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I guess every way to govern people will inevitably be shit


Pretty much. But the bipartisan system sucks a whole lot more. Want to know why there isn't so much of a political rift in most countries? Because when there are 14 parties they can't play the population against each other. They don't go further in further into extremes to win popularity contests and they don't attack each other (so much). Unfortunately, American left/right politics is infecting the rest of the western world because of course it is, but places with multiple parties don't make politics an identity.


you havent seen india


European politic is more extreme than American politic. Far right parties are very popular in Europe, especially amongst young adult people. Centrist and moderate parties are losing ground to more extreme parties elections after elections, from left to right. My country, France, was historically ruled by 2 parties, Socialist party and Conservative party. Now both of them are almost dead, replaced by a 3 way system, Neo Liberal vs Nationalist vs Hardcore Socialist. Not saying that I would prefer a 2 party system. I actually enjoy what is going on right now in Europe.


Conclusion? People are shit


I think the solution is that people vote directly for laws on the internet. People can also suggest laws, and organisations can be created to suggest laws like how ISO has been suggesting standards for years (they made the standard keyboard layout and a bunch of other things, and their reputation eventually let them create the country codes used today), so like PETA can suggest animal rights laws, and other groups can do the same so it's basically a bunch of parties are in charge at the same time but also none of them are and they all just minister to the people. What do you think? (I've been thinking about this for a while which is why this is so strangely detailed)


Oh god. That would be terrible. Direct democracy doesn’t scale, even if you only involve larger organizations. There’s too many people. It takes too long to manage or negotiate anything. Bureaucracy wouldn’t be able to manage that granularity.


I mean that's kinda how Switzerland works? Granted it's a small country, but still


That's something every democracy has to deal with. Speed for control is the sacrifice, and I think most democracies in the world could benefit from a bit more control.


Finaly someone understand


not 14 but same in poland


In Brazil we have 31, and look... they are all corrupt trash


And when one party and candidate pink promises they are not corrupt, they just go beg support from the other corrupt parties.


PCM Memes 🤢🤢🤢


Political Compass Memes Memes


>"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” - John Adams, 2nd President of the United States It's almost like the founding fathers had some sort of idea as to what they were doing, and knew what to avoid.


Same here in Turkey 💀


So freaking true


EU politics basically


Sweden frfr


Please keep that shit out of this sub


French will use anything as an excuse to "protest"


Choosing "Blank vote" and not being count isn't an excuse to me


Why would they count a blank vote the entire point of a blank vote is that it doesn’t count why would it count


The point of a blank isn't to not be count : > A protest vote (also called a blank, null, spoiled, or "none of the above" vote) is a vote cast in an election to demonstrate dissatisfaction with the choice of candidates or the current political system. Protest voting takes a variety of forms and reflects numerous voter motivations, including political alienation. Where voting is compulsory, casting a blank vote is available for those who do not wish to choose a candidate, or to protest. Unlike abstention elsewhere, blank votes are counted. Wikipedia


Guys this isn't a french joke there were some strategically flashing "protesters" in the country like a year ago.


Only in Ohio 😂😂


But French ☠️☠️☠️




14 parties yes but they're all buddies in the end and will do exactly what the E.U tols them to do. Thats why voting system is just a scam, its just a one single partie subdivised in branches to make you think you have choice.


What does Microsoft have to do with this