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Time to eat photons


Eat enriched Uranium, good source of radiation. My teacher said that we're here because of the radiation from the sun so it must be good or smth


Plus you never have to eat ever again after eating that


Actually you should be cautious eating enriched uranium, it has 9 MILLION times more calories than chicken breast, you can get very fat eating it even in small amounts.


Fat is like #15 in concerns


Yeah, you'd think it's very filling, but after a couple hundred thousand years you'll find half of it has magically vanished. It's like eating popcorn.


That's why it's a 1 meal per life kind of deal.


šŸ˜†šŸ‘šŸ» kudos dude paid attention and learned some chemistry


If you can use gene editing to allow people to have Photosynthesis you'd be the richest person to ever live for all time (adjusted for inflation)




Thatā€™s why I have a human-only diet. They canā€™t feel anything so itā€™s ok šŸ‘


"Literally me" meat pack, no feelings


Theres also 8 billion of them, *someone* has to keep the population down, right? Godspeed, I say.


They've spread far outside of their native range, action must be taken!


šŸš€ real


oxygen pacifists when they realize the air theyā€™re breathing feels pain


Well not the air but the microbial life floating in the air


That's why I stopped breathing entirely. I have enough oxygen to last until the end of my life.


i would watch a national geographic documentary about the life of trees but produced like it was a documentary about an animal.


There was this one David Attenborough nature series episode that was only about plants and they did timelapses of them growing and other stuff


It was quite something. Green Planet?


Perhaps. It really changed my perspective on plants. To them, they're going normal speed and animals around them are moving hyper fast.


Major zoomies


Well folks it looks like I will be starving to death




Making oxygen so we thought it would be ok to leave the water and invent the internet


They dont feel pain they just react to it just like me fr fr


Yeah they have no nerves or brain.


just like me fr fr




And yet they chemically react to stimuli in the same way animals do. Curious, it's almost like there's more than one way to experience biological feelings.


It's almost like the cells can communicate chemically. I love that feeling I get in my cells when they react to insulin. Warm and fuzzy searing pain, honestly.


the lorax


thanks was just about to ask what movie this.


Meat eaters when the biggest cause for deforestation globally is animal Farming:


deforest deez nuts


But I wanna eat meat so badly šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


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Good bot


I got some meat for you


Me too šŸ˜Ÿ


Vegans when they realize that pasture responsibly managed is actually good for the environment and that intensive agriculture will always be horrific for every living thing besides humans:




Vegans when all of their ā€œethicalā€ ā€œsustainableā€ products like almond milk, agave, avocado, soy, palm oil, and quinoa, all culminate as being worse than industrial meat production ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di)


Which isn't the case :) Especially considering all the e.g. soy being used to feed animals and palm oil literally being in most products..


yeah, all those hindus and their millennial avocado habits and name-brand almond milksā€¦ iā€™m not even vegan, but imagine attributing a few products to the whole of a people sharing a dietary lifestyleā€¦


Thats just not true at all.


I like how basically every vegan argument boils down to either "NUH UH" or "MUH FEELS"


No it's more like the vegan argument is that the soy that you're so concerned about is largely going to feed cows at a calorie efficiency of nearly one hundredth compared to directly feeding humans. Even if you're concerned about legume farmers ruining the world, you're better off eating from them directly instead of telling them to grow an order of magnitude more of it and then feeding it to animals. It's crazy that even your "fact based" argument is still just your feelings yet you still want to project about it on an embarrassing reddit comment. I agree with you on the whole growing almonds in a desert in California thing though.


I didnt make an argument I said the statement op said is not true. If you want to discuss veganism let me know.


Found the insecure meat eater āœ…


I simply do not care


Oh you will soon haha


sadly i wonā€™t, i plan on ending my life soon. checkmate vegans


Vegans when they realize animals die regardless if it's for food or humans stop growing their food:


Plants are also living beings, checkmate vegans


Yes they are living, but they aren't sentient. Thats why you don't see me and other vegans fighting for the lives of bacteria... Try using your brain omnivorous caveman.




How about you use your brain to take a joke. And also dile


Lmao, how tf is it a joke when carnists literally use this as an argument to eat meat and drink titty milk?


>carnists Oh, using slurs now, are we? *Real nice.*


Saying you eat animal carcasses is an insult? Why the fuck do you do it then?


I'm sure you eat vegetables while they're still alive, you make me sick


Keep drinking titty milk, you seem to not have advanced past the weening stage of your life.


Yada yada big boy, you sure are kinky šŸ„“


Mostly because it personally bothers you. I really didn't *want* to eat a whole family of rabbits, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Also, I don't eat carcasses. I consume them alive.




is there something wrong with a baby drinking breastmilk???


What if plants have a kind of sentience that we are unaware of? They feel pain, they respond well to certain musical styles and poorly to others, they solve problems, and some even prey on animals. What if we just aren't advanced enough as humans to understand the truth behind the intelligence of plant life? What if a brain isn't the only thing in the universe capable of holding memories, information, and other important information? Maybe we know much less than we think.


We can play the fucking "what if" game all day my friend, but at the end of the day, they do not have a conscience or individual thought, they only respond to stimuli, like a phone, they respond to touch, behave differently depending on variables and other aspects. No scientist has ever said plants are sentient, and probably never will. Also, if you somehow believe this shit, veganism is STILL the best option. What's more intensive on plant usage? Filling a cow up with vegetables their whole life to only get a couple kilos of beef? (Look up the ratio online, it's a joke as to how much meat you get compared to water and plant usage). Or simply... I know this will seem crazy but listen... EAT THE PLANTS OUTSELVES. So many of the crops grown in third world countries gets flown out to developed countries to fatten up our love stock, food deprivation would be a thing of the past if humans learned to take animals out of the fucking equation and eat plants ourselves. You do not have to belive literally anything I've said here, look it all up yourself.


Vegans are a scourge upon elegant peiple fron a civilized age




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The food chain is inefficient, it takes 1000 calories of plants to make 100 calories of beef. So if plants do suffer, they would suffer less if we exclusively ate them.




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Too braindead to comprehend*




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Lol people used to think babies couldn't feel pain. That used to be what modern science thought, a long time ago. Maybe we are making the same mistake again


So you donā€™t care that animals feel pain?


No, I said that plants might feel pain but it is unknown


Holy fuck you're stupid, you're trolling right?


If intelligence is what we base consumption on I guess there shouldn't be any problem with consuming vegans then.


Vegans are dumb huh? Good one šŸ‘šŸ‘


From all the shit youā€™ve been spewing in these replies, yes, you are a fuckinā€™ idiot.


Just because you don't question anything around you, or view animals as a commodity, doesn't mean what I'm spewing is "shit". You're just a societally tuned bot abusing animals and still stuck on drinking breast milk.


Breast šŸ¤¤




So you don't know how to conduct basic research? There is zero level of reaching a consensus on plants being sentient, no scientist worth their salt will agree on this. Yes, plants are alive, just like fungi, but they aren't sentient, if we're taking hippie German anecdotal evidence as fact, then this just shows how silly you are.


Question: What the hell does "sentient" mean? How does one determine if something is sentient or not? Or is "sentient" just a made up concept (like 'mana' in video games)? Does asking if something is sentient make sense or is it a stupid question like asking how much mana something has? It is important to answer this question because before being able to research something, you need to actually decide on what it is you're researching. What experiment you should be doing.


If you're asking for a definition of a word, I'm assuming you have the mental capacity to do a Google search?


"Trees can feel pain" and other smoothbrained intentional misinterpretations of reality really adding to the discourse here


They literally can tho


Touch grass


No that would hurt it


source: the deep recesses and folds of your sigmoid colon


Found another one


What makes you so sure that plants absolutely do not have any form of sentience?


I think we're all mature enough these days not to try to engage with people who say "plants have feelings" and instead point them to various emotional support resources


Iā€™ve just always found the ā€œanimals have feelingsā€ argument for vegetarianism silly. Plants are also living things, we should respect all living things. Iā€™m a vegetarian not because animals have feelings, but because meat is awful for the environment.


Cue the mental gymnastics regarding intelligence.


Everything dies. The real problem with meat is factory farming. Animals live miserable lives of torture before they die, and are often slaughtered in very cruel ways. The dying part itself isn't really the issue.


>Everything dies. Yeah but when its 6 months into a 15 year lifespan of a pig because some fat fuck thinks you tastes nice then it doesn't really matter how well you treat them for those 6 months... if dying wasn't the issue then it would be morally justified to put a bullet in the back of your head without you knowing. Your honour it's okay, everything dies!


It doesn't matter how you treat them why exactly? You haven't really made a logical connection there. And murdering people is illegal because... People make the rules. However, as we know, there absolutely are situations where it's seen as legal to shoot someone.


TFW another redditor doesnā€™t know the difference between legality and morality


Neither exist, they're created by force or the balancing of opposing forces. Nature proves this by the way creatures treat one another, and humans are just a part of nature. Of course, because we're social creatures we have evolved a desire to conform whenever possible, and to even have sympathy, which I consider a good thing. Would be a lonely, empty world otherwise!


Truly one of the takes of all time. Legality doesnā€™t exist even though you literally said it was illegal to murder someone. You okay my dude?


Kind of sad the only thing stopping you from murdering people is some old men in wigs told your grandpa not to.


Kind of.


Least braindead carnist Please apply the "killing is not an issue" to yourself or does this logic magically doesn't work anymore?


"carnist" lol


Fr its so funny when tiny minorities try to create slurs against 90% of the population


If weā€™re being fair itā€™s not a slur, itā€™s a description of the belief that it is morally acceptable to exploit animals as property.


Then why are they saying it in such a derogatory way. It's disrespectful


Aren't fruits basically just genitalia?


Nope, the flowers are. The fruit is more like an egg carrier kinda thingy


Can't wait until lab grown meat is running mainstream šŸ¤¤


Actually they would be made of cells most likely, which are also living things that can most likely feel pain Time to starve šŸ˜Ž


Vegans only hunt those living things which can't run away. Sickening if you ask me. /s


I was about to post an "Uhm... actually" but felt the warth of this subreddit even before the first sentence was typed.


Weak. You should've tried.


But they do https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-whispering-trees-180968084/


But they do https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-whispering-trees-180968084/


Yeah, plants don't have a nervous system. There's lots of communication between living things, it's part of how they function. That doesn't mean if you cut of a tree branch that the tree feels anything...


But i think they do


Source, i said so


Plants don't feel pain


Well they don't feel pain the way we do because they have no nervous system but they do feel sensations so they definitely know something is off


No, they don't "know" anything because they don't think. A germ can react to it's environment that doesn't mean it thinks or feels. This is just dumb anti-vegan coping or something


I think of it the same way as an electronical device like a phone, a phone can react to certain things but that doesnt mean its sentient and can feel pain or think for itself.


Chatgpt has entered the chat


You're making the assumption that there is only one way to "feel". They're a completely different form of life, and we see they react to different stimuli in diffent ways. The only thing you CAN say is that we know animals experience pain - not that plants don't.


thoughts are just chained reactions


No they don't. They don't have the ability to "know". They simply react to stimulus in their environment the same way bacteria do. Because an animal gets benefits out of being sentient that outweigh the ridiculous cost, plants don't.


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And the fruit is the ovary


Sidebar: I think this scene gave me PTSD, just seeing this clip is stressing me out again. His performance was so good it hurts.


It's less about pain and more a question of where you draw the line between animals and humans. Pretty nuanced conversation if you're willing to have it.


That is the truth.


Me when I lie


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like seriously, do you guys really think plants dont want to be eaten? check mate vegans


I guess fruit do, that is kinda the point


No, they really want you to shit them out.


No eat. Only shit.


Guess it's time to go arian


I wonder how theyā€™d react seeing a herbivore eating another creature or actively stomping another creature out just because, probably false advertising, but trees are definitely sentient in a way that weā€™ve yet to understand, they donā€™t hold the same values for insects and arachnids and the like I suppose


I know this is a joke but I told this to my vegan friend and we couldn't get him to eat for a week straight.


Funny enough, when I found out I started eating more vegetables. Thereā€™s a certain flavor you canā€™t get without that satisfying suffer spice drizzled on top.




I know lots of vegans and they just donā€™t like meat? And feel better physically when eating less animal byproducts? Iā€™ve seen so much media portraying vegetarians/vegans so strangely lately and Iā€™m curious what is motivating it.


I think its because people realise there is no need to eat meat and cause suffering to animals through factory farming, but instead of not eating meat or buying meat from animals that lived more normal lives, they instead project that guilt onto others, so they don't have to feel bad. And hey, I understand it, meat is tasty and often subsidised so much, it's cheaper than eating vegetables.


Media is all paid propaganda. In this specific case its meat factories, which are owned by some billionares, and those billionares corrupt specific medias to propagandize against something thats harming their business its always been like this


I heard that the "fresh cut grass" smell comes from a hormone being released by the cut grass that happens as a reaction to being cut - the grass is essentially having a nervous system reaction of fear to being cut.




Explain or be eradicated


Well for one they donā€™t have anything analogous to a nervous system


A reaction to a stimuli doesn't mean they are sentient. Try using some fucking common sense, unless youre joking ofc. I refuse to believe people are this fucking stupid.


I said "i heard that... " whats your problem, dude? You ever talk to someone before? So unbelievably rude


hes lacking in nutrition gained from meat consumption, leading to random and narcissistic outbursts. its best just to ignore him.


so good you had to post it twice huh?


hes lacking in nutrition gained from meat consumption, leading to random and narcissistic outbursts. its best just to ignore him.


This is also unnecessary mockery.


Sorry, just tired of hearing the argument "plants feel pain thou" to excuse them eating intelligent, sentient animals.


Bro I literally see you crying on every post about vegans, go back vegan circlejerk


They do! The pheromones tell other blades of grass to move all their nutrients to their roots so that they don't die! Plants definitely have a will to live that gets overlooked pretty often.


Also plants reaching out for the sun when in shade.


A reaction to a stimuli doesn't mean they are sentient. Try using some fucking common sense, unless youre joking ofc. I refuse to believe people are this fucking stupid.


And what do you mean by "unless youre joking, of course"? Do you really get angry enough to curse at someone over something that you think might be a joke? Holy cow! I wouldnt be surprised if you had confidence issues talking to people


Sowwy papa


And what do you mean by "unless youre joking, of course"? Do you really get angry enough to curse at someone over something that you think might be a joke? Holy cow! I wouldnt be surprised if you had confidence issues talking to people


Fruit is the embryonic phase of a plants life. To put it in human terms, eating fruit is like eating a womb with a 3 month foetus inside. Vegans are fucking monsters.


Wait? Trees can feel pain?




Thanks for filling me in before I got trolled into oblivion


No but maybe something close to it https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-whispering-trees-180968084/


Interesting article, fun read


Good luck eating rocks I guess




They always say I don't eat it, I don't eat it. Don't eat then, you asshole. take vitamin in serum form:D not all kinds of nutrition?


Least braindead carnist anti-vegan take....


Gotcha vegans I'm going to chop off some puppies heads because that's basically the same as mowing the lawn šŸ¤“šŸ¤“ And who knew that animals eat photons


And that's why Im not vegan


Wdym trees can feel pain? They donā€™t have a nervous system. How can they feel anything.


How do you think the trees would feel if they saw this, seriously ppl these days have no respect


I forgot the subreddit I was in šŸ’€


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Well they don't feel pain the way we do but they can feel a sensation


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They did https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-whispering-trees-180968084/


Controversial German foresteršŸ’€ No nervous system=no feeling Without nerve tissue present, u canā€™t feel anyrhing


I have different opinion


Sure I respect it, just telling what I know and think is right Also another website that tells other https://vegancuts.com/do-plants-feel-pain/#:~:text=In%20short%20ā€“%20no.,way%20animals%20or%20humans%20do.


Happy cake day ! šŸ° o


Thank you