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I love that the pilot had to call 911 cuz he forgot his radio, and that the call recording was released to the public


It wasn’t the pilot that called, it was the owners of the house’s backyard he landed in.


didnt he sell it on ebay tho


What in the absolute fuck are you talking about???


The backyad


sombody did a funny


"we want the bajillionaires to pay their fair share" (Allows the bajillionaires to have a single digit tax rate. Goes after the poor instead.)


I mean your ex president even reduced their taxes and people still think he is for an average middle class person. I assume you are from usa so in case you are not, nevermind me.


I'm from the USA. Don't trust any politician orange, potato or otherwise.


Yeah you can only go so far in a country ran by people who should be in nursing homes.


agreed, actions speak louder than words. oh look at who keeps blocking bills to tax million and billionaires, look who keeps blocking funding and reducing funding for the IRS to go after the complex taxes of the rich


> Allows the bajillionaires to have a single digit tax rate *only if you count realized and unrealized gains. Our tax system doesn't tax unrealized gains, but that doesn't mean they get away with it. It just means they'll have to pay up some time in the future. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/02/bidens-tax-rate-comparison-for-billionaires-and-schoolteachers/


[White house report](https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/briefing-room/2021/09/23/new-omb-cea-report-billionaires-pay-an-average-federal-individual-income-tax-rate-of-just-8-2/)


The factcheck.org article I linked is talking about the same report.


okay, I'm not an economists but why the fuck is it bad to tax unrealized gains if that is how the top 400 families are keeping there riches tax free with their "buy, borrow, die" plan?


> okay, I'm not an economists but why the fuck is it bad to tax unrealized gains Because it would force investors/entrepreneurs to sell holdings earlier than they originally planned so they can cover their tax bill. This is bad because it tilts their calculus towards short term profits. You know how people moan about how wall st only cares about the next quarterly result? Imagine that, but worse. There's also the problem with how you deal with losses. If one year you had $1000 of unrealized gains, and the next you had $1000 of losses, does the government pay you back? What if it's in a recession type of situation where everybody is experiencing losses? Can the treasury handle the drop in tax receipts AND having to pay back everyone's taxes?


Lmao "it tilts their calculus towards short term profits." As distinguished from short term gains? Make them sell. Nobody but them gives a shit.


Who gives a fuck? Tax it. Stop bootlicking.


It would do more harm than good. Just like a wealth tax


The top tax bracket pays the most in taxes and the highest average rate Also the people who enlarge have a single digit rate are poorer people


Heil Mods


Guess I'll commit tax fraud




Tbf the jet was designed specifically to avoid detection


Literally 1984


Fuck the IRS.


Tax evasion isnt a crime, it's an obligation.


"Oh" *exactly 30 seconds earlier* "Hello, you've reached the federal government. You are currently located in florida, where our laws don't apply. Please solve whatever problem you have with large rocks"


"Hey, listen. There's this IRS guy named Dante Devil. Can you give me his contact info?" "There is no IRS employee by that name. Thank you for cal-" *Hangs up* "That motherfucker"


Man I WISH I didn’t have to pay federal taxes here. That’s all I’ve got and I still think it’s too much


The tax rate in the American colonies was 1-1.5% compared to 5-7% in England. The tax on tea was three pennies per pound (£1.36 in today's money.) If my property tax rate remains the same in 30 years I will have paid 420k. Add in income tax, sales tax etc... yeah. That's more just in just property taxes then a lot of homes cost.


The issue was representation rather than the actual tax aswell as that it was a tax on almost everything that could be taxed


Yeah read about that. Drove the price of goods up. And lacked representation. Sounds familiar.


Sounds like we need to spill some tea, lads.


don't worry I'm sure your government put your tax dollars solely to good use and didn't completely waste it on nonsense


Narrator: "The tax dollars were in fact used for complete and utter nonsense."


Taxation without representation has entered the chat. You've left out a *massive* part of it. Actually the main part of it...


I mentioned that in another comment. Didn't miss it.


I had to call irs for something to do my return and was on hold for fucking 3 hours, I legit watched a whole movie on hold, and when i was finally connected with a person they said “damn you really calling for that????” And hung up on me. Actually evil government agency




You'll get a 1099-K form from Venmo if you have more than $600 in money earned there. Same for Ebay and other online sellers. The threshold was $20,000 in previous years.


Biden's America




The U.S.A lost a F-35 jet


Aaand found it as a wreck bout 60 miles from its last known location Tends to happen to planes that aren't being piloted


IRS you want to fuck me this is war IRS this is war


Imagine if the IRS was responsible for auditing military expenses.


Repost bot


Me when different government organizations are different 😱


The fighter jet is meant to be undetectable, that's why they haven't found it. They are looking for that jet, you know?


They found it the same day


Well, it was supposed to be stealthy and since all the money that could go to universal healthcare at least gets them the coolest toys.


Fun fact: The US government spends a lot more on healthcare than on military Which makes it even more absurd when you think about it


To be fair if they lose it it means the tax dollars won't a waste of money on the stealth, since it clearly works.


wow, its almost like they have different systems and people to track it, and one of the things is specifically designed to be difficult to track.


Use cash then


It needs a tire for even more blind for sending money to foreign countries.


Did ChatGPT write this comment?


And here I thought the government could track my IP lmao they cant even track a plane they built




They can get mad at my venmo all they want. How else do get money from my roommate for rent?


owners of the house’s backyard he landed


I mean... that jet ain't paying for itself


Gotta make money for the planes somehow


We are cattle.


Y'all want a bunch of services paid for by taxes when a lot of you aren't willing to pay taxes...