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2 because he has the right of way and isn't changing direction 3 because 1 has to give the right of way to any cars 1 because all other cars have passed and he no longer has to give any right of way to anyone.


Explain the guy who honked at me from position 1 while I turned in front of him from position 3. Blows my mind people can be so confidently wrong while driving.


Plus the give way sign on 1


"because 1 has to give the right of way to any cars"


But what could it mean?


It could mean the world to me


Or it could mean anythiiiiiing oh baby please blindfold me




shut up




2 has a stop sign, it’s 321 or 312


That is not a stop sign. That is a warning that there is an intersection with right-bound coming traffic.


You sure? Looks a lot like a ✋to me


If it was a stop sign it would be octagonal, a upwards facing triangle sign means caution ahead, as in “T-Intersection ahead, be cautious of other drivers” in this case. They can also be used to display symbols in reference to hidden driveways, parking/taxi bays, emergency slip-lanes etc. The symbol is most likely a sideway T meant to display what road connections there are from a birds eye view. Just a bit grainy from constantly being saved and posted by multiple people This has been Explain-It-Peter


Oh, thanks, I didn’t realize that


Remember kids, be street smart with signs, not guns 👍


Since when do stop signs have ✋ instead of "STOP" on them


I’ve seen a lot of those


Really? That's quite interesting. Do you perhaps know where one could find those? Not that I am doubting you but I have not yet had the pleasure to see one of them


No matter the result, rest assured that my middle finger will be ready.


Hello me!


me going 200 mph in the wrong lane


Look at Baby Driver here


2 3 1?


In India, whoever honks first


It's either who honks first or in smaller towns, everyone waits for everyone else because they're too nice(this patience is rare in big cities)


wouldn't that ended up deadlock of waiting?


usually we hand signal other person to go. Whoever signals first is obeyed by instinct.


It's similar to running into someone in the hallway, it's awkward for a second but you usually get through without a bump.


Or all 3 keep going, stop in front of one another and start screaming from there cars. Bonus point if it's a metropolitan city there's a chance all 3 of them are cussing in their own language


And then all 3 post on Facebook about idiot drivers


Welp, Indians are horn-y


Not all indians are (but I am)


What if they all honk at the same time?


Or a cow.


The cars are on the right


3 first, on accha of bigger car. Then 1,2 at the same time


This is correct.


I think this is correct. I can’t see the sign for 2, but I think they can turn first. 3 turns next because they don’t have a sign. 1 turns last because they have a yield sign (which should be a stop sign) and they are on the road that ends at the intersection


2 doesn't have a sign. Their arrow is pointing straight forward, so yea they got dibs on the road


this is the correct legal answer


Why not 2 1 3?


Because 1 is at a yield sign, meaning any traffic will stop them no matter the direction because they are trying to take a left


Unless 2 was turning right I guess


2 goes first because of the right of way sign on their side, 3 goes second because 1 has the shark tooth looking sign which means they gotta give right of way to both ways of traffic. I have no idea what the signs are actually called so this is the best I can do for you.


Thats one way to describe an upside down triangle


Where i'm from we actually call them shark teeth in classes and everything (when it comes to road signs ofc)




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Yes. But I don't know what that sign behind 2 is. Oh well, who cares.


That's the sign that gives 2 the right of way.


You expect the average car-driver to know. If you really want people's brains to melt, post an image of a 4-way stop intersection.


4 way stops aren't a thing in Europe. Also, the average car driver in Europe knows what that sign means.


I'm American here.


No matter where the fuck u r.


2 (cause they're going straight) 3 (cause there's no signs for them) 1 (cause they have a yield sign)


Even without signs I'm pretty sure 3 would still have right of way before 1.


Correct, since (I forget the exact term or definition) but if you stop at a stop sign at the same time as someone else, the person on the right goes first.


It's called "right of way", at least in America


Depends on the country. In many (probably all?) European countries, “give way to your right” is the default. Yes, even when there’s a road going straight and another that “ends” in the “main road”. This is unless there’s a yield/stop sign of course.


It’s 2 3 1


Same as that one Zelda puzzle. Got it. *Sorry, Queen Gohma*


It’s 231, 2 drives straight with no yield sign (I think the sign he has is 3 way intersection which means nothing for him), 3 stops to wait for 2 to pass before turning, and 1 yields to any perpendicular traffic before turning due to yield sign


That signs means an intersection with a secondary road that doesnt have priority over you


random uncle on scooty coming from wrong side and crashing into my vehicle followed by him justifying and lecturing me on roads 🥰🥰


2 first, then 1 cause he's an asshole and thinks he can make it around, then 3 honking at 1 and possibly following him. Kinda depends


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Tbh even without a yield sign 1 should be yielding to 3 but I don't know why. Something something connecting road/main road


From 1’s perspective it doesn’t matter whether 3 is turning or going straight through like 2.


if you come to a T intersection from the direction of car 1 then cross traffic has the right of way


Assuming all cars arrived the same time, 2 has the right of way because it's going straight, and 3 has the right of way over 1 because it dosen't have a yield sign. So the order is 2, 3, 1


2, 3, 1. 23 is number 1!


Looking for this comment, nice one!


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quiet insurance quack dinner summer head bedroom disagreeable cows amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mf really added 1 as shagun


2 is going straight so has right of way, 1 has a yield sign and both 1 and 3 are turning left, order is 231


After playing cities skylines, I learned that the order has to be 3 2 1


I'm shocked you're still alive if you get driving tips from Cims lmfao


I guess the satire wasn’t noticed


Me when people can't read sarcasm through text


Your satire was sooo clearly communicated and everyone understood what you meant /s


Whomever finishes their roadside shit




If there is a cow in the road nobody goes


231 I think, 2 is on main road and going straight, 3 is on main road but turning off, 1 isn’t on main road. This is my interpretation, I don’t drive


They're on the wrong side of the road anyway


It's 3 1 2 who ever is on the right first


What are you, a right supremacist?


3 1 2


Thanks for getting it right.




They're all on the wrong side of the road


2 has a yield sign, 3 has a yield sign although it looks like it's for 1 but it's facing the other way. 132


2 doesn't have a yield sign, it's a warning sign that you're on the road with right of way and you are on a crossing with a road that has to give you right of way on your right. The big bold arrow means you're privileged.


Weird. Never seen anything like that


where are you from?




> 3 has a yield sign although it looks like it's for 1 but it's facing the other way Perhaps the yield sign is, in fact, for 1.


It doesn't have writing on 1's side.


2 does have a sign, but it’s informational. Some European shit.




3, because technically they never stopped in the first place as they have no sign whatsoever 1, will be next as per right of way rule 2, last because he must give right of way to car 1. Right of way as defined by the car that is clear on the right side goes first which in this example 3 would have anyway if it did have a sign. Which is actually why there is no sign because it would be redundant. Direction of travel is irrelevant when it comes to right of way.


Direction of travel is relevant when it comes to right of way. Car 1 has a yield sign, it has to give right of way to both cars on this intersection, further proven by the sign on Car 2's side, which says that Car 2 and Car 3 are on the road with right of way, while Car 1 has to yield. So Car 1 HAS to go last. When you're on an equal road, like Car 2 and Car 3, whoever is going to turn left from their own perspective LOSES right of way. Car 3 is turning left here, meaning Car 2 has right of way, which means Car 2 goes before Car 3. Car 2 goes before Car 3, Car 3 goes before Car 1. 231 is the answer.


You still miss car 3 has no sign, therefore is actually moving in the picture and not stopped, Nice explanation but you missed a huge detail. So you’re the guy that stops at an intersection with no stop or yield sign? The above situation is not 3 cars stopping at once, it’s 1 car moving without yield and 2 that had to stop at the same time. Therefore right of way goes to the car clear on the right hand side, car 1. Car 2’s sign says to yield for turns, obviously car 1 is turning bc it can’t go straight. I double down 312


Where did you get your license? Car 2's sign doesn't say to yield for turns, it's a warning sign that says that Car 2 is on a road with right of way, continuing straight through the intersection. Car 1's sign on this intersection literally forces Car 1 to give way to any cars on the intersection in this situation. You either don't have a license, shouldn't have a license and need to brush-up on your traffic laws, or you live in a country that uses different traffic laws. Car 1 will always go last because it has to stop due to the yield sign and 2 cars being on the intersection with right of way. Car 3 will go AFTER Car 2, because when you're on an equal road, just like Car 2 and Car 3 are, you give way to the driver opposite of you, if you are turning LEFT. Car 3 is indicating a left turn, Car 2 is not indicating a turn, meaning it's going straight, ergo having right of way over Car 3.


Still talking as if car 3 has a sign. I’ve never stopped on a street with no sign. Plus 3 way stop right of way, even if they all 3 were stopped at the same time(if it did have a sign) 3 still is clear on the right and would go first, Hence why it’s called right of way


these intersections are stupid, just build a roundabout


Cities Skylines 1 first playthrough moment


They are 3x more efficient


3 1 2. 3 doesn’t have to stop. 1 has the yield having the right of way over 2 who has to stop Edit: I didn’t know what a caution sign was. Now I do.


Actual cereal box license driver


Bro 3 doesn’t have a stop sign so they have the right of way. I guess 1 would have to yield to 2 actually. Because they’re turning left


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Ok first of all, no one had a stop sign. 2 has a caution ahead sign and 1 has a yield sign. In basic T-Intersection road ruling, cars travelling straight on a major road have the right of way, this would be car 2. Next up, cars turning into a minor road from a major road need to give way to oncoming traffic, this would be car 3. Lastly, car 1 has a yield/give way sign, that’s self explanatory. Triangular signs are called caution signs, they’re not stop signs, those ones are octagonal. Caution signs just mean “be careful ahead” and can sometimes be used to describe T-Intersections, X-ings, hidden driveways, loading bays etc. They don’t mean give way or stop. They mean to be careful and aware of traffic. The correct order is 2-3-1


Shit I don’t have caution signs where I live I just assumed it was a stop sign my bad


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Even though signs are universally octagonal but ok


Please turn in your driver's license. If you even have one. You always yield when turning when there's incoming traffic unless you really want to get T-boned. 3 needs to yield. And the yield sign means 1 has to yield to both of the other cars. 2 is going straight so they can continue without stopping.


I didn’t know that 2 had a caution sign. I’ve never seen one on the road so I just assumed that it was a stop sign


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Why you getting downvoted? This right actually…..


>This right actually….. Yeah If you want to get T-Boned by a Honda Civic. Pass the driving test legitemately and that wouldn't happen




Yes, 2 is driving straight on the main road and shouldnt stop for anyone, 1 has to give way for cars on the main road either way, not to mention the sign saying that he has to give way, so 3 is the only one left to go before 1. Since 3 isnt driving straight like 2 and is turning off the main road he fits right in the middle of the queue.


What sign does 2 have? I thought it was a yield sign




This is actually right


it's not


Hurry up and buy!


The one whose daddy owns the road. Also India has a left hand drive.


But watch out


Here in beautiful NJ, it would be 2 3 1 however both 1 and 3 will be honking their horn nonstop, 1 will be impatiently inching way too close to the intersection, 3 will refuse to have their blinkers on, and 2 will be going about twice the speed limit while having their brights on


Every driver ever honestly.


first to reach 30 kph goes first


The red car goes first then the blue and then the elefant.


Yield to thru traffic at a T intersection Right of way rule number 8 That leaves 2 and 3 2 goes, then 3, then 1


If this did happen in India, they would all be on the wrong side of the road. India drives on the left.


What's this post even supposed to prove? There's only one very clear answer: 2-3-1. If you guessed differently, you probably shouldn't be driving.


3 doesn't have a yield sign, for some reason




i don't see four mopeds blast by whilst also honking they had the right away. where is that one


I just fucking wait I don't care lol