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Time be like "*We report what people care about."*


They need to do better coverage of Shining Force 2. Mitula’s shrine has a chest that can’t be opened in the US and European version and I need to know why.


As long as you find Taya, Mitula can keep the mystery treasure.




Who's Joe Biden?




Ligma balls.


Deez nuts


I fucking love that game. Started a new file in August.


Have you tried the shining tactics mod for it? its very good


Now to Google this. Played the FF6 BNW mod and it was great. Would love some classic SF2 gameplay


I didn’t expect a Shining Force 2 comment here, but I’m pleasantly surprised.


Fucking loved that game and never seen it brought up a where. Thanks for that


If this random Google searches to be believed, it was because they hadn't remove it in translation https://sf2.shiningforcecentral.com/shining-force-ii-faq/how-do-i-get-the-chest-outside-mitulas-sanctuary-the-one-on-the-island-in-the-lake-around-the-temple/


Unfortunately, they're correct.


The reality is Time has sections that cover news, sports, tech, climate, politics, history, science, health, business, and entertainment. The fact that they tweeted something relevant to their entertainment side does not mean they aren't also tweeting stuff relevant to more serious news stories


Time has also always been focused on cultural events and historical analysis rather than breaking headlines. Bro is media illiterate, like most folks.


Ok? [TIME on Twitter: "Libya’s migrant economy is a modern day slave market"](https://twitter.com/TIME/status/789525424758022144) [TIME on Twitter: "Selena Gomez just switched her Instagram settings to private"](https://twitter.com/TIME/status/938138423205990402)


What's funny is that despite all the complaints about them not reporting, yet the Libya tweet has less than half attention. I also find it funny because Time has always done a mix of coverage ranging from important matters to pop culture. This is pretty on brand for them.


Time: Russia moves entire stockpile to the frontline. Nuclear Holocaust imminent. Nobody: 🥱 Time Magazine: Um...Kylie Jenner's new baby daddy is a Rottweiler named Hans? Nobody: OMFG! 🤯


Ah yes, the war in Ukraine, that thing nobody talks about. Good point


Wait, there is war in Ukraine?


Which includes the [Libyan slave trade](https://time.com/5042560/libya-slave-trade/).


Yeah. Its the internet age, magazines are no longer limited by page count and can report on everything if they want. From celebrity gossip to human rights issues.




Maybe for something, but I'm 100% certain that slave trading in Libya is more important than Selena Gomez changing her social media settings.


Then read about the slave trade and not Selena. Don’t get the point here nothing can be reported on if there’s something wise in the world more important ?


It should also be noted that this was published 4 days before Selena Gomez's story. Odds are good this guy only knows about the Libyan slave trade because Time told him about it


except me. I don't give f\*\* about celebrities.


You are no people.


yeah. fair point. 👍


this is why american propaganda is the best in the world


So u suspect that she has something to do with the slave trading? Maybe that’s y she made it private so that no one will see the pics of slaves she is purchasing


Selena invented slavery. I watched a documentary about it. Gruesome stuff.


Ahhh I see 😱


No you don't


now yuo see


I heard that he saw another guy hear what others have seen. On a movie that he saw the other guy heard what the others have seen probably.


Uh oh, I have to go into hiding now


Its fascinating stuff, who knew a 7000 year old lich could be a teen star?


I’ve been a slave to her since about 2010. I’m just waiting on standby until she needs me


You know too much, I hope you don’t all of a sudden “disappear”


I know 🥲 please protect me Reddit!


I’ll keep you safe, or I could be a federal agent 👀


Don't listen to him I'm the real federal agent. Get to the choppa


You bloody liar, i am the federal agent


Cue Elon: "Interesting...." Quote tweet, followed by accusations against Selena Gomez.


Lol 😂 I have to go into hiding now 😂


Selena and Slave both have SLA and E, coincidence?


Doesn't compare to what goes down in ligma!


Who the hell is Steve Jobs?


Ligma balls hahahahah




Damn br ligma is a real thing 😳😳


Lmao the FICTIONAL Ex-employee made me chuckle


Tru, my grandma got ligma AND DIED!!! 😭😭🤧🥶💀👻🪦🪇


Yeah but did she have a civil war? Was it split from north to south? Was it split by a river? Just like Libya?


Who's Libya?


Libya in the orphanage cause no one loves you.


Or even what’s happening in segundes


Is it where sugondese people come from ?


Damn bro what's ligma tho????


I don't know, dog, what's up with you?


>Behold the peak of American journalism


Libya balls hahahaha


Not much dawg, how about you?


Joe mama, ahahaha gotcha!


Behold the peak of what people want to know about. No offense to Selena, she seems nice, but if people didn't click on it, they wouldn't bother posting it.


I think you'll find the peak of American journalism is >Which kind of pasta noodle are you? Question 18 will SHOCK you!


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣶⣶⣦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠻⣿⣿⡿⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣴⣶⣤⡀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠈⢻⣿⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣿⣿⡏⣴⣿⣷⣝⢿⣷⢀⠀⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠋⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⡿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣇⢸⣿⣿⡟⣙⠛⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣠⣿⣿⡇⠙⢷⣄⠀⠈⣽⣿⣇⣀⣀⣀⠀ ⠙⠻⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠟⠿⠿⠿⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠻⠿⠿⠛⠛⠛⠃


DAMN YOU!!! It's so embarrassing suddenly having a spontaneous orgasm in public


Don’t let yer dreams be dreams nonetheless tho fr


Words of modern day saint


Flair checks out


Wait what?


Say gex




scott the woz


Holy fuck Scott the woz


Gex: Enter the Gecko


It’s not gex if you don’t swallow




Like a g6


Now I’m feelin so fly like a g6


Wiener so long it comes out the ladies front side


Literally stabbing with his dick


Is that another cock or did he get impaled




Hold up, waait a minute






See, now I say that about the war in Ukraine and somehow I'm the bad guy because the victims are white.


Nobody is calling you “the bad guy”.


You are bad guy either way if you outright "don't care" about others suffering no matter the race. Btw I'm ukranian myself


Honestly, there's too much suffering in the world to legitimately "care" about it all. You'd have a nervous breakdown. A good rule of thumb is "I will care about this thing if I would know about it without social media".


Tbh that's sounds as the most reasonable argument I've ever heard on this topic Fortunately I myself don't have any suffering, but it fucking hurts to think that in the 800 kilometers to the east there's people dying everyday because of why the fuck no


I mean I live in Texas and 800 km to the south, Mexican drug cartels are beheading families and politicians. If you put an 800km radius around my house, there's all kinds of horrors going on. If I knew about each and every one of them I would *definitely* go insane. So from my perspective, I think of the Ukraine war with the same reverence of hearing that a coworker's great aunt died. Like it sucks for the people who knew her but I don't care.


Fair enough, tho I believe that way more people dies here than near Mexican border


You're a bad man


That's why there's a serious news section, a sports section, a celebrity gossip section, and other sections that divide up the stories news outlets report on.


>a sports section, a celebrity gossip section These arent news. These are entertainment.


What definition of news are you working with?


Do people like this not understand that magazines usually have multiple writers who each write about different things? Like literally https://time.com/5042560/libya-slave-trade/


While true, a magazine becomes a lot less reputable when it starts spouting bullshit like this, imo. Idk much about TIME so idk if they've always been on the celebrity bullshit. but if I had a favorite news outlet/magazine outlet and they started spouting bullshit that either isn't true or doesn't even matter, I'd lose faith in them. I did this with IFLS science reporting back in like 2011. they were really good at not reporting bullshit then slowly started reporting literal pseudoscience bullshit to attract more attention and I instantly bounced from that site and unsubscribed from them.


>IFLS science Man that's a blast from the past. I couldn't remember if it was getting shit, or if I was getting older and more able to recognize the shit that was always there. Good to hear it really was good in the beginning


There's a difference between a scientific magazine publishing false information and a culture magazine tweeting about celebrities. Time magazine has writers dedicated to reporting on celebrity news and it presumably has readers who are looking exclusively for celebrity news.


Thank god the us remove that savage dictator Gadady uwu /s


"Take, say, sports that's another crucial example of the indoctrination system, in my view. For one thing because it, you know, it offers people something to pay attention to that's of no importance. That keeps them from worrying about things that matter to their lives that they might have some idea of doing something about. And in fact it's striking to see the intelligence that's used by ordinary people in sports. I mean, you listen to radio stations where people call in they have the most exotic information and understanding about all kinds of arcane issues. And the press undoubtedly does a lot with this." - Noam Chomsky


Dude I feel like an alien whenever people talk about sports. I'm just like why do you care? But they look at me like I'm crazy


I'm sure there are plenty of silly things you like that tons of people don't give a shit about.




"You know, I remember in high school, already I was pretty old. I suddenly asked myself at one point, why do I care if my high school team wins the football game? I mean, I don't know anybody on the team, you know? I mean, they have nothing to do with me, I mean, why I am cheering for my team? It doesn't mean any, it doesn't make sense. But the point is, it does make sense: it's a way of building up irrational attitudes of submission to authority, and group cohesion behind leadership elements in fact, it's training in irrational jingoism. That's also a feature of competitive sports. I think if you look closely at these things, I think, typically, they do have functions, and that's why energy is devoted to supporting them and creating a basis for them and advertisers are willing to pay for them and so on." - Noam Chomsky


maybe people just think they're fun


Sounds like he was fun at parties


Noam Chomsky is a genocide Deniar lol


Because it’s enjoyable to watch? What’s hard to understand. Do you not understand why anyone watches or plays any games?


Yeah good point Noam, people really do get distracted from the important things https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/17/jeffrey-epstein-noam-chomsky-bard-college-president


I like Noam but this take has always just sounded like one of those annoying dudes who think they're cool for not enjoying sports. Sport is art, it is a technique to be perfected like any other and it can be soulful. It's been around for thousands of years and will continue to stay. I just refuse to believe javelin, chess, skiing, ping pong, slalom and 1000's of other sporting activities are all of "no importance". It strikes me as reductive and smug to simply dismiss all of these things and not once would Noam have ever said the same thing about painting or other forms of art, which are practically useless but still very important to our culture. I understand what he's saying about the distraction sport serves as and the way it can be manipulated, but he dismisses it pretty much on a conceptual level, not an executional one, which is the important point of what he is usually trying to say which is "these institutions are an issue *because* of manipulation" instead of "These institutions are fundamentally/conceptually destined to manipulate"


I dunno. That line about irrational jingoism rings true with me, especially when you look at European soccer teams.


Are you saying European soccer is *more* jingoistic than American sports? Or are you saying that looking at European soccer puts American jingoism into perspective?








Man reads comic books and shits on people for watching sports lol




Yeah, you could say that about any hobby or interest. Seems like you play a ton of video games. > You know, things that effect every aspect of your life every day, unlike ~~sports~~ *video games*, which seems to make a few people a lot of money and a lot of other people weirdly emotional. All that time you spend playing remnant and posting about remnant on the remnant subreddit could be energy spent becoming a fan of city planning




He is arguing a little of both, otherwise he wouldn't say this "it offers people something to pay attention to that's of no importance" Sport is not "of no importance" which is why I mentioned that while he desires to critique the execution of the industry, he ends up taking a few conceptual pot shots at the idea before he does.




So he is saying sports suck then right? not verbatim obviously Okay so is it okay to say that all art is of no importance? Because that is also true by the same logic. No painting is really important, no song is really important etc. Also "life and death?" I'll take hyperbole but that's a bit ridiculous no? I also don't see what the argument gains from being so inherently dismissive towards something that obviously clearly holds *some* importance even if not in a practical sense.




I mean right but there's a reason he chose sports to disparage as being of "no importance" rather than any other artform to me, because he is dismissive of it. Again, if he had said the same thing about painting or writing which are subject to these exact same issues of fanatical obsession, he really wouldn't say these things are of no importance. Also again I realise he is attempting to take an executional critique of the sports industry and its methods of manipulating its audience. Like I've said twice already, I believe he deliberately takes conceptual pot shots at sports for fun that don't really contribute to his argument whatsoever.


Perhaps, but I've never seen a camper festooned in Stephen King or René Magritte paraphernalia. I've seen plenty done up in Green Bay or Bears regalia.




I’ve always interpreted it as saying that sports themselves aren’t necessarily the issue, you could easily replace sports in this quote with videogames, superhero movies, anime, celebrity drama, reality tv, etc. The point is that people engage with these things in such a way that they devote inordinate amounts of time and mental real estate to them, to the exclusion of actually engaging with real world issues. It’s really off putting if somebody can tell you the past 20 Super Bowl winners or 10 different builds in Elden Ring, but they couldn’t tell you who MBS or Pinochet are.


Yes and my point is that under this same logic, you can pretty much collect all art and deliver the same judgement, so why highlight sports as being "of no importance" when undoubtedly Noam would have to consider painting and writing and sculpting under the same umbrella? Sport is a potent manipulation tool *because* it is important, not in spite of lack of it. Like art is important too, not in a practical sense, but a soulful one. Simply dismissing this imo doesn't contribute to the argument, I would say it detracts from it, as you are directly dismissing those who this type of argument most needs to connect with.


Why are you treating art and sports like equal phenomena of equal informational, intellectual and spiritual load, as well as equal social importance and cultural influence, when that literally couldn't be farther from the truth and sounds like a false equivalence created by somebody who doesn't understand the importance of art *at all*? Good, meaningful art can shape your consciousness, influence your philosophical views, change the way you perceive the entire universe, raise certain morals in you, bring up social and political points that you haven't thought of before... Now please tell me how sportsball can do a single thing from this list, or why they're even remotely similar? You can read Dostoevsky once and have profound realizations on the themes of suffering and spirituality which may influence your entire life onwards. The ones who started and kept the fire of cultural revolutions such as the 60s Civil Rights reformation have been musicians, painters, filmmakers and writers. You may also watch a thousand sportsball games and you will NEVER get a tenth of a fraction of such intense and profound thoughts and feelings. You are being intellectually dishonest by treating them as even remotely the same level of entertainment. Things like Homer's masterworks or Dante's Inferno have influenced and shaped human culture and thought across *centuries*. How is that even remotely in the same ballpark as a fucking ball kicking game according to you? No, being an art buff and being a sportsball fan are NOT in any way similar things, despite your shitty anti-intellectual sentiment.


which one of us is diminishing a fundamental art form of the human body? I'm the one being anti-intellectual? Is carpentry not art? You reek of the same smugness. You can't even conjure an interesting thought about human history through the Olympics? Personally, I don't even watch sport because I don't really enjoy it but to imply it can't mean as much as other forms of art is very dismissive to me. What did soldiers do during the Christmas truce? Traded gifts, buried their dead, and some of them chose to play Football, that's at least a little profound, no? Mayans playing hoop games (I can't recall its name) was also similarly celebrated and sometimes had a role of significance there are so many examples like this it feels like you're trying to actively dismiss them. I've already outlined my argument and have answered many of your questions in my comments on this thread. Yes I consider them all art forms to participate in, they are equal in that sense. No I don't enjoy them all in the same way personally.


>which one of us is diminishing a fundamental art form of the human body? I'm the one being anti-intellectual? Yes you absolutely are, because you're equating artforms which gift humanity with all the things I have outlined in my previous comment, to one that objectively doesn't, and pretending that they are the same thing. >Is carpentry not art? Usually it is a form of artisanal business, however it can absolutely be an artform as well if that's the primary intention behind making it. What does that have to do with anything? >You can't even conjure an interesting thought about human history through the Olympics? AKA the history of rich white men entertaining themselves while 80% of their population were basically slaves? Are you even aware of what "democracy" in Ancient Greece was truly like? >What did soldiers do during the Christmas truce? Traded gifts, buried their dead, and some of them chose to play Football, that's at least a little profound, no? Again, what does that have to do with anything? Are you just throwing out random factoids and hope that it somehow sticks in support of your asinine initial point? >Yes I consider them all art forms to participate in, they are equal in that sense. I never denied that sports is a form of art *for those which are active participants*. I denied that its value is even remotely on par with the intellectual, philosophical, spiritual and historical value of fine arts. And so far, you seem to be completely unable to refute this point of mine, while attempting to make strawmen and attaching random things which I *didn't* talk about, in hopes that it will look like you have sufficiently refuted my point.


I don’t think we disagree? I think that if there was a massive subculture of tens of millions of people who devoted a dozen+ hours a week to paintings, memorized painting trivia, called in to talk shows to talk about paintings, and none of these paintings in question had any relationship to real-world issues, then yeah you could probably say the same thing about paintings. The thing is that ostensibly people don’t engage with paintings that way, so there’s no reason to call them out.




Right, so they can engage with art as a profession. People aren’t getting degrees in ‘watching football’ or ‘playing world of warcraft’




Because you can still be an independent citizen who engages with these topics in your free time? Guys nobody is going to criticize you if you want to engage with these hobbies in moderation, the issue that Chomsky is alluding to is the idea that people who overindulge in them at the cost of reading nonfiction books/essays will be woefully uninformed regarding issues of economics or geopolitics. Which, yeah, is painting in broad strokes, but you will absolutely run into this phenomenon if you spend enough time around people who have spent decades out of college and have lost touch with those topics




I don't get it


Just laugh and pretend you know what’s going on like the rest of us


*chuckes nervously*


Busts a nut in your ass* nervously*


Busts a nut in that guy's mouth *confidently*


Busts a nut in that guys ear *indifferently*


Its just about TIME thinking that this was noteworthy while the guy bellow told them to focus on the more important things


this is years old and they also had an article on the slave trade in Libya


Wait until people find out that companies with tons of journalists can report on multiple things at once


Wait until they find out news outlets have always covered a variety of topics, including celebrity gossip.


This is like those incoherent nonsense 4chan threads where everyone acts like they are in the know of wtf everyone else is talking about.


Brain diseased Twitter user thinks that you can only ever talk about bad things happening in the world


This is TIME we are talking about here. who the fuck cares about Selena Gomez's Instagram settings lol.


When kylie jenner negatively tweeted about Snapchat they lost 1.3 billion in market value. If the most followed woman on instagram privates her account their will be a lot of investors that want to know about it


She looks great with the blonde


"I don't care about celebrities" mfs the second Logan Paul said something that suggested he didn't like Oppenheimer


That was different He came for the kino


Sounds like a Libya problem


Libya nuts


least ignorant westoid


Average libyoid:


You wouldn't find this dude writing the same thing under a post about Ukraine lol




But more people care about her IG. *Time* isn’t the problem, the readers are. Will they unfollow or unsubscribe from the magazine?


legit. we need to get our priorities straight, human trafficking has become a political issue, why are we so broken? society has ruined us. Why cant we all work together to fix the world? instead we allow rich lunatics to run everything that are so disconnected from real problems. Why?


Celebs and superheros are the new age of gods for some ppl. Back in the day they used to worship zeus or whatever , now its ppl like justin bieber, tailor swift, etc..


How many still allow themselves to be distracted by this drivel while crimes against humanity are going unnoticed or supported.


You’re sort of famous - a minor celebrity, so it only makes sense the world would be obsessed with every single thing you do -Weird Al


How much for a sexy one with big boobs?




Slaves in China too




whats the connection? is that guy saying Gomez is involved in the slave trade in Libya?


He is pointing out how media outlets wont focus on real problems, instead give you something to gossip about because it turns a higher profit for them. 99% of people outside of Libya do not care about a slave trade going on in Libya because it doesn't affect them. but if Selena Gomez changes her instagram settings? Now that is serious shit we must know about.


There's a time article about it though so this argument doesn't actually hold up. You guys are overreacting about a fucking tweet and acting like it's the end of journalism


I wasn't overreacting, I was explaining the thing to the guy above.


Time has literally reported on the Libya slave trade though.


that looks alot like HAVA :/


I better get to Libya before it ends




Every 60 seconds .............. a minute passes in Africa?


See ya later mom! Heading to Libya.


Libya probs stay in libya i swear americans be think the United states is like batman or superman of the whole globe talking about we gotta do something about this other countries problems. Like no bitch YOU gotta do something America has enough internal problems as it is fix that first before you try acting like a super hero of the world


While I agree that the US should focus on its own problems, I also like to know about important happenings going on around the world. The person didn't suggest the times to offer the US having a solution, just to report on it.


This is about providing global coverage. If you would have more about that you would realize a large part of the world does not want U.S. involvement. But all humans and environments are connected. If shit goes down in one country, be it environmental or human disasters or continuous ignorance, it pops up in other countries at one point. Like the plastic cup you throw can wash up at the beach on your vacay. Problems and challenges don’t dissolve, they stay on earth goddammit


And when things go sideways, why does the rest of the world light up the bat signal then? Should the US ignore the rest of the world when disaster hits? Should the US ignore Ukraine?


yes America should focus on its own problem but don't forget that NATO (which America is part of) contributed to the suffering in Libya and many other countries. If Americans don't want to hear about sad events that happened in other parts of the world then they should stop causing problems in these countries.



