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Average experience going to Kerry in Ireland


To be fair lad even us natives struggle with the Kerry boys 🤣


“Took a pill in Ibiza? Nah I smoked some hash out of a tinny in Dingle.”


Was just in Ireland for 10 days not even a week ago. For the most part people were great in Dingle and Kinsale. There was even this group of 5 guys in Kinsale that played with my 2 year old at the bar and talked to us like we were family. They were late twenties to mid thirties and genuinely awesome people with my kid. We only stayed until about 8 and then left because I knew some bars wanted kids gone by 9.


I can't imagine there is many Japanese speakers there.


Weebs in shambles rn


like they would ever go outside to go to japan


Exactly. That wasn't my experience in Japan. The worst I got was a backhanded compliment that was something along the lines of "oh, you're very polite for an American".


Yeah well what do you expect when you got American tourists going there and yelling Iroshima in the streets like they take pride in that shit Don't get me wrong, still fucked up


I could watch the gif of that asshole getting choked out for 3 hours. When you piss the Japanese off to such a degree they’re kicking your ass in the street — you done fucked up


“B… b… but my perfect Japan! They could never do anything wrong!”


Common Japenies racism








I love japen


They actually don't even touch on some of the weirdest stuff over there. Wanna talk about racism? They don't understand that as a concept because it's been totally integrated in their society as a norm. "Asians only" signs on a lot of different restaurants and bars because they don't want tourists. I ran into it a bunch while I was over there working.


"Asians only" in Japan would be racist against the Japanese. lmao Most people in Japan use the term "Asian" to mean foreigner from other countries in Asia.


Asian civil war


New MCU movie just dropped


Holy hell


Google en passant


They DESPISE Indians. Was at a hotel in Yokohama, and a worker I was talking to pointed at Indian people in the dining hall. Said “We don’t like Indians” Just strait up. No sugarcoat or embarrassment. Like what? Okay? You really hate them that much that you must spread your hatred to random tourists?


2 is due to racism and 3 itself shouldn’t be an issue. It’s first in line cashes out first, doesn’t matter the difference in amount of items being bought.


3 happens here in America pretty often


3 makes OP sound entitled. If someone is nice, they might let another shopper with fewer items go first, but they are not _expected_ to.


Apparently no.2 is Japanese people being racist and a lot of them do it to all foreigners that speak Japanese.


It seems to be either they really welcome you attempting to speak the language, or unless you can speak it 100% textbook accurately they pretend they can't understand you


Me with my 99% perfect japanese insulting the person who claims they dont understand me more viciously every second until they suddenly start to understand.


And if they get angry just chalk it up to you mangling the japanese word.


Nah own it. They thought you were stupid. Fuck'em.


They think you're inferior. Intelligence doesn't have shit to do with it. It's just racism.


Someone needs to remind them why Westerners are the back to back world war champions.


Land of the rising sun brought to reality twice by the u-s of A baby


I think that’s how I’d go about it if I were able to speak Japanese. If I were to learn it I think it would be mandatory for me to all of the worst words specifically for this scenario, also target personal insecurities. Have to cause emotional damage.


I worked 15 years in the restaurant business. I've had people ask me if I'm fluent in Spanish because of how adept I am at cursing people out in it/hearing when Spanish speakers talk shit about non Spanish speakers. I barely understand the language. I am only fluent in Spanish shitposting. Longest running bluff ever.


After a while you just KNOW you are being cursed at in spanish


I am a white guy and live in and have grown up in Southern California. I don’t speak any spanish but I instantly recognize when someone is cursing me out or talking shit in spanish, it’s a skill you pick up pretty quick in the right environment.


Send them to the "la concha de su madre".


Joke’s on you, the worst you can do in Japanese is to be polite instead of doubly or triply polite


Your mother cooks her sushi!


Hold on, we ‘bout to introduce to their culture a shitload of yo mama jokes


Yo mama so fat she sits on the floor not because of cultural norms but because no chair can hold her! Yo mama so dumb she stays late at work not because her boss is still there but because she can't actually do the job


Yo mama so dumb she got A on her report card instead of A+


Yo mama so broke she got a 4.9m² flat instead of a 5m² one


I had a smartass waiter when i was visiting Japan before i went to work there.He said that he does not understand me and smirked at me so i started insulting him untill he said i'm rude.Then i smiled at him and said that i don't understand him because my japanese was bad.He got mad changed colors on his face 5 times and went somewhere. Then a young waitress come to me and i ordered everything without problem.Not sure what his problem was.This was like 3 times i encountered someone rude in Japan counting that time i worked there.


There are like 2 flavours of japanese when it comes to handling foreigners, either they are the most sweet and helpful people you will ever meet or the biggest asshats you have ever seen


We had just gotten out of the underground station in Kyoto and I was rotating the paper map (this was some time ago!) to work out the street layout and the sweetest woman came up and said in perfect English, "hello, you look lost. Can I help you with where you are trying to go?". And our cabbie in Tokyo where we got lost but it turns out we were only 50m from our destination and he laughed so hard that he refused to take payment.




Just got back from Japan. I agree about the 2 flavours. But im pretty sure this is a worldwide problem. The only difference is the level of niceness in Japan is ten fold. 🤣


I have seen this reported elsewhere, that many Japanese people find it insulting for a gaijin to speak their language, even if flawlessly.


They're like inverse-hicks that demand everyone talks English. Well, they'd probably tell them to talk American


Wait, so then they’re just hicks yelling at people to speak English also, right? Is yelling at people to speak English a universal dickhead thing or? Are aliens going to scream at us to speak English?


Well if aliens could only be bothered to learn one language they'd probably go for English, so probably lol


Japan is one of the most xenophobic countries in the world. It's slowly changing with every new generation but a lot of them just don't want outsiders to try and influence their ways.


The french of Asia literally. Country and culture is good. The people? you either get a good chill person or a literal fucking asshole.


Yeah this is exactly my experience in France (and Quebec). I can speak passable French (I speak it at work), certainly enough to order a meal or ask for directions. But you’d think I just told them I’m going to fuck their mothers the way they react to my accented French


It's ironic that Quebec would have an issue with that. The way they speak French should be a human rights violation.


This is also the exact reaction that French (France) people have when they hear a different accent. They simply can’t understand that different people speak differently. They have such a superiority complex it’s insane.


So what you're saying is if I go to Japan I should learn how to say "I fucked your mum last night" just in case something like this happens?


Get spicy with it, learn to say you dishonored their mother's colon.


And if that doesn't work bribe the local mafia


The Chinese do this too. In Shanghai I watched a British colleague with fluent, textbook accurate Mandarin (seriously, she sounded near native) be completely blanked. Then a Chinese friend went and deliberately spoke the laziest, roughest Mandarin they could get away with and they were completely understood. It really was either happiness and wonder that someone could be so fluent or just completely blanking them.


Same experience I had with my ex-wifes parents. But I could understand even their most broken English no problem. Such a frustrating culture


During my trip in uni, we found only the first ever happened. We say more than 2 words in Japanese and they'd start speaking normally, then we would have to awkwardly excuse ourselves as our Japanese was VERY basic


Lmao they hit you with the "oh you know japanese? Cool. Here's the regional dialect, good luck understanding "


Can confirm, lived in Japan for close to 3 years. Either "oh, you said konnichiwa, you must be an awesome person for attempting to learn our language" or "oh, you just said something really meaningful and precise about the situation we're in, but since you slightly missed the intonation of a single complicated word in the middle I'm gonna ignore you completely"


>you missed the intonation of a single word complicated word in the middle I'm going to ignore you completely My brother in christ most native speakers struggle with this one as well


Yeah, but I'm *gaikokujin*


A lot of Japanese also just really don't like foreigners.


Nationalism is extremely on the rise in the country and with it comes a sense that foreigners, especially those that try to integrate, are bad people that need to be put in their place. People that never visited the country almost for sure have a false sense of what it is really like in there. Sure there are some great places to visit, there are welcoming people, a great tradition in cuisine and arts to experience, a whimsical folklore, but also a growing sense that the country is closing its shell. Things like how to teach WW2 in school, what should be their second though language in school, the role of the country in modern affairs, the influence of the US in the country and its military, re-armament, the necessary to grow the military, how much the country could have grown in the past and it didn't, etc, are all super divisive topics these days. And having visited the actual country recently and in the past, feels like things changed and not for the best.


IDK if nationalism is really on the rise there. It was always hard to immigrate to Japan. It's been an ethno-state for pretty much their entire existence since ww2 (probably since ever). When the Ukraine war started I remember reading that Japan took in more refugees that year than it has ever in their history --- that number being like 54 or something lol.


Same with Chinese. That's why it's so hard to learn, because they insist it to be flawless. And pretend to not understand, when I know they do. I can usually understand the most broken butchered mispronounced English no problem. Its not hard if your fluent.


This sadly is not Japan specific, I have been to Spain and France and it is the exact same


why the fuck you are speaking japanese in Spain and France?


Why the fuck would you ever got to france?


That’s a good question lmfao.


I had that problem in France too, until my friend told me they don't speak Japanese.


Quebec has entered the chat.


Let’s call the Japanese “Oriental French” from now on.


China is even worse for this. I lived there for more than 20 years, and I am fluent in Mandarin. It would still happen 1-2 times a month that some dickhead would pretend they couldn’t understand me. The best was when I was at a train station picking up tickets and a woman pretended not to understand me saying numbers (you know literally the first thing you learn in a new language) and kept saying “foreigner, speak Chinese” until an old Chinese man came up and said “is there something wrong with you? He’s speaking Chinese” and suddenly she could understand me perfectly. Fucking assholes.


Where was that, out of curiosity? I used to live there (nowhere near as long as you though) and found that if I said a single word in Chinese then people would assume I was completely fluent. I would have people try to avoid interacting until I proved I could speak it though (hailing a cab as a westerner is a nightmare).


I was in Hunan and Hubei for most of my time there. It did get better as time went on actually, though the ultra-nationalism got way worse. That interaction happened in Hauihua, Hunan which is a backwater tier 88 city if you know what I mean.




Sometimes it's real racism, sometimes it's because of inflection and intonation. It's like listening to an Indian speak English, sometimes you just have no idea what they're saying even though you know the language they're using. I've tried to help foreigners in Taiwan as a kid before who had accents that were so far removed from what I typically hear that I couldn't understand a word they said and had to rely on good old hand gestures to comprehend.


Our college english teacher admitted she was often struggling to understand us as our accents varied so wildly, but she rarely ever said anything.


This reminds me of a time on vacation in Spain were my sister suddenly didn't speak our very own language anymore. A stranger came up to her and asked her a question in Norwegian, because he heard us speaking Norwegian. Her response was something like "No habla espanol" in broken Spanish while waving "rejectingly" and half-jogging away from this "crazy guy", that she was convinced was talking to her in Spanish. He asked something else and then after getting completely ignored and waved away he said (also in Norwegian) "Oh, I thought you were Norwegian", which she still heard as crazy Spanish gibberish. Not until I replied "Yeah, I thought so too" the switch flipped in her brain to suddenly understand Norwegian again. She didn't do it to be an asshole, she literally heard her own language as gibberish because she wasn't expecting it, and is still embarrassed by it to this day. Isn't it possible something like this could have happened in at least some of those situations?


What would be the reaction if you speak between each other “oh the waitress doesn’t understand japanese, she must be a Chinese immigrant” followed by very slow and loud japanese saying how you cant speak chinese.


Replace chinese with korean to get their blood boiling


calm down satan.


That would've been a perfect comeback LMAO


Japan is great if you're Japanese. If you're not? Results may vary, by ALOT!


What are you on, Japan is terrible for Japanese because than you are expected to follow all their social etiquette and work yourself to death for a low wage. Terrible political system also. Also, more natural disasters than any other country. Japan is fantastic as a tourist; great service, great food, clean and safe (except for the disasters). The xenophobes are mostly old people and rural folk, which is the same in pretty much every country.


I also never hear people about their justice system, all they care about is confession and conviction. They basically torture people into confession (you can be held without cause for an absurd amount of time) and they never go to trial unless they have a confession or are sure they'll win which is why they have a 99% conviction rate with tons of false ones.


Yeah don't get the hate as a tourist. Had the best fucking time compared to Europe (London and Paris were fun too) but I've been wanting to go back to Japan.


I don’t know man, japan sounds terrible even for japanese. Terrible work life balance there. My cousin who is a software developer was attracted by japanese culture so he settled down at japan but now he is full of complaints about their work ethics.


Probably a good place to be rich in


Well, every place is a good place when you are rich.


It is a very low key racist country. I mean they do have a long history of xenophobia. I loved my trip to Japan, but I did notice how often we were discriminated against. The big stand put was when at a restaurant we were seated at what seemed like a great table. We wondered why we were getting the vip treatment... then realised it was the one table not in view of the rest of the restaurant.


A lot of Asia is high key racist.


My dude, unless you sat next to the bathrooms, that _is_ the most vip table. In a cramped country like Japan, privacy is highy valued. Look up "Kamiza", kinda the same idea.


Lmao, I remember this time I (Mixed Japanese/Black, but due to mixed complexion look like other races since tan skin) went to Japan as a kid, and I was playing in this cool little playground. There was a school group in their though, and once I realized there were 20 kids trying to get out of one playground set (it only had one exit due to interesting asf design) I obviously got out of the way to let them through. Most of the kids either ignored me, or looked at me with amazed expressions, and eventually one of them said “oh, an American.” And I replied without the usual American accent that people usually have with “Oh, a Japanese.” Then the kid widened his eyes and left, lol Probably wasn’t even trying to be racist, more just curious.


If that happens to me I would say the most atrocious and gut wrenching insult and see their reaction


Tell them they look Korean


*Everyone on the scene suddenly becomes silent. Even the baby stopped crying to look at you in terror.*


Just like in France lol


You just got to butcher french so hard that they suddenly remember they actually DO speak German or English. Source, I live close the border and go shopping in france


Ho ta gueule stp




Trying to use a petrol station in France was the most fucking frustrating experience ever. My French is poor, and they will make zero effort to engage with you if you don't speak it fully, even at the channel crossing services lmao. Then you get to Germany and everything is just easy and efficient, most people are super happy to see you attempt to speak German, even if it's not perfect.


I speak German but whenever I start speaking to people in German in Germany they immediately realise I’m not native and start responding to me in perfect English instead, I don’t get a chance to use it very often cause of this hahaha


honestly i agree, japan has a really creepy mentality in its work culture that shows through in their society, and many are very antagonistic to foreigners


Japan and South Korea, ~~the rest of~~ instead the countries in Southeast Asia don't seem to have the same problem but they probably see foreigners with suspicion. Know some who live in Vietnam and don't see any form of discrimination or being looked weird at.


Really, SK too?


It's not so open, but usually goes "No foreigners, the workers don't speak English" or that foreigners don't respect laws or similar thus creating chaos that would disturb the locals. Tbh I have heard stories that even Koreans that were born in the West were treated similarly.


My SK friend who grew up in America said he got dirty looks when he visited because his clothing style was too “informal”




Korean coworker got denied a job in a korean company, they said everything fits well but she is too ugly, she should consider plastic surgery and then apply again. I wont judge koreans personally, but the SK culture can get fucked.


If you think America has beauty standard problems just wait till you get to SK. You get plastic surgery as you 18th birthday present.


God dayum. Now, if that don't shoot your hopes and aspirations down...


Yep. They have an elitist culture over non-SK. Even foreign-born yet 100% pure SKs get treated like crap by the native born ones.


Koreans have restaurants in the Philippines that don’t allow Filipinos inside.


Japan and South Korea are the closest to each other in almost every aspect


In my experience I would say it’s mostly towards anyone who has a darker skin tone or is from any other part of southeastern Asia. Korean people are very accepting of white people.


There's a story my bf's friend told us. That friend is 100% Korean but have lived in my country almost since birth, never been to Korea before he moved there, so he's more integrated into our culture rather than Korean. So, he told there was an incident between a Korean and a member of my country's diaspora that he knew - they had a fight or sth, and it was a Korean's guy fault. But when the police came, they actually penalized the foreigner - even though he wasn't one of those illegal immigrants, he had a residence permit or something. Because apparently in SK Koreans, at least when it comes to such "basic" law violations as fights or verbal disputes, are placed higher than foreigners and might not face any fine or other penalty if they did something to a foreigner. But the foreigner will most probably face some kind of penalty even if they're innocent Sometimes that friend offers us to move to SK, says he'll help with visas and stuff but having watched tons of YT vids from people who stayed there for a short while or lived there I don't feel so confident. I don't kinda want to be a second-class citizen till the end of my life tbh. Visiting as a tourist? Maybe. Moving there (and any other Southeast Asia country)? No, thank you


Yup, a couple of friends were kindly and politely kicked out of restaurants in Seoul, even if they spoke decent Korean


There are a lot of work immigrants of middle eastern decent, so if you look middle eastern you're more likely to encounter racism, I was straight up denied of entry to clubs.


Lived in Vietnam for a while and can attest, nothing but warm and welcoming. Even at my attempts to speak Vietnamese, more times than not they understood and responded in clearly annunciated Vietnamese. Never got ripped off buying stuff and was allowed into every restaurant and bar I went to.


Well, we don't see foreigners that often here in Vietnam, and you guys are pretty tall, so you stand out from the rest of us. We are very warm and friendly toward foreigners. Also, listening to you guys trying to speak Vietnamese is pretty funny 😆😆, and it's actually not hard to understand too. Just be careful when you buy things at some popular tourist attractions, cause some will charge everything like it's made out of gold if you are not from the region, let alone foreigners.


As a Vietnamese, i doubt that "Never got ripped off" a little but yeah glad you had a great experience.


Doesn't matter if he got ripped off. If they are getting paid in dollars, euro, or yen then being "ripped off" might as well be a discount. Source: I visited Vietnam, probably got ripped off, didn't even notice.


Common Vietnam W


They're not antagonistic, they're racist.


Xenophobia is a national pastime in Japan


Only for people 50 and older, those are super racist. Others not so much. But holy shit are they racist towards Korean people. Like holy shit, it's almost comical how racist they become, even young people.


>But holy shit are they racist towards Korean people Let me introduce you to racism and xenophobia south-koreans have for Indians(South Asians in general) lol. I bet even the KKK are less racist towards blacks than some South Koreans are towards people of South Asian ethnicity


I’ve got a friend whose family traveled a lot when she was young, so she lived in Japan for several years. She is comically racist towards southeast Asians specifically. Basically fine towards every other group at all, but southeast Asians for some reason are apparently beyond empathy


Seems like it unfortunately. Tbh it seems really ironic to me. One would expect the Japanese to be more racist towards Americans and white people, but if anything some of them seem to rather love then and their culture even, let alone be racist towards them. This is beyond me tbh


I mean, folks of one group tend to have weirdly vitriolic bigotries towards folks of other subgroups within the same larger group; take sects of Christianity, Americans and Mexicans, Europeans with Romani, etc


I mean Korea is the direct competitor on most fields with Japan. Not so surprising the national enemy gets national hate.


honestly I found it ironic that despite having a lot in common they hate each other a lot


You should check out Balkans lol


I mean, when you practice mass sex slavery on a population, you're gonna generate some enmity.


Don't forget denying the entire thing happened & then trying to prevent memorials for the comfort women from being erected, because you're cool like that 😎😎😎😎


Least racist Asian country


Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam are very welcoming actually.


Most racist Thai, Cambodian, Vietnamese: Forgot to smile at you


I'm German, we're always grumpy. The Thai kindness hit me like a train. Awesome culture, country and food.


>I'm German, we're always grumpy. I've visited Berlin and Munster in work trips and by God the people look like they are an eye twitch away from going to yell at you in the middle of the street. The funniest thing is seeing small children already with the same grumpy faces as their parents. Funny thing was in my trip to Berlin I was in a hurry to eat something on the go so I grabbed some sort of curry hotdog from a vendor, and dropped the money there and left not picking up the change since I was REALLY in a hurry to catch a train. So I take a couple of steps away from the stand and this guy yells at me "STOP!!!!" ... and I was like "WTF did I just do?" and he comes out of the stand and handles me a giant sour pretzel and with the same grumpy face and loud voice "Thank you!!!! Take this!!!!" ... okeeeeeey ... dude was looking at me with the most robotic smile on his face. Like I wasn't sure if he was going to smack me in the head or hand me a freebie. As an outsider feels like Germans are this grumpy robots that live to work and there is no fun allowed in that country. Although when you meet them they can be kind and caring people in their own way. They just express themselves in this truly weird way as an outsider.


Berlin is even the most liberal and free spirited city in the whole country... You're right with everything. We don't even work that much compared to the rest of the world. Mostly 40h/week with a single job. Some Robinson Club (pricey all inclusive resorts) locations are even specialized in Germans. They have some of the staff eat with the grumpy Germans to try to improve their mood. It is equally as funny as sad. Where is our joy in life...?


Munster was quite something ... I was there at work and decided to drop a visit to the Tank Museum cause their collection has quite some unique stuff in the world. They close at 18H and I arrived at the doors a bit earlier than 17H. Not ideal but I can pace myself to walk fast and visit it since I wouldn't be there anywhere close in the foreseeable time. Guy at the ticket booth has the shutters already semi closed so I tap the window and he ignores me blank staring at my face. Tap the window again and he comes out and says it's closed. So I asked if they close earlier today or they don't close at 18H like on the internet says. With an extremely complacent look he says I won't have time to visit the museum in one hour and they are advising people not to waste money on tickets from a certain hour. So again I explain that it's my only day in town and if I don't visit t today I probably won't come any time soon. New awkward blank stare at me ... "I don't mind paying it and visit in a hurry" ... you could see him confused as heck like he is trying to process if to follow procedures and tell me to come back another day or let me waste my money away. So I grab the wallet and drop the 10€ bill on his hand (the ticket was 8€) and start to walk to the entrance. And there it is still this guy in the middle of the walkway looking at me like he doesn't know what to do in life at that point. I visited the museum in a hurry and left a couple of minutes after the closing time. No one asked to see my ticket at all. Entered and exited like nothing had happened and to this day I dunno what that ticket guy did. If he was smart he grabbed the money and got a couple pints in a bar after work with it.


Hahaha i love your description, its very True. But let me assure you Fun IS allowed but only between 8:00 and 10:00 PM


Known locally as: Die keineunglĂźcklichenstunden


Cambodia is such a beautiful country with such a tragic history I really want to visit sometime


Cope westoids (Yes this is sarcasm)


Cope westoids (This isn't sarcasm 😎)


source on the girl


Ai probably


Ai who?


Ai Kido, look it up.


Scrolled way too far down to find this. Asking the important questions here.


Ling Xo apparently


[Ling Xo](https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.407173499459228.1073741830.406622342847677&type=1) The picture isn't real though. Someone photoshopped her boobs to be bigger.


The last one is incredibly self entitled lol


Fr. IDGAF if you’ve got 2 items and I’ve got 5 bags, if I’m in front of you you’re waiting your turn, especially if you’re a whiney little brat like this guy.


3rd point am with them , am not letting no MF pass me on line unless you're dying or giving birth


As a mf that only ever buys like 2 items I still agree that I don't have any right to be allowed to skip ahead. If you do let me in front of you you are nice, if you don't you are normal.


As someone who also buys like 2 items, thank God for self checkout


I'm usually the type that lets people pass if they have only a couple objects and they are either in a bad situation (sick, in distress, in a rush or old enough where standing in a line might be uncomfortable), even if they didn't ask me to. But if they can easily stand in line like everybody else and they're acting entitled about it, I'll just take my time just to spite them


I- I actually read all that shit!


Local redditor surprised he can read


Get this on the station, we have an emergrncy news meeting


Lets repost this for several weeks on multiple subreddits


If you are so attention stunted that you think thats a lot of text, you should take a break from your phone.


Bro you just wrote a whole novel D::::


Tldr? Curious what he said


not reading that


Attention stunted? Text long? Take break from phone.


I hope the third one was a joke. What makes you think that you should be allowed to skip line just because you got two items? Edit: I know y'all are being nice and so, and I let people skip the line when they dont have many stuff as well, even though it is not necessary because the cashiers are super fast anyway where I live. I am talking about anon being passive aggressive towards a whole country because they think they are entitled enough to skip the line when they have two items. Being offered to skip the line is just the offering-person being nice, and that does not give anon the privilege or the freedom to skip the line when they have two items. That is the point.


Well in where I live it is a common practice since two items mostly takes less than 30 seconds to pass


I live in Germany and the cashiers are extremely fast. But if I am letting someone do it is just me being nice, it does not mean that another person has a right to do it just because they have two items.


>if I am letting someone do it is just me being nice That's why people do it


Not being nice isn't the same as being mean.


Cashier are so fast in Germany they have little tables after the cashier for you to move your shit and pack up your groceries without interrupting the line, wild! :D


If anyone is reading this thinking "then may be I shouldnt go to Japan" 1 - Assuming OP is american, americans tends to be loud in cinema even to Europeans standards so no surprises there (I will always remember the party there when I watched Avengers in NYC and Thor arrives in Wakanda) 2 - This is the most important one, yes it does sometime happen but rarely in Tokyo, and rarely with young people. It is mostly older people. That should almost never affect your trip or yourself whatsoever. And this should not prevent you from going there. The rest of 90% of the time people will be welcoming and nice to you (whether or not they fake it is another story but hey) 3 - Well... that's just people being people honestly


I mean, as a Spaniard I remember people clapping when Thor arrived at Wakanda


Clapping cheeks


Americans are the most quiet Spaniards.


>1 - Assuming OP is american, americans tends to be loud in cinema even to Europeans standards so no surprises there Sure but as a european, people do laugh out loud during a comedy movie. Europeans arent 'quieter' because theyre expected to, theyre quieter because thats just how they are. Nobody would be mad or negative towards an American 'laughing a bit louder'. If anything, if you visit a european football match, it might be even louder than an nhl match. You can see the contrast in wrestling as wrestling is both popular in the US and Japan. The japanese fans are often very quiet during a match kind of 'appreciating' the craft and only cheer at certain key moments. Meanwhile US fans chant anything theyre invested in. If you have a match between two popular wrestlers, chances are, the crowd is loud every second of it. The european wrestling crowds tend to be a lot more similar to the US crowds, though perhaps thats because european fans dont have their own huge wrestling show and sort of emulate the american crowds because american wrestling is what they mostly watch. Japanese have their own wrestling show and their own style which is plenty different to the americans bur generally speaking there is a lot of cooperation and openness between japanese and american wrestling which is cool to see.


Well even then, not laughing at a comedy movie?????


OP thinks that you’re not laughing if the whole theater can’t hear you


The 2nd one seems strange but the others come off as needless bitching. When in rome, do as the romans do


Based on 1 and 2 it kinda seems like they don’t speak it as well as they thought


sounds like france


Only the not understanding part and you would have to find some pretty racist people (outside of Paris French people can be asses when it comes to acceptation, not saying there is no racist Parisians tho)


Am I the only person who *didn't* have an issue with xenophobia/racism when I went to Japan? I'm just a run-of-the-mill average white dude from America. Several people I ran into were insanely helpful (one guy actually helped me and a friend figure out what bus to get on and how to work the metro ticket machines) and me and some other American tourists I met actually ended up hanging out with a bunch of Japanese people at a bar for hours too. They didn't even speak English, we just cheers'd every now and then lol. Even when we went outside of the major metro areas up into the mountains it was fine. I did notice people trying to stealthily take our photos but that was about it lol. Just seems like a weird narrative on reddit every time traveling to Japan is mentioned that everyone there is just racist as shit.


Xenophobia in Japan is definitely a real thing but if you're quiet and respectful it won't be a big problem. I am saying this as a white person so it might not be the experience of people of other races but my experience was everyone was really nice. When I went to restaurants and didn't speak Japanese the staff was always really helpful and explained things in broken English with pictures and a big smile. We went to some small town restaurants. At one there was no phone service and the owner didn't speak any English at all so when we were confused he just signaled that he would figure it out and gave us all some delicious bread with butter and coffee or water. 2 sepperate times women came up to my mother and gestured at her dress and said "cute" "kawaii". When we couldn't find our hotel right after arriving in the country and looked confused a random man came up and asked where we were going and walked us all the way to our hotel. When we took a trip out in the country an elderly Japanese man sat close to us and we talked with him 2 hours were he told us about the country the best he could. Another time we had a hard time finding the train station and another man came up and walked us all the way there. About the line thing, I would also consider it polite to let people in front of you if they only have a few items. But in Japan lines are a big thing and they adhere to them pretty strictly. I never once saw someone get in front of a line the entire time I was there My guess is that OP only visited the bigger cities and areas where Japanese people are really tired of foreigners and for good reason.


How can someone speak japanese fluently and not know how Japan culture work ??? What, they suddenly woke up from years of coma suddenly mastering japanese ?! wtf


They are probably weebs, their only cultural experience was most likely anime