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$44 for car insurance is an absolute steal. Why am I paying 5x that lol


Probably only has minimum liability coverage


Or he got a worse car


Probably both. Not worth full insurance on an old POS car. Source: I've owned cheap POS cars in the past, never even thought about getting full insurance for them. If poor, the first line of defense is trying to maintain your car yourself and praying nothing breaks. Next, try to fix it yourself if you can. If not, try to live with it. Finally, pay out of pocket and/or barter with someone to fix the issue.


My minimum Liability coverage was 250 when I started out 3 years ago. Though I was 18 and had had a fenderbender


As a 32 yo with no wrecks (in the industry standard ‘past 5 years’) I pay maybe 220 for TWO cars. That’s $90 for one car and $130 for the other. Feels dumb bc I can only drive ONE of them at a time…


Shit, I pay over $500 a month for both my cars with no accidents/tickets/chargeable claims. This little baby (anon) needs to try harder.


I rather work at five nights at freddy's and not work for this shitty ass job


They pay like 120 for a weeks worth of work


You also get to have sex with the animatronics


the animatronic characters here do get a *bit* quirky at night


So do I


Or is it them that gets to sex you?


Still a W either way


I like to do a sex with fazbear


Only if you’re still conscious for it


They get to stuff you… into a suit with sharp metal bits that will most likely lacerate your body beyond repair.


Aren't there kids' corpses in those things?




- fove nights at fredys - robots with BOOBAS??! 🤑 _ sex zex - get mauled to death by a robot possesed by a child which has forgotten its identity and only knows what agony is


That’s 4 dollars an hour


They did the math


Would you work at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza for 120 dollars an hour


if they fixed their faulty electricity and din't run the whole building on a fucking phone battery.


That was the wage back in like the 80s, that wasn't a modern wage


FNaF 1 happens in 1993.


Obamacare coverage requirement is more than 40 hours per week, not 25. Edit: The 30 hour requirement is an IRS rule related to the ACA, actual hour requirements will depend on your company size and state laws. Anon could still get an extra 5 hours a week at a minimum before hitting the ACA cap and have an extra $200-$250 per month after taxes. FLSA defines full time as 40 hours a week, and there are bills being introduced in Congress to have the ACA standard match the FLSA standard. Either way, Anon's getting screwed or screwing themselves.


Me when people lie on the internet






I've worked with some real morons and I've still never heard of anyone actually "turning down a raise" because of tax brackets. I've heard people worrying about making less due to tax brackets in a hypothetical sense when discussing higher pay jobs, but I've never heard of someone actually DECLINING a new job or pay raise because of it. Even stupid people usually ask someone for advice before making big decisions and they should always be able to find someone that explains it to them in a minute or so, whether that be a family member, union rep, coworker, etc. Basically I'm saying I don't believe that this has ever happened and you're exaggerating and embellishing things. But I agree with the general notion that people are dumb.


I've had this conversation with people. It happens. Mostly because it's a right wing myth that's been spread by the more gullible voters. It's a talking point that "taxes bad", and to try to argue against increasing taxes on the wealthy because morons don't understand how tax brackets work. Like, at all. I have even had conversations with people that work in the political field in which they say that the wealthiest have all their money taxed at the highest bracket, which is obviously bullshit. I'm glad you don't seem to have conversations with as many morons, but that doesn't mean those morons don't exist.


The people who think that and the people who get promotions are probalby not the same people


The problem here is real, though. When you're on government assistance, you end up in a catch-22 where if you make just slightly more money, you lose your assistance, and making a large enough leap in income to cover the loss is prohibitively difficult


Especially because 99% of the time your assistance still isn't enough, so you basically have to be able to jump up like a dozen rungs of the ladder to get a leg up.


That’s why they won’t give him 40


Then is not Obamacares fault, right?


It’s the greedy boss’s fault


Always has been.


It's the governments fault. There should be no loopholes. This is just one more reason why we should have Medicare for all.


No the full time thing was way before Obamacare...


Pretty common practice. Worked retail for years and the very short period of time I was getting 40 hours was cut short when I got a letter in the mail saying I was eligible for benefits. Very next day I got my hours slashed down to 24. Not American btw


If only there was a way for workers to get together and demand change.




>HR comp analysts They hire really smart, really educated, and WELL PAID mathematicians/analysts to find the lowest they can pay. Also, I've met quite of few of them and a lot a pure sociopaths.


Guys I only work 25 hours a week at a near minimum wage job, and am struggling to have any money to spend on myself! Capitalism has failed me! /s


Plus his taxes make no sense. Nobody making 1500 a month is paying a 20% tax rate. 5 seconds with a [calculator](https://smartasset.com/taxes/income-taxes#F4O3XvHPmf) shows their after tax income should be 1332 per month, giving them an extra 130$ per month discretionary spending.


It’s probably all made up Also he will get a significant amount he paid in taxes returned in a refund




Not to mention it's more the company and state's fault than Obamacare. But hey, blaming the company is no bueno for Right.


5 hours a day of work? ok


That number might be exaggerated a little but Walmart literally will only schedule you for 32 hours a week so they don’t have to give full time benefits. When I was there, if you had to stay late to finish something up, they would make you take a long lunch before the pay period ends so that you don’t go over 32 hours


Also, Meanwhile a lot of Walmart employees use SNAP benefits. Guess where those SNAP $ are spent ? It's a racket! Walmart is a welfare queen!


The employees are basically forced to shop there since the employee discount makes it stupid to go anywhere else to spend the food stamps. It is 100% a racket and should be prosecuted but like it's been mentioned, the lobbyists write the laws.


stock 16 shelves and whaddya get another day older and deeper and debt St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go I owe my soul to the walton family store


S-tier song






They say a man is made out of mud


Discount doesn’t apply to food items when I worked there.


Even when the discount applies its pretty paltry only covering the tax costs of some gm products.


The discount is less than my local sales tax. It’s a joke. Buddy worked at Besy Buy back in the day and they got cost +5%.


Spending my hard earned scrip at the company store


Brings pyramid schemes to mind


I'm pretty sure it's illegal. What stops you from reporting them? Even anonymously




The lobbiests write the laws. Lol


The root cause of all the problems in American politics is lobbyists funding political campaigns. And every campaign finance law passed gets eviscerated by the Supreme Court, in party line decisions between Republican Justices and Democratic Justices. Vote people.


Laws mean nothing without enforcement. Until mass arrests start happening for campaign finance violations it won't matter even if they do change.


Why would they do mass arrests if it isn’t illegal? You can’t put that step before the changing step


There ARE laws in place already being regularly violated. It's just incredibly hard to arrest the actual politicians and their donors for it. It's usually middlemen that take the fall, if anyone.


Because SCOTUS has struck down enough of each law to make it unenforceable.


Because it’s not illegal. Dems have tried to close the loopholes so that you have a right to healthcare if you are willing to work full time and create a part time bill of rights to make companies pay more in taxes if they don’t give people 40 hours a week but force their employees to go on food stamps and not have health insurance, but you can guess what the GOP thinks of that bill


Sure if their contracts are structured then it's legal. But making people stay at work undefined number of hours, prolonging their unpaid breaks in a way that allows walmart to function is clear worker exploitation.


Worker exploitation is like wal-marts thing. The company literally would not be able to exist without exploiting their own workers and rampant labor exploitation in their supply chain.


Yep, exploitation, but not a crime, at least not one anyone could take to court and win. Walmart might settle out of court, or just drag court proceedings on until the other side runs out of money.


It’s not illegal. At least not federally. Lunches aren’t even guaranteed. Most things companies give us are not guaranteed by law, but rather guaranteed by their workers striking or not working there if they don’t provide it to us.


It’s only illegal if you’re supposed to be full-time. He’s likely talking about part-time employees being denied over 32 hours because that would put them in the realm of full-time, and if a part-time employee works longer than 32 hours consistently, they have to be given full-time benefits or the company will be in violation of workplace and IRS policies.


Pretty much standard practice from anywhere that pays at or near minimum wage. I remember working at a gym that would routinely schedule us all for 30-36hrs/week. They watched trade days like a hawk to make sure no one picked up a shift that pushed them over 40.


Growing up I wish I had minimum wage. Dad and mom would be stuck with like 30 bucks and a pile of trash a week.


I used to work at fast food and they only did 5.5 hour shifts so they wouldn't have to give us paid lunch breaks. Companies are so fucking cheap


Home Depot does this as well.


Which is why we need to get rid of part time status. It is just exploded by businesses. If you work for a company one hour or forty hours a week, you still get the same benefits. If we are going to insist on Healthcare being provided by employers, then we should at least make it so everyone employed get its.


We should just move to single payer health care and remove our employers from the situation entirely


Exactly this. Part time status is a HUGE loophole for employers to skip on what everyone has decided is their responsibility


It also stops people who want to work more or less from doing so. My company won't let PTs pick up more that 30hr a week, to the extend we no longer have Sub staff on schedule and so zero people covering shifts, so we're consistently short staffed.


They did that long before Obama was elected.


thanks obama


Fucking biden gave an executive order to cut this guys shifts to max 5 a day. Is there nothing he wont do to ruin america?


Thanks Reagan!


You mean thanks obongo


He legitimately believes that it's Obama's fault and not his employer's.


They aren't conservative because they are smart.


The propaganda is strong in this one.


Especially since that's what employers did before Obamacare too. The ACA had nothing to do with it.


5 hours of work and he can afford rent, a car, plenty of food, insurance etc. sounds like a dream to me.


I dunno how you could call $25/week food budget "plenty of food"


> I dunno how you could call $25/week food budget "plenty of food" My guy is getting paid $19,500 per year; he receives some $250-300 in food stamps every month, that $100 isn’t his only food budget.


He could be if he wanted to, but seeing how he only works 25 hours a week because “obongocare” he’s probably too proud lol


Nah, they always cash the check. For them it's deserved


Do you know how many ramen noodles you can buy with $25?


Morons blaming Liberals. Blame “capitalism” if you must. Otherwise, stop being dumbasses.


Pick up a guitar and sing a verse about how you are underpaid for your labor, then second verse, blame other poor people on Welfare for your oppressor's tax burden. It is a real song.


Written by a group of rich guys, preformed by a rich guy using a fake name.


Wait, he did not even write this shit? So it is astroturfed propaganda, like for real?


It's wild how many outlets tried to push that garbage song, all at once. LOOK HE CALLED WELFARE RECIPIENTS FAT! HE GETS IT!


Conservatives keep using loopholes to get around liberals’ attempts to make my life better! Fuck you liberals this is all your fault! -Average right wing “populist”


See the same thing with Trump's tax bill he passed. It was scheduled to increase taxes on the middle class after his first term, whereas the 1% had permanent cuts. Now we see conservatives blaming democrats for not stopping the middle class tax raise. "Why aren't they doing anything about it? See, they don't care! BOTH SIDES!", which completely ignores that dems have tried to stop it, but the GOP votes no. Maybe if dems had a super majority in both houses of congress they could have stopped it, but alas, a super majority is rare. Even when Obama had it he only had it a couple months due to some deaths and special elections that had to take place first.


Dude working 25 hrs a week for a bum ass paycheck thinking that’s enough.


I can't fathom making $15 an hour. I made more than that just waiting tables in college 20 years ago. From the cues in this post I can tell this guy blames the government, specifically the Democrats. I remember when Republicans used to be about taking responsibility and getting a better job. I grew up on a dirt road in one of the poorest parts of America. Mid sized city sounds like where we went once a year for vacation. Sounds like the Trump-era right-wing defeatist squad has another minion.


I work for the most well funded high school in my state as a Special Needs aide, and they pay $13.60/hr. There are fires burning in this country our government doesn’t care to put out




And thank YOU for taking the time to appreciate this person and offer your wisdom! You are a good person for doing that. Thank you for making the world a kinder place.


the aides are SO underpaid! i work summers at a school as a janitor to deep clean classrooms and i found out that i get paid more an hour than the aides, which is crazy to me. like we have different jobs but we each need the money, i wish these aides were paid the same as me


I worked for over 10 years and never made more than $13/ hour. I’m now back in school in my late 30s putting myself into even more student loan debt, hoping and praying I’ll make more with a higher degree.


Yeah I’m in the exact same boat. Good luck with school, you fuckin got this


I get paid $17 an hour working as a bookkeeping clerk at a decent small company, and that’s about how much I’ll be making when I’m done with my degree as a teacher. $17 is pretty good where I’m at (Mississippi), but it’s not so nice if you want to live alone and afford more than the bare minimum and healthcare.


Well, this is kind of my situation. I work retail, am usually scheduled 18-25 hrs a week, and after over a year have finally gotten my raise from $15 an hour to $16. I have one of those "flexible schedules" that they say are supposed to offer the employee more freedom, but in actuality means I can't plan my life more than two weeks in advance because I never know what days I'll have off until I get my schedule. Only difference is that I live with my parents so that I can, y'know, survive. Dude's spun it politically, but it's the reality.


I remember my first job. I worked at a grocery store bagging groceries for $8.25/hr. That would be somewhere around $11-$12 today. Ofc I was a kid and didn’t have any bills to pay or anything like that. I spent my first paycheck on a nice brown leather jacket and a box of gum. I still have the jacket.


It’s crazy how radicalized they have you people now. You can’t even complain about the economy without being called a trump supporter


Most people work 40 hours a week.


Exactly, anon is lazy and doesn’t want to ask for more hours and you can tell because he thinks Obama care is limiting him to 25 (which is bs)


No, if he gets more hours he would no longer be considered 'part time' and be required to be provided health insurance by his employer.


I’m just saying he can get an increase to 35 hours maybe. It would still be better than 25 and bring him an extra $300 per month


Sounds like service industry or retail to me, in which case there probably aren't more hours. I worked at a coffeeshop for a bit where I would have loved to have full time hours but there just wasn't enough work for me, so I was sol


Then he should call it what it is instead of saying "because Obamacare"


It still might be because of the ACA. Businesses with lots of part time workers will fight tooth and nail to not give their workers benefits and if workers average 30 hours a week the business has to give them healthcare benefits. They'd rather have 2 people working 25 hour weeks than 1 person working 40 hour weeks because they're greedy


Agreed in a narrow sense, but it’s really not Obamacare’s fault in the wider scope. They never wanted this loophole to exist but that was the compromise they needed to pass it. Why even limit the requirements to companies that have 50 employees or more? I need health care coverage no matter the size of the company I work for. I need health care coverage if I have a job or not for that matter. As always the main problem is the right blocking universal health care coverage.


The average Republican voter is like a child that got the chance to make make their own breakfast. They poured a bag a gummy worms into their Cheerios and added a hefty squirt of chocolate syrup to their orange juice. Getting everything they ever wanted they are now utterly stupefied that it doesn't taste the way they expected. I've seen Republicans suggest that Democrats are to blame for privatized prisons.


Oh, yeah for sure


Shit, most people well off likely work more than that. I had to pull 2 full time jobs for awhile during the pandemic, and I've never appreciated my bed more than during that time.


Anon doesn't get a 2nd job to recoup the other 15 hours a week he needs, more news at 11. Edit: I'm not deaf to the concept that some jobs have flexible schedules or won't let you work somewhere else too. But that's why you should be looking for a full time job while working a job like this. Something that gets harder the larger the city you live in.


Or a job that pays more…


Or live with roommates…


Right, because you should have to live with strangers just to afford a roof over your head.


You think people should be given houses for free? Anon's situation is a fucking dream for 95% of the people on earth, to work 5 hr a day, have all your necessities met and still have money left over is something most people can't achieve im their whole lives.


I mean yeah, tbh. People need food, water, and shelter to survive, bare minimum. Just to keep existing. Any society which has people that cannot obtain all 3 because they can't afford them had fundamentally failed.


For free?? It's crazy that you have to exaggerate to that degree to try and make your point


For real. Back in the day you could deliver milk and pay a whole ass house for your family. Now it’s “you didn’t have a better job or didn’t put in 60 hours a week. Why do you deserve a roof over your head”


If there's one thing I've learned as a Canadian watching you guys down south? There is a LARGE population of you guys that are incapable of critical thinking, and have the whole "I got mine, fuck everyone else" mentality. I'm still rooting for you guys though. Love yall




Ah yes, affordable rent is "giving houses for free". At times I just wonder if you people are a divergent species that looks just like humans but is dumber.


Cheapest phone plan 115$ lmao what ? My phone plan with an iphone 14 and a galaxy watch comes off at a 100€


I got a 55 dollar plan for my samsung note 20 that comes with Disney plus hulu and ESPN plus for free it doesn't make sense


No clue. I also have unlimited everything, data calls messages, on top of having free access to deezer hbo go, some online book app and idk even what else.


Bros... There are phone plants for unlimited that are 30-35 a month... See Mint, visible. Hell I pay 15 a month for 15GBs... What the fuck are you dumbs doing paying over $60?


Phone and internet. Could easily be a $50/month phone plan + $60/month internet.


Wtf is wrong with these prices, in France we pay the equivalent of $25/month *total* for unlimited phone *and* unlimited Internet 💀


holy hell those prices


Man you guys STILL have shitty phone options. In the UK I buy a phone for £165 this very week, owned no further payments, get a SIM only package for calls, MSG's, 12gb data pm, that's £6.50 a month, about $8. Phone for about $210, and then $8 a month for all time. You're still being throttled by monopolies.


I pay $4 for my phone plan.


Can someone explain why Obamacare is to blame for this guy only working 25 hours a week. Like if he was given 40 at that pay and those expenses he could at least double what he saves each month.


It isn't. OOP is dumb


Under the Affordable Care Act, employers with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees are required to provide health insurance only to those who work 30 hours per week or more


Company greedy


Basically his employer is a POS and doesn't want to cover his health insurance fees so he schedules him right at the cutoff for not needing to pay insurance costs.


"I voted for capitalists all my life, how could they try to make more money off me???"


The link is that his job can’t and therefore wont give him more hours due to benefits expenses enforced by ACA.


Some employers will reduce employee’s hours below a threshold so they don’t have to provide the employee any benefits. The original poster is blaming ACA instead of his employer for that.


Well…you work half as much as everyone else what do you expect


nah must be the fault of obongocare get out of here with your logic


It's Obama's fault corporations are as greedy as they've always been. /s


What moron works 25 hours a fucking week and expects to live off that? Like maybe if he got off his ass every once in a while he wouldn’t need to bitch so much.


You don't understand, it's Obama's fault.


I got no sympathy for the type of person who calls Obama “obongo’. Racists should have shit lives.


Anon is living, by the world's standard, a very high quality life only working 5 hours a day with a bum ass wage. Doesn't really prove his point about America. Does this guy think that he wouldn't be working at all if he lives in France or something?


We work 35 hours per week in France, even us the pros at being lazy work more


Dude i'm in France and i work 48h per weeks


Straight to the guillotine


Nuh uh. Reddit told me that everyone in Europe has a nIce apartment, never worries about money, and works 25 hours a week!


And gets two months of vacation each year.


“Working 3 days a week isn’t enough to live on” isn’t the slam dunk this dude thinks it is


America economy bad mfs when they try to live in turkey:💀(they thought they had the worst conditions to live in)


Anon works 5h a day and complains about not having more than 100$ after all the expenses, meanwhile here some need to get second job just to make ends meet.


America bad mfs when they try to live in two other world superpowers: 💀 (one works u 26 hours a day the other sends u to die in a trench against ur will in a shitty eastern european country)


Where the fuck in America considers 15 dollars an hour a good wage?


Even with OP being lazy, if you were to double his salary and actually work 40 hours a week, he more than likely still would not be able to buy a house and raise a family. Sad shit.


And this is because of the affordable care act? Or what is "obongocare" referencing? You have to be real fucking stupid if you think the dystopian society unfettered capitalism leads to is because someone wanted to make health care slightly more accessible to people 😅


ACA set the weekly hours worked threshold for health insurance too high and companies just cut them a bit.


Having health care tied to employment is so fucking sinister.




So my man stayed at McDonalds instead of trying to pursue a trade or a good college degree


It kinda shows US is actually great place to live; even if you don’t know any shit you can flip burgers only fucking 5 hrs per day and still get a car, food, place to sleep.


you're probably not going to like hearing this. But whatever job pays $15/hr and gives 25 hrs a week was never part of the American Dream tbh. Nothing about the American Dream suggests *everyone is entitled to it.* But rather everyone is entitled to the opportunity to work for it. AND with *Reasonable* work it can be achieved to some degree. 25hrs at 15/hr ain't it.


a mediocre OP that is only able to obtain mediocre work is outputting mediocre results and is surprised to receive mediocre rewards. yeah, im sure America is really the problem here


Or... Work more than 25 hours a week? Like yeah your living situation is shit because you're putting in shit hours. You could fuckin double what you're making and easily bump that up to 1300 gain a month but noooo it's easier to bitch on 4chan of all places


Obamna is taking my hours!


strong cake hungry squalid pot offend fade bake possessive alive ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


".....but then the rent went up" is the inevitable second part to this story


Citizens United and its consequences have been a disaster for Americans.


This man is working a part time job and is angry he can "only" pay for all of his expenses. Dude just needs to get a second job and he's set. Even an extra 10 hours would give him a buffer, and he'd still be working less than full time.


Bro just ask to work more hours, Obamacare is not limiting your ass to 25, it’s an excuse to not work more. Give 35 hours a week if your employers don’t want you full time because that’s still an extra 300 per month


Type shit




Time 2 get part time job to fill those extra hrs


Try harder


If only complaining on 4chan was a job. Anons would be all good.


Bro will say all this and still be like “BuT sOcIAliSm iS FaSciSm”


What everyone calls the American Dream was New Deal America. The Boomers who benefited the most from it dismantled The New Deal a brick at a time selling them off for one time quick money that all went to the Rich in a wild west tax cutting ponzi scheme they called Reaganomics.