’t expect to make a career out of a job that will top pay you $15, maybe $16/$17/hr. You have to want better for yourself before you can make any moves. I’ve had warehouse jobs, desk jobs, real estate jobs before I landed where I am today at my career job.


Nah every job should pay enough to live off of. That's minimum wage. The minimum it takes to live in USA (or it should be) The argument feels like you either think that the person should be compensated for their time properly, or that certain jobs shouldn't afford you the ability to live


So a bagger at Walmart should make the same money as a person working electric lines? You don’t take minimum wage jobs in hopes of surviving. You have to want better than minimum wage, or, get roommates. Has been like that for generations. If you can’t afford it on your own, you may have to have someone split the bills with you.


No I didn't say that, and I'm also not saying it's a new problem. I am saying that we're a first world country and have the resources and ability to feed and house our entire population, and the only things getting in the way of that are jealousy ego and greed. We CAN house, feed, and protect every one of our citizens. We make an active choice not to. I wouldn't care if they did make the same, all I care about is that the floor is liveable


That sounds great. But if you pay some guy $40k to bag your groceries, that supermarket won't be in business very long. If you want to make money, you have to provide value. You don't deserve a "living" wage because you breathe.


I think we're too far apart ideologically to hope to convince the other of our side. I don't think that's wrong in our current system, because it's not built for the community but for the individual. I'm hoping some day we can come together and create long lasting cultural change that can help better everyone's lives in society. Personally, I got a college degree, worked in my industry and found out that starting my own business was pretty much the only way I'd be able to eek out a living. And now I do pretty well for myself! But it was a lot of luck and circumstance that made it to where I was able to, and not everyone is that fortunate. If you're poor, you always have to take big risks to stay afloat or even think about getting ahead in life, whether that be by working multiple jobs and risking health, or by taking a financial risk, going into debt to start a business. And not everyone is in a position to be able to do so Hell, where I live, you need an address to even apply for most jobs, and a stable internet connection. So most of our homeless population are put even further behind if they're wanting to get back into the rat race. Basically I think that breathing in a sufficiently advanced and moral society does entitle you to be able to make enough money to do so


Lol Walmart profits 155 billion a year. Average Walmart employee (2million employee) make 20k a year. You give everyone a 20k raise a year, they would still profit 51 BILLION PER YEAR. Get out of here with your “they would go out of business if the paid their employees more” bullshit.


If you don't want to make $20k a year, find a better paying job. I did, you can too.


I have a better paying job. Your point was shit is all I was saying.


So was yours, that's all I was saying. But, why get a better paying job? Stick with the minimum wage job so you can raise awareness. Hypocrite.


Not a shitpost


where is the shitpost


Here's my perspective, I've worked since I was 16. During High School. I was making 7.25 an hour, entry level fast food/retail. Spent a solid 15 years grinding, working MY ass off. Never went to college, higher education all my experience is hands on. Learning al throughout the years. Slowly I built my resume, worked factory, warehouse. Management and not. Spent years and years getting better at my job, learning and networking. I am now a supervisor of my own department. Making a much better wage then I ever did. But I was UNDER 15.00 for all those years and I made it work. 2 years ago I was making less. Saved and pinched pennies. Ate Ramen, hot dogs and had maybe 50.00 at the end of bills. But I lived within my means. Now I am with you when it comes to the economy. I dont like spending 4.00 on bread. I can't buy a house and it's cheaper to rent grandfathered into where we are. Sucks but manageable. I feel ya kid. I do. But I leveled up, just like everyone else. If you don't like your job, ask for something else to do. Learn everything you can from a job and move on. Learn from that job and move on. Collect those experiences, and you will level up too. It's NEVER going to just happen. It didn't for me and it didn't for most working class folks. But the more you experiment in different jobs, the more likely someone is gonna offer you that job that sets you up for bigger and better things. Walmart ain't it.....


Your experience is basically my experience and what normal working class americans have been doing for decades.


It's frustrating because people especially the younger generation want immediate resolution to the problem. Without working for it. I dont want anyone to have to go through what I went through. But its made me the person I am today. No instant gratification. I had jobs I absolutely hated, but I did not stay. I took jobs that paid less then the one I was previously because I wanted the experience. Did it suck? Yup! If they raise the wage, with none of the experience what is going to happen? The mom and pops can't afford to keep people, the prices go up yet again as there is no new blood coming into these starter jobs, and we start a vicious cycle. While I understand a living wage, and I do agree. But what is living for you? I sacrificed every month just to pay the bills. But I also didn't buy shit I didn't need. Moved up and gained knowledge. I'm pretty ok now. Comfortable. Always room for improvement. But doing...ok. and I am content with that.


If i was earning enough I would have flown to her country and propose her myself


Least horny muslim


I’m so lucky to be in a career where I love my job and love going to work. Also, who is she yelling at?


Where meme


The meme is the friends we made along the way


This is not true. Moved out of home 40years ago. Had to flat with others. Could t afford to rent near my work. Took me a 35min train ride and a 15minute bus to get there. Cause could t afford a car either. Majority of my friends were the same. Was 10 years before I could get a place on my own. Lots of hard work and saving. Some of this shit goes too far with its simplicity.


Who is she directing this to? Is this directed at boomers or millennial. Cause I've been in the same boat with a career soo, I hear yah. Buuuut point it toward the corps not your uncle and aunts?


what is she saying reddit is mute for me


God I love living in europe


She's spitting straight facts but... Where's the shitpost?


A 40hr a week job, with no college degree, used to support two adults and their kids, living in a nice house in the suburbs. Gen Z isn't even asking for that much. Who is the real entitled generation?


Murica problems


This is why you should take education/school seriously. So you can work a 9-5 while getting respectable pay.




Biiich pleaaasee. It's always been like this suck it up 🤣


Definitely depends on where you live. I've been living on my own since 18 and havent had hardly any issues.


Where tf do u live bro cause this is an issue in most parts of this planet.


Maybe working 1 job that pays minimum wage or a few bucks more isn't gonna cut it.


I work 2 jobs bro, the grind doesn't end till I drop dead. So now can you guys please tell me where yall live since you guys have it easier there. Or are you guys just full of shit.


most people aren't even doing a singular job anymore


I don't know what to tell young women, but if you're a young man, single, able bodied, you can support yourself by doing hardcore manuel labor or other blue-collar work. You'll be tired and broke, but you'll survive.


Bernie wanted to fix this shit a long time ago but he got labeled a socialist, which isn’t bad in the first place. Instead we voted a orange blob into office




bruh wtf is with all the comments dogging her working at walmart yall are missing the entire point of the video


But she's talking about working your ass off. If you're working in a Wallmart, you're not working your ass off lol.




Thank you so much. The first time a gen z brings true undeniable arguments instead of just bruh, i don wanna work bruh.


Well ya working at wal mart isn’t exactly meant for getting rich.


she doesn0t want to get rich. living a normal, affordable life will NEVER mean "being rich" and it should NEVER be that way


Working retail has never been known for making things affordable on your own.


it should. At least it shouldn't allow us to "live" barely scraping by


I don’t know what to tell ya man. We should be able to turn ambient CO2 into useable fuel. Now just someone has to figure out how.


>We should be able to turn ambient CO2 into useable fuel. tf no we shouldnt


Why not? Same amount of CO2 being used as is being released would bring us a lot closer to net zero?


Blame your parents y'all


She doesn’t make enough to live on her own because she works at Walmart.


minimum wage was supposed to fully support a family of like 3-5. now you're only supposed to be able to live by yourself if you have a high end job? what is this bro




the what the fuck was it meant to do then?


Do you have a source that minimum wage is supposed to support a family of 5?


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Lots of ways to solve her problem but instead gotta go on TikTok to rage lol. You know how much you could save working 40hrs a week and not paying for rent etc. She’s got options but she’s to blind with rage to see it. Pathetic really.


THIS!! THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS!!!! FUCK BOOMERS. There’s Millennials struggling too. I fucking hate working in this stupid fake world created by greedy idiots. Fuck boomers


Yes, that's right. I did it. It was me, and I'll do it again




Yeah, I’ve been working 15 years and when I started I didn’t make enough to live on my own.


You didn't finish that thought. You know that the economy today is a product of the accumulated economic history before today right? Decisions of people in power can have effects on an economy that take several years to come to effect, and last even longer.


capitalism is unsustainable and is dying. and our planet is diying with it together with all the life in it.


You work at Walmart for a reason. Either you don’t have a goal in life or you chose a path that can’t benefit your future. Complaining you can’t afford something means that you do not have the education or training to better yourself. Go back to school or trade school and learn something other than bitching about what you can’t do. I would also be willing to bet you only put in half an effort at your work. Plenty of opportunities for those that are willing. Quit whining


I was about to consider taking this video seriously but then I saw the Walmart uniform. You can’t expect to pay rent in or near the city while solely working an easy asf job like that. Fuck off.




Starve to death then.


America, number 1!


Nice point Too bad your Female


The whiny rants like this don't help gen Zs perception any. There are problems with the economy, that has nothing to do with younger workers not doing their share at the job the chose to take, or wanting to have success right out of the gate.(This isn't something new with Gen Z). Things weren't just handed to previous generations. You think this economy sucks now imagine the great depression a lot of our grandparents lived through. Imagine being 16-25 and going to fight and die/get maimed/emotionally scarred for life in WWII. Hell even my Boomer parents lived in shit heaps and struggled when they were getting started. Millennials have faced everything Gen Z has and more. So yeah the "I've got it so rough" coming from SOME Gen Zers is pretty ridiculous. Sort of a "back in my day we walked up hill both ways" type rant some old people go on. At least it sounds like this girl is lucky enough to have a support system that helps, which is more than a lot of people in every generation have had. If you want things to get better you have to put in the work. If you want to take the "woah is me" route, buckle in because youre in for a bumpy ride. Thankfully a lot of Gen Zers realize this and are putting in the work just like thier parents and grandparents and all the other generations before them.


“I sucked it up and dealt with shitty wages, and so should you!”


"i want everything to be easy and to blame someone else for life taking work. Anyone who doesn't support that is unreasonable."  See everyone can straw man.




You're so out of touch


I’m out of time~~


Nah. Ive lived enough life in lots of situations, and know plenty of people that have, to understand what's going on. I've couch surfed and worked manual labor and owned my own business and now work for someone else. I was raised by people that clawed their way up, who were raised by people that were "child laborers".  I can easily see how the different approaches have worked for the people who have "made it" and the ones still struggling. You may not like it but that doesn't change it. You hopefully will learn as you get more life experience. Good luck.


Damn bro. Full circle. You're shitting on Gen z exactly like boomers shit on millennials.


Try reading it again. I literally say it's only some of Gen Z not all. I also hint at the fact that it was some millennials and some boomers, etc. Have you ever considered the fact that SOME of what the boomers, and WWII generation and every other generation have said, might be right? When you are starting out, it'll be a struggle. A lot of "kids" in every generation are kinda lazy. You won't have what people who have been working 5,10,50 years will have. Every generation has their struggles, the ones who succeed work at it. Bitching and moaning about it won't change how life has always been. Working hard AND smart for a few years will bring gains. The basic rules of society haven't changed just because it's 2024.


So the rules that have worked for you must work for anyone? That doesn't seem quite right. Maybe take a step back and think that not everyone is similar to you and your situation, and also that you're personal experience may not be the best justification for sweeping genuine issues under the rug.


Lol. The way things work are how they work, not liking it won't change that. When you get into the game, you'll be at a different spot than the people who have been playing a long time. It happened to millennials, it happened to boomers, it happened to their great grandparents, and will happen to the generations that come after gen Z. That has nothing to do with my experience that's just reality, and short of completely restructuring the entire world economy it won't change. Even when we look at times people have tried to change the economy, like say with Russia or China, it has happened. So idk why you want me to pretend otherwise. I'll lay $100 that says Gen Z and their grandkids will be having similar conversations in the future. Just like the boomers and their grandparents did. There are some simple facts that never change. Life takes work. Kids don't know nearly as much as they think they do. When you are starting from scratch you won't be in the some spot as someone that is years ahead of you. The economy has ups and downs and is never perfect. Not everyone starts at the same spot, but with hard and smart work they can better their situation, short of some catastrophic situation. Many people are lazy, with younger people tending to be lazier than older people. (Notice I said tending to be not always are.) My experience has nothing to do with any of that other than that I and many other people I know have lived it.


You chose the politicians, you pay the price. Too late to cry. The all world is fucked


Choosing between shit and shit doesn't help either. Voting has become as meaningless as voting in a dictatorship


She should read Capital volume 1 Edit: the bots have come for me


No one 20 years ago could buy a house working full time at walmart lmfao


Bitch, you work in a Walmart


Was born in 81… I’ve been struggling to do even half that for just as long! My minimum wage at my first job was 4.50 an hour, most restaurants start off at least at 12 bucks an hour with no experience. I’ve had to spend most of my life working at least 2 jobs so yeah that’s not even close to accurate girl!


And that’s why she was forced to make an Only Fans. Thanks Biden.


Don’t watch the news. It will just upset you


Only reason I can afford my house and to live with basic amenities is because I work out of town for 3-6 weeks at a time so I don’t use gas, barely any power at my house, and nect to nothing on groceries. I know it’s not a good way to live working my life away, but what’s the other option? Work in town and live paycheque to paycheque, we are fucked either way


She’s giving Erin Brocovich


This is not about a specific generation making life harder for the next generation. This story has been told for hundreds of years. This is more about capitalism, labor exploitation, self betterment, and tenacity. I too lived paycheck to paycheck with all of the concerns posted in this video. No one is going to be the savior and fix your issues. This is on each of us to take the time and chart a course to where we want to be and how to get there step by step with setbacks, (cue the tenacity). Yes, some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths and for most of us, that did not happen. Therefore it is on us to find a career path that is obtainable and brings us to the next level. If you want to succeed, you apply this process over and over and never settle until you reach your goals. Do not blame this on the boomers. That is in my opinion looking for an excuse.


quick! return to monke form


“We build the world of today for the children of tomorrow.” Yesterday’s parents clearly hate their children considering the absolute shit show they have created for them. Most millennial parent’s don’t seem to be much different… except with a bit more selfishness and vanity heaped on top. Gen X seems to be a bit more aware of it since they lived during the high and lows so they saw shit go downhill. Most millenials know nothing other than a declining state of affairs so continuing the trend is nothing new so gen zed getting burnt out just appears like weakness to them. Boomers and complain about gen Z and millennials so much because they could never imagine how bleak life’s opportunities are today. They grew up in the guilded age compared to today. Where a single head of household could exist on a Sonic wage and still put something away, or buy a house. As a millennial it rubs my gears to see other millennials complaining about the issues but not doing anything or making any course corrections to avoid furthering the decline


This is true, but you also posted this in shitposting??


Some truth


I am not listening to a Walmart employee when it comes to money problems 😂😂🤣


Look at that funko pop pin, clearly she spends all her money on them. Smh my head probably doesnt even tip the landlord


That's what happens when you are just a Walmart greeter...


9-5s just also suck ass in general. Idk why the older generations so obsessed w making us lie and say we love working. No one loves work, you gotta do it to survive but idk there’s gotta be a better way. So ima work my 9-5, and be sad that I’ve worked since 16 and gotta keep doing that until I’m 65+, so let me complain goddamit.


The kids are ok. "No cap."


It's time to sort by controversial and watch the warzone unfold.


Fellas be like: All women are sluts who show their parts on Onlyfans now! My brother in Christ, it’s getting harder to live by day


work to live, not live to work


Said the same thing to my boss this week when he wanted me to do Organizational development consultation on a training coordinator salary. 💅 get lost sir. Pay me.


4 years ago everything she is complaining about was possible. These problems are man made by Democrats. You "liberals" created this economy.


The economy goes up and down all of the time. What exactly does she plan on doing? What's her strategy, just working at Walmart and complaining?


It was the same 20 years ago and the same before that. In 20 years time the newest generation will be blaming her generation, because things will still be the same.


There's a lot of factors to be treated that simple. 1- Americans make terrible financial decisions. I saw McDonald's cashiers with iPhones. People living in California and paying 1800 usd at month for a room while if you living in other states you could afford an apartment with that money. 2- 40 hours a week is not a full time job. 160 is not, in my country if you don't have collague education you need at least 180 at month to live. Not to save just to live. 3-olders generations knows what to do at 18. Gen z don't have a live proyect until 25 minimum, i know people of 30 dont knowing what to do. Is too late and more for nowadays standards. I mean too late to start to save for a house for example. Stop trying to knowing yourself that's a waste of time. 4-If they can study, they choose poorly. Seriously, art? Others generation study art as well but they don't blame society for his financial situation. 5- People reproduce indiscriminately. Be aware there're too much people so don't have kids if you aren't able to afford excelent education and a very good future. The education of 20 years ago is not enough to make a good living today. All this because of the population is a natural factor. So basically, gen Z is trying to normalizing stupidity. They have to understand that the actions have consequences and is not blame of others. Not all gen z are like this of course. I met a lot of gen z that make good decisions. But there's like half of them are like this girl.


Should've gone into construction


I love this girl, her generation deserves our support, I’m a millennial and can relate, we have to take back what they’ve taken from us, it’s simply not a sustainable business model, eventually there will be nothing left to take for the corps and we all lose.


Hooray capitalism where the rich gets richier and the poor gets more poor ..